PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Presenter\Product\ProductLazyArray Object
[imageRetriever:PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Presenter\Product\ProductLazyArray:private] => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Image\ImageRetriever Object
[link:PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Image\ImageRetriever:private] => Link Object
[webpSupported:protected] =>
[allow:protected] => 1
[url:protected] => /index.php
[protocol_link] => https://
[protocol_content] => https://
[ssl_enable:protected] => 1
[urlShopId:protected] =>
[link:PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Presenter\Product\ProductLazyArray:private] => Link Object
[webpSupported:protected] =>
[allow:protected] => 1
[url:protected] => /index.php
[protocol_link] => https://
[protocol_content] => https://
[ssl_enable:protected] => 1
[urlShopId:protected] =>
[priceFormatter:PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Presenter\Product\ProductLazyArray:private] => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Product\PriceFormatter Object
[productColorsRetriever:PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Presenter\Product\ProductLazyArray:private] => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Product\ProductColorsRetriever Object
[translator:PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Presenter\Product\ProductLazyArray:private] => PrestaShopBundle\Translation\TranslatorComponent Object
[catalogues:protected] => Array
[en-GB] => Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue Object
[messages:Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue:private] => Array
[AdminGlobalError] => Array
[The value of the PHP.ini setting "max_input_vars" must be increased to %value% in order to be able to submit the product form.] => The value of the PHP.ini setting "max_input_vars" must be increased to %value% in order to be able to submit the product form.
[ShopThemeTransformer] => Array
[ShopFormsLabels] => Array
[VAT number] => Tax ID / VAT Number
[Alias] => Alias
[Address] => Address
[Address Complement] => Address Complement
[Zip/Postal Code] => Postal Code
[City] => City
[Country] => Country
[State] => County
[Phone] => Phone
[Mobile phone] => Mobile phone
[Other] => Other
[Social title] => Social title
[Birthdate] => Birthdate
[First name] => First name
[Last name] => Last name
[Company] => Company
[Identification number] => Identification number
[Email] => Email
[Password] => Password
[From] => From
[-- Choose --] => -- Choose --
[Message] => Message
[Email address] => Email address
[Subject] => Subject
[Order reference] => Order reference
[Attachment] => Attachment
[Your email address] => Your email address
[-- day --] => -- day --
[-- month --] => -- month --
[-- year --] => -- year --
[Optional] => Optional
[Please choose] => Please choose
[-- please choose --] => -- please choose --
[Product] => Product
[Order Reference:] => Order Reference:
[Email:] => Email:
[Set your password:] => Set your password:
[New password] => New password
[Confirmation] => Confirmation
[ModulesWirepaymentShop] => Array
[Your order will be sent as soon as we receive payment.] => Your order will be processed as soon as we receive your payment.
[%1$s (tax incl.)] => %1$s (tax incl.)
[This payment method is not available.] => This payment method is not available.
[Amount] => Amount
[Name of account owner] => Name of account owner
[Please include these details] => Please include these details
[Bank name] => Bank name
[Pay by bank wire] => Pay by bank wire
[(order processing will be longer)] => (order processing will be longer)
[Your order on %s is complete.] => Your order on %s is complete.
[Please send us a bank wire with:] => Please send us a bank wire with:
[Please specify your order reference %s in the bankwire description.] => Please specify your order reference %s in the bankwire description.
[We've also sent you this information by e-mail.] => We've also sent you this information by e-mail.
[If you have questions, comments or concerns, please contact our [1]expert customer support team[/1].] => If you have questions, comments or concerns, please contact our [1]expert customer support team[/1].
[We noticed a problem with your order. If you think this is an error, feel free to contact our [1]expert customer support team[/1].] => We noticed a problem with your order. If you think this is an error, feel free to contact our [1]expert customer support team[/1].
[Please transfer the invoice amount to our bank account. You will receive our order confirmation by email containing bank details and order number.] => Please transfer the invoice amount to our bank account. You will receive our order confirmation by email containing bank details and order number.
[Goods will be reserved %s days for you and we'll process the order immediately after receiving the payment.] => Goods will be reserved %s days for you and we'll process the order immediately after receiving the payment.
[More information] => More information
[Bankwire] => Bankwire
[Payment is made by transfer of the invoice amount to the following account:] => Payment is made by transfer of the invoice amount to the following account:
[AdminPaymentNotification] => Array
[You have more than one shop and must select one to configure payment.] => You have more than one shop and must select one to configure payment.
[No currency mode for payment module] => No currency was selected for the payment module.
[The cart rule named "%1s" (ID %2s) used in this cart is not valid and has been withdrawn from cart] => The cart rule named "%1s" (ID %2s) used in this cart is not valid and has been withdrawn from cart
[Warning: the secure key is empty, check your payment account before validation] => Warning: The secure key is empty. Please check your payment account before validation.
[An error occurred while saving message] => An error occurred while saving the message.
[No carrier] => No carrier
[Order creation failed] => The order creation has failed.
[Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart] => The cart cannot be loaded, or an order has already been placed using this cart.
[%d image(s)] => %d image(s)
[It seems there are no recommended payment solutions for your country.] => It seems there are no recommended payment solutions for your country.
[We recommend providing at least two different payment methods. Only one payment method could be problematic if this option cannot be used by a customer because it will prevent him/her from ordering.] => We recommend providing at least two different payment methods. Only one payment method could be problematic if this option cannot be used by a customer because it will prevent him/her from ordering.
[No payment module installed] => No payment module installed
[ModulesGraphnvd3Admin] => Array
[NVD3 Charts] => NVD3 Charts
[AdminOrderscustomersFeature] => Array
[Customer information] => Customer information
[Account registration date:] => Account registration date:
[Valid orders placed:] => Valid orders placed:
[Total spent since registration:] => Total spent since registration:
[Guest not registered] => Guest not registered
[Order information] => Order information
[Order #%d] => Order #%d
[Made on:] => Made on:
[No order was created from this cart.] => No order was created from this cart.
[Create an order from this cart.] => Create an order from this cart.
[Cart summary] => Basket summary
[Text #] => Text #
[Total cost of products:] => Total cost of products:
[Total value of vouchers:] => Total value of vouchers:
[Total cost of gift wrapping:] => Total cost of gift wrapping:
[Total shipping costs:] => Total shipping costs:
[Ref:] => Ref.:
[Open] => Open
[Closed] => Closed
[Pending 1] => Pending 1
[Pending 2] => Pending 2
[No new messages] => No new messages
[New message] => New message
[Meaning of status] => Meaning of status
[Statistics] => Statistics
[New messages] => New messages
[Sync] => Sync
[Run sync:] => Run sync:
[Run sync] => Run sync
[Click to synchronize mail automatically] => Click to synchronize mail automatically
[Forward this discussion] => Forward this discussion
[Forward this discussion to an employee:] => Forward this discussion to an employee:
[Someone else] => Someone else
[Comment:] => Comment:
[Forward] => Forward
[Order #] => Order #
[See more] => See more
[Thread] => Thread
[Forward this discussion to another employee] => Forward this discussion to another employee
[To:] => To:
[[1]%count%[/1] order(s) validated for a total amount of [2]%total%[/2]] => [1]%count%[/1] order(s) validated for a total amount of [2]%total%[/2]
[No orders validated for the moment] => No orders validated for the moment
[Your answer to] => Your answer to
[Orders and messages timeline] => Orders and messages timeline
[View customer] => View customer
[Customer ID:] => Customer ID:
[Sent on:] => Sent on:
[Browser:] => Browser:
[File attachment] => File attachment
[View file] => View file
[Product #] => Product #
[View this thread] => View this thread
[Sent by:] => Sent by:
[Thread ID:] => Thread ID:
[Message ID:] => Message ID:
[Message:] => Message:
[Reply to this message] => Reply to this message
[Please type your reply below:] => Please type your reply below:
[Your reply will be sent to:] => Your reply will be sent to:
[Send my reply] => Send my reply
[View order] => View order
[Field Name] => Field Name
[Referrers] => Referrers
[Customized] => Customised
[Picture #] => Picture #
[Text #%s] => Text #%s
[Quantity:] => Quantity:
[Amount:] => Amount:
[Apply on all invoices] => Apply on all invoices
[Credit Slip] => Credit Note
[Shipping Costs] => Shipping Costs
[Qty] => Qty
[Available quantity] => Available quantity
[%quantity_refunded% (%amount_refunded% refund)] => %quantity_refunded% (%amount_refunded% refund)
[Package content] => Package content
[Location] => Location
[Refund history] => Refund history
[Return history] => Return history
[Package item] => Package item
[Ref Supplier:] => Ref Supplier:
[Update Order Status] => Update Order Status
[#] => #
[No invoice] => No invoice
[No delivery slip] => No delivery slip
[Card Number] => Card Number
[Card Brand] => Card Brand
[Card Expiration] => Card Expiration
[Card Holder] => Card Holder
[Change] => Change
[This order has been placed by a guest.] => This order has been placed by a guest.
[Account registered] => Account registered
[Valid orders placed] => Valid orders placed
[Total spent since registration] => Total spent since registration
[View full details...] => View full details...
[Private] => Private
[Choose a standard message] => Choose a standard message
[Show all messages] => Show all messages
[Returned] => Returned
[Return] => Return
[Refund] => Refund
[Add a new discount] => Add a new discount
[Value] => Value
[Delete voucher] => Delete voucher
[Products:] => Products:
[Discounts] => Discounts
[(Max %s %s)] => (Max %s %s)
[Repay shipping costs] => Repay shipping costs
[Include amount of initial voucher: ] => Include amount of initial voucher:
[Exclude amount of initial voucher: ] => Exclude amount of initial voucher:
[Amount of your choice: ] => Amount of your choice:
[This order has been partially paid by voucher. Choose the amount you want to refund: ] => This order has been partially paid by voucher. Choose the amount you want to refund:
[Product(s) price: ] => Product(s) price:
[Product(s) price, excluding amount of initial voucher: ] => Product(s) price, excluding amount of initial voucher:
[Order no. ] => Order no.
[Include amount of initial voucher:] => Include amount of initial voucher:
[Exclude amount of initial voucher:] => Exclude amount of initial voucher:
[Amount of your choice:] => Amount of your choice:
[Text #%d] => Text #%d
[Search for a product] => Search for a product
[View this order] => View this order
[Delay] => Delay
Unfortunately, an item on your order is currently out of stock. This may cause a slight delay in delivery.
Please accept our apologies and rest assured that we are working hard to rectify this.
Best regards,] => Hi,
Unfortunately, an item on your order is currently out of stock. This may cause a slight delay in delivery.
Please accept our apologies and rest assured that we are working hard to rectify this.
Best regards,
[Waiting for confirmation] => Waiting for confirmation
[Waiting for package] => Waiting for package
[Package received] => Package received
[Return denied] => Return denied
[Return completed] => Return completed
[Awaiting check payment] => Awaiting check payment
[Payment accepted] => Payment accepted
[Processing in progress] => Processing in progress
[Shipped] => Shipped
[Delivered] => Delivered
[Canceled] => Canceled
[Payment error] => Payment error
[On backorder (paid)] => On backorder (paid)
[On backorder (not paid)] => On backorder (not paid)
[Awaiting bank wire payment] => Awaiting bank wire payment
[Remote payment accepted] => Remote payment accepted
[Awaiting Cash On Delivery validation] => Awaiting Cash On Delivery validation
[None] => None
[Low] => Low
[Medium] => Medium
[High] => High
[1 - Creation in progress] => 1 - Creation in progress
[2 - Order validated] => 2 - Order validated
[3 - Pending receipt] => 3 - Pending receipt
[4 - Order received in part] => 4 - Order received in part
[5 - Order received completely] => 5 - Order received completely
[6 - Order canceled] => 6 - Order canceled
[Addresses] => Addresses
[Non ordered] => Non ordered
[Abandoned cart] => Abandoned cart
[Export carts] => Export carts
[Abandoned Carts] => Abandoned Carts
[From %date1% to %date2%] => From %date1% to %date2%
[Average Order Value] => Average Order Value
[Net Profit per Visitor] => Net Profit per Visitor
[Order %reference% from %firstname% %lastname%] => Order %reference% from %firstname% %lastname%
[Credit card slip for order #%d] => Credit card note for order #%d
[Order #%id% (%ref%) - %firstname% %lastname%] => Order #%id% (%ref%) - %firstname% %lastname%
[Shop: %shop_name%] => Shop: %shop_name%
[Outstanding Allowance] => Outstanding Allowance
[Current Outstanding] => Current Outstanding
[Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)] => Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)
[Customer explanation] => Customer explanation
[Returns form] => Returns form
[Order #%id% from %date%] => Order #%id% from %date%
[Returns prefix] => Returns prefix
[Slip] => Slip
[Print a PDF] => Print a PDF
[Back office order] => Back office order
[Free order] => Free order
[Newsletter] => Newsletter
[Free Shipping] => Free Shipping
[Unknown] => Unknown
[%1$d years old (birth date: %2$s)] => %1$d years old (birth date: %2$s)
[Average Age] => Average Age
[%amount% tax excl.] => %amount% tax excl.
[Net Profit per Visit] => Net Profit per Visit
[30 days] => 30 days
[Newsletter Registrations] => Newsletter Registrations
[Orders per Customer] => Orders per Customer
[Cart #%ID%] => Cart #%ID%
[Total Cart] => Total Cart
[Manual order -- Employee:] => Manual order -- Employee:
[not paid] => not paid
[overpaid] => overpaid
[Credit slip for order #%d] => Credit note for order #%d
[Download credit slip] => Download credit note
[Date issued] => Date issued
[Phone number(s)] => Phone number(s)
[Qty available] => Qty available
[Registration] => Registration
[Last visit] => Last visit
[New client] => New client
[Change Order Status] => Change Order Status
[Open in new tabs] => Open in new tabs
[It looks like you have exceeded the number of tabs allowed. Check your browser settings to open multiple tabs.] => It looks like you have exceeded the number of tabs allowed. Check your browser settings to open multiple tabs.
[Risk] => Risk
[Outstanding allowance] => Outstanding allowance
[Current outstanding] => Current outstanding
[VAT number] => VAT number
[Identification number] => Identification number
[Birthday] => Birthday
[You can use this feature in a single shop context only. Switch context to enable it.] => You can use this feature in a single shop context only. Switch context to enable it.
[Add new order message] => Add new order message
[Add new order] => Add new order
[Orders] => Orders
[The national ID card number of this person, or a unique tax identification number.] => The national ID card number of this person, or a unique tax identification number.
[Customer email] => Customer email
[Address alias] => Address alias
[Group access] => Group access
[Default customer group] => Default customer group
[Website] => Website
[Allowed outstanding amount] => Allowed outstanding amount
[Maximum number of payment days] => Maximum number of payment days
[Risk rating] => Risk rating
[Add a note on this customer. It will only be visible to you.] => Add a note on this customer. It will only be visible to you.
[Transform to a customer account] => Transform to a customer account
[Free shipping] => Free shipping
[Re-stock products] => Re-stock products
[Generate a credit slip] => Generate a credit note
[Generate a voucher] => Generate a voucher
[Product(s) price:] => Product(s) price:
[Product(s) price, excluding amount of initial voucher:] => Product(s) price, excluding amount of initial voucher:
[The "shipping" field must be a valid number] => The "shipping" field must be a valid number
[Credit slip prefix] => Credit note prefix
[Add a note on this order. It will only be visible to you.] => Add a note on this order. It will only be visible to you.
[After the sequential number] => After the sequential number
[Before the sequential number] => Before the sequential number
[Display to customer?] => Display to customer?
[Manage your orders] => Manage your orders
[Find all your orders on this page and access their main information in one click: check the cart total, the payment method, the shipping details, or if it comes from a new client. You can even update the status from the listing!] => Find all your orders on this page and access their main information in one click: check the cart total, the payment method, the shipping details, or if it comes from a new client. You can even update the status from the listing!
[Required Fields] => Required Fields
[Required fields] => Required fields
[%firstname% %lastname% has not registered any addresses yet] => %firstname% %lastname% has not registered any addresses yet
[Purchased products] => Purchased products
[Vouchers] => Vouchers
[%firstname% %lastname% has no discount vouchers] => %firstname% %lastname% has no discount vouchers
[Last connections] => Last connections
[Pages viewed] => Pages viewed
[Total time] => Total time
[Origin] => Origin
[IP Address] => IP Address
[Sent on] => Sent on
[%firstname% %lastname% has never contacted you] => %firstname% %lastname% has never contacted you
[for a total amount of %s] => for a total amount of %s
[Invalid orders:] => Invalid orders:
[Total spent] => Total spent
[%firstname% %lastname% has not placed any orders yet] => %firstname% %lastname% has not placed any orders yet
[Valid orders:] => Valid orders:
[Partner offers] => Partner offers
[Age] => Age
[Registration Date] => Registration Date
[Last Visit] => Last Visit
[Best Customer Rank] => Best Customer Rank
[Registrations] => Registrations
[Latest Update] => Latest Update
[This customer is registered as a Guest.] => This customer is registered as a Guest.
[Add a private note] => Add a private note
[Last emails] => Last emails
[Viewed products] => Viewed products
[Administrate your customers] => Administrate your customers
[Taking good care of your customers starts with making sure their profiles contain all the information needed to have their packages shipped without mishap.] => Taking good care of your customers starts with making sure their profiles contain all the information needed to have their packages shipped without mishap.
[Creating a new Customer] => Creating a new Customer
[Editing customer %name%] => Editing customer %name%
[Set required fields for this section] => Set required fields for this section
[Manage your Customers] => Manage your Customers
[Information about customer %name%] => Information about customer %name%
[No order validated for the moment. By default, an order is considered validated when its payment is accepted.] => No order validated for the moment. By default, an order is considered validated when its payment is accepted.
[Customer since: %s] => Customer since: %s
[Merchandise return (RMA) options] => Merchandise return (RMA) options
[Enable returns] => Enable returns
[Time limit of validity] => Time limit of validity
[Return prefix] => Return prefix
[Merchandise Returns] => Merchandise Returns
[Order messages] => Order messages
[Discount name] => Discount name
[Credit slip options] => Credit note options
[Generate PDF] => Generate PDF
[Print PDF] => Print PDF
[Delivery slip options] => Delivery slip options
[Delivery prefix] => Delivery prefix
[Delivery Number] => Delivery Number
[Enable product image] => Enable product image
[Delivery number] => Delivery number
[By date] => By date
[Generate PDF file by date] => Generate PDF file by date
[By order status] => By order status
[Order statuses] => Order statuses
[Generate PDF file by status] => Generate PDF file by status
[Invoice options] => Invoice options
[Enable invoices] => Enable invoices
[Enable tax breakdown] => Enable tax breakdown
[Invoice prefix] => Invoice prefix
[Add current year to invoice number] => Add current year to invoice number
[Reset sequential invoice number at the beginning of the year] => Reset sequential invoice number at the beginning of the year
[Position of the year date] => Position of the year date
[Invoice number] => Invoice number
[Legal free text] => Legal free text
[Footer text] => Footer text
[Invoice model] => Invoice model
[Use the disk as cache for PDF invoices] => Use the disk as cache for PDF invoices
[Add new address] => Add new address
[Add a new address] => Add a new address
[Cart] => Basket
[In stock] => In stock
[Add to cart] => Add to basket
[Search for a voucher] => Search for a voucher
[Add new voucher] => Add new voucher
[No voucher was found] => No voucher was found
[Add new customer] => Add new customer
[View this cart] => View this cart
[Use this cart] => Use this cart
[Use] => Use
[Duplicate this order] => Duplicate this order
[Search for a customer] => Search for a customer
[Total paid] => Total paid
[Gift message] => Gift message
[Gift] => Gift
[Delivery option] => Delivery option
[Shipping price (Tax incl.)] => Shipping price (Tax incl.)
[Recycled packaging] => Recycled packaging
[Total products] => Total products
[Total vouchers (Tax excl.)] => Total vouchers (Tax excl.)
[Total shipping (Tax excl.)] => Total shipping (Tax excl.)
[Total taxes] => Total taxes
[Total (Tax excl.)] => Total (Tax excl.)
[Total (Tax incl.)] => Total (Tax incl.)
[Order message] => Order message
[Create the order] => Create the order
[Order status] => Order status
[More actions] => More actions
[Send pre-filled order to the customer by email] => Send pre-filled order to the customer by email
[Proceed to checkout in the front office] => Proceed to checkout in the front office
[Add a product] => Add a product
[Edit shipping details] => Edit shipping details
[Reference number:] => Reference number:
[Supplier reference:] => Supplier reference:
[Create a new invoice] => Create a new invoice
[New invoice information] => New invoice information
[Edit the price] => Edit the price
[APE] => APE
[Private note] => Private note
[Shipping address] => Shipping address
[Invoice address] => Invoice address
[Account registered:] => Account registered:
[Validated orders placed:] => Validated orders placed:
[Documents] => Documents
[Merchandise returns] => Merchandise returns
[Gift wrapping] => Gift wrapping
[Document] => Document
[Number] => Number
[Delivery slip] => Delivery slip
[Enter payment] => Enter payment
[Add note] => Add note
[Edit note] => Edit note
[Generate invoice] => Generate invoice
[Credit slip] => Credit notes
[Resend email] => Resend email
[Order note] => Order note
[Linked orders] => Linked orders
[Order ID] => Order ID
[Configure predefined messages] => Configure predefined messages
[Send message] => Send message
[View full conversation] => View full conversation
[Choose your order message] => Choose your order message
[Return products] => Return products
[Standard refund] => Standard refund
[Cancel products] => Cancel products
[Partial refund] => Partial refund
[Print order] => Print order
[View invoice] => View invoice
[View delivery slip] => View delivery slip
[Payment method] => Payment method
[Transaction ID] => Transaction ID
[Not defined] => Not defined
[Change currency] => Change currency
[Card type] => Card type
[Cardholder name] => Cardholder name
[Card number] => Card number
[Refunded] => Refunded
[Wrapping] => Wrapping
[This order has been partially paid by voucher. Choose the amount you want to refund:] => This order has been partially paid by voucher. Choose the amount you want to refund:
[Add a discount] => Add a discount
[Shipping does not apply to virtual orders] => Shipping does not apply to virtual orders
[Sources] => Sources
[From] => From
[To] => To
[Choose an order status] => Choose an order status
[Update status] => Update status
[Create order] => Create order
[Stock location] => Stock location
[Shipping details] => Shipping details
[Invoice details] => Invoice details
[Open details] => Open details
[ModulesFacetedsearchAdmin] => Array
[Faceted search] => Faceted search
[Displays a block allowing multiple filters.] => Displays a block allowing multiple filters.
["%s" is not a valid url] => "%s" is not a valid url
[Filter template name required (cannot be empty)] => Filter template name required (cannot be empty)
[You must select at least one category.] => You must select at least one category.
[Your filter] => Your filter
[was updated successfully.] => was updated successfully.
[was added successfully.] => was added successfully.
[Settings saved successfully] => Settings saved successfully
[Filter template deleted, categories updated (reverted to default Filter template).] => Filter template deleted, categories updated (reverted to default Filter template).
[Filter template not found] => Filter template not found
[Root] => Root
[My template - %s] => My template - %s
[My template %s] => My template %s
[Filter your catalog to help visitors picture the category tree and browse your store easily.] => Filter your catalog to help visitors picture the category tree and browse your store easily.
[Meta title] => Meta title
[No limit] => No limit
[Categories used for this template:] => Categories used for this template:
[Categories selection is disabled because you have no categories or you are in a "all shops" context.] => Categories selection is disabled because you have no categories or you are in a "all shops" context.
[You must select at least one filter] => You must select at least one filter
[Template name:] => Template name:
[Only as a reminder] => Only as a reminder
[Warning! Your hosting provider is using the Suhosin patch for PHP, which limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form:] => Warning! Your hosting provider is using the Suhosin patch for PHP, which limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form:
[for] => for
[for suhosin.request.max_vars.] => for suhosin.request.max_vars.
[Please ask your hosting provider to increase the Suhosin limit to] => Please ask your hosting provider to increase the Suhosin limit to
[Warning! Your PHP configuration limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form:] => Warning! Your PHP configuration limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form:
[for max_input_vars.] => for max_input_vars.
[Please ask your hosting provider to increase this limit to] => Please ask your hosting provider to increase this limit to
[%s at least, or you will have to edit the translation files manually.] => %s at least, or you will have to edit the translation files manually.
[Choose shop association:] => Choose shop association:
[Sub-categories filter] => Sub-categories filter
[Product stock filter] => Product stock filter
[Product condition filter] => Product condition filter
[Product brand filter] => Product brand filter
[Product weight filter (slider)] => Product weight filter (slider)
[Product price filter (slider)] => Product price filter (slider)
[Clear cache] => Clear cache
[Indexes and caches] => Indexes and caches
[Indexing is in progress. Please do not leave this page] => Indexing is in progress. Please do not leave this page
[Index all missing prices] => Index all missing prices
[Rebuild entire price index] => Rebuild entire price index
[You can set a cron job that will rebuild price index using the following URL:] => You can set a cron job that will rebuild price index using the following URL:
[You can set a cron job that will rebuild attribute index using the following URL:] => You can set a cron job that will rebuild attribute index using the following URL:
[A nightly rebuild is recommended.] => A nightly rebuild is recommended.
[Filters templates] => Filters templates
[Created on] => Created on
[Actions] => Actions
[Do you really want to delete this filter template?] => Do you really want to delete this filter template?
[No filter template found.] => No filter template found.
[Add new template] => Add new template
[Show the number of matching products] => Show the number of matching products
[Show products from subcategories] => Show products from subcategories
[Category filter depth (0 for no limits, 1 by default)] => Category filter depth (0 for no limits, 1 by default)
[Use tax to filter price] => Use tax to filter price
[Use rounding to filter price] => Use rounding to filter price
[(in progress)] => (in progress)
[URL indexing finished] => URL indexing finished
[Attribute indexing finished] => Attribute indexing finished
[URL indexing failed] => URL indexing failed
[Attribute indexing failed] => Attribute indexing failed
[Price indexing finished] => Price indexing finished
[Price indexing failed] => Price indexing failed
[(in progress, %s products price to index)] => (in progress, %s products price to index)
[Loading...] => Loading...
[You selected -All categories-: all existing filter templates will be deleted. Is it OK?] => You selected -All categories-: all existing filter templates will be deleted. Is it OK?
[You must select at least one category] => You must select at least one category
[Build attributes and features indexes] => Build attributes and features indexes
[Show products only from default category] => Show products only from default category
[Works only if "Show products from subcategories" is off.] => Works only if "Show products from subcategories" is off.
[Show unavailable, out of stock last] => Show unavailable, out of stock last
[Enable cache system] => Enable cache system
[New filters template] => New filters template
[You can drag and drop filters to adjust position] => You can drag and drop filters to adjust position
[Filters:] => Filters:
[Total filters: %s] => Total filters: %s
[Filter result limit:] => Filter result limit:
[Filter style:] => Filter style:
[Checkbox] => Checkbox
[Radio button] => Radio button
[Drop-down list] => Drop-down list
[List of ranges] => List of ranges
[Attribute group: %name% (%count% attributes)] => Attribute group: %name% (%count% attributes)
[Attribute group: %name% (%count% attribute)] => Attribute group: %name% (%count% attribute)
[This group will allow user to select a color] => This group will allow user to select a colour
[Feature: %name% (%count% values)] => Feature: %name% (%count% values)
[Feature: %name% (%count% value)] => Feature: %name% (%count% value)
[Build attribute index] => Build attribute index
[When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed URLs by choosing the word that best represent this attribute. By default, PrestaShop uses the attribute's name, but you can change that setting using this field.] => When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed URLs by choosing the word that best represent this attribute. By default, PrestaShop uses the attribute's name, but you can change that setting using this field.
[When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed page titles by choosing the word that best represent this attribute. By default, PrestaShop uses the attribute's name, but you can change that setting using this field.] => When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed page titles by choosing the word that best represent this attribute. By default, PrestaShop uses the attribute's name, but you can change that setting using this field.
[URL] => URL
[Invalid characters: <>;=#{}_] => Invalid characters: <>;=#{}_
[Indexable] => Indexable
[Use this attribute in URL generated by the Faceted Search module.] => Use this attribute in URL generated by the Faceted Search module.
[When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed URLs by choosing the word that best represent this feature. By default, PrestaShop uses the feature's name, but you can change that setting using this field.] => When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed URLs by choosing the word that best represent this feature. By default, PrestaShop uses the feature's name, but you can change that setting using this field.
[When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed page titles by choosing the word that best represent this feature. By default, PrestaShop uses the feature's name, but you can change that setting using this field.] => When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed page titles by choosing the word that best represent this feature. By default, PrestaShop uses the feature's name, but you can change that setting using this field.
[When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed URLs by choosing the word that best represent this feature's value. By default, PrestaShop uses the value's name, but you can change that setting using this field.] => When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed URLs by choosing the word that best represent this feature's value. By default, PrestaShop uses the value's name, but you can change that setting using this field.
[When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed page titles by choosing the word that best represent this feature's value. By default, PrestaShop uses the value's name, but you can change that setting using this field.] => When the Faceted Search module is enabled, you can get more detailed page titles by choosing the word that best represent this feature's value. By default, PrestaShop uses the value's name, but you can change that setting using this field.
[ModulesSekeywordsAdmin] => Array
[Search engine keywords] => Search engine keywords
[Displays which keywords have led visitors to your website.] => Displays which keywords have led visitors to your website.
[Identify external search engine keywords] => Identify external search engine keywords
[This is one of the most common ways of finding a website through a search engine.] => This is one of the most common ways of finding a website through a search engine.
[Identifying the most popular keywords entered by your new visitors allows you to see the products you should put in front if you want to achieve better visibility in search engines.] => Identifying the most popular keywords entered by your new visitors allows you to see the products you should put in front if you want to achieve better visibility in search engines.
[How does it work?] => How does it work?
[When a visitor comes to your website, the web server notes the URL of the site he/she comes from. This module then parses the URL, and if it finds a reference to a known search engine, it finds the keywords in it.] => When a visitor comes to your website, the web server notes the URL of the site he/she comes from. This module then parses the URL, and if it finds a reference to a known search engine, it finds the keywords in it.
[This module can recognize all the search engines listed in PrestaShop's Stats/Search Engine page -- and you can add more!] => This module can recognize all the search engines listed in PrestaShop's Stats/Search Engine page -- and you can add more!
[IMPORTANT NOTE: in September 2013, Google chose to encrypt its searches queries using SSL. This means all the referer-based tools in the World (including this one) cannot identify Google keywords anymore.] => IMPORTANT NOTE: in September 2013, Google chose to encrypt its searches queries using SSL. This means all the referer-based tools in the World (including this one) cannot identify Google keywords anymore.
[%d keyword matches your query.] => %d keyword matches your query.
[%d keywords match your query.] => %d keywords match your query.
[Filter by keyword] => Filter by keyword
[And min occurrences] => And min occurrences
[Keywords] => Keywords
[Occurrences] => Occurrences
[No keywords] => No keywords
[Top 10 keywords] => Top 10 keywords
[Others] => Others
[ModulesStswiperAdmin] => Array
[Swiper slider] => Swiper slider
[Most modern mobile touch slider.] => Most modern mobile touch slider.
[Fading Entrances] => Fading Entrances
[Flippers] => Flippers
[Zoom Entrances] => Zoom Entrances
[Sliding] => Sliding
[Bouncing Entrances] => Bouncing Entrances
[Rotating Entrances] => Rotating Entrances
[Lightspeed] => Lightspeed
[Specials] => Specials
[Attention seekers] => Attention seekers
[The field "group name" is required] => The field "group name" is required
[The field "slideshow" is required] => The field "slideshow" is required
[Group configuration] => Group configuration
[Show on subcategories:] => Show on subcategories:
[This option works for categories only.] => This option works for categories only.
[This setting is only for hooks starting with "Full width *" in the above "Show on" dropdown list.] => This setting is only for hooks starting with "Full width *" in the above "Show on" dropdown list.
[Height or min height(optional):] => Height or min height(optional):
[You can just leave this option empty if you do not know what it means.] => You can just leave this option empty if you do not know what it means.
[Setting a value would make these changes:] => Setting a value would make these changes:
[1. Images you uploaded would be used as background images.] => 1. Images you uploaded would be used as background images.
[2. The height of this slider would not decrease on samll screen devices. Images will be kind like cropped on small screen devices, some parts of your images may not be visible.] => 2. The height of this slider would not decrease on samll screen devices. Images will be kind like cropped on small screen devices, some parts of your images may not be visible.
[3. Images will be kind like cropped on small screen devices, some parts of your images may not be visible.] => 3. Images will be kind like cropped on small screen devices, some parts of your images may not be visible.
[4. This module would work exactly like the "Iosslider" module which has been removed.] => 4. This module would work exactly like the "Iosslider" module which has been removed.
[5. "Transition style" setting below would not take work for this slider.] => 5. "Transition style" setting below would not take work for this slider.
[Bright sides are:] => Bright sides are:
[1. This slider will work in a different way comparing with other slider modules, there must be someone like the way.] => 1. This slider will work in a different way comparing with other slider modules, there must be someone like the way.
[2. You do not have to pay much attention to the dimensions of images.] => 2. You do not have to pay much attention to the dimensions of images.
[If this setting is enabled, images will be used as backgorund, images for mobile won\'t show out, because of no perfect way to show different background images on different types of devices.] => If this setting is enabled, images will be used as backgorund, images for mobile won\'t show out, because of no perfect way to show different background images on different types of devices.
[Settings for tempalte 2] => Settings for tempalte 2
[Spacing between sliders and banners:] => Spacing between sliders and banners:
[The width of slider column:] => The width of slider column:
[The banner column would take the rest.] => The banner column would take the rest.
[Settings for tempalte 3] => Settings for tempalte 3
[How many sliders per view] => How many sliders per view
[How many sliders per view:] => How many sliders per view:
[Auto] => Auto
[Use setings above] => Use setings above
[Auto option allows you to upload images in different wide. An example is on demo .] => Auto option allows you to upload images in different wide. An example is on demo .
[Centered slides:] => Centered slides:
[If true, then active slide will be centered, not always on the left side.] => If true, then active slide will be centered, not always on the left side.
[Distance between slides.] => Distance between slides.
[Item] => Item
[If this field is filled in, whole image will become clickable. But if there are any links or buttons in the Caption field, this setting will be ignored.] => If this field is filled in, whole image will become clickable. But if there are any links or buttons in the Caption field, this setting will be ignored.
[In most case, content from the advanced editor are in white color, so you can not see them. Clicking on the Source Code btton to see them.] => In most case, content from the advanced editor are in white color, so you can not see them. Clicking on the Source Code btton to see them.
[Caption animation:] => Caption animation:
[This does not work for template 3.] => This does not work for template 3.
[once a font has been added, you can use it everywhere without adding it again.] => once a font has been added, you can use it everywhere without adding it again.
[Does not work for content from Advanced editor.] => Does not work for content from Advanced editor.
[This option would be useful for full screen blocks.] => This option would be useful for full screen blocks.
[This setting does not work for content from Advanced editor:] => This setting does not work for content from Advanced editor:
[Add a slideshow] => Add a slideshow
[Add an item] => Add an item
[Edit group] => Edit group
[Add a banner] => Add a banner
[ModulesStcountdownAdmin] => Array
[Countdown module] => Countdown module
[Display countdown special products.] => Display countdown special products.
[Product ID error] => Product ID error
[Countdown settings] => Countdown settings
[This module does not have a slider to display products on the front office.] => This module does not have a slider to display products on the front office.
[If you set a product with countdown timer, but the product does not show up on the homepage, then you can use the "Special products slider" module to force it to show up.] => If you set a product with countdown timer, but the product does not show up on the homepage, then you can use the "Special products slider" module to force it to show up.
[Each products slider module has an option to do not show the countdown timer.] => Each products slider module has an option to do not show the countdown timer.
[Display countdown:] => Display countdown:
[Display on all special products:] => Display on all special products:
[If you turn this option on, each special product will has a countdown timer.] => If you turn this option on, each special product will has a countdown timer.
[Specific products to have a countdown timer:] => Specific products to have a countdown timer:
[Style:] => Style:
[00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds] => 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds
[00 days 00:00:00] => 00 days 00:00:00
[Display "Limited special offer" when a speical offer has NO end date:] => Display "Limited special offer" when a speical offer has NO end date:
[Advanced Settings - Grid] => Advanced Settings - Grid
[Top & Bottom padding:] => Top & Bottom padding:
[Increasing the vaule of this field can make the number and text get colser. The vaule of this field can not larger than half of the height.] => Increasing the vaule of this field can make the number and text get colser. The vaule of this field can not larger than half of the height.
[Numbers font:] => Numbers font:
[Numbers font weight:] => Numbers font weight:
[Numbers font size:] => Numbers font size:
[Days hrs min sec.] => Days hrs min sec.
[Text transform:] => Text transform:
[Display dividers:] => Display dividers:
[At the bottom of the product image] => At the bottom of the product image
[At the middle of the product image] => At the middle of the product image
[Under the price] => Under the price
[Display countdown title on grid view:] => Display countdown title on grid view:
[Countdown title color:] => Countdown title color:
[Countdown title background:] => Countdown title background:
[Advanced Settings - Product page] => Advanced Settings - Product page
[Display countdown timers on the native modules] => Display countdown timers on the native modules
[Display on the "New products block" module:] => Display on the "New products block" module:
[Display on the "Specials block" module:] => Display on the "Specials block" module:
[Display on the "Top-sellers block" module:] => Display on the "Top-sellers block" module:
[Display on the "Featured products on the homepage" module:] => Display on the "Featured products on the homepage" module:
[ModulesBlockwishlistAdmin] => Array
[Wishlist] => Wishlist
[Adds a block containing the customer's wishlists.] => Adds a block containing the customer's wishlists.
[My wishlists] => My wishlists
[My wishlist] => My wishlist
[Create new list] => Create new list
[All Time Statistics] => All Time Statistics
[Product] => Product
[Reference] => Reference
[Category] => Category
[Price (tax excl.)] => Price (VAT excl.)
[Available Qty] => Available Qty
[Conversion rate] => Conversion rate
[Combination] => Combination
[Current Day Statistics] => Current Day Statistics
[Current Month Statistics] => Current Month Statistics
[Current Year Statistics] => Current Year Statistics
[Wording] => Wording
[Save] => Save
[Top 10 most added products] => Top 10 most added products
[Refresh] => Refresh
[You need to choose a specific shop to display the top 10 most added products] => You need to choose a specific shop to display the top 10 most added products.
[ModulesStatsbestmanufacturersAdmin] => Array
[Total paid] => Total paid
[Best brands] => Best brands
[Adds a list of the best brands to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a list of the best brands to the Stats dashboard.
[AdminCatalogFeature] => Array
[Texture] => Texture
[Apply a discount] => Apply a discount
[Percent (%)] => Percent (%)
[Apply a discount to] => Apply a discount to
[Order (without shipping)] => Order (without shipping)
[Specific product] => Specific product
[Cheapest product] => Cheapest product
[Selected product(s)] => Selected product(s)
[Exclude discounted products] => Exclude discounted products
[Send a free gift] => Send a free gift
[Search a product] => Search a product
[Matching products] => Matching products
[Available combinations] => Available combinations
[Limit to a single customer] => Limit to a single customer
[Valid] => Valid
[Minimum amount] => Minimum amount
[Shipping excluded] => Shipping excluded
[Shipping included] => Shipping included
[Total available] => Total available
[Total available for each user] => Total available for each user
[Restrictions] => Restrictions
[Country selection] => Country selection
[Unselected countries] => Unselected countries
[Selected countries] => Selected countries
[Carrier selection] => Carrier selection
[Unselected carriers] => Unselected carriers
[Selected carriers] => Selected carriers
[Customer group selection] => Customer group selection
[Unselected groups] => Unselected groups
[Selected groups] => Selected groups
[Compatibility with other cart rules] => Compatibility with other cart rules
[Uncombinable cart rules] => Uncombinable cart rules
[Combinable cart rules] => Combinable cart rules
[Product selection] => Product selection
[Shop selection] => Shop selection
[Unselected shops] => Unselected shops
[Selected shops] => Selected shops
[Cart rule] => Cart rule
[Information] => Information
[Now] => Now
[Done] => Done
[Choose Time] => Choose Time
[Time] => Time
[Minute] => Minute
[Highlight] => Highlight
[Partial use] => Partial use
[Number of products required in the cart to enjoy the discount:] => Number of products required in the cart to enjoy the discount:
[Attachment] => Attachment
[Product name] => Product name
[Conditions] => Conditions
[Add a new condition group] => Add a new condition group
[Add condition] => Add condition
[Condition group] => Condition group
[MPN] => MPN
[Root] => Root
[Home] => Home
[Increase] => Increase
[Decrease] => Decrease
[Customer Order] => Customer Order
[Adjustment following an inventory of stock] => Adjustment following an inventory of stock
[Transfer to another warehouse] => Transfer to another warehouse
[Transfer from another warehouse] => Transfer from another warehouse
[Supply Order] => Supply Order
[Product Return] => Product return
[Manual Entry] => Manual Entry
[Associated with] => Associated with
[Attributes generator] => Attributes generator
[Back to the product] => Back to the product
[Values] => Values
[Value] => Value
[Color or texture] => Colour or texture
[Public name] => Public name
[Attribute type] => Attribute type
[Attribute group] => Attribute group
[Current texture] => Current texture
[Add New Values] => Add New Values
[Add New Attributes] => Add New Attributes
[Edit New Attribute] => Edit New Attribute
[Add New Attribute] => Add New Attribute
[Save then add another value] => Save then add another value
[Edit Value] => Edit Value
[Add New Value] => Add New Value
[Payment: ] => Payment:
[Cart Rules] => Basket Rules
[Payment:] => Payment:
[Category Cover Image] => Category Cover Image
[Root Category] => Root Category
[Open] => Open
[Closed] => Closed
[Pending 1] => Pending 1
[Pending 2] => Pending 2
[Messages] => Messages
[Private] => Private
[Last message] => Last message
[Contact options] => Contact options
[Allow file uploading] => Allow file uploading
[Default message] => Default message
[Customer service options] => Customer service options
[IMAP port] => IMAP port
[IMAP user] => IMAP user
[IMAP password] => IMAP password
[Delete messages] => Delete messages
[Create new threads] => Create new threads
[IMAP options] => IMAP options
[Total threads] => Total threads
[Threads pending] => Threads pending
[Total number of customer messages] => Total number of customer messages
[Total number of employee messages] => Total number of employee messages
[Unread threads] => Unread threads
[Closed threads] => Closed threads
[Pending Discussion Threads] => Pending Discussion Threads
[Average Response Time] => Average Response Time
[Messages per Thread] => Messages per Thread
[Reply to the next unanswered message in this thread] => Reply to the next unanswered message in this thread
[Add new feature] => Add new feature
[Edit New Feature] => Edit New Feature
[Add New Feature] => Add New Feature
[Feature value] => Feature value
[Add a new feature value] => Add a new feature value
[List of brands] => List of brands
[Brand addresses] => Brand addresses
[Choose the brand] => Choose the brand
[Edit Addresses] => Edit Addresses
[Add address] => Add address
[Category root] => Category root
[List of empty categories:] => List of empty categories:
[List of products with combinations but without available quantities for sale:] => List of products with combinations but without available quantities for sale:
[List of products without combinations and without available quantities for sale:] => List of products without combinations and without available quantities for sale:
[Product disabled] => Product disabled
[Message forwarded to] => Message forwarded to
[Comment:] => Comment:
[Mark as "handled"] => Mark as "handled"
[Re-open] => Re-open
[Mark as "pending 1" (will be answered later)] => Mark as "pending 1" (will be answered later)
[Disable pending status] => Disable pending status
[Mark as "pending 2" (will be answered later)] => Mark as "pending 2" (will be answered later)
[Message to: ] => Message to:
[Product: ] => Product:
[Status:] => Status:
[Message to:] => Message to:
[Product:] => Product:
[Average number of products per category] => Average number of products per category
[Disabled Categories] => Disabled Categories
[Empty Categories] => Empty Categories
[Top Category] => Top Category
[All combinations] => All combinations
[copy of %s] => copy of %s
[Default delivery time] => Default delivery time
[Specific delivery time to this product] => Specific delivery time to this product
[None] => None
[Use default behavior] => Use default behavior
[Allow orders] => Allow orders
[Deny orders] => Deny orders
[Decrement pack only.] => Decrement pack only.
[Decrement products in pack only.] => Decrement products in pack only.
[Decrement both.] => Decrement both.
[Everywhere] => Everywhere
[Catalog only] => Catalog only
[Search only] => Search only
[Nowhere] => Nowhere
[product(s)] => product(s)
[Color] => Colour
[Attributes] => Attributes
[Cart rules] => Basket rules
[Beginning] => Beginning
[End] => End
[Products] => Products
[List of disabled products] => List of disabled products
[List of empty categories] => List of empty categories
[List of products with combinations but without available quantities for sale] => List of products with combinations but without available quantities for sale
[List of products without combinations and without available quantities for sale] => List of products without combinations and without available quantities for sale
[List of products without description] => List of products without description
[List of products without description and summary] => List of products without description and summary
[List of products without images] => List of products without images
[List of products without price] => List of products without price
[Number of products] => Number of products
[Impact on weight] => Impact on weight
[Send me an email when the quantity is under this level] => Send me an email when the quantity is under this level
[Low stock level] => Low stock level
[Ecotax] => Ecotax
[Condition] => Condition
[Label when in stock] => Label when in stock
[Delivery time of in-stock products:] => Delivery time of in-stock products:
[Number of allowed downloads] => Number of allowed downloads
[Short description] => Short description
[Choose a value] => Choose a value
[Please select a file] => Please select a file
[Caption] => Caption
[Cover image] => Cover image
[Add new root category] => Add new root category
[Add new category] => Add new category
[Availability date] => Availability date
[Stock location] => Stock location
[Minimum quantity for sale] => Minimum quantity for sale
[Low stock alert] => Low stock alert
[Send me an email when the quantity is below or equals this level] => Send me an email when the quantity is below or equals this level
[Combination name] => Combination name
[Physical quantity] => Physical quantity
[Reserved quantity] => Reserved quantity
[Category name] => Category name
[Parent of the category] => Parent of the category
[Choose a feature] => Choose a feature
[Pre-defined value] => Pre-defined value
[OR Customized value] => OR Customized value
[ISBN code] => ISBN code
[Impact on price per unit (tax excl.)] => Impact on price per unit (tax excl.)
[Min. quantity for sale] => Min. quantity for sale
[Set as default combination] => Set as default combination
[Select images of this combination:] => Select images of this combination:
[Final price] => Final price
[Impact on price (tax incl.)] => Impact on price (tax incl.)
[Cost Price] => Cost Price
[Minimum quantity] => Minimum quantity
[Standard product] => Standard product
[Pack of products] => Pack of products
[Add products to your pack] => Add products to your pack
[Pre-tax retail price] => Pre-tax retail price
[Retail price with tax] => Retail price with tax
[Default category] => Default category
[Add a new category] => Add a new category
[Accessories] => Accessories
[Choose a brand] => Choose a brand
[UPC barcode] => UPC barcode
[EAN-13 or JAN barcode] => EAN-13 or JAN barcode
[Display options] => Display options
[Available for order] => Available for order
[Show price] => Show price
[Web only (not sold in your retail store)] => Web only (not sold in your retail store)
[Display condition on product page] => Display condition on product page
[Default suppliers] => Default suppliers
[Attachments for this product:] => Attachments for this product:
[No tax] => No tax
[Ecotax (tax incl.)] => Ecotax (tax incl.)
[Display the "On sale!" flag on the product page, and on product listings.] => Display the "On sale!" flag on the product page, and on product listings.
[Price per unit (tax excl.)] => Price per unit (tax excl.)
[Apply to all products] => Apply to all products
[Retail price (tax excl.)] => Retail price (tax excl.)
[Retail price (tax incl.)] => Retail price (tax incl.)
[Retail price per unit (tax excl.)] => Retail price per unit (tax excl.)
[Create combinations] => Create combinations
[I want to use the advanced stock management system for this product.] => I want to use the advanced stock management system for this product.
[The available quantities for the current product and its combinations are based on the stock in your warehouse (using the advanced stock management system). ] => The available quantities for the current product and its combinations are based on the stock in your warehouse (using the advanced stock management system).
[I want to specify available quantities manually.] => I want to specify available quantities manually.
[Label when out of stock (and back order allowed)] => Label when out of stock (and back order allowed)
[Does this product have an associated file?] => Does this product have an associated file?
[When out of stock] => When out of stock
[Pack quantities] => Pack quantities
[Meta description] => Meta description
[Friendly URL] => Friendly URL
[Permanent redirection to a category (301)] => Permanent redirection to a category (301)
[Temporary redirection to a category (302)] => Temporary redirection to a category (302)
[Permanent redirection to a product (301)] => Permanent redirection to a product (301)
[Temporary redirection to a product (302)] => Temporary redirection to a product (302)
[No redirection (404)] => No redirection (404)
[Redirection when offline] => Redirection when offline
[Target product] => Target product
[Target category] => Target category
[Target] => Target
[Meta title] => Meta title
[Width] => Width
[Height] => Height
[Depth] => Depth
[Weight] => Weight
[Shipping fees] => Shipping fees
[Available carriers] => Available carriers
[Delivery Time] => Delivery Time
[Delivered within 5-7 days] => Delivered within 5-7 days
[Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed orders:] => Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed orders:
[Delivered within 3-4 days] => Delivered within 3-4 days
[Leave initial price] => Leave initial price
[Add customer] => Add customer
[Apply to all combinations] => Apply to all combinations
[Available from] => Available from
[Starting at] => Starting at
[Product price (tax excl.)] => Product price (tax excl.)
[Reduction tax] => Reduction tax
[Number of days] => Number of days
[Stored] => Stored
[Location (optional)] => Location (optional)
[Related products] => Related products
[No brand] => No brand
[[1]%filesNb%[/1] selected file(s)] => [1]%filesNb%[/1] selected file(s)
[Use as cover image] => Use as cover image
[References] => References
[[1]Manage tax rules[/1]] => [1]Manage tax rules[/1]
[Advanced settings in [1]%settings_label%[/1]] => Advanced settings in [1]%settings_label%[/1]
[Add new file] => Add new file
[Upload files here] => Upload files here
[Make some files available to your customers and facilitate their purchasing environment by adding them just here! It can be instruction manuals, technical works or anything you want to attach to a product.] => Make some files available to your customers and facilitate their purchasing environment by adding them just here! It can be instruction manuals, technical works or anything you want to attach to a product.
[Manage your credit slips] => Manage your credit slips
[When a customer returns a product, a credit slip must be created in his favor. Generate vouchers and have a look at their follow-up.] => When a customer returns a product, a credit slip must be created in his favor. Generate vouchers and have a look at their follow-up.
[Add new supplier] => Add new supplier
[Keep in touch with your suppliers] => Keep in touch with your suppliers
[Having suppliers is optional if brands supply you directly. Make sure you don't confuse product suppliers and product brands to facilitate stock management.] => Having suppliers is optional if brands supply you directly. Make sure you don't confuse product suppliers and product brands to facilitate stock management.
[Viewing %from%-%to% on %total% (page %current_page% / %page_count%)] => Viewing %from%-%to% out of %total% (page %current_page% / %page_count%)
[Items per page:] => Items per page:
[Enter page number and press enter] => Enter page number and press enter
[Not available yet] => Not available yet
[Edit: %value%] => Edit: %value%
[Price (tax incl.)] => Price (VAT incl.)
[Category] => Category
[Price (tax excl.)] => Price (VAT excl.)
[These products will be deleted for good. Please confirm.] => These products will be deleted for good. Please confirm.
[Delete products?] => Delete products?
[[1]Add your first product[/1][2]or import a list of products (filetypes: .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .xlst, .ods, .ots).[/2]] => [1]Add your first product[/1][2]or import a list of products (filetypes: .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .xlst, .ods, .ots).[/2]
[New product on experimental page] => New product on experimental page
[Go to catalog] => Go to catalog
[Add new product] => Add new product
[Edit on experimental page] => Edit on experimental page
[Product list] => Product list
[Shipping] => Shipping
[Basic settings] => Basic settings
[Pricing] => Pricing
[SEO] => SEO
[Modules] => Modules
[Categories] => Categories
[Associated categories] => Associated categories
[Create a new category] => Create a new category
[New category name] => New category name
[Create a category] => Create a category
[Prev. combination] => Prev. combination
[Next combination] => Next combination
[Back to product] => Back to product
[Combination details] => Combination details
[Price and impact] => Price and impact
[Final retail price (tax excl.) will be] => Final retail price (tax excl.) will be
[Does this combination have a different price per unit?] => Does this combination have a different price per unit?
[Specific references] => Specific references
[Images] => Images
[Impact on price (tax excl.)] => Impact on price (tax excl.)
[Manage your product combinations] => Manage your product combinations
[Bulk actions ([1]/[2] combination(s) selected)] => Bulk actions ([1]/[2] combination(s) selected)
[Default combination] => Default combination
[Availability preferences] => Availability preferences
[Behavior when out of stock] => Behavior when out of stock
[Stock management is disabled] => Stock management is disabled
[Final price (tax excl.)] => Final price (tax excl.)
[You can increase or decrease low stock levels in bulk. You cannot disable them in bulk: you have to do it on a per-combination basis.] => You can increase or decrease low stock levels in bulk. You cannot disable them in bulk: you have to do it on a per-combination basis.
[The email will be sent to all the users who have the right to run the stock page. To modify the permissions, go to Advanced Parameters > Team] => The email will be sent to all the users who have the right to run the stock page. To modify the permissions, go to Advanced Parameters > Team
[Delete combinations] => Delete combinations
[Edit a specific price] => Edit a specific price
[Brand] => Brand
[Add a brand] => Add a brand
[Related product] => Related product
[Add a related product] => Add a related product
[Search Engine Optimization] => Search Engine Optimization
[Improve your ranking and how your product page will appear in search engines results.] => Improve your ranking and how your product page will appear in search engines results.
[Reset URL] => Reset URL
[Redirection page] => Redirection page
[Here is a preview of your search engine result, play with it!] => Here is a preview of your search engine result, play with it!
[Package dimension] => Package dimension
[Adjust your shipping costs by filling in the product dimensions.] => Charge additional shipping costs based on packet dimensions covered here.
[Leave empty to disable.] => Leave empty to disable.
[Does this product incur additional shipping costs?] => Does this product incur additional shipping costs?
[Impact on price] => Impact on price
[Specific price conditions] => Specific price conditions
[Unit(s)] => Unit(s)
[Apply a discount of] => Apply a discount of
[Choose the suppliers associated with this product] => Choose the suppliers associated with this product
[Default supplier] => Default supplier
[Supplier reference(s)] => Supplier reference(s)
[Supplier reference] => Supplier reference
[Cost price (tax excl.)] => Cost price (tax excl.)
[Product location in warehouses] => Product location in warehouses
[Please choose the warehouses associated with this product.] => Please choose the warehouses associated with this product.
[Stock] => Stock
[Quantity] => Quantity
[Summary] => Summary
[Reference] => Reference
[Tax excluded] => VAT excluded
[Tax included] => VAT included
[Tax rule] => VAT rule
[View all images] => View all images
[View less] => View less
[Features] => Features
[Add a feature] => Add a feature
[Simple product] => Simple product
[Product with combinations] => Product with combinations
[Visibility] => Visibility
[Tags] => Tags
[Where do you want your product to appear?] => Where do you want your product to appear?
[Condition & References] => Condition & References
[Customers can personalize the product by entering some text or by providing custom image files.] => Customers can personalize the product by entering some text or by providing custom image files.
[Add a customization field] => Add a customization field
[Attached files] => Attached files
[Add files that customers can download directly on the product page (instructions, manual, recipe, etc.).] => Add files that customers can download directly on the product page (instructions, manual, recipe, etc.).
[Attach a new file] => Attach a new file
[Select the files (instructions, documentation, recipes, etc.) your customers can directly download on this product page.] => Select the files (instructions, documentation, recipes, etc.) your customers can directly download on this product page.
[Need to browse all files? Go to [1]Catalog > Files[/1]] => Need to browse all files? Go to [1]Catalog > Files[/1]
[Cost price] => Cost price
[Retail price] => Retail price
[Manage tax rules] => Manage tax rules
[Final retail price: [1][2][/2] tax incl.[/1] / [3][/3] tax excl.] => Final retail price: [1][2][/2] tax incl.[/1] / [3][/3] tax excl.
[Specific prices] => Specific prices
[Add a specific price] => Add a specific price
[Rule] => Rule
[Combination] => Combination
[Fixed price] => Fixed price
[Impact] => Impact
[From] => From
[Priority management] => Priority management
[Priorities] => Priorities
[Combinations] => Combinations
[Cover] => Cover
[Virtual product] => Virtual product
[Drop images here] => Drop images here
[or select files] => or select files
[Recommended size 800 x 800px for default theme.] => Recommended size 800 x 800px for default theme.
[JPG, GIF or PNG format.] => JPG, GIF or PNG format.
[tax incl.] => VAT incl.
[tax excl.] => VAT excl.
[Module to configure] => Module to configure
[Choose a module to configure] => Choose module related options
[These modules are relative to the product page of your shop.] => These modules are relative to the product page of your shop.
[To manage all your modules go to the [1]Installed module page[/1]] => To manage all your modules go to the [1]Installed module page[/1]
[Quantities] => Quantities
[Zoom] => Zoom
[Add new value] => Add new value
[Create attributes] => Create attributes
[Color, dimension, size, disk space... think about attributes as properties that change from one product to another. As a consequence, attributes allow you to build product combinations.] => Color, dimension, size, disk space... think about attributes as properties that change from one product to another. As a consequence, attributes allow you to build product combinations.
[Add new attribute] => Add new attribute
[From quantity] => From quantity
[Catalog price rules] => Catalog price rules
[Reduction with or without taxes] => Reduction with or without taxes
[Reduction type] => Reduction type
[Reduction] => Reduction
[Add new catalog price rule] => Add new catalog price rule
[Parent category] => Parent category
[%group_name% - All people without a valid customer account.] => %group_name% - All people without a valid customer account.
[%group_name% - Customer who placed an order with the guest checkout.] => %group_name% - Customer who placed an order with the guest checkout.
[%group_name% - All people who have created an account on this site.] => %group_name% - All people who have created an account on this site.
[Category thumbnail] => Category thumbnail
[Menu thumbnails] => Menu thumbnails
[Group access] => Group access
[Category cover image] => Category cover image
[Set categories] => Set categories
[Categories are essential, as they enable you to group equivalent products. This helps customers find their way through the variety of your catalog.] => Categories are essential, as they enable you to group equivalent products. This helps customers find their way through the variety of your catalog.
[Feature] => Feature
[Add a new feature] => Add a new feature
[Addresses] => Addresses
[Ref:] => Ref.:
[EAN13:] => EAN13:
[UPC:] => UPC:
[Qty:] => Qty:
[MPN:] => MPN:
[Brands] => Brands
[Add new brand] => Add new brand
[Add new brand address] => Add new brand address
[Focus on your catalog] => Focus on your catalog
[Empty categories, disabled products, items that lack image or price... check the monitoring section to optimize your products management and make sure you forgot nothing.] => Empty categories, disabled products, items that lack image or price... check the monitoring section to optimize your products management and make sure you forgot nothing.
[Generate product combinations] => Generate product combinations
[Combinations are the different variations of a product, with attributes like its size, weight or color taking different values.] => Combinations are the different variations of a product, with attributes like its size, weight, or color taking different values.
[Generate combinations] => Generate combinations
[Manage product combinations] => Manage product combinations
[Open combinations generator] => Open combinations generator
[Successfully generated %combinationsNb% combinations.] => Successfully generated %combinationsNb% combinations.
[Generate combinations|Generate combination|Generate %combinationsNb% combinations] => Generate combinations|Generate combination|Generate %combinationsNb% combinations
[Search for attributes...] => Search for attributes...
[Loading combinations] => Loading combinations
[Previous combination] => Previous combination
[Edited combinations (%editedNb%)] => Edited combinations (%editedNb%)
[Here, you can have a look at the combinations you have edited. The list will reset when you close the editing window.] => Here, you can have a look at the combinations you have edited. The list will reset when you close the editing window.
[Back to standard page] => Back to standard page
[Available quantity] => Available quantity
[Attribute name] => Attribute name
[EAN13] => EAN13
[UPC] => UPC
[Wholesale price] => Wholesale price
[Customization] => Customisation
[Price per unit] => Base price
[Add new cart rule] => Add new cart rule
[Expiration date] => Expiration date
[[1][/1] of [2][/2] characters allowed] => [1][/1] of [2][/2] characters allowed
[Type] => Type
[Main category] => Main category
[[1][/1] of [2][/2] characters used (recommended)] => [1][/1] of [2][/2] characters used (recommended)
[List of products for this pack] => List of products for this pack
[Use checkboxes to bulk edit quantities] => Use checkboxes to bulk edit quantities
[Advanced filters] => Advanced filters
[Apply advanced filters] => Apply advanced filters
[Apply new quantity] => Apply new quantity
[Display products below low stock level first] => Display products below low stock level first
[Filter by movement type] => Filter by movement type
[Filter by employee] => Filter by employee
[Filter by period] => Filter by period
[Search a category] => Search a category
[Search a supplier] => Search a supplier
[Filter by status] => Filter by status
[All] => All
[Filter by supplier] => Filter by supplier
[Stock management] => Stock management
[Movements] => Movements
[Search products (search by name, reference, supplier)] => Search products (search by name, reference, supplier)
[This product is below the low stock level you have defined.] => This product is below the low stock level you have defined.
[Low stock level:] => Low stock level:
[Low stock alert:] => Low stock alert:
[Bulk edit quantity] => Bulk edit quantity
[Date & Time] => Date & Time
[Edit quantity] => Edit quantity
[Go to the import system] => Go to the import system
[Export data into CSV] => Export data into CSV
[Physical] => Physical
[Reserved] => Reserved
[ModulesStatsvisitsAdmin] => Array
[Visits and Visitors] => Visits and Visitors
[Adds statistics about your visits and visitors to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds statistics about your visits and visitors to the Stats dashboard.
[Determine the interest of a visit] => Determine the interest of a visit
[The visitors' evolution graph strongly resembles the visits' graph, but provides additional information:] => The visitors' evolution graph strongly resembles the visits' graph, but provides additional information:
[If this is the case, congratulations, your website is well planned and pleasing. Glad to see that you've been paying attention.] => If this is the case, congratulations, your website is well planned and pleasing. Glad to see that you've been paying attention.
[Otherwise, the conclusion is not so simple. The problem can be aesthetic or ergonomic. It is also possible that many visitors have mistakenly visited your URL without possessing a particular interest in your shop. This strange and ever-confusing phenomenon is most likely cause by search engines. If this is the case, you should consider revising your SEO structure.] => Otherwise, the conclusion is not so simple. The problem can be aesthetic or ergonomic. It is also possible that many visitors have mistakenly visited your URL without possessing a particular interest in your shop. This strange and ever-confusing phenomenon is most likely cause by search engines. If this is the case, you should consider revising your SEO structure.
[This information is mostly qualitative. It is up to you to determine the interest of a disjointed visit.] => This information is mostly qualitative. It is up to you to determine the interest of a disjointed visit.
[A visit corresponds to an internet user coming to your shop, and until the end of their session, only one visit is counted.] => A visit corresponds to an internet user coming to your shop, and until the end of their session, only one visit is counted.
[A visitor is an unknown person who has not registered or logged into your store. A visitor can also be considered a person who has visited your shop multiple times.] => A visitor is an unknown person who has not registered or logged into your store. A visitor can also be considered a person who has visited your shop multiple times.
[Total visits:] => Total visits:
[Total visitors:] => Total visitors:
[CSV Export] => CSV Export
[Number of visits and unique visitors] => Number of visits and unique visitors
[Enrich your stats, add statistics about your visits and visitors.] => Enrich your stats, add statistics about your visits and visitors.
[ModulesPagesnotfoundAdmin] => Array
[Pages not found] => Pages not found
[Adds a tab to the Stats dashboard, showing the pages requested by your visitors that have not been found.] => Adds a tab to the Stats dashboard, showing the pages requested by your visitors that have not been found.
[The "pages not found" cache has been emptied.] => The "pages not found" cache has been emptied.
[The "pages not found" cache has been deleted.] => The "pages not found" cache has been deleted.
[Guide] => Guide
[404 errors] => 404 errors
[A 404 error is an HTTP error code which means that the file requested by the user cannot be found. In your case it means that one of your visitors entered a wrong URL in the address bar, or that you or another website has a dead link. When possible, the referrer is shown so you can find the page/site which contains the dead link. If not, it generally means that it is a direct access, so someone may have bookmarked a link which doesn't exist anymore.] => A 404 error is an HTTP error code which means that the file requested by the user cannot be found. In your case it means that one of your visitors entered a wrong URL in the address bar, or that you or another website has a dead link. When possible, the referrer is shown so you can find the page/site which contains the dead link. If not, it generally means that it is a direct access, so someone may have bookmarked a link which doesn't exist anymore.
[How to catch these errors?] => How to catch these errors?
[If your webhost supports .htaccess files, you can create one in the root directory of PrestaShop and insert the following line inside: "%s".] => If your webhost supports .htaccess files, you can create one in the root directory of PrestaShop and insert the following line inside: "%s".
[A user requesting a page which doesn't exist will be redirected to the following page: %s. This module logs access to this page.] => A user requesting a page which doesn't exist will be redirected to the following page: %s. This module logs access to this page.
[You must use a .htaccess file to redirect 404 errors to the "404.php" page.] => You must use a .htaccess file to redirect 404 errors to the "404.php" page.
[Page] => Page
[Referrer] => Referrer
[Counter] => Counter
[No "page not found" issue registered for now.] => No "page not found" issue registered for now.
[Empty database] => Empty database
[Empty ALL "pages not found" notices for this period] => Empty ALL "pages not found" notices for this period
[Empty ALL "pages not found" notices] => Empty ALL "pages not found" notices
[ModulesCustomersigninAdmin] => Array
[Customer "Sign in" link] => Customer "Sign in" link
[Adds a block that displays information about the customer.] => Adds a block that displays information about the customer.
[%firstname% %lastname%] => %firstname% %lastname%
[Make your customers feel at home on your store, invite them to sign in!] => Make your customers feel at home on your store, invite them to sign in!
[ModulesStatsequipmentAdmin] => Array
[Browsers and operating systems] => Browsers and operating systems
[Adds a tab containing graphs about web browser and operating system usage to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a tab containing graphs about web browser and operating system usage to the Stats dashboard.
[Making sure that your website is accessible to as many people as possible] => Making sure that your website is accessible to as many people as possible
[When managing a website, it is important to keep track of the software used by visitors so as to be sure that the site displays the same way for everyone. PrestaShop was built to be compatible with the most recent Web browsers and computer operating systems (OS). However, because you may end up adding advanced features to your website or even modifying the core PrestaShop code, these additions may not be accessible to everyone. That is why it is a good idea to keep track of the percentage of users for each type of software before adding or changing something that only a limited number of users will be able to access.] => When managing a website, it is important to keep track of the software used by visitors so as to be sure that the site displays the same way for everyone. PrestaShop was built to be compatible with the most recent Web browsers and computer operating systems (OS). However, because you may end up adding advanced features to your website or even modifying the core PrestaShop code, these additions may not be accessible to everyone. That is why it is a good idea to keep track of the percentage of users for each type of software before adding or changing something that only a limited number of users will be able to access.
[Indicates the percentage of each web browser used by customers.] => Indicates the percentage of each web browser used by customers.
[CSV Export] => CSV Export
[Indicates the percentage of each operating system used by customers.] => Indicates the percentage of each operating system used by customers.
[Plugins] => Plugins
[Web browser used] => Web browser used
[Operating system used] => Operating system used
[ModulesEmailalertsShop] => Array
[No mail alerts yet.] => No mail alerts yet.
[My alerts] => My alerts
[] =>
[Notify me when available] => Notify me when available
[AdminShopparametersFeature] => Array
[Authorized modules:] => Authorized modules:
[This category already exists for this group.] => This category already exists for this group.
[Add a category discount] => Add a category discount
[New group category discount] => New group category discount
[Discount (%):] => Discount (%):
[Group information] => Group information
[Price display method:] => Price display method:
[Show prices:] => Show prices:
[Current category discount] => Current category discount
[Members of this customer group] => Members of this customer group
[Limited to the first 100 customers.] => Limited to the first 100 customers.
[Please use filters to narrow your search.] => Please use filters to narrow your search.
[Discount: %.2f%%] => Discount: %.2f%%
[Indexing] => Indexing
[Refresh index] => Refresh index
[Cache] => Cache
[Refresh cache] => Refresh cache
[Save direct traffic?] => Save direct traffic?
[Exclude taxes in sales total?] => Exclude taxes in sales total?
[Exclude shipping in sales total?] => Exclude shipping in sales total?
[Statistics] => Statistics
[Filter by product:] => Filter by product:
[Hours:] => Hours:
[In Stock] => In Stock
[Product available for orders] => Product available for orders
[Out-of-Stock] => Out-of-Stock
[Dear Customer,
Customer service] => Dear Customer,
Customer service
[We are currently updating our shop and will be back really soon.
Thanks for your patience.] => We are currently updating our shop and will be back really soon.
Thanks for your patience.
[#IN] => #IN
[#DE] => #DE
[#RE] => #RE
[a|about|above|after|again|against|all|am|an|and|any|are|aren|as|at|be|because|been|before|being|below|between|both|but|by|can|cannot|could|couldn|did|didn|do|does|doesn|doing|don|down|during|each|few|for|from|further|had|hadn|has|hasn|have|haven|having|he|ll|her|here|hers|herself|him|himself|his|how|ve|if|in|into|is|isn|it|its|itself|let|me|more|most|mustn|my|myself|no|nor|not|of|off|on|once|only|or|other|ought|our|ours|ourselves|out|over|own|same|shan|she|should|shouldn|so|some|such|than|that|the|their|theirs|them|themselves|then|there|these|they|re|this|those|through|to|too|under|until|up|very|was|wasn|we|were|weren|what|when|where|which|while|who|whom|why|with|won|would|wouldn|you|your|yours|yourself|yourselves] => a|about|above|after|again|against|all|am|an|and|any|are|aren|as|at|be|because|been|before|being|below|between|both|but|by|can|cannot|could|couldn|did|didn|do|does|doesn|doing|don|down|during|each|few|for|from|further|had|hadn|has|hasn|have|haven|having|he|ll|her|here|hers|herself|him|himself|his|how|ve|if|in|into|is|isn|it|its|itself|let|me|more|most|mustn|my|myself|no|nor|not|of|off|on|once|only|or|other|ought|our|ours|ourselves|out|over|own|same|shan|she|should|shouldn|so|some|such|than|that|the|their|theirs|them|themselves|then|there|these|they|re|this|those|through|to|too|under|until|up|very|was|wasn|we|were|weren|what|when|where|which|while|who|whom|why|with|won|would|wouldn|you|your|yours|yourself|yourselves
[You may unsubscribe at any moment. For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice.] => You may unsubscribe at any moment. For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice.
[Webmaster] => Webmaster
[Customer service] => Customer service
[If a technical problem occurs on this website] => If a technical problem occurs on this website
[For any question about a product, an order] => For any question about a product, an order
[Mr.] => Mr.
[Mrs.] => Mrs.
[Visitor] => Visitor
[Guest] => Guest
[Customer] => Customer
[Social title] => Social title
[Neutral] => Neutral
[Add new social title] => Add new social title
[Social titles] => Social titles
[Image width] => Image width
[Image height] => Image height
[Male] => Male
[Female] => Female
[Registration date] => Registration date
[Group name] => Group name
[Discount (%)] => Discount (%)
[Members] => Members
[Creation date] => Creation date
[Default groups options] => Default groups options
[Visitors group] => Visitors group
[Guests group] => Guests group
[Customers group] => Customers group
[Save, then add a category reduction.] => Save, then add a category reduction.
[Add new group] => Add new group
[Customer group] => Customer group
[Price display method] => Price display method
[Category discount] => Category discount
[Modules authorization] => Modules authorization
[Visitors] => Visitors
[Visits] => Visits
[Pages] => Pages
[Reg.] => Reg.
[Avg. cart] => Avg. basket
[Reg. rate] => Reg. rate
[Order rate] => Order rate
[Click] => Click
[Base] => Base
[Add new referrer] => Add new referrer
[Affiliate] => Affiliate
[Affiliates can access their data with this name and password.] => Affiliates can access their data with this name and password.
[Front access:] => Front access:
[Commission plan] => Commission plan
[Click fee] => Click fee
[Base fee] => Base fee
[Percent fee] => Percent fee
[Technical information -- Simple mode] => Technical information -- Simple mode
[Include] => Include
[HTTP referrer] => HTTP referrer
[Exclude] => Exclude
[Request URI] => Request URI
[Technical information -- Expert mode] => Technical information -- Expert mode
[Unique visitors] => Unique visitors
[Pages viewed] => Pages viewed
[Registration rate] => Registration rate
[Registrations] => Registrations
[Aliases] => Aliases
[The "indexed" products have been analyzed by PrestaShop and will appear in the results of a front office search.] => The "indexed" products have been analyzed by PrestaShop and will appear in the results of a front office search.
[Indexed products] => Indexed products
[Building the product index may take a few minutes.] => Building the product index may take a few minutes.
[If your server stops before the process ends, you can resume the indexing by clicking "Add missing products to the index".] => If your server stops before the process ends, you can resume the indexing by clicking "Add missing products to the index".
[Add missing products to the index] => Add missing products to the index
[Re-build the entire index] => Re-build the entire index
[You can set a cron job that will rebuild your index using the following URL:] => You can set a cron job that will rebuild your index using the following URL:
[Search within word] => Search within word
[Search exact end match] => Search exact end match
[Minimum word length (in characters)] => Minimum word length (in characters)
[Blacklisted words] => Blacklisted words
[Weight] => Weight
[The "weight" represents its importance and relevance for the ranking of the products when completing a new search.] => The "weight" represents its importance and relevance for the ranking of the products when completing a new search.
[A word with a weight of eight will have four times more value than a word with a weight of two.] => A word with a weight of eight will have four times more value than a word with a weight of two.
[We advise you to set a greater weight for words which appear in the name or reference of a product. This will allow the search results to be as precise and relevant as possible.] => We advise you to set a greater weight for words which appear in the name or reference of a product. This will allow the search results to be as precise and relevant as possible.
[Setting a weight to 0 will exclude that field from search index. Re-build of the entire index is required when changing to or from 0] => Setting a weight to 0 will exclude that field from search index. Re-build of the entire index is required when changing to or from 0
[Product name weight] => Product name weight
[Reference weight] => Reference weight
[Short description weight] => Short description weight
[Description weight] => Description weight
[Category weight] => Category weight
[Brand weight] => Brand weight
[Tags weight] => Tags weight
[Attributes weight] => Attributes weight
[Features weight] => Features weight
[Add new alias] => Add new alias
[Result] => Result
[Fuzzy search] => Fuzzy search
[Maximum word length (in characters)] => Maximum word length (in characters)
[Maximum approximate words allowed by fuzzy search] => Maximum approximate words allowed by fuzzy search
[If your server stops before the process ends, you can resume the indexing by clicking "%add_missing_products_label%".] => If your server stops before the process ends, you can resume the indexing by clicking "%add_missing_products_label%".
[Server] => Server
[GET variable] => GET variable
[$_GET variable] => $_GET variable
[Add new search engine] => Add new search engine
[Referrer] => Referrer
[Shop ID] => Shop ID
[Shop group] => Shop group
[Root category] => Root category
[Main URL for this shop] => Main URL for this shop
[Edit this shop group] => Edit this shop group
[Add new shop] => Add new shop
[Multistore tree] => Multistore tree
[It will only be applied to the multistore header to highlight your shop context.] => It will only be applied to the multistore header to highlight your shop context.
[It will only be applied to this group of shops, each store will keep its individual color.] => It will only be applied to this group of shops, each store will keep its individual color.
[Icon] => Icon
[Edit return status] => Edit return status
[Show delivery PDF.] => Show delivery PDF.
[Template] => Template
[Return status] => Return status
[Shop name] => Shop name
[Add new store] => Add new store
[Stores] => Stores
[Store name (e.g. City Center Mall Store).] => Store name (e.g. City Center Mall Store).
[Allowed characters: letters, spaces and %s] => Allowed characters: letters, spaces and %s
[Latitude / Longitude] => Latitude / Longitude
[Store coordinates (e.g. 45.265469/-47.226478).] => Store coordinates (e.g. 45.265469/-47.226478).
[Picture] => Picture
[Monday] => Monday
[Tuesday] => Tuesday
[Wednesday] => Wednesday
[Thursday] => Thursday
[Friday] => Friday
[Saturday] => Saturday
[Sunday] => Sunday
[Choose your country] => Choose your country
[Choose your state (if applicable)] => Choose your state (if applicable)
[Displayed in emails and page titles.] => Displayed in emails and page titles.
[Shop email] => Shop email
[Registration number] => Registration number
[Shop address line 1] => Shop address line 1
[Shop address line 2] => Shop address line 2
[Contact details] => Contact details
[Add new tag] => Add new tag
[Tag] => Tag
[Unknown] => Unknown
[Undefined] => Undefined
[There are no visitors online.] => There are no visitors online.
[No redirection (you may have duplicate content issues)] => No redirection (you may have duplicate content issues)
[302 Moved Temporarily (recommended while setting up your store)] => 302 Moved Temporarily (recommended while setting up your store)
[301 Moved Permanently (recommended once you have gone live)] => 301 Moved Permanently (recommended once you have gone live)
[Send email to customer] => Send email to customer
[Alias] => Alias
[Search] => Search
[Add new contact] => Add new contact
[Add a new page] => Add a new page
[Save messages?] => Save messages?
[minutes] => minutes
[Password reset delay] => Password reset delay
[Re-display cart at login] => Re-display cart at login
[Send an email after registration] => Send an email after registration
[Enable B2B mode] => Enable B2B mode
[Ask for birth date] => Ask for birth date
[Enable partner offers] => Enable partner offers
[Maintenance IP] => Maintenance IP
[Custom maintenance text] => Custom maintenance text
[Enable store] => Enable store
[Round up away from zero, when it is half way there (recommended)] => Round up away from zero, when it is half way there (recommended)
[Round down towards zero, when it is half way there] => Round down towards zero, when it is half way there
[Round towards the next even value] => Round towards the next even value
[Round towards the next odd value] => Round towards the next odd value
[Round up to the nearest value] => Round up to the nearest value
[Round down to the nearest value] => Round down to the nearest value
[Round on each item] => Round on each item
[Round on each line] => Round on each line
[Round on the total] => Round on the total
[Enable SSL on all pages] => Enable SSL on all pages
[Increase front office security] => Increase front office security
[Allow iframes on HTML fields] => Allow iframes on HTML fields
[Use HTMLPurifier Library] => Use HTMLPurifier Library
[Round mode] => Round mode
[Round type] => Round type
[Display best sellers] => Display best sellers
[Enable Multistore] => Enable Multistore
[Main Shop Activity] => Main Shop Activity
[Display suppliers] => Display suppliers
[Display brands] => Display brands
[Enable final summary] => Enable final summary
[Enable guest checkout] => Enable guest checkout
[Recalculate shipping costs after editing the order] => Recalculate shipping costs after editing the order
[Allow multishipping] => Allow multishipping
[Delayed shipping] => Delayed shipping
[Terms of service] => Terms of service
[Disable reordering option] => Disable reordering option
[Page for terms and conditions] => Page for terms and conditions
[Gift-wrapping price] => Gift-wrapping price
[Offer gift wrapping] => Offer gift wrapping
[Gift-wrapping tax] => Gift-wrapping VAT
[Offer recycled packaging] => Offer recycled packaging
[Minimum purchase total required in order to validate the order] => Minimum purchase total required in order to validate the order
[Consider the associated order as validated.] => Consider the associated order as validated.
[Allow a customer to download and view PDF versions of his/her invoices.] => Allow a customer to download and view PDF versions of his/her invoices.
[Hide this status in all customer orders.] => Hide this status in all customer orders.
[Send an email to the customer when his/her order status has changed.] => Send an email to the customer when his/her order status has changed.
[Attach invoice PDF to email.] => Attach invoice PDF to email.
[Attach delivery slip PDF to email.] => Attach delivery slip PDF to email.
[Set the order as shipped.] => Set the order as shipped.
[Set the order as paid.] => Set the order as paid.
[Set the order as in transit.] => Set the order as in transit.
[Product name] => Product name
[Product price] => Product price
[Product add date] => Product add date
[Product modified date] => Product modified date
[Position inside category] => Position inside category
[Brand] => Brand
[Product quantity] => Product quantity
[Product reference] => Product reference
[Decrement pack only.] => Decrement pack only.
[Decrement products in pack only.] => Decrement products in pack only.
[Decrement both.] => Decrement both.
[Display out-of-stock label on product listing pages] => Display out-of-stock label on product listing pages
[The route %routeRule% is not valid] => The route %routeRule% is not valid
[Keyword "{%keyword%}" required for route "%routeName%" (rule: "%routeRule%")] => Keyword "{%keyword%}" required for route "%routeName%" (rule: "%routeRule%")
[Default pages] => Default pages
[Module pages] => Module pages
[Display attributes in the product meta title] => Display attributes in the product meta title
[Accented URL] => Accented URL
[Redirect to the canonical URL] => Redirect to the canonical URL
[Disable Apache's MultiViews option] => Disable Apache's MultiViews option
[Disable Apache's mod_security module] => Disable Apache's mod_security module
[Shop domain] => Shop domain
[SSL domain] => SSL domain
[Base URI] => Base URI
[Route to products] => Route to products
[Route to category] => Route to category
[Route to supplier] => Route to supplier
[Route to brand] => Route to brand
[Route to page] => Route to page
[Route to page category] => Route to page category
[Route to modules] => Route to modules
[Show prices] => Show prices
[Number of days for which the product is considered 'new'] => Number of days for which the product is considered 'new'
[Max size of product summary] => Max size of short description
[Products (general)] => Products (general)
[Catalog mode] => Catalog mode
[Quantity discounts based on] => Quantity discounts based on
[Force update of friendly URL] => Force update of friendly URL
[Default activation status] => Default activation status
[Display remaining quantities when the quantity is lower than] => Display remaining quantities when the quantity is lower than
[Product page] => Product page
[Display available quantities on the product page] => Display available quantities on the product page
[Display unavailable product attributes on the product page] => Display unavailable product attributes on the product page
[Display the "add to cart" button when a product has attributes] => Display the "add to basket" button when a product has attributes
[Separator of attribute anchor on the product links] => Separator of attribute anchor on the product links
[Display discounted price] => Display discounted price
[Display unavailable attributes on the product page] => Display unavailable attributes on the product page
[Products per page] => Products per page
[Pagination] => Pagination
[Default order by] => Default order by
[Default order method] => Default order method
[Products stock] => Products stock
[Allow ordering of out-of-stock products] => Allow ordering of out-of-stock products
[Enable stock management] => Enable stock management
[Label of in-stock products] => Label of in-stock products
[Label of out-of-stock products with allowed backorders] => Label of out-of-stock products with allowed backorders
[Label of out-of-stock products with denied backorders] => Label of out-of-stock products with denied backorders
[Delivery time of in-stock products] => Delivery time of in-stock products
[Leave empty to disable] => Leave empty to disable
[Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed backorders] => Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed backorders
[Default pack stock management] => Default pack stock management
[Contacts] => Contacts
[Disable Reordering Option] => Disable Reordering Option
[Page for the Terms and conditions] => Page for the Terms and conditions
[Gift options] => Gift options
[Status name] => Status name
[Color] => Colour
[Return statuses] => Return statuses
[Order status] => Order status
[Email template] => Email template
[Add new order status] => Add new order status
[Add new order return status] => Add new order return status
[Manage domain name] => Manage domain name
[Add a domain name] => Add a domain name
[Rewritten URL] => Rewritten URL
[Meta tags] => Meta tags
[Page name] => Page name
[Page title] => Page title
[Keywords: %keywords%] => Keywords: %keywords%
[Improve your SEO] => Improve your SEO
[Edit information about your pages to gain visibility and therefore reach more visitors. We advise you to start with the index page, it stands for your homepage.] => Edit information about your pages to gain visibility and therefore reach more visitors. We advise you to start with the index page, it stands for your homepage.
[Configure index page] => Configure index page
[Generate robots.txt file] => Generate robots.txt file
[Robots file generation] => Robots file generation
[SEO options] => SEO options
[Set up URLs] => Set up URLs
[Set shop URL] => Set shop URL
[Schema of URLs] => Schema of URLs
[Route to category which has the "selected_filter" attribute for the "Layered Navigation" (blocklayered) module] => Route to category which has the "selected_filter" attribute for the "Layered Navigation" (blocklayered) module
[Enable Shop] => Enable Shop
[Enable SSL] => Enable SSL
[Number of decimals] => Number of decimals
[Display brands and suppliers] => Display brands and suppliers
[Please click here to check if your shop supports HTTPS.] => Please click here to check if your shop supports HTTPS.
[Page] => Page
[ModulesStowlcarouselAdmin] => Array
[Owl Carousel slider] => Owl Carousel slider
[Touch enabled jquery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.] => Touch enabled jquery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.
[The field "group name" is required] => The field "group name" is required
[Slideshow] => Slideshow
[an error occurred during slideshow] => an error occurred during slideshow
[The field "slideshow" is required] => The field "slideshow" is required
[Slide] => Slide
[updated] => updated
[added] => added
[an error occurred during slide] => an error occurred during slide
[Group configuration] => Group configuration
[Show on subcategories:] => Show on subcategories:
[Just works for categories.] => Just works for categories.
[This setting is only for hooks starting with "Full width *" in the above "Show on" dropdown list.] => This setting is only for hooks starting with "Full width *" in the above "Show on" dropdown list.
[Items] => Items
[Transition style:] => Transition style:
[works only with one item on screen.] => works only with one item on screen.
[Settings for tempalte 2] => Settings for tempalte 2
[The width of slider column:] => The width of slider column:
[The banner column would take the rest.] => The banner column would take the rest.
[More options] => More options
[In most case, content from the advanced editor are in white color, so you can not see them. Clicking on the Source Code btton to see them.] => In most case, content from the advanced editor are in white color, so you can not see them. Clicking on the Source Code btton to see them.
[once a font has been added, you can use it everywhere without adding it again.] => once a font has been added, you can use it everywhere without adding it again.
[Hide caption on small screen devices:] => Hide caption on small screen devices:
[This option would be useful for full screen blocks.] => This option would be useful for full screen blocks.
[100%] => 100%
[Add a slideshow] => Add a slideshow
[Add an item] => Add an item
[Edit group] => Edit group
[Add a banner] => Add a banner
[Banners] => Banners
[This module cannot be transplanted to %hook%.] => This module cannot be transplanted to %hook%.
[ModulesStmegamenuAdmin] => Array
[Megamenu] => Megamenu
[Add a menu on top of your shop.] => Add a menu on top of your shop.
[Main horizontal menu] => Main horizontal menu
[Left/right column menu] => Left/right column menu
[Dropdown vertical menu] => Dropdown vertical menu
[An error occurred while copy menu.] => An error occurred while copy menu.
["Menu item" error] => "Menu item" error
[Please select an option from "Main menu" drop down list or fill out "Menu name" field.] => Please select an option from "Main menu" drop down list or fill out "Menu name" field.
[Invalid value for field(s).] => Invalid value for field(s).
[Please select an option from "Menu" drop down list or fill out "Menu name" field.] => Please select an option from "Menu" drop down list or fill out "Menu name" field.
[The field "Custom content" is required at least in] => The field "Custom content" is required at least in
[Please select an option from "Category" drop down list.] => Please select an option from "Category" drop down list.
[The field "Product name" is required.] => The field "Product name" is required.
[Main menu:] => Main menu:
[Select an option or fill out Menu name field] => Select an option or fill out Menu name field
[Menu name / Overwrite name:] => Menu name / Overwrite name:
[Submenu type:] => Submenu type:
[Mega] => Mega
[Multi level] => Multi level
[Submenu width:] => Submenu width:
[Submenu alignment:] => Submenu alignment:
[Actually only for Mega menu.] => Actually only for Mega menu.
[No follow:] => No follow:
[The "nofollow" option controls whether a nofollow attribute is placed on links, which affects the way search engines interact with those links.] => The "nofollow" option controls whether a nofollow attribute is placed on links, which affects the way search engines interact with those links.
[E.g. "Hot", "New"] => E.g. "Hot", "New"
[Delete] => Delete
[Overwrite name:] => Overwrite name:
[Show category image:] => Show category image:
[Menu item:] => Menu item:
[Sub-categories] => Sub-categories
[Self + Sub-categories] => Self + Sub-categories
[Self only] => Self only
[Items per row:] => Items per row:
[Levels:] => Levels:
[0 for no limits.] => 0 for no limits.
[Item limit:] => Item limit:
[0 for no limits. You have to fill this field if you have set "Menu item" to "Products".] => 0 for no limits. You have to fill this field if you have set "Menu item" to "Products".
[Sub-item limit:] => Sub-item limit:
[How to display 4th level + menu items:] => How to display 4th level + menu items:
[Display them under their parent menu items] => Display them under their parent menu items
[Display them when mouse over their parent menu items.] => Display them when mouse over their parent menu items.
[Only for Mega menu.] => Only for Mega menu.
[Open in a new window:] => Open in a new window:
[ref] => ref
[Show all Brands:] => Show all Brands:
[Specific Brands:] => Specific Brands:
[Actually only for "Show all Brands" is set to "No".] => Actually only for "Show all Brands" is set to "No".
[Current manufacturers] => Current manufacturers
[Menu name:] => Menu name:
[How to display it\'s sub menu items:] => How to display it\'s sub menu items:
[Display it\'s sub menu items under it] => Display it\'s sub menu items under it
[Display it\'s sub menu items when mouse over it.] => Display it\'s sub menu items when mouse over it.
[Only for Mega menu and level 4+ menu items.] => Only for Mega menu and level 4+ menu items.
[Add main menu] => Add main menu
[Add column] => Add column
[Back] => Back
[Columns] => Columns
[This title would not show on the front office, only as a reminde.] => This title would not show on the front office, only as a reminde.
[Add category block] => Add category block
[Add product block] => Add product block
[Add brand block] => Add brand block
[Add custom link] => Add custom link
[Add custom content] => Add custom content
[Column] => Column
[Blocks] => Blocks
[Id menu column error:] => Id menu column error:
[AdminDashboardNotification] => Array
[You are currently connected under the following domain name:] => You are currently connected under the following domain name:
[This is different from the shop domain name set in the Multistore settings: "%s".] => This is different from the shop domain name set in the Multistore settings: "%s".
[If this is your main domain, please {link}change it now{/link}.] => If this is your main domain, please {link}change it now{/link}.
[This is different from the domain name set in the "SEO & URLs" tab.] => This is different from the domain name set in the "SEO & URLs" tab.
[ModulesStatscatalogAdmin] => Array
[Catalog statistics] => Catalog statistics
[Adds a tab containing general statistics about your catalog to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a tab containing general statistics about your catalog to the Stats dashboard.
[(1 purchase / %d visits)] => (1 purchase / %d visits)
[Choose a category] => Choose a category
[Products available:] => Products available:
[Average price (base price):] => Average price (base price):
[Product pages viewed:] => Product pages viewed:
[Average number of page visits:] => Average number of page visits:
[Average number of purchases:] => Average number of purchases:
[Images available:] => Images available:
[Average number of images:] => Average number of images:
[Products never viewed:] => Products never viewed:
[Products never purchased:] => Products never purchased:
[Conversion rate*:] => Conversion rate*:
[Defines the average conversion rate for the product page. It is possible to purchase a product without viewing the product page, so this rate can be greater than 1.] => Defines the average conversion rate for the product page. It is possible to purchase a product without viewing the product page, so this rate can be greater than 1.
[Products never purchased] => Products never purchased
[Edit / View] => Edit / View
[ModulesCategoryproductsAdmin] => Array
[Products in the same category] => Products in the same category
[Adds a block on the product page that displays products from the same category.] => Adds a block on the product page that displays products from the same category.
[Invalid value for display price.] => Invalid value for display price.
[Display products' prices] => Display products' prices
[Show the prices of the products displayed in the block.] => Show the prices of the products displayed in the block.
[Number of product to display] => Number of product to display
[ModulesStatssearchAdmin] => Array
[Shop search] => Shop search
[Adds a tab to the Stats dashboard, showing which keywords have been searched by your store's visitors.] => Adds a tab to the Stats dashboard, showing which keywords have been searched by your store's visitors.
[Keywords] => Keywords
[Occurrences] => Occurrences
[Results] => Results
[CSV Export] => CSV Export
[Cannot find any keywords that have been searched for more than once.] => Cannot find any keywords that have been searched for more than once.
[Top 10 keywords] => Top 10 keywords
[Others] => Others
[ModulesStbannerAdmin] => Array
[Advanced banner] => Advanced banner
[This module is used to add banners in your shop.] => This module is used to add banners in your shop.
[An error occurred while copy banner.] => An error occurred while copy banner.
[The field "group name" is required] => The field "group name" is required
[Banner group] => Banner group
[An error occurred during banner group] => An error occurred during banner group
[the field "Banner group name" is required] => the field "Banner group name" is required
[The field "Parent" is required] => The field "Parent" is required
[An error occurred during column] => An error occurred during column
[updating] => updating
[creation] => creation
[the field "banner group" is required] => the field "banner group" is required
[Banner] => Banner
[An error occurred during banner] => An error occurred during banner
[Create a new column] => Create a new column
[Each column just has one banner only.] => Each column just has one banner only.
[An error occurred during the image upload.] => An error occurred during the image upload.
[Group configuration] => Group configuration
[Would not show out on the front office, just as a reminder:] => Would not show out on the front office, just as a reminder:
[Which pages to show] => Which pages to show
[This setting is only for hooks starting with "Full width *" in the above "Display on" dropdown list.] => This setting is only for hooks starting with "Full width *" in the above "Display on" dropdown list.
[Simple. Banners might be uneven on Mobile devices. All "Height" settings will be ignored. the dimensions of images are important, refer to the Documenation to learn how to get the correct dimensions.] => Simple. Banners might be uneven on Mobile devices. All "Height" settings will be ignored. the dimensions of images are important, refer to the Documenation to learn how to get the correct dimensions.
[Advanced. Images will be scaled to cover banner areas, which means some parts of image may not be visible, the bright side is that you do not have to pay much attention to the dimensions of images.] => Advanced. Images will be scaled to cover banner areas, which means some parts of image may not be visible, the bright side is that you do not have to pay much attention to the dimensions of images.
[Lazy loading:] => Lazy loading:
[Show on subcategories:] => Show on subcategories:
[actually just apply to categories.] => actually just apply to categories.
[This field is required for advanced banners.] => This field is required for advanced banners.
[The value of this field is used to equal the height of banners.] => The value of this field is used to equal the height of banners.
[Hover effect:] => Hover effect:
[None] => None
[Fade & scale] => Fade & scale
[White line] => White line
[White block] => White block
[Fade] => Fade
[Parallax background image] => Parallax background image
[Parallax background image feature can not work fine on mobile devices, so it will be disalbed on mobile devices, the background image you uploaded below will be displayed as a static, centered background image, no parallax effect.] => Parallax background image feature can not work fine on mobile devices, so it will be disalbed on mobile devices, the background image you uploaded below will be displayed as a static, centered background image, no parallax effect.
[Background image:] => Background image:
[Generally a background image should be higher that the height of this block.] => Generally a background image should be higher that the height of this block.
[Parallax speed factor:] => Parallax speed factor:
[Speed to move relative to vertical scroll. Example: 0.1 is one tenth the speed of scrolling, 2 is twice the speed of scrolling.] => Speed to move relative to vertical scroll. Example: 0.1 is one tenth the speed of scrolling, 2 is twice the speed of scrolling.
[Background image vertical offset:] => Background image vertical offset:
[Unsigned int, like 0, 110, 300.] => Unsigned int, like 0, 110, 300.
[This field is used to move the backgroumd image up.] => This field is used to move the backgroumd image up.
[Column configuration] => Column configuration
[Column name:] => Column name:
[Only as a reminder:] => Only as a reminder:
[Banner item] => Banner item
[Title(Image alt):] => Title(Image alt):
[If this field is filled in, whole image will become clickable. But if there are any links or buttons in the Caption field, this setting will be ignored.] => If this field is filled in, whole image will become clickable. But if there are any links or buttons in the Caption field, this setting will be ignored.
[Add caption] => Add caption
[In most case, content from the advanced editor are in white color, so you can not see them. Clicking on the Source Code btton to see them.] => In most case, content from the advanced editor are in white color, so you can not see them. Clicking on the Source Code btton to see them.
[once a font has been added, you can use it everywhere without adding it again.] => once a font has been added, you can use it everywhere without adding it again.
[This setting does not work for content from Advanced editor:] => This setting does not work for content from Advanced editor:
[please ensure the image name is unique, or it will override the same name files. The feature of showing different images for different devices only works for Simple model.] => please ensure the image name is unique, or it will override the same name files. The feature of showing different images for different devices only works for Simple model.
[Add a group] => Add a group
[Do you want to delete selected rows and their children ?] => Do you want to delete selected rows and their children ?
[Column name] => Column name
[Add a column] => Add a column
[Columns] => Columns
[Add a banner] => Add a banner
[This module cannot be transplanted to] => This module cannot be transplanted to
[Add a reply] => Add a reply
[Scale up] => Scale up
[ModulesFeaturedproductsAdmin] => Array
[Featured products] => Featured products
[Displays featured products in the central column of your homepage.] => Displays featured products in the central column of your homepage.
[The number of products is invalid. Please enter a positive number.] => The number of products is invalid. Please enter a positive number.
[The category ID is invalid. Please choose an existing category ID.] => The category ID is invalid. Please choose an existing category ID.
[Invalid value for the "randomize" flag.] => Invalid value for the "randomize" flag.
[To add products to your homepage, simply add them to the corresponding product category (default: "Home").] => To add products to your homepage, simply add them to the corresponding product category (default: "Home").
[Number of products to be displayed] => Number of products to be displayed
[Set the number of products that you would like to display on homepage (default: 8).] => Set the number of products that you would like to display on homepage (default: 8).
[Category from which to pick products to be displayed] => Category from which to pick products to be displayed
[Choose the category ID of the products that you would like to display on homepage (default: 2 for "Home").] => Choose the category ID of the products that you would like to display on homepage (default: 2 for "Home").
[Randomly display featured products] => Randomly display featured products
[Enable if you wish the products to be displayed randomly (default: no).] => Enable if you wish the products to be displayed randomly (default: no).
[AdminGlobal] => Array
[None] => None
[Logo] => Logo
[Amount] => Amount
[Actions] => Actions
[Hour] => Hour
[Code] => Code
[Priority] => Priority
[Name] => Name
[Status] => Status
[Description] => Description
[Categories] => Categories
[Brands] => Brands
[Suppliers] => Suppliers
[Selected] => Selected
[Unselected] => Unselected
[Stock] => Stock
[Unit price] => Unit price
[Discounts] => Discounts
[Total] => Total
[Quantity] => Quantity
[Value] => Value
[Product] => Product
[Tax included] => VAT included
[Tax excluded] => VAT excluded
[Zone] => Zone
[result(s)] => result(s)
[Update] => Update
[Email] => Email
[Subject:] => Subject:
[Day] => Day
[Month] => Month
[Year] => Year
[From] => From
[To] => To
[Help Center] => Help Center
[Discount] => Discount
[Password] => Password
[Email address] => Email address
[Forgot your password?] => Forgot your password?
[Configuration] => Configuration
[Back] => Back
[Next] => Next
[Modules] => Modules
[Selection] => Selection
[Or] => Or
[From:] => From:
[To:] => To:
[Settings] => Settings
[Help] => Help
[All] => All
[Reference] => Reference
[Action] => Action
[Type] => Type
[Supplier] => Supplier
[Brand] => Brand
[Features] => Features
[Attribute] => Attribute
[Attributes] => Attributes
[or] => or
[and] => and
[Feature] => Feature
[Category] => Category
[Products] => Products
[Shop group] => Shop group
[Module] => Module
[Bug Tracker] => Bug Tracker
[Messages] => Messages
[ID] => ID
[No] => No
[Yes] => Yes
[Enabled] => Enabled
[Disabled] => Disabled
[Bulk actions] => Bulk actions
[Shop] => Shop
[Options] => Options
[Carts] => Carts
[Orders] => Orders
[Catalog] => Catalog
[Invoices] => Invoices
[Total:] => Total
[All shops] => All shops
[Miscellaneous] => Miscellaneous
[Drop-down list] => Drop-down list
[Radio buttons] => Radio buttons
[MultiStore] => MultiStore
[Previous] => Previous
[No tax] => No tax
[No Tax] => No VAT
[30 day] => 30 day
[Gender] => Gender
[Date of birth] => Date of birth
[Stores] => Stores
[Mobile] => Mobile
[Dashboard] => Dashboard
[Calendar] => Calendar
[?] => ?
[Birth date] => Birth date
[Search results] => Search results
[Countries] => Countries
[Name:] => Name:
[Week] => Week
[Class] => Class
[Menus] => Menus
[Home] => Home
[Parent] => Parent
[Unavailable] => Unavailable
[Addons Marketplace] => Addons Marketplace
[Abandoned Carts] => Abandoned Carts
[Configure] => Configure
[Conversion Rate] => Conversion Rate
[Visits] => Visits
[Sales] => Sales
[Settings updated.] => Settings updated.
[Copy to clipboard] => Copy to clipboard
[Developed by PrestaShop] => Developed by PrestaShop
[By name] => By name
[By position] => By position
[Lastname] => Lastname
[Firstname] => Firstname
[URL] => URL
[Meta title] => Meta title
[Hook] => Hook
[Link] => Link
[First Name] => First Name
[Last Name] => Last Name
[Displaying %1$s of %2$s] => Displaying %1$s of %2$s
[CSV Export] => CSV Export
[Quantity sold] => Quantity sold
[Products bought:] => Products bought:
[images] => images
[customers] => Customers
[Guide] => Guide
[Filter] => Filter
[Available quantity for sale] => Available quantity for sale
[Item] => Item
[Average price] => Average price
[Allowed image formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png] => Allowed image formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png
[Left] => Left
[Middle] => Middle
[Right] => Right
[Top] => Top
[Bottom] => Bottom
[Never] => Never
[Today] => Today
[All Time] => All Time
[Average Order Value] => Average Order Value
[30 Days] => 30 Days
[Customers] => Customers
[30 days] => 30 days
[All currencies] => All currencies
[All countries] => All countries
[All groups] => All groups
[All customers] => All customers
[Tax excl.] => Tax excl.
[Tax incl.] => Tax incl.
[Unlimited] => Unlimited
[Hours] => Hours
[Days] => Days
[Text] => Text
[Percent] => Percent
[(deleted)] => (deleted)
[Default] => Default
[Percentage] => Percentage
[Zip/Postal code] => Zip/Postal code
[Size] => Size
[Values] => Values
[Filename] => Filename
[Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)?] => Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)?
[PDF] => PDF
[Social title] => Social title
[Employee] => Employee
[Shop context] => Shop context
[In transit] => In transit
[Company] => Company
[Edit] => Edit
[First name ] => First name
[Mobile Phone] => Mobile Phone
[Phone] => Phone
[Width] => Width
[Height] => Height
[Depth] => Depth
[Note] => Note
[Fax] => Fax
[Maximum image size: %s.] => Maximum image size: %s.
[Resource] => Resource
[-] => -
[,] => ,
[Descending] => Descending
[Ascending] => Ascending
[Invalid characters:] => Invalid characters:
[(tax excl.)] => (VAT excl.)
[Label] => Label
[Required] => Required
[%] => %
[DNI] => DNI
[tax excl.] => VAT excl.
[tax incl.] => VAT incl.
[Existing] => Existing
[New] => New
[Format: 2011-12-31 (inclusive).] => Format: 2011-12-31 (inclusive).
[Delete] => Delete
[Images] => Images
[Cancel] => Cancel
[Settings updated] => Settings updated
[No records found] => No records found
[SQL query] => SQL query
[Deleted customer] => Deleted customer
[N/A] => N/A
[Active] => Active
[Last name] => Last name
[First name] => First name
[Shop association] => Shop association
[Avatar] => Avatar
[Enable gravatar] => Enable gravatar
[View] => View
[Meta description] => Meta description
[Meta keywords] => Meta keywords
[General] => General
[Processing...] => Processing...
[%inputId% Minimum Input] => %inputId% Minimum Input
[%inputId% Maximum Input] => %inputId% Maximum Input
[Not filtered] => Not filtered
[Equals] => Equals
[Below] => Below
[Above] => Above
[Inside range] => Inside range
[Version] => Version
[Multistore] => Multistore
[Page] => Page
[Layout] => Layout
[Currencies] => Currencies
[Example] => Example
[Language] => Language
[Languages] => Languages
[Advanced] => Advanced
[Taxes] => VAT
[Bulk Actions] => Bulk actions
[Remember me] => Remember me
[Group] => Group
[No results found for] => No results found for
[Searching for] => Searching for
[Customized] => Customised
[Inherited] => Inherited
[Edit color] => Edit color
[Disable %product_name% input] => Disable %product_name% input
[Enable %product_name% input] => Enable %product_name% input
[Position] => Position
[Image] => Image
[Min] => Min
[Max] => Max
[%inputId% input] => %inputId% input
[%inputId% select] => %inputId% select
[Online] => Online
[Offline] => Offline
[Quick navigation] => Quick navigation
[to] => to
[For] => For
[Price] => Price
[Customer] => Customer
[Currency] => Currency
[Country] => Country
[Period] => Period
[Zip/postal code] => Zip/postal code
[File] => File
[Displayed] => Displayed
[Friendly URL] => Friendly URL
[SEO preview] => SEO preview
[Here is a preview of how your page will appear in search engine results.] => Here is a preview of how your page will appear in search engine results.
[Performance] => Performance
[Mobile phone] => Mobile phone
[Address (2)] => Address (2)
[City] => City
[State] => County
[Other] => Other
[Home phone] => Home phone
[Address] => Address
[Combination] => Combination
[Addresses] => Addresses
[Date] => Date
[Carrier] => Carrier
[Groups] => Groups
[Message] => Message
[Payment] => Payment
[Newsletter] => Newsletter
[Social Title] => Social Title
[Inactive] => Inactive
[Subject] => Subject
[Template] => Template
[Delivery] => Delivery
[Invoice] => Invoice
[Remove] => Remove
[Details] => Details
[Toggle] => Toggle
[Summary] => Summary
[Message history with %name%] => Message history with %name%
[Message history] => Message history
[Available] => Available
[Products in pack] => Products in pack
[Package item] => Package item
[Combinations] => Combinations
[More actions] => More actions
[from] => from
[at] => at
[Me] => Me
[Warning] => Warning
[Weight] => Weight
[Gift message:] => Gift message:
[Keywords] => Keywords
[Email:] => Email:
[Tax] => Tax
[(%count% more)] => (%count% more)
[Order] => Order
[Search] => Search
[Reset] => Reset
[Title] => Title
[File name] => File name
[%count% file(s)] => %count% file(s)
[Loading...] => Loading...
[%count% errors] => %count% error(s)
[Save] => Save
[ModulesContactformAdmin] => Array
[Contact form] => Contact form
[Adds a contact form to the "Contact us" page.] => Adds a contact form to the "Contact us" page.
[For even more security on your website forms, consult our Security & Access modules category on the %link%] => For even more security on your website forms, consult our Security & Access modules category on the %link%
[Parameters] => Parameters
[Send confirmation email to your customers] => Send confirmation email to your customers
[Choose Yes and your customers will receive a generic confirmation email including a tracking number after their message is sent. Note: to discourage spam, the content of their message won't be included in the email.] => Choose Yes and your customers will receive a generic confirmation email including a tracking number after their message is sent. Note: to discourage spam, the content of their message won't be included in the email.
[Receive customers' messages by email] => Receive customers' messages by email
[By default, you will only receive contact messages through your Customer service tab.] => By default, you will only receive contact messages through your Customer service tab.
[ShopDemoCatalog] => Array
[Size] => Size
[Shoe size] => Shoe size
[Color] => Colour
[S] => S
[M] => M
[L] => L
[One size] => One size
[Grey] => Grey
[Taupe] => Taupe
[Beige] => Beige
[White] => White
[Off White] => Off White
[Red] => Red
[Black] => Black
[Camel] => Camel
[Orange] => Orange
[Blue] => Blue
[Green] => Green
[Yellow] => Yellow
[Brown] => Brown
[35] => 35
[36] => 36
[37] => 37
[38] => 38
[39] => 39
[40] => 40
[Pink] => Pink
[Height] => Height
[Width] => Width
[Depth] => Depth
[Weight] => Weight
[Compositions] => Compositions
[Styles] => Styles
[Properties] => Properties
[Polyester] => Polyester
[Wool] => Wool
[Viscose] => Viscose
[Elastane] => Elastane
[Cotton] => Cotton
[Silk] => Silk
[Suede] => Suede
[Straw] => Straw
[Leather] => Leather
[Classic] => Classic
[Casual] => Casual
[Military] => Military
[Girly] => Girly
[Rock] => Rock
[Basic] => Basic
[Dressy] => Dressy
[Short Sleeve] => Short Sleeve
[Colorful Dress] => Colorful Dress
[Short Dress] => Short Dress
[Midi Dress] => Midi Dress
[Maxi Dress] => Maxi Dress
[2.75 in] => 2.75 in
[2.06 in] => 2.06 in
[49.2 g] => 49.2 g
[0.26 in] => 0.26 in
[1.07 in] => 1.07 in
[1.62 in] => 1.62 in
[15.5 g] => 15.5 g
[0.41 in (clip included)] => 0.41 in (clip included)
[4.33 in] => 4.33 in
[2.76 in] => 2.76 in
[120g] => 120g
[0.31 in] => 0.31 in
[ShopThemeCustomeraccount] => Array
[Receive offers from our partners] => Receive offers from our partners
[#%id%] => #%id%
[Log me out] => Log me out
[Your order] => Your order
[Connected as %first_name% %last_name%.] => Connected as %first_name% %last_name%.
[No account?] => No account?
[PDF] => PDF
[Welcome to your account. Here you can manage all of your personal information and orders.] => Welcome to your account. Here you can manage all of your personal information and orders.
[Your account] => Your account
[View my customer account] => View my customer account
[Log in to your customer account] => Log in to your customer account
[Not you? [1]Log out[/1]] => Not you? [1]Log out[/1]
[Connected as [1]%firstname% %lastname%[/1].] => Connected as [1]%firstname% %lastname%[/1].
[Back to your account] => Back to your account
[Merchandise return] => Merchandise return
[If you wish to return one or more products, please mark the corresponding boxes and provide an explanation for the return. When complete, click the button below.] => If you wish to return one or more products, please mark the corresponding boxes and provide an explanation for the return. When complete, click the button below.
[Request a return] => Request a return
[Returned] => Returned
[Messages] => Messages
[Add a message] => Add a message
[If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.] => If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.
[Update your address] => Update your address
[New address] => New address
[Your addresses] => Your addresses
[Log in to your account] => Log in to your account
[No account? Create one here] => No account? Create one here
[Your vouchers] => Your vouchers
[Guest Order Tracking] => Guest Order Tracking
[To track your order, please enter the following information:] => To track your order, please enter the following information:
[For example: QIIXJXNUI or QIIXJXNUI#1] => For example: QIIXJXNUI or QIIXJXNUI#1
[Guest Tracking] => Guest Tracking
[Transform your guest account into a customer account and enjoy:] => Transform your guest account into a customer account and enjoy:
[Personalized and secure access] => Personalized and secure access
[Fast and easy checkout] => Fast and easy checkout
[Easier merchandise return] => Easier merchandise return
[Order history] => Order history
[Here are the orders you've placed since your account was created.] => Here are the orders you've placed since your account was created.
[Details] => Details
[Your personal information] => Your personal information
[Vouchers] => Vouchers
[Credit slips] => Credit notes
[Addresses] => Addresses
[Add first address] => Add first address
[Information] => Information
[Order history and details] => Order history and details
[Merchandise returns] => Merchandise returns
[Order details] => Order details
[Order Reference %reference% - placed on %date%] => Order Reference %reference% - placed on %date%
[Download your invoice as a PDF file.] => Download your invoice as a PDF file.
[You have given permission to receive your order in recycled packaging.] => You have given permission to receive your order in recycled packaging.
[You have requested gift wrapping for this order.] => You have requested gift wrapping for this order.
[Message] => Message
[Follow your order's status step-by-step] => Follow your order's status step-by-step
[Click the following link to track the delivery of your order] => Click the following link to track the delivery of your order
[Order] => Order
[Date issued] => Date issued
[Here is a list of pending merchandise returns] => Here is a list of pending merchandise returns
[Return] => Return
[Package status] => Package status
[Returns form] => Returns form
[Return details] => Return Details
[%number% on %date%] => %number% on %date%
[We have logged your return request.] => We have logged your return request.
[Your package must be returned to us within %number% days of receiving your order.] => Your package must be returned to us within %number% days of receiving your order.
[The current status of your merchandise return is: [1] %status% [/1]] => The current status of your merchandise return is: [1] %status% [/1]
[List of items to be returned:] => List of items to be returned:
[Reminder] => Reminder
[All merchandise must be returned in its original packaging and in its original state.] => All merchandise must be returned in its original packaging and in its original state.
[Please print out the [1]returns form[/1] and include it with your package.] => Please print out the [1]returns form[/1] and include it with your package.
[Please check the [1]returns form[/1] for the correct address.] => Please check the [1]returns form[/1] for the correct address.
[When we receive your package, we will notify you by email. We will then begin processing order reimbursement.] => When we receive your package, we will notify you by email. We will then begin processing order reimbursement.
[Please let us know if you have any questions.] => Please let us know if you have any questions.
[If the conditions of return listed above are not respected, we reserve the right to refuse your package and/or reimbursement.] => If the conditions of return listed above are not respected, we reserve the right to refuse your package and/or reimbursement.
[Credit slips you have received after canceled orders.] => Credit slips you have received after canceled orders.
[Credit slip] => Credit notes
[View credit slip] => View credit note
[Please enter the email address you used to register. You will receive a temporary link to reset your password.] => Please enter the email address you used to register. You will receive a temporary link to reset your password.
[Forgot your password?] => Forgot your password?
[Reset your password] => Reset your password
[Email address: %email%] => Email address: %email%
[Create an account] => Create an account
[Already have an account?] => Already have an account?
[Log in instead!] => Log in instead!
[ModulesAdvertisingAdmin] => Array
[Advertising block] => Advertising block
[Adds an advertisement block to selected sections of your e-commerce website.] => Adds an advertisement block to selected sections of your e-commerce website.
[This module needs to be hooked to a column, but your theme does not implement one] => This module needs to be hooked to a column, but your theme does not implement one
[File upload error.] => File upload error.
[Image for the advertisement] => Image for the advertisement
[By default the image will appear in the left column. The recommended dimensions are 155 x 163px.] => By default the image will appear in the left column. The recommended dimensions are 155 x 163px.
[Target link for the image] => Target link for the image
[Title of the target link] => Title of the target link
[This title will be displayed when you mouse over the advertisement block in your shop.] => This title will be displayed when you mouse over the advertisement block in your shop.
[Display in the left column] => Display in the left column
[Display in the right column] => Display in the right column
[ModulesCheckpaymentShop] => Array
[This payment method is not available.] => This payment method is not available.
[Please send us your check following these rules:] => Please send us your check including the following details:
[Amount] => Amount
[Payee] => Payee
[Send your check to this address] => Send your check to this address
[Pay by check] => Pay by check
[(order processing will be longer)] => (order processing will be longer)
[Your order on %s is complete.] => Your order on %s is complete.
[Your check must include:] => Your check must include:
[Payment amount.] => Payment amount.
[Payable to the order of] => Payable to the order of
[Mail to] => Mail to
[Do not forget to insert your order number #%d.] => Do not forget to insert your order number #%d.
[Do not forget to insert your order reference %s.] => Do not forget to insert your order reference %s.
[An email has been sent to you with this information.] => An email has been sent to you with this information.
[Your order will be sent as soon as we receive your payment.] => Your order will be sent as soon as we receive your payment.
[For any questions or for further information, please contact our] => For any questions or for further information, please contact our
[customer service department.] => customer service department.
[We have noticed that there is a problem with your order. If you think this is an error, you can contact our] => We have noticed that there is a problem with your order. If you think this is an error, you can contact our
[ModulesFacetedsearchShop] => Array
[Price] => Price
[Weight] => Weight
[New] => New
[Used] => Used
[Refurbished] => Refurbished
[Condition] => Condition
[Not available] => Not available
[In stock] => In stock
[Availability] => Availability
[Brand] => Brand
[Categories] => Categories
[Relevance] => Relevance
[Best sellers] => Best sellers
[ModulesStatsbestcustomersAdmin] => Array
[Empty recordset returned] => Empty recordset returned
[Valid orders] => Valid orders
[Money spent] => Money spent
[Best customers] => Best customers
[Adds a list of the best customers to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a list of the best customers to the Stats dashboard.
[Develop clients' loyalty] => Develop clients' loyalty
[Keeping a client can be more profitable than gaining a new one. That is one of the many reasons it is necessary to cultivate customer loyalty.] => Keeping a client can be more profitable than gaining a new one. That is one of the many reasons it is necessary to cultivate customer loyalty.
[Word of mouth is also a means for getting new, satisfied clients. A dissatisfied customer can hurt your e-reputation and obstruct future sales goals.] => Word of mouth is also a means for getting new, satisfied clients. A dissatisfied customer can hurt your e-reputation and obstruct future sales goals.
[In order to achieve this goal, you can organize:] => In order to achieve this goal, you can organize:
[Punctual operations: commercial rewards (personalized special offers, product or service offered), non commercial rewards (priority handling of an order or a product), pecuniary rewards (bonds, discount coupons, payback).] => Punctual operations: commercial rewards (personalized special offers, product or service offered), non commercial rewards (priority handling of an order or a product), pecuniary rewards (bonds, discount coupons, payback).
[Sustainable operations: loyalty points or cards, which not only justify communication between merchant and client, but also offer advantages to clients (private offers, discounts).] => Sustainable operations: loyalty points or cards, which not only justify communication between merchant and client, but also offer advantages to clients (private offers, discounts).
[These operations encourage clients to buy products and visit your online store more regularly.] => These operations encourage clients to buy products and visit your online store more regularly.
[ModulesSupplierlistAdmin] => Array
[Supplier list] => Supplier list
[Adds a block with a list of your product suppliers on your shop.] => Adds a block with a list of your product suppliers on your shop.
[Invalid number of elements.] => Invalid number of elements.
[Please activate at least one type of list.] => Please activate at least one type of list.
[Type of display] => Type of display
[Use a plain-text list] => Use a plain-text list
[Use a drop-down list] => Use a drop-down list
[Number of elements to display] => Number of elements to display
[Only apply in plain-text mode] => Only apply in plain-text mode
[ModulesViewedproductAdmin] => Array
[Viewed products block] => Viewed products block
[Adds a block displaying recently viewed products.] => Adds a block displaying recently viewed products.
[You must fill in the 'Products displayed' field.] => You must fill in the 'Products displayed' field.
[Invalid number.] => Invalid number.
[Products to display] => Products to display
[Define the number of products displayed in this block.] => Define the number of products displayed in this block.
[AdminShippingFeature] => Array
[Will be applied when the price is] => Will be applied when the price is
[Will be applied when the weight is] => Will be applied when the weight is
[Add new range] => Add new range
[Ranges] => Ranges
[inactive] => inactive
[This carrier is %1$s and the transit time is %2$s.] => This carrier is %1$s and the transit time is %2$s.
[free] => free
[not free] => not free
[This carrier can deliver orders from %1$s to %2$s.] => This carrier can deliver orders from %1$s to %2$s.
[If the order is out of range, the behavior is to %3$s.] => If the order is out of range, the behavior is to %3$s.
[The shipping cost is calculated %1$s and the tax rule %2$s will be applied.] => Shipping costs are calculated %1$s and the tax rule %2$s will be applied.
[according to the price] => according to the price
[according to the weight] => according to the weight
[Carrier name:] => Carrier name:
[This carrier will be proposed for those delivery zones:] => This carrier will be proposed for those delivery zones:
[And it will be proposed for those client groups:] => And it will be proposed for those client groups:
[Finally, this carrier will be proposed in those shops:] => Finally, this carrier will be proposed in those shops:
[Use one of our recommended carrier modules] => Use one of our recommended carrier modules
[Do you think there should be one? Let us know!] => Do you think there should be one? Let us know!
[It seems there are no recommended carriers for your country.] => It seems there are no recommended carriers for your country.
[Add new carrier] => Add new carrier
[Free shipping] => Free shipping
[Pick up in-store] => Pick up in-store
[Delivery next day!] => Delivery next day!
[General settings] => General settings
[Shipping locations and costs] => Shipping locations and costs
[Size, weight, and group access] => Size, weight, and group access
[Carrier name] => Carrier name
[Tracking URL] => Tracking URL
[Add handling costs] => Add handling costs
[According to total price.] => According to total price.
[According to total weight.] => According to total weight.
[Apply the cost of the highest defined range] => Apply the cost of the highest defined range
[Maximum package width (%s)] => Maximum package width (%s)
[Maximum package height (%s)] => Maximum package height (%s)
[Maximum package depth (%s)] => Maximum package depth (%s)
[Maximum package weight (%s)] => Maximum package weight (%s)
[Group access] => Group access
[Free Shipping] => Free Shipping
[Apply shipping cost] => Apply shipping cost
[Shipping and handling] => Shipping and handling
[Default behavior] => Default behaviour
[According to total price] => According to total price
[According to total weight] => According to total weight
[Maximum package height] => Maximum package height
[Maximum package width] => Maximum package width
[Maximum package depth] => Maximum package depth
[Maximum package weight] => Maximum package weight
[Name:] => Name:
[Transit time] => Transit time
[Speed grade] => Speed grade
[Billing] => Billing
[Out-of-range behavior] => Out-of-range behaviour
[Disable carrier] => Disable carrier
[Delay] => Delay
[Default carrier] => Default carrier
[Handling charges] => Handling charges
[Free shipping starts at] => Free shipping starts at
[Manage your carriers] => Manage your carriers
[Create carriers to let your customers choose their best shipping option in terms of delivery dates or fees. Start with editing/deleting the default "My carrier", and add as many options as you need.] => Create carriers to let your customers choose their best shipping option in terms of delivery dates or fees. Start with editing/deleting the default "My carrier", and add as many options as you need.
[Carrier options] => Carrier options
[Handling] => Handling
[Carriers] => Carriers
[Shipping cost] => Shipping cost
[Carrier] => Carrier
[Tracking number] => Tracking number
[ModulesSpecialsAdmin] => Array
[Specials block] => Specials block
[Displays your products that are currently on sale in a dedicated block.] => Provides information on special offers in a specific block
[Products to display] => Products to display
[Define the number of products to be displayed in this block on home page.] => Define the number of products to be displayed in this block on home page.
[ModulesStcustomersigninAdmin] => Array
[Customer "Sign in" link mod] => Customer "Sign in" link mod
[Adds a block that displays information about the customer.] => Adds a block that displays information about the customer.
[Display links in a drop down menu after login:] => Display links in a drop down menu after login:
[show welcome Message on mobile:] => show welcome Message on mobile:
[Quick login:] => Quick login:
[It is recommended to enable SSL when you enable this option.] => It is recommended to enable SSL when you enable this option.
[Redirect after logging in:] => Redirect after logging in:
[Current page] => Current page
[How to display:] => How to display:
[Go the the theme editor module to set an icon.] => Go the the theme editor module to set an icon.
[Display "Wishlist" link in the drop down menu:] => Display "Wishlist" link in the drop down menu:
[Display "Loved item" link in the drop down menu:] => Display "Loved item" link in the drop down menu:
[ModulesSharebuttonsAdmin] => Array
[Social media share buttons] => Social media share buttons
[Displays social media sharing buttons (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest) on every product page.] => Displays social media sharing buttons (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest) on every product page.
[Displays social media sharing buttons (Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest) on every product page.] => Displays social media sharing buttons (Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest) on every product page.
[Instagram, YouTube, gather your community with social media sharing buttons on product pages.] => Instagram, YouTube, gather your community with social media sharing buttons on product pages.
[ModulesCarriercomparisonShop] => Array
[Estimate the cost of shipping & taxes.] => Estimate the cost of shipping & taxes.
[Country] => Country
[State] => County
[Zip Code] => Zip Code
[Needed for certain carriers.] => Needed for certain carriers.
[Carrier] => Carrier
[Information] => Information
[Price] => Price
[Update cart] => Update cart
[Estimate Shipping Cost] => Estimate Shipping Cost
[AdminAdvparametersFeature] => Array
[Menu] => Menu
[No menu] => No menu
[Sample Categories file] => Sample Categories file
[Sample Products file] => Sample Products file
[Sample Combinations file] => Sample Combinations file
[Sample Customers file] => Sample Customers file
[Sample Addresses file] => Sample Addresses file
[Sample Brands file] => Sample Brands file
[Sample Suppliers file] => Sample Suppliers file
[Sample Aliases file] => Sample Aliases file
[Sample Store Contacts file] => Sample Store Contacts file
[Sample Supply Orders file] => Sample Supply Orders file
[Sample Supply Order Details file] => Sample Supply Order Details file
[Import data from another shop] => Import data from another shop
[Experimental product page] => Experimental product page
[SuperAdmin] => SuperAdmin
[Logistician] => Logistician
[Translator] => Translator
[Salesman] => Salesman
[Webservice key created: %s] => Webservice key created: %s
[Webservice key %s has been deleted] => Webservice key %s has been deleted
[Supply Orders] => Supply Orders
[Supply Order Details] => Supply Order Details
[Product Reference] => Product Reference
[Note] => Note
[Supplier ID *] => Supplier ID *
[Lang ID] => Lang ID
[Warehouse ID *] => Warehouse ID *
[Currency ID *] => Currency ID *
[Supply Order Reference *] => Supply Order Reference *
[Delivery Date (Y-M-D)*] => Delivery Date (Y-M-D)*
[Discount rate] => Discount rate
[Product ID *] => Product ID *
[Product Attribute ID] => Product Attribute ID
[Unit Price (tax excl.)*] => Unit Price (VAT excl.)*
[Quantity Expected *] => Quantity Expected *
[Discount Rate] => Discount Rate
[Tax Rate] => VAT Rate
[Import .CSV data] => Import .CSV data
[Back office connection from %ip%] => Back office connection from %ip%
[%class_name% addition] => %class_name% addition
[Edit this SQL query] => Edit this SQL query
[Contact information] => Contact information
[Discount prices] => Discount prices
[Module hooks] => Module hooks
[Meta information] => Meta information
[Product combinations] => Product combinations
[Available quantities for sale] => Available quantities for sale
[Warehouses] => Warehouses
[Webservice accounts] => Webservice accounts
[Attribute groups] => Attribute groups
[Tax rules groups] => VAT rules groups
[Referrers/affiliates] => Referrers/affiliates
[Cart rules] => Basket rules
[Import data] => Import data
[Choose the source shop] => Choose the source shop
[Choose data to import] => Choose data to import
[Shop groups list] => Shop groups list
[Multistore tree] => Multistore tree
[Shop group] => Shop group
[Multistore options] => Multistore options
[Default shop] => Default shop
[Add a new shop group] => Add a new shop group
[Add a new shop] => Add a new shop
[Shop group name] => Shop group name
[Share customers] => Share customers
[Share available quantities to sell] => Share available quantities to sell
[Share available quantities between shops of this group. When changing this option, all available products quantities will be reset to 0.] => Share available quantities between shops of this group. When changing this option, all available products quantities will be reset to 0.
[Share orders] => Share orders
[Share available quantities for sale] => Share available quantities for sale
[Shop URL ID] => Shop URL ID
[Shop name] => Shop name
[Is it the main URL?] => Is it the main URL?
[URL options] => URL options
[Is it the main URL for this shop?] => Is it the main URL for this shop?
[Shop URL] => Shop URL
[Domain] => Domain
[SSL Domain] => SSL Domain
[Physical URL] => Physical URL
[Virtual URL] => Virtual URL
[Final URL] => Final URL
[Edit this shop] => Edit this shop
[Add a new URL] => Add a new URL
[Generate!] => Generate!
[Statistics] => Statistics
[Notifications] => Notifications
[This is a test message. Your server is now configured to send email.] => This is a test message. Your server is now configured to send email.
[Test message -- Prestashop] => Test message -- Prestashop
[Error: Please check your configuration] => Error: Please check your configuration
[%key% (missing description)] => %key% (missing description)
[Use PHP's mail() function (recommended; works in most cases)] => Use PHP's mail() function (recommended; works in most cases)
[Set my own SMTP parameters (for advanced users ONLY)] => Set my own SMTP parameters (for advanced users ONLY)
[Never send emails (may be useful for testing purposes)] => Never send emails (may be useful for testing purposes)
[Use /usr/sbin/sendmail (recommended; works in most cases)] => Use /usr/sbin/sendmail (recommended; works in most cases)
[View (GET)] => View (GET)
[Modify (PUT)] => Modify (PUT)
[Add (POST)] => Add (POST)
[Delete (DELETE)] => Delete (DELETE)
[Fast view (HEAD)] => Fast view (HEAD)
[Refresh list] => Refresh list
[Age] => Age
[Template] => Template
[Recipient] => Recipient
[Subject] => Subject
[Sent] => Sent
[Erase all] => Erase all
[Severity (1-4)] => Severity (1-4)
[Object type] => Object type
[Object ID] => Object ID
[Error code] => Error code
[SQL query Name] => SQL query Name
[SQL query name] => SQL query name
[Key] => Key
[Key description] => Key description
[Active (0/1)] => Active (0/1)
[Customer email] => Customer email
[Customer ID] => Customer ID
[ID / Name of shop] => ID / Name of shop
[Active (0/1)] => Active (0/1)
[Root category (0/1)] => Root category (0/1)
[Image URL] => Image URL
[Product ID] => Product ID
[Attribute (Name:Type:Position)] => Attribute (Name:Type:Position)
[Value (Value:Position)] => Value (Value:Position)
[Supplier reference] => Supplier reference
[Default (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Default (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[Combination availability date] => Combination availability date
[Choose among product images by position (1,2,3...)] => Choose among product images by position (1,2,3...)
[Product reference] => Product reference
[Titles ID (Mr = 1, Ms = 2, else 0)] => Titles ID (Mr = 1, Ms = 2, else 0)
[Birth date (yyyy-mm-dd)] => Birth date (yyyy-mm-dd)
[Newsletter (0/1)] => Newsletter (0/1)
[Partner offers (0/1)] => Partner offers (0/1)
[Registration date (yyyy-mm-dd)] => Registration date (yyyy-mm-dd)
[Groups (x,y,z...)] => Groups (x,y,z...)
[Default group ID] => Default group ID
[EAN13] => EAN13
[UPC] => UPC
[Minimal quantity] => Minimal quantity
[Image URLs (x,y,z...)] => Image URLs (x,y,z...)
[Image alt texts (x,y,z...)] => Image alt texts (x,y,z...)
[Advanced Stock Management] => Advanced Stock Management
[Depends on stock] => Depends on stock
[Warehouse] => Warehouse
[Categories (x,y,z...)] => Categories (x,y,z...)
[Tax rule ID] => Tax rule ID
[On sale (0/1)] => On sale (0/1)
[Discount amount] => Discount amount
[Discount percent] => Discount percent
[Discount from (yyyy-mm-dd)] => Discount from (yyyy-mm-dd)
[Discount to (yyyy-mm-dd)] => Discount to (yyyy-mm-dd)
[Reference #] => Reference #
[Supplier reference #] => Supplier reference #
[Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed orders:] => Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed orders:
[Additional shipping cost] => Additional shipping cost
[Unit for the price per unit] => Unit for base price
[Tags (x,y,z...)] => Tags (x,y,z...)
[Rewritten URL] => Rewritten URL
[Label when backorder allowed] => Label when backorder allowed
[Available for order (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Available for order (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[Product availability date] => Product availability date
[Product creation date] => Product creation date
[Show price (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Show price (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[Delete existing images (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Delete existing images (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)] => Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)
[Available online only (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Available online only (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[Customizable (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Customisable (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[Uploadable files (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Uploadable files (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[Text fields (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Text fields (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[Action when out of stock] => Action when out of stock
[Virtual product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Virtual product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[File URL] => File URL
[Expiration date (yyyy-mm-dd)] => Expiration date (yyyy-mm-dd)
[Number of days] => Number of days
[Accessories (x,y,z...)] => Accessories (x,y,z...)
[Address (2)] => Address (2)
[Latitude] => Latitude
[Longitude] => Longitude
[Hours (x,y,z...)] => Hours (x,y,z...)
[ID / Name of group shop] => ID / Name of group shop
[Lifetime of front office cookies] => Lifetime of front office cookies
[Lifetime of back office cookies] => Lifetime of back office cookies
[Maximum size for attached files] => Maximum size for attached files
[Maximum size for a downloadable product] => Maximum size for a downloadable product
[Maximum size for a product's image] => Maximum size for a product's image
[Experimental Features] => Experimental Features
[Clear cache] => Clear cache
[Add new profile] => Add new profile
[Combination reference] => Combination reference
[Memcached via PHP::Memcache] => Memcached via PHP::Memcache
[Memcached via PHP::Memcached] => Memcached via PHP::Memcached
[APC] => APC
[Xcache] => Xcache
[Use cache] => Use cache
[Caching system] => Caching system
[Smart cache for CSS] => Smart cache for CSS
[Smart cache for JavaScript] => Smart cache for JavaScript
[Apache optimization] => Apache optimization
[Disable non PrestaShop modules] => Disable non PrestaShop modules
[Enable or disable non PrestaShop Modules.] => Enable or disable non PrestaShop Modules.
[Disable all overrides] => Disable all overrides
[Enable or disable all classes and controllers overrides.] => Enable or disable all classes and controllers overrides.
[Media server #1] => Media server #1
[Media server #2] => Media server #2
[Media server #3] => Media server #3
[Customer groups] => Customer groups
[Template compilation] => Template compilation
[Cache] => Cache
[Should be enabled except for debugging.] => Should be enabled except for debugging.
[Multi-front optimizations] => Multi-front optimizations
[Caching type] => Caching type
[Never clear cache files] => Never clear cache files
[Clear cache everytime something has been modified] => Clear cache everytime something has been modified
[File System] => File System
[MySQL] => MySQL
[Never recompile template files] => Never recompile template files
[Recompile templates if the files have been updated] => Recompile templates if the files have been updated
[Force compilation] => Force compilation
[Automatically check for module updates] => Automatically check for module updates
[Check the cookie's IP address] => Check the cookie's IP address
[Addons API stability channel] => Addons API stability channel
[Cookie SameSite] => Cookie SameSite
[Alpha] => Alpha
[Beta] => Beta
[Stable] => Stable
[Show notifications for new orders] => Show notifications for new orders
[Show notifications for new customers] => Show notifications for new customers
[Show notifications for new messages] => Show notifications for new messages
[megabytes] => megabytes
[Ignore statistics tables] => Ignore statistics tables
[Drop existing tables during import] => Drop existing tables during import
[Both] => Both
[Send email in HTML format] => Send email in HTML format
[Send email in text format] => Send email in text format
[Send emails to] => Send emails to
[Log Emails] => Log Emails
[None] => None
[TLS] => TLS
[SSL] => SSL
[SMTP server] => SMTP server
[SMTP username] => SMTP username
[SMTP password] => SMTP password
[Encryption] => Encryption
[Email domain name] => Email domain name
[Send a test email to] => Send a test email to
[minutes] => minutes
[Please name your data matching configuration in order to save it.] => Please name your data matching configuration in order to save it.
[Ignore this column] => Ignore this column
[Store contacts] => Store contacts
[What do you want to import?] => What do you want to import?
[Select a file to import] => Select a file to import
[Language of the file] => Language of the file
[Field separator] => Field separator
[Delete all [1]categories[/1] before import] => Delete all [1]categories[/1] before import
[Use product reference as key] => Use product reference as key
[Skip thumbnails regeneration] => Skip thumbnails regeneration
[Force all ID numbers] => Force all ID numbers
[Send notification email] => Send notification email
[Next step] => Next step
[Multiple value separator] => Multiple value separator
[Minimum severity level] => Minimum severity level
[Select your default file encoding] => Select your default file encoding
[Enable PrestaShop's webservice] => Enable PrestaShop's webservice
[Enable CGI mode for PHP] => Enable CGI mode for PHP
[Webservice account key.] => Webservice account key.
[Permissions] => Permissions
[Enable webservice key] => Enable webservice key
[Download the backup file (%s MB)] => Download the backup file (%s MB)
[Tip: You can also download this file from your FTP server. Backup files are located in the "/adminXXXX/backups" directory.] => Tip: You can also download this file from your FTP server. Backup files are located in the "/adminXXXX/backups" directory.
[Backup options] => Backup options
[Available fields] => Available fields
[* Required field] => * Required field
[History of uploaded files] => History of uploaded files
[Download] => Download
[Choose from history / FTP] => Choose from history / FTP
[Download sample csv files] => Download sample csv files
[Back to the dashboard] => Back to the dashboard
[Mail domain name] => Mail domain name
[Port number to use.] => Port number to use.
[Test your email configuration] => Test your email configuration
[A test email has been sent to the email address you provided.] => A test email has been sent to the email address you provided.
[Employee options] => Employee options
[Password regeneration] => Password regeneration
[Security: Minimum time to wait between two password changes.] => Security: Minimum time to wait between two password changes.
[Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms] => Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms
[Allow employees to select a specific language for the Admin panel form.] => Allow employees to select a specific language for the Admin panel form.
[You are currently connected as %username%] => You are currently connected as %username%
[Sign out from PrestaShop Addons] => Sign out from PrestaShop Addons
[Sign in] => Sign in
[Subscribe to PrestaShop newsletter] => Subscribe to PrestaShop newsletter
[Default page] => Default page
[Permission profile] => Permission profile
[Employees] => Employees
[Manage your team] => Manage your team
[Create profiles for your employees with specific rights. SuperAdmin can access the entire store while other people can only be dedicated to the catalog or orders pages.] => Create profiles for your employees with specific rights. SuperAdmin can access the entire store while other people can only be dedicated to the catalog or orders pages.
[Edit: %lastname% %firstname%] => Edit: %lastname% %firstname%
[Add new employee] => Add new employee
[Experimental features] => Experimental features
[Match your data] => Match your data
[Please match each column of your source file to one of the destination columns.] => Please match each column of your source file to one of the destination columns.
[Load a data matching configuration] => Load a data matching configuration
[Save your data matching configuration] => Save your data matching configuration
[Rows to skip] => Rows to skip
[Indicate how many of the first rows of your file should be skipped when importing the data. For instance set it to 1 if the first row of your file contains headers.] => Indicate how many of the first rows of your file should be skipped when importing the data. For instance set it to 1 if the first row of your file contains headers.
[Two columns cannot have the same type of values] => Two columns cannot have the same type of values
[This column must be set:] => This column must be set:
[Meaning of severity levels:] => Meaning of severity levels:
[Logs by email] => Logs by email
[Profile] => Profile
[List of MySQL Tables] => List of MySQL Tables
[Please choose a table.] => Please choose a table.
[Add table name to SQL query] => Add table name to SQL query
[List of attributes for this MySQL table] => List of attributes for this MySQL table
[Add attribute to SQL query] => Add attribute to SQL query
[Action] => Action
[SQL query] => SQL query
[Add new SQL query] => Add new SQL query
[SQL query result] => SQL query result
[Set the resource permissions for this key:] => Set the resource permissions for this key:
[Webservice Accounts] => Webservice Accounts
[Add new webservice key] => Add new webservice key
[Upload quota] => Upload quota
[Port] => Port
[Add server] => Add server
[IP Address] => IP Address
[Weight] => Weight
[Add Server] => Add Server
[Test Server] => Test Server
[Smarty] => Smarty
[Debug mode] => Debug mode
[Optional features] => Optional features
[CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache)] => CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache)
[Media servers (use only with CCC)] => Media servers (use only with CCC)
[You must enter another domain, or subdomain, in order to use cookieless static content.] => You must enter another domain, or subdomain, in order to use cookieless static content.
[Caching] => Caching
[Configuration information] => Configuration information
[This information must be provided when you report an issue on our bug tracker or forum.] => This information must be provided when you report an issue on our bug tracker or forum.
[Server information] => Server information
[Server software version:] => Server software version:
[PHP version:] => PHP version:
[Memory limit:] => Memory limit:
[Max execution time:] => Max execution time:
[Upload Max File size:] => Upload Max File size:
[PageSpeed module for Apache installed (mod_instaweb)] => PageSpeed module for Apache installed (mod_instaweb)
[Database information] => Database information
[MySQL version:] => MySQL version:
[MySQL server:] => MySQL server:
[MySQL name:] => MySQL name:
[MySQL user:] => MySQL user:
[Tables prefix:] => Tables prefix:
[MySQL engine:] => MySQL engine:
[MySQL driver:] => MySQL driver:
[Store information] => Store information
[PrestaShop version:] => PrestaShop version:
[Shop URL:] => Shop URL:
[Current theme in use:] => Current theme in use:
[Mail configuration] => Mail configuration
[Mail method:] => Mail method:
[You are using the PHP mail() function.] => You are using the PHP mail() function.
[You are using your own SMTP parameters.] => You are using your own SMTP parameters.
[SMTP server:] => SMTP server:
[SMTP username:] => SMTP username:
[Defined] => Defined
[Not defined] => Not defined
[SMTP password:] => SMTP password:
[Encryption:] => Encryption:
[SMTP port:] => SMTP port:
[Your information] => Your information
[Your web browser:] => Your web browser:
[Check your configuration] => Check your configuration
[Required parameters:] => Required parameters:
[Optional parameters:] => Optional parameters:
[List of changed files] => List of changed files
[Shop path:] => Shop path:
[You are using /usr/sbin/sendmail] => You are using /usr/sbin/sendmail
[This information must be provided when you report an issue on GitHub or on the forum.] => This information must be provided when you report an issue on GitHub or on the forum.
[Server information:] => Server information:
[List of overrides] => List of overrides
[Send a test email] => Send a test email
[File size] => File size
[Price tax excluded] => Price VAT excluded
[Price tax included] => Price VAT included
[Price per unit] => Base price
[ModulesSharebuttonsShop] => Array
[Share] => Share
[Tweet] => Tweet
[Google+] => Google+
[Pinterest] => Pinterest
[ModulesSttwitterembeddedtimelinesAdmin] => Array
[Twitter Embedded Timelines] => Twitter Embedded Timelines
[Display the recent tweets of a twitter user] => Display the recent tweets of a twitter user
[The customisation documentation.] => The customisation documentation.
[Twitter user name:] => Twitter user name:
[Widget ID:] => Widget ID:
[Create your own embedded timeline.] => Create your own embedded timeline.
[No header:] => No header:
[No Footer:] => No Footer:
[No Borders:] => No Borders:
[No scrollbar:] => No scrollbar:
[Transparent:] => Transparent:
[Tweet limit:] => Tweet limit:
[The height setting above will be disregard, if this vaule is larger than 0] => The height setting above will be disregard, if this vaule is larger than 0
[Screen name:] => Screen name:
[Whose timeline you want to display.] => Whose timeline you want to display.
[Show replies:] => Show replies:
[You have to fill the screen name for the show replies attribute to take effect] => You have to fill the screen name for the show replies attribute to take effect
[ModulesStfblikeboxAdmin] => Array
[Facebook page plugin] => Facebook page plugin
[Adds a Facebook social plugin Like Box] => Adds a Facebook social plugin Like Box
[Facebook Page URL:] => Facebook Page URL:
[The height of the plugin in pixels.] => The height of the plugin in pixels.
[Show Friend\'s Faces:] => Show Friend\'s Faces:
[Show profile photos when friends like this.] => Show profile photos when friends like this.
[Show Page Posts:] => Show Page Posts:
[Show posts from the Page\'s timeline.] => Show posts from the Page\'s timeline.
[Hide Cover Photo:] => Hide Cover Photo:
[Hide cover photo in the header] => Hide cover photo in the header
[Use the small header instead:] => Use the small header instead:
[Use the small header instead] => Use the small header instead
[ModulesBestsellersAdmin] => Array
[Top-sellers block] => Top-sellers block
[Adds a block displaying your store's top-selling products.] => Adds a block displaying your store's top-selling products.
[Products to display] => Products to display
[Determine the number of product to display in this block] => Determine the number of product to display in this block
[ModulesCurrencyselectorAdmin] => Array
[Currency block] => Currency block
[Adds a block allowing customers to choose their preferred shopping currency.] => Adds a block allowing customers to choose their preferred shopping currency.
[AdminNavigationFooter] => Array
[Load time: ] => Load time:
[Contact] => CMS page
[User Club] => User Club
[Feature Requests] => Feature Requests
[Forum] => Forum
[Addons] => Addons
[Training] => Training
[Load time:] => Load time:
[AdminNavigationNotification] => Array
[registered] => registered
[No new order for now :(] => No new order for now :(
[No new customer for now :(] => No new customer for now :(
[No new message for now.] => No new message for now.
[Your shop is in debug mode.] => Your shop is in debug mode.
[All the PHP errors and messages are displayed. When you no longer need it, [1]turn off[/1] this mode.] => All the PHP errors and messages are displayed. When you no longer need it, [1]turn off[/1] this mode.
[Your shop is in maintenance.] => Your shop is in maintenance.
[Your visitors and customers cannot access your shop while in maintenance mode.%s To manage the maintenance settings, go to Shop Parameters > Maintenance tab.] => Your visitors and customers cannot access your shop while in maintenance mode.%s To manage the maintenance settings, go to Shop Parameters > Maintenance tab.
[Orders[1][/1]] => Orders[1][/1]
[Customers[1][/1]] => Customers[1][/1]
[Messages[1][/1]] => Messages[1][/1]
[from] => from
[Did you check your conversion rate lately?] => Did you check your conversion rate lately?
[How about some seasonal discounts?] => How about some seasonal discounts?
[Have you checked your [1][2]abandoned carts[/2][/1]?[3]Your next order could be hiding there!] => Have you checked your [1][2]abandoned carts[/2][/1]?[3]Your next order could be hiding there!
[Have you sent any acquisition email lately?] => Have you sent any acquisition email lately?
[Are you active on social media these days?] => Are you active on social media these days?
[Have you considered selling on marketplaces?] => Have you considered selling on marketplaces?
[That's more time for something else!] => That's more time for something else!
[No news is good news, isn't it?] => No news is good news, isn't it?
[Seems like all your customers are happy :)] => Seems like all your customers are happy :)
[An error occurred while updating new window property.] => An error occurred while updating new window property.
[An error occurred while updating the new window property for this object.] => An error occurred while updating the new window property for this object.
[ModulesStbrandssliderAdmin] => Array
[Brands Slider] => Brands Slider
[Brands slider on your home page.] => Brands slider on your home page.
[Show all Brands:] => Show all Brands:
[Specific Brands:] => Specific Brands:
[Display brand name:] => Display brand name:
[Display brand short description:] => Display brand short description:
[Normal(100 characters)] => Normal(100 characters)
[Full description] => Full description
[Current manufacturers] => Current manufacturers
[ModulesEmailalertsAdmin] => Array
[Mail alerts] => Mail alerts
[Make your everyday life easier, handle mail alerts about stock and orders, addressed to you as well as your customers.] => Make your everyday life easier, handle mail alerts about stock and orders, addressed to you as well as your customers.
[Cannot update settings] => Cannot update settings
[Please type one (or more) email address] => Please type one (or more) email address
[Invalid email:] => Invalid email:
[Settings updated successfully] => Settings updated successfully
[No message] => No message
[image(s)] => image(s)
[Voucher code:] => Voucher code:
[Customer notifications] => Customer notifications
[Product availability] => Product availability
[Give the customer the option of receiving a notification when an out of stock product is available again.] => Give the customer the option of receiving a notification when an out of stock product is available again.
[Order edit] => Order edit
[Send a notification to the customer when an order is edited.] => Send a notification to the customer when an order is edited.
[New order] => New order
[Receive a notification when an order is placed.] => Receive a notification when an order is placed.
[Out of stock] => Out of stock
[Receive a notification if the available quantity of a product is below the following threshold.] => Receive a notification if the available quantity of a product is below the following threshold.
[Threshold] => Threshold
[Quantity for which a product is considered out of stock.] => Quantity for which a product is considered out of stock.
[Coverage warning] => Coverage warning
[Receive a notification when a product has insufficient coverage.] => Receive a notification when a product has insufficient coverage.
[Coverage] => Coverage
[Stock coverage, in days. Also, the stock coverage of a given product will be calculated based on this number.] => Stock coverage, in days. Also, the stock coverage of a given product will be calculated based on this number.
[Returns] => Returns
[Receive a notification when a customer requests a merchandise return.] => Receive a notification when a customer requests a merchandise return.
[Email addresses] => Email addresses
[One email address per line (e.g.] => One email address per line (e.g.
[Merchant notifications] => Merchant notifications
[Mail alert: Unable to delete customer using email.] => Mail alert: Unable to delete customer using email.
[Mail alert: Unable to export customer using email.] => Mail alert: Unable to export customer using email.
[ModulesStsocialAdmin] => Array
[Social share buttons] => Social share buttons
[Dispaly Social sharing buttons on your store.] => Dispaly Social sharing buttons on your store.
[Facebook] => Facebook
[Share on Facebook] => Share on Facebook
[Twitter] => Twitter
[Share on Twitter] => Share on Twitter
[Google+] => Google+
[Share on Google+] => Share on Google+
[Pinterest] => Pinterest
[Share on Pinterest] => Share on Pinterest
[Linkedin] => Linkedin
[Share on Linkedin] => Share on Linkedin
[Tumblr] => Tumblr
[Share on Tumblr] => Share on Tumblr
[Blogger] => Blogger
[Share on Blogger] => Share on Blogger
[Skype] => Skype
[Share on Skype] => Share on Skype
[Digg] => Digg
[Share on Digg] => Share on Digg
[Telegram] => Telegram
[Share on Telegram] => Share on Telegram
[WhatsApp] => WhatsApp
[Share on WhatsApp] => Share on WhatsApp
[Reddit] => Reddit
[Share on Reddit] => Share on Reddit
[Vk] => Vk
[Share on Vk] => Share on Vk
[Email] => Email
[an error occurred during social button] => an error occurred during social button
[Predefined share links:] => Predefined share links:
[You can select a predefined share link or add your own ones.] => You can select a predefined share link or add your own ones.
[Let me use pinterest a share link as an example to explain how to add new share links.] => Let me use pinterest a share link as an example to explain how to add new share links.
[All you have to do is to find out at least the first two parts(marked in blue and green) on the api page of the socail media which you want to add.] => All you have to do is to find out at least the first two parts(marked in blue and green) on the api page of the socail media which you want to add.
[This will show out when mouse over.] => This will show out when mouse over.
[Icon(Rquired):] => Icon(Rquired):
[Sharing link(Rquired):] => Sharing link(Rquired):
[This is the blue part of that sample link.] => This is the blue part of that sample link.
[Url parameter(Rquired):] => Url parameter(Rquired):
[This is the green part.] => This is the green part.
[Description parameter:] => Description parameter:
[This is the yellow part. Generally we use product name as description.] => This is the yellow part. Generally we use product name as description.
[Description text, leave empty to use product name.] => Description text, leave empty to use product name.
[Image parameter:] => Image parameter:
[This is the red part.] => This is the red part.
[Display this link on the sidebar:] => Display this link on the sidebar:
[Make sure this module has added to the sidebar in the "Sidebar" module, otherwise links would not show out.] => Make sure this module has added to the sidebar in the "Sidebar" module, otherwise links would not show out.
[Add new button] => Add new button
[Open Graph Image:] => Open Graph Image:
[The minimum size is 200px x 200px. This image will be shown when someone shares your homepage and some other pages like new products page, searching page.] => The minimum size is 200px x 200px. This image will be shown when someone shares your homepage and some other pages like new products page, searching page.
[Display share links in a drop down menu:] => Display share links in a drop down menu:
[Does not work for links in hover fly buttons and sidebar.] => Does not work for links in hover fly buttons and sidebar.
[Drop down menu title:] => Drop down menu title:
[Share icon + Text] => Share icon + Text
[Share icon] => Share icon
[Facebook app ID (optional)] => Facebook app ID (optional)
[How to get Facebook app ID: %1%.] => How to get Facebook app ID: %1%.
[ModulesStxlfgeneratorAdmin] => Array
[Translation files generator] => Translation files generator
[Generate xlif files in order to translate the theme.] => Generate xlif files in order to translate the theme.
[Translation file generator] => Translation file generator
[Select language:] => Select language:
[1. To translate the theme, you need to generate translation files first.] => 1. To translate the theme, you need to generate translation files first.
[2. After generating translation files, please go to BO > "International" > "Translations" page > "Modify translations" section to translate the theme.] => 2. After generating translation files, please go to BO > "International" > "Translations" page > "Modify translations" section to translate the theme.
[3. To translate the front office, locate to "Shop" > "Theme" > "%theme%".] => 3. To translate the front office, locate to "Shop" > "Theme" > "%theme%".
[4. To translate the back office, locate to "Admin" > "Theme" > "%theme%" and "Modules" > "St".] => 4. To translate the back office, locate to "Admin" > "Theme" > "%theme%" and "Modules" > "St".
[5. Please don\'t modify translation files manually, your modifications will be overridden when regenerating them.] => 5. Please don\'t modify translation files manually, your modifications will be overridden when regenerating them.
[6. Refer to the Documentation > "Translation" for more info.] => 6. Refer to the Documentation > "Translation" for more info.
[Type of translation:] => Type of translation:
[Front office only] => Front office only
[Front office + backoffice] => Front office + backoffice
[It is recommended to generate translation files for the front office only, because generally we do not need to translate the back office, anthor reason is that the back office has 2000+ phrases, way better more than the front office\'s 300+ phrases, those 2000+ phrases would slow the translation page down] => It is recommended to generate translation files for the front office only, because generally we do not need to translate the back office, anthor reason is that the back office has 2000+ phrases, way better more than the front office\'s 300+ phrases, those 2000+ phrases would slow the translation page down
[Generate] => Generate
[Xliff generator] => Xliff generator
[Select theme:] => Select theme:
[Theme module:] => Theme module:
[Yes] => Yes
[No] => No
[Whether export the translations in /themes/theme_name/modules folder, generally, it no need.] => Whether export the translations in /themes/theme_name/modules folder, generally, it no need.
[Check missing:] => Check missing:
[Just to check whether there are any translations missed.] => Just to check whether there are any translations missed.
[Target language:] => Target language:
[Source langue is "en-US".] => Source langue is "en-US".
[Modules] => Modules
[ShopThemeCatalog] => Array
[Discount] => Discount
[Unit discount] => Unit discount
[Items] => Items
[Item] => Item
[Categories] => Categories
[Pages] => Pages
[Price drop] => Price drop
[Best sellers] => Best sellers
[Category: %category_name%] => Category: %category_name%
[List of all brands] => List of all brands
[Prices drop] => Prices drop
[Search results] => Search results
[%number% products] => %number% products
[%number% product] => %number% product
[List of all suppliers] => List of all suppliers
[List of products by supplier %supplier_name%] => List of products by supplier %supplier_name%
[%1$s: ] => %1$s:
[Search our catalog] => Search our catalog
[Search] => Search
[Name, A to Z] => Name, A to Z
[Name, Z to A] => Name, Z to A
[Price, low to high] => Price, low to high
[Price, high to low] => Price, high to low
[Sales, highest to lowest] => Sales, highest to lowest
[Date added, newest to oldest] => Date added, newest to oldest
[Date added, oldest to newest] => Date added, oldest to newest
[New product] => New product
[Online only] => Online only
[On sale!] => On sale!
[Reduced price] => Reduced price
[Pack] => Pack
[Product available with different options] => Product available with different options
[Last items in stock] => Last items in stock
[ean13] => EAN13
[isbn] => ISBN
[upc] => UPC
[Used] => Used
[Refurbished] => Refurbished
[New] => New
[MPN] => MPN
[Relevance] => Relevance
[%facet_label%: %facet_value%] => %facet_label%: %facet_value%
[Pack content] => Pack content
[Accessories] => Accessories
[Returned] => Returned
[Best Sellers] => Best Sellers
[All best sellers] => All best sellers
[All brands] => All brands
[Brands] => Brands
[No brand] => No brand
[brands] => brands
[%s other product in the same category:] => %s other product in the same category:
[%s other products in the same category:] => %s other products in the same category:
[Customers who bought this product also bought:] => Customers who bought this product also bought:
[My alerts] => My alerts
[Popular Products] => Popular Products
[All products] => All products
[New products] => New products
[All new products] => All new products
[1 person is currently watching this product.] => 1 person is currently watching this product.
[%nb_people% people are currently watching this product.] => %nb_people% people are currently watching this product.
[Last time this product was bought: %date_last_order%] => Last time this product was bought: %date_last_order%
[Last time this product was added to a cart: %date_last_cart%] => Last time this product was added to a cart: %date_last_cart%
[No RSS feed added] => No RSS feed added
[On sale] => On sale
[All sale products] => All sale products
[All suppliers] => All suppliers
[Suppliers] => Suppliers
[No supplier] => No supplier
[Viewed products] => Viewed products
[Showing %from%-%to% of %total% item(s)] => Showing %from%-%to% of %total% item(s)
[%1$s:] => %1$s:
[Price] => Price
[Regular price] => Regular price
[Your customization:] => Your customization:
[Brand] => Brand
[In stock] => In stock
[Availability date:] => Availability date:
[Data sheet] => Data sheet
[Specific References] => Specific References
[Condition] => Condition
[Volume discounts] => Volume discounts
[You Save] => You Save
[Up to %discount%] => Up to %discount%
[Save %percentage%] => Save %percentage%
[Save %amount%] => Save %amount%
[%price% tax excl.] => %price% tax excl.
[Instead of %price%] => Instead of %price%
[Including %amount% for ecotax] => Including %amount% for ecotax
[(not impacted by the discount)] => (not impacted by the discount)
[(%unit_price%)] => (%unit_price%)
[No tax] => No tax
[: ] => :
[There are %product_count% products.] => There are %product_count% products.
[There is 1 product.] => There is 1 product.
[List of products by brand %brand_name%] => List of products by brand %brand_name%
[No matches were found for your search] => No matches were found for your search
[Please try other keywords to describe what you are looking for.] => Please try other keywords to describe what you are looking for.
[List of products by supplier %s] => List of products by supplier %s
[This pack contains] => This pack contains
[Description] => Description
[Product Details] => Product Details
[Attachments] => Attachments
[You might also like] => You might also like
[Reference] => Reference
[Product] => Product
[Quantity] => Quantity
[Unit price] => Unit price
[Total price] => Total price
[Product customization] => Product customisation
[No products available yet] => No products available yet
[Stay tuned! More products will be shown here as they are added.] => Stay tuned! More products will be shown here as they are added.
[AdminActions] => Array
[Uninstall] => Uninstall
[Choose a file] => Choose a file
[Validate] => Validate
[Generate] => Generate
[Choose] => Choose
[Select all] => Select all
[Unselect all] => Unselect all
[Display] => Display
[-- Choose --] => -- Choose --
[View] => View
[Upload] => Upload
[Import] => Import
[Close] => Close
[Back to] => Back to
[Disable] => Disable
[Configure] => Configure
[Translate] => Translate
[Filter] => Filter
[Show] => Show
[Edit] => Edit
[Print out] => Print out
[Preview] => Preview
[Remove] => Remove
[Reset] => Reset
[Save and stay] => Save and stay
[and stay] => and stay
[Choose language:] => Choose language:
[Cancel] => Cancel
[Apply] => Apply
[Add] => Add
[Search] => Search
[Save] => Save
[Delete] => Delete
[See more] => See more
[Hide warning] => Hide warning
[Add current page to Quick Access] => Add current page to Quick Access
[Check All] => Check All
[Uncheck All] => Uncheck All
[Find a category] => Find a category
[Collapse all] => Collapse all
[Expand all] => Expand all
[Check all] => Check all
[Uncheck all] => Uncheck all
[Finish] => Finish
[Add New] => Add New
[Delete selected items?] => Delete selected items?
[Add new menu] => Add new menu
[Show or hide menu.] => Show or hide menu.
[Refresh] => Refresh
[Continue] => Continue
[Sort] => Sort
[Sort order] => Sort order
[Display email address] => Display email address
[Export .CSV file] => Export .CSV file
[Add new] => Add new
[All] => All
[Search first name] => Search first name
[Search last name] => Search last name
[Search post code] => Search post code
[Search city] => Search city
[Search ID] => Search ID
[Search address] => Search address
[Search file name] => Search file name
[Search file size] => Search file size
[Search position] => Search position
[Search value] => Search value
[Search color] => Search color
[Enable selection] => Enable selection
[Disable selection] => Disable selection
[Search order ID] => Search order ID
[Search email] => Search email
[Delete selected] => Delete selected
[Search ISO code] => Search ISO code
[Search code] => Search code
[Search date format] => Search date format
[Search reference] => Search reference
[Search description] => Search description
[Search total] => Search total
[Search payment] => Search payment
[Search message] => Search message
[Search template] => Search template
[Search company] => Search company
[Search customer] => Search customer
[Search name] => Search name
[Search key] => Search key
[Search zone] => Search zone
[Export to SQL manager] => Export to SQL manager
[Install] => Install
[New product] => New product
[Edit: %s] => Edit: %s
[Add tag] => Add tag
[Order by] => Order by
[Replace selection] => Replace selection
[Close window] => Close window
[Close (esc)] => Close (esc)
[Toggle Fullscreen] => Toggle Fullscreen
[Zoom in/out] => Zoom in/out
[Previous (arrow left)] => Previous (arrow left)
[Next (arrow right)] => Next (arrow right)
[Download image] => Download image
[Zoom on selection] => Zoom on selection
[Confirm] => Confirm
[Export to SQL Manager] => Export to SQL Manager
[Browse] => Browse
[Go] => Go
[Download] => Download
[Use] => Use
[Change] => Change
[Enable] => Enable
[Load] => Load
[Edit: %name%] => Edit: %name%
[Enable debug mode] => Enable debug mode
[Back to previous page] => Back to previous page
[Learn more about debug mode] => Learn more about debug mode
[Save and preview] => Save and preview
[Back to list] => Back to list
[Generate emails] => Generate emails
[Back to configuration] => Back to configuration
[Translate emails] => Translate emails
[Choose layouts] => Choose layouts
[Update] => Update
[Restore] => Restore
[Edit: %value%] => Edit: %value%
[Copy] => Copy
[Export] => Export
[Modify] => Modify
[Learn more] => Learn more
[Try again] => Try again
[Let's go!] => Let's go!
[See less] => See less
[Go to maintenance page] => Go to maintenance page
[Upgrade] => Upgrade
[Upgrade anyway] => Upgrade anyway
[Configure URL] => Configure URL
[Filter by categories] => Filter by categories
[Unselect] => Unselect
[Activate selection] => Activate selection
[Deactivate selection] => Deactivate selection
[Duplicate selection] => Duplicate selection
[Delete selection] => Delete selection
[Show SQL query] => Show SQL query
[Reorder] => Rearrange
[Save & refresh] => Save & refresh
[Delete now] => Delete now
[Duplicate] => Duplicate
[Expand] => Expand
[Collapse] => Collapse
[Create] => Create
[Download file] => Download file
[Delete this file] => Delete this file
[Read more] => Read more
[Save image settings] => Save image settings
[Filter by:] => Filter by:
[Clear filter|Clear %filtersNb% filters] => Clear filter|Clear %filtersNb% filters
[Discard] => Discard
[Collapse All] => Collapse All
[Expand All] => Expand All
[Send] => Send
[Shipping] => Shipping
[Select another address] => Select another address
[Select] => Select
[View full details] => View full details
[Edit existing address] => Edit existing address
[View pack content] => View pack content
[Add my IP] => Add my IP
[Choose file(s)] => Choose file(s)
[Sort by] => Sort by
[Check / Uncheck all] => Check / Uncheck all
[Confirm this action] => Confirm this action
[ModulesStpagebannerAdmin] => Array
[Breadcrumbs] => Breadcrumbs
[This module allows you put different backgrounds to breadcrumbs on different pages.] => This module allows you put different backgrounds to breadcrumbs on different pages.
["Pages" error] => "Pages" error
[The field "Pages" is required] => The field "Pages" is required
[Image is required at least in] => Image is required at least in
[Breadcrumb width:] => Breadcrumb width:
[Add custom content] => Add custom content
[Text color:] => Text color:
[Link color:] => Link color:
[Link hover color:] => Link hover color:
[Background:] => Background:
[Border color:] => Border color:
[Format your entry with some basic HTML.] => Format your entry with some basic HTML.
[How to use google fonts? Click here.] => How to use google fonts? Click here.
[Once a font has been added, you can use it everywhere without adding it again.] => Once a font has been added, you can use it everywhere without adding it again.
[please ensure the image name is unique, or it will override the same name files.] => please ensure the image name is unique, or it will override the same name files.
[Add] => Add
[ModulesStatsliveAdmin] => Array
[Visitors online] => Visitors online
[Adds a list of customers and visitors who are currently online to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a list of customers and visitors who are currently online to the Stats dashboard.
[You must activate the "Save page views for each customer" option in the "Data mining for statistics" (StatsData) module in order to see the pages that your visitors are currently viewing.] => You must activate the "Save page views for each customer" option in the "Data mining for statistics" (StatsData) module in order to see the pages that your visitors are currently viewing.
[Current online customers] => Current online customers
[Total:] => Total
[Current page] => Current page
[View customer profile] => View customer profile
[There are no active customers online right now.] => There are no active customers online right now.
[Current online visitors] => Current online visitors
[Guest ID] => Guest ID
[IP] => IP
[Last activity] => Last activity
[Notice] => Notice
[Maintenance IPs are excluded from the online visitors.] => Maintenance IPs are excluded from the online visitors.
[Add or remove an IP address.] => Add or remove an IP address.
[AdminModulesFeature] => Array
[Check update] => Check update
[RTL Module] => RTL Module
[Manage hooks] => Manage hooks
[Administration] => Administration
[Shipping & Logistics] => Shipping & Logistics
[Advertising & Marketing] => Advertising & Marketing
[Analytics & Stats] => Analytics & Stats
[Taxes & Invoicing] => Taxes & Invoicing
[Checkout] => Checkout
[Content Management] => Content Management
[Customer Reviews] => Customer Reviews
[Front office Features] => Front office Features
[Internationalization & Localization] => Internationalization & Localization
[Merchandising] => Merchandising
[Migration Tools] => Migration Tools
[Payments & Gateways] => Payments & Gateways
[Site certification & Fraud prevention] => Site certification & Fraud prevention
[Pricing & Promotion] => Pricing & Promotion
[Quick / Bulk update] => Quick / Bulk update
[Slideshows] => Slideshows
[Comparison site & Feed management] => Comparison site & Feed management
[Marketplace] => Marketplace
[Other Modules] => Other Modules
[Emailing & SMS] => Emailing & SMS
[Social Networks] => Social Networks
[Social & Community] => Social & Community
[Installed modules] => Installed modules
[This module is Untrusted for your country] => This module is Untrusted for your country
[Discover all modules] => Discover all modules
[Want to go further?] => Want to go further?
[Discover on Addons Marketplace] => Discover on Addons Marketplace
[Install] => Install
[Drop your module archive here or] => Drop your module archive here or
[select file] => select file
[To go further:] => To go further:
[Labels, Stickers & Logos] => Labels, Stickers & Logos
[Addons Marketplace] => Addons Marketplace
[For example, you can add "Free shipping", "-30%", "New", "Last parts in stock", "No. 1 of sales" badges to make your products more visible and to differentiate them. And also propose badges indicating the composition (100% cotton, 100% organic...) or icons highlighting the strengths of each product. So you customize your shop in just a few clicks.] => For example, you can add "Free shipping", "-30%", "New", "Last parts in stock", "No. 1 of sales" badges to make your products more visible and to differentiate them. And also propose badges indicating the composition (100% cotton, 100% organic...) or icons highlighting the strengths of each product. So you customize your shop in just a few clicks.
[] =>
[Enable Mobile] => Enable Mobile
[Disable Mobile] => Disable Mobile
[Module manager] => Module manager
[Module notifications] => Module notifications
[v%version% - by %author%] => v%version% - by %author%
[Discover] => Discover
[Toggle Dropdown] => Toggle Dropdown
[PrestaShop Addons Marketplace] => PrestaShop Addons Marketplace
[Exit to PrestaShop Addons Marketplace] => Exit to PrestaShop Addons Marketplace
[See all results for your search on] => See all results for your search on
[Read More] => Read more
[Service by %author%] => Service by %author%
[Recently used] => Recently used
[All Categories] => All Categories
[All categories] => All categories
[Disabled modules] => Disabled modules
[Show all modules] => Show all modules
[Enabled Modules] => Enabled Modules
[Disabled Modules] => Disabled Modules
[Enabled modules] => Enabled modules
[You do not have module in « %categoryName% ».] => You do not have module in « %categoryName% ».
[Discover the best-selling modules of this category in the %link% page.] => Discover the best-selling modules of this category in the %link% page.
[Recently Used] => Recently Used
[Link your shop to your Addons account to automatically receive important updates for the modules you purchased. Don't have an account yet?] => Link your shop to your Addons account to automatically receive important updates for the modules you purchased. Don't have an account yet?
[Sign up now] => Sign up now
[Confirm logout] => Confirm logout
[Yes, log out] => Yes, log out
[Connect to Addons marketplace] => Connect to Addons marketplace
[Disable module?] => Disable module?
[Uninstall module?] => Uninstall module?
[Reset module?] => Reset module?
[Yes, disable it] => Yes, disable it
[Yes, uninstall it] => Yes, uninstall it
[Yes, reset it] => Yes, reset it
[Bulk action confirmation] => Bulk action confirmation
[Yes, I want to do it] => Yes, I want to do it
[Optional: delete module folder after uninstall.] => Optional: delete module folder after uninstall.
[Module verification] => Module verification
[Author] => Author
[Back to modules list] => Back to modules list
[Proceed with the installation] => Proceed with the installation
[Buy module] => Buy module
[Upload a module] => Upload a module
[Drop your module archive here or [1]select file[/1]] => Drop your module archive here or [1]select file[/1]
[Free] => Free
[v%version% by %author%] => v%version% by %author%
[Overview] => Overview
[Additional information] => Additional information
[Benefits] => Benefits
[Features] => Features
[Demo video] => Demo video
[Changelog] => Changelog
[Multistore compatibility:] => Multistore compatibility:
[This module is compatible with the multistore feature. It can be either:] => This module is compatible with the multistore feature. It can be either:
[configured differently from one store to another;] => configured differently from one store to another;
[configured quickly in the same way on all stores thanks to the all shops context or to the group of shops;] => configured quickly in the same way on all stores thanks to the all shops context or to the group of shops;
[or even activated for one store and deactivated for another.] => or even activated for one store and deactivated for another.
[This module is partially compatible with the multistore feature. Some of its options might not be available.] => This module is partially compatible with the multistore feature. Some of its options might not be available.
[This module is not compatible with the multistore feature because it would not be useful.] => This module is not compatible with the multistore feature because it would not be useful.
[This module is not compatible with the multistore feature. It means that its configuration applies to all stores.] => This module is not compatible with the multistore feature. It means that its configuration applies to all stores.
[%nbModules% modules and services selected for you] => %nbModules% modules and services selected for you
[Selection] => Selection
[Increasing Price] => Increasing price
[Decreasing Price] => Decreasing price
[Popularity] => Popularity
[%nbModules% modules to configure] => %nbModules% modules to configure
[Modules to configure] => Modules to configure
[Design & Navigation] => Design & Navigation
[Promotions & Marketing] => Promotions & Marketing
[Product Page] => Product Page
[Payment] => Payment
[Traffic & Marketplaces] => Traffic & Marketplaces
[Customers] => Customers
[Facebook & Social Networks] => Facebook & Social Networks
[Specialized Platforms] => Specialized Platforms
[Theme modules] => Theme modules
[Other] => Other
[%nbModules% modules to update] => %nbModules% modules to update
[Modules to update] => Modules to update
[Upgrade All] => Upgrade All
[ModulesStspecialsliderAdmin] => Array
[Special Products Slider] => Special Products Slider
[Display special products slider on hompage.] => Display special products slider on hompage.
[Product ID error] => Product ID error
[Specific special products:] => Specific special products:
[Display this product in the Special products slider if it has specific prices.] => Display this product in the Special products slider if it has specific prices.
[ModulesBannerShop] => Array
[Choose a file] => Choose a file
[AdminLoginFeature] => Array
[Log in] => Log in
[Stay logged in] => Stay logged in
[I forgot my password] => I forgot my password
[Reset your password] => Reset your password
[New password] => New password
[Confirm new password] => Confirm new password
[Confirm password] => Confirm password
[Reset password] => Reset password
[Send reset link] => Send reset link
[ShopThemeCheckout] => Array
[ (additional cost of %giftcost% %taxlabel%)] => (additional cost of %giftcost% %taxlabel%)
[I would like my order to be gift wrapped %cost%] => I would like my order to be gift wrapped %cost%
[tax incl.] => VAT incl.
[tax excl.] => VAT excl.
[(additional cost of %giftcost% %taxlabel%)] => (additional cost of %giftcost% %taxlabel%)
[Personal Information] => Personal Information
[I agree to the [terms of service] and will adhere to them unconditionally.] => I agree to the [terms of service] and will adhere to them unconditionally.
[%price% tax incl.] => %price% tax incl.
[%price% tax excl.] => %price% tax excl.
[My Address] => My Address
[Tax included] => VAT included
[Tax excluded] => VAT excluded
[Free shipping] => Free shipping
[Guest order tracking] => Guest Order Tracking
[Order confirmation] => Order confirmation
[Product Successfully Added to Your Shopping Cart] => Product Successfully Added to Your Shopping Cart
[Free] => Free
[Total] => Total
[Subtotal] => Subtotal
[Gift wrapping] => Gift wrapping
[Shipping] => Shipping
[Included taxes] => Included taxes
[Taxes] => VAT
[Total (tax incl.)] => Total (tax incl.)
[Total (tax excl.)] => Total (VAT excl.)
[1 item] => 1 item
[%count% items] => %count% items
[A minimum shopping cart total of %amount% (tax excl.) is required to validate your order. Current cart total is %total% (tax excl.).] => A minimum shopping cart total of %amount% (tax excl.) is required to validate your order. Current cart total is %total% (tax excl.).
[Discount(s)] => Discount(s)
[Total paid] => Total paid
[Discount] => Discount
[Shipping and handling] => Shipping and handling
[Tax] => Tax
[You Save] => You Save
[Up to %amount_saved%] => Up to %amount_saved%
[Choose a password to create an account and save time on your next order (optional)] => Choose a password to create an account and save time on your next order (optional)
[The selected address will be used both as your personal address (for invoice) and as your shipping address.] => The selected address will be used both as your personal address (for invoice) and as your shipping address.
[Order reference %reference%] => Order reference %reference%
[Payment method %method_name%] => Payment method %method_name%
[Shipping method %method_name%] => Shipping method %method_name%
[Product successfully added to your shopping cart] => Product successfully added to your shopping cart
[Quantity:] => Quantity:
[There are %products_count% items in your cart.] => There are %products_count% items in your cart.
[There is %product_count% item in your cart.] => There is %product_count% item in your cart.
[Total products:] => Total products:
[Total shipping:] => Total shipping:
[Total:] => Total
[Subtotal:] => Subtotal:
[Shipping:] => Shipping:
[There is %products_count% item in your cart.] => There is %products_count% item in your cart.
[Cart] => Basket
[Shopping cart link containing %nbProducts% product(s)] => Shopping cart link containing %nbProducts% product(s)
[The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is %quantity%.] => The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is %quantity%.
[Use this address for invoice too] => Use this address for invoice too
[Gift] => Gift
[%productName% product quantity field] => %productName% product quantity field
[There are no more items in your cart] => There are no more items in your cart
[Promo code] => Promo code
[Have a promo code?] => Have a promo code?
[Close] => Close
[Create an account] => Create an account
[(optional)] => (optional)
[And save time on your next order!] => And save time on your next order!
[Order items] => Order items
[Unit price] => Unit price
[Total products] => Total products
[%product_count% item in your cart] => %product_count% item in your cart
[%products_count% items in your cart] => %products_count% items in your cart
[Shipping Method] => Shipping Method
[Addresses] => Addresses
[Please check your order before payment] => Please check your order before payment
[Your Delivery Address] => Your Delivery Address
[Shipping Address] => Shipping Address
[The selected address will be used as your personal address (for invoice).] => The selected address will be used as your personal address (for invoice).
[Billing address differs from shipping address] => Billing address differs from shipping address
[Your Invoice Address] => Your Invoice Address
[The selected address will be used both as your personal address (for invoice) and as your delivery address.] => The selected address will be used both as your personal address (for invoice) and as your delivery address.
[Transaction amount has been correctly updated] => Transaction amount has been correctly updated
[By confirming the order, you certify that you have read and agree with all of the conditions below:] => By confirming the order, you certify that you have read and agree with all of the conditions below:
[Selected] => Selected
[Unfortunately, there are no payment method available.] => Unfortunately, there is no payment method available.
[Please make sure you've chosen a [1]payment method[/1] and accepted the [2]terms and conditions[/2].] => Please make sure you've chosen a [1]payment method[/1] and accepted the [2]terms and conditions[/2].
[No payment needed for this order] => No payment needed for this order
[Order with an obligation to pay] => Order with an obligation to pay
[Place order] => Place order
[If you sign out now, your cart will be emptied.] => If you sign out now, your cart will be emptied.
[Order as a guest] => Order as a guest
[I would like to receive my order in recycled packaging.] => I would like to receive my order in recycled packaging.
[If you'd like, you can add a note to the gift:] => If you'd like, you can add a note to the gift:
[Unfortunately, there are no carriers available for your delivery address.] => Unfortunately, there are no carriers available for your delivery address.
[If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.] => If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.
[Shopping Cart] => Shopping Cart
[Your order is confirmed] => Your order is confirmed
[An email has been sent to your mail address %email%.] => An email has been sent to the %email% address.
[You can also [1]download your invoice[/1]] => You can also [1]download your invoice[/1]
[Order details] => Order details
[Save time on your next order, sign up now] => Save time on your next order, sign up now
[Order reference: %reference%] => Order reference: %reference%
[Payment method: %method%] => Payment method: %method%
[Shipping method: %method%] => Shipping method: %method%
[Code] => Code
[Description] => Description
[Value] => Value
[Minimum] => Minimum
[Cumulative] => Cumulative
[Expiration date] => Expiration date
[Payment] => Payment
[Order reference] => Order reference
[Date] => Date
[Total price] => Total price
[Status] => Status
[Invoice] => Invoice
[Carrier] => Carrier
[Payment method] => Payment method
[Delivery address %alias%] => Delivery address %alias%
[Invoice address %alias%] => Invoice address %alias%
[Weight] => Weight
[Shipping cost] => Shipping cost
[Tracking number] => Tracking number
[Quantity] => Quantity
[GlobalActions] => Array
[Actions] => Actions
[ID] => ID
[ModulesDashtrendsAdmin] => Array
[Dashboard Trends] => Dashboard Trends
[Adds a block with a graphical representation of the development of your store(s) based on selected key data.] => Adds a block with a graphical representation of the development of your store(s) based on selected key data.
[%s points] => %s points
[Average Cart Value] => Average Cart Value
[Conversion Rate] => Conversion Rate
[%s (previous period)] => %s (previous period)
[Net Profit] => Net Profit
[Dashboard] => Dashboard
[Sum of revenue (excl. tax) generated within the date range by orders considered validated.] => Sum of revenue (excl. tax) generated within the date range by orders considered validated.
[Total number of orders received within the date range that are considered validated.] => Total number of orders received within the date range that are considered validated.
[Average Cart Value is a metric representing the value of an average order within the date range. It is calculated by dividing Sales by Orders.] => Average Cart Value is a metric representing the value of an average order within the date range. It is calculated by dividing Sales by Orders.
[Cart Value] => Cart Value
[Total number of visits within the date range. A visit is the period of time a user is actively engaged with your website.] => Total number of visits within the date range. A visit is the period of time a user is actively engaged with your website.
[Ecommerce Conversion Rate is the percentage of visits that resulted in an validated order.] => Ecommerce Conversion Rate is the percentage of visits that resulted in an validated order.
[Net profit is a measure of the profitability of a venture after accounting for all Ecommerce costs. You can provide these costs by clicking on the configuration icon right above here.] => Net profit is a measure of the profitability of a venture after accounting for all Ecommerce costs. You can provide these costs by clicking on the configuration icon right above here.
[ModulesBlockreassuranceAdmin] => Array
[Customer reassurance] => Customer reassurance
[Adds an information block aimed at offering helpful information to reassure customers that your store is trustworthy.] => Adds an information block aimed at offering helpful information to reassure customers that your store is trustworthy.
[The block configuration has been updated.] => The block configuration has been updated.
[New reassurance block] => New reassurance block
[ID Shop] => ID Shop
[blockreassurance] => Block Reassurance
[Connect with your customers and reassure them by highlighting your services: secure payment, free shipping, returns, etc.] => Connect with your customers and reassure them by highlighting your services: secure payment, free shipping, returns, etc.
[Are you sure you want to uninstall this module?] => Are you sure you want to uninstall this module?
[There was an error during the installation. Please contact us through Addons website.] => There was an error during the installation. Please contact us through Addons website.
[There was an error during the uninstallation. Please contact us through Addons website.] => There was an error during the uninstallation. Please contact us through Addons website.
[Block updated] => Block updated
[Oops... looks like an error occurred] => Oops... looks like an error occurred
[Configuration updated successfully!] => Configuration updated successfully!
[Position changed successfully!] => Position changed successfully!
[An error occurred when switching position] => An error occurred when switching position
[Customer Reassurance] => Customer Reassurance
[An error occurred when removing block] => An error occurred when removing block.
[Your folder %s is not readable or executable] => Your folder %s is not readable or executable
[This folder needs these rights so you can upload your own images for the reassurances blocks.] => This folder needs these rights so you can upload your own images for the reassurances blocks.
[Content] => Content
[Display] => Display
[Appearance] => Appearance
[Save] => Save
[Customize Module Design] => Customize Module Design
[Icon color] => Icon color
[Text color] => Text color
[Reassurance Block] => Reassurance Block
[Return] => Return
[CMS Page] => CMS Page
[Description (optional)] => Description (optional)
[Image] => Image
[Modify icon] => Modify icon
[or upload file] => or upload file
[Choose SVG for best customization. Other accepted file formats: jpg, png, gif] => Choose SVG for best customization. Other accepted file formats: jpg, png, gif
[Choose SVG for better customization. Other allowed formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png] => Choose SVG for better customization. Other allowed formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png
[Languages] => Languages
[Select none] => Select none
[Redirection] => Redirection
[URL] => URL
[CMS page] => CMS page
[Title] => Title
[Block Content] => Block Content
[Position] => Position
[Description] => Description
[Actions] => Actions
[Url link] => Url link
[Activated] => Activated
[Deactivated] => Deactivated
[We recommend 3 blocks at maximum.] => We recommend 3 blocks at maximum.
[Global settings] => Global settings
[Product pages] => Product pages
[Checkout pages] => Checkout pages
[none] => none
[Main column] => Main column
[Specific position for cart page] => Specific position for cart page
[None] => None
[Header position on all pages] => Header position on all pages
[Above header] => Above header
[Below header] => Below header
[Footer position on all pages] => Footer position on all pages
[Above footer] => Above footer
[Below footer] => Below footer
[Specific position for product page] => Specific position for product page
[ModulesRssfeedAdmin] => Array
[RSS feed block] => RSS feed block
[Adds a block displaying a RSS feed.] => Adds a block displaying a RSS feed.
[RSS feed] => RSS feed
[Invalid feed URL] => Invalid feed URL
[Invalid title] => Invalid title
[Invalid number of feeds] => Invalid number of feeds
[You have selected a feed URL from your own website. Please choose another URL.] => You have selected a feed URL from your own website. Please choose another URL.
[Feed is unreachable, check your URL] => Feed is unreachable, check your URL
[Invalid feed: %message%] => Invalid feed: %message%
[Error: invalid RSS feed in "%module_name%" module: %message%] => Error: invalid RSS feed in "%module_name%" module: %message%
[Block title] => Block title
[Create a title for the block (default: 'RSS feed').] => Create a title for the block (default: 'RSS feed').
[Add a feed URL] => Add a feed URL
[Add the URL of the feed you want to use (sample:] => Add the URL of the feed you want to use (sample:
[Number of threads displayed] => Number of threads displayed
[Number of threads displayed in the block (default value: 5).] => Number of threads displayed in the block (default value: 5).
[ModulesSearchbarShop] => Array
[Search] => Search
[ShopPdf] => Array
[: ] => :
[Delivery] => Delivery
[Invoice] => Invoice
[%taxrate%%space%%] => %taxrate%%space%%
[Order return] => Order return
[Credit slip] => Credit notes
[Supply order form] => Supply order form
[TE: Tax excluded] => TE: Tax excluded
[TI: Tax included] => TI: Tax included
[Billing & Delivery Address] => Billing & Delivery Address
[Payment Method] => Payment Method
[No payment] => No payment
[Product] => Product
[%s:] => %s:
[image(s):] => image(s):
[An electronic version of this invoice is available in your account. To access it, log in to our website using your e-mail address and password (which you created when placing your first order).] => An electronic version of this invoice is available in your account. To access it, log in to our website using your e-mail address and password (which you created when placing your first order).
[Delivery Address] => Delivery Address
[Billing Address] => Billing Address
[Note] => Note
[(Tax excl.)] => (Tax excl.)
[Unit Price] => Unit Price
[ecotax: %s] => Ecotax: %s
[Discounts] => Discounts
[Carrier] => Carrier
[Invoice Number] => Invoice Number
[Invoice Date] => Invoice Date
[Order date] => Order date
[Total Tax] => Total Tax
[Base price] => Base price
[Exempt of VAT according to section 259B of the General Tax Code.] => Exempt of VAT according to section 259B of the General Tax Code.
[Tax Detail] => Tax Detail
[Products] => Products
[Shipping] => Shipping
[Ecotax] => Ecotax
[Wrapping] => Wrapping
[Tax Rate] => VAT Rate
[No taxes] => No taxes
[Total Products] => Total Products
[Total Discounts] => Total Discounts
[Shipping Costs] => Shipping Costs
[Free Shipping] => Free Shipping
[Wrapping Costs] => Wrapping Costs
[Total (Tax excl.)] => Total (Tax excl.)
[Total] => Total
[If the following conditions are not met, we reserve the right to refuse your package and/or refund:] => If the following conditions are not met, we reserve the right to refuse your package and/or refund:
[Please include this return reference on your return package:] => Please include this return reference on your return package:
[All products must be returned in their original package and condition, unused and without damage.] => All products must be returned in their original package and condition, unused and without damage.
[Please print out this document and slip it into your package.] => Please print out this document and slip it into your package.
[The package should be sent to the following address:] => The package should be sent to the following address:
[Upon receiving your package, we will notify you by e-mail. We will then begin processing the refund, if applicable. Let us know if you have any questions] => Upon receiving your package, we will notify you by email. We will then begin processing the refund, if applicable. Let us know if you have any questions
[Reference] => Reference
[Qty] => Qty
[Items to be returned] => Items to be returned
[We have logged your return request.] => We have logged your return request.
[Your package must be returned to us within] => Your package must be returned to us within
[days of receiving your order.] => days of receiving your order.
[Return Number] => Return Number
[Date] => Date
[Product / Reference] => Product / Reference
[Unit price] => Unit price
[(Tax Excl.)] => (Tax Excl.)
[(Tax Incl.)] => (VAT Incl.)
[Price] => Price
[No details] => No details
[image(s)] => image(s)
[Order Date] => Order Date
[Order Reference] => Order Reference
[VAT Number] => VAT Number
[Shipping (Tax Excl.)] => Shipping (Tax Excl.)
[Shipping (Tax Incl.)] => Shipping (Tax Incl.)
[Product Total (Tax Excl.)] => Product Total (Tax Excl.)
[Product Total (Tax Incl.)] => Product Total (Tax Incl.)
[Product Total] => Product Total
[Total (Tax Excl.)] => Total (Tax Excl.)
[Total (Tax Incl.)] => Total (Tax Incl.)
[For more assistance, contact Support:] => For more assistance, contact Support:
[Tel: %s] => Tel: %s
[Fax: %s] => Fax: %s
[Total TE] => Total TE
[Total TI] => Total TI
[Products ordered:] => Products ordered:
[Designation] => Designation
[Unit Price TE] => Unit Price TE
[Before discount] => Before discount
[Discount Rate] => Discount Rate
[After discount] => After discount
[Tax rate] => VAT rate
[Taxes:] => Taxes:
[Base TE] => Base TE
[Tax Value] => Tax Value
[Summary:] => Summary:
[(Before discount)] => (Before discount)
[Order Discount] => Order Discount
[(After discount)] => (After discount)
[Tax value] => VAT value
[Total to pay] => Total to pay
[ModulesGsitemapAdmin] => Array
[Google sitemap] => Google sitemap
[Generate your Google sitemap file] => Generate your Google sitemap file
[An error occured while trying to check your file permissions. Please adjust your permissions to allow PrestaShop to write a file in your root directory.] => An error occured while trying to check your file permissions. Please adjust your permissions to allow PrestaShop to write a file in your root directory.
[Your sitemaps were successfully created. Please do not forget to setup the URL] => Your sitemaps were successfully created. Please do not forget to setup the URL
[in your Google Webmaster account.] => in your Google Webmaster account.
[Your sitemaps] => Your sitemaps
[Sitemaps were already created.] => Sitemaps were already created.
[Continue] => Continue
[Please set up the following sitemap URL in your Google Webmaster account:] => Please set up the following sitemap URL in your Google Webmaster account:
[This URL is the master sitemaps file. It refers to the following sub-sitemap files:] => This URL is the master sitemaps file. It refers to the following sub-sitemap files:
[Your last update was made on this date:] => Your last update was made on this date:
[For a better use of the module, please make sure that you have] => For a better use of the module, please make sure that you have
[A minimum memory_limit value of 128 MB.] => A minimum memory_limit value of 128 MB.
[A minimum max_execution_time value of 30 seconds.] => A minimum max_execution_time value of 30 seconds.
[You can edit these limits in your php.ini file. For more details, please contact your hosting provider.] => You can edit these limits in your php.ini file. For more details, please contact your hosting provider.
[Configure your sitemap] => Configure your sitemap
[Several sitemap files will be generated depending on how your server is configured and on the number of activated products in your catalog.] => Several sitemap files will be generated depending on how your server is configured and on the number of activated products in your catalog.
[How often do you update your store?] => How often do you update your store?
[always] => always
[hourly] => hourly
[daily] => daily
[weekly] => weekly
[monthly] => monthly
[yearly] => yearly
[never] => never
[Check this box if you wish to check the presence of the image files on the server] => Check this box if you wish to check the presence of the image files on the server
[Check all] => Check all
[Indicate the pages that you do not want to include in your sitemap files:] => Indicate the pages that you do not want to include in your sitemap files:
[Generate sitemap] => Generate sitemap
[This can take several minutes] => This can take several minutes
[You have two ways to generate sitemaps.] => You have two ways to generate sitemaps.
[Manually:] => Manually:
[Using the form above (as often as needed)] => Using the form above (as often as needed)
[-or-] => -or-
[Automatically:] => Automatically:
[Ask your hosting provider to setup a "Cron task" to load the following URL at the time you would like:] => Ask your hosting provider to setup a "Cron task" to load the following URL at the time you would like:
[It will automatically generate your XML sitemaps.] => It will automatically generate your XML sitemaps.
[Uncheck all] => Uncheck all
[This shop has no sitemap yet.] => This shop has no sitemap yet.
[Generating a sitemap can take several minutes] => Generating a sitemap can take several minutes
[Information] => Information
[The above URL is the master sitemap file. It refers to the following sub-sitemap files:] => The above URL is the master sitemap file. It refers to the following sub-sitemap files:
[Ask your hosting provider to setup a "Cron job" to load the following URL at the time you would like:] => Ask your hosting provider to setup a "Cron job" to load the following URL at the time you would like:
[ModulesDataprivacyAdmin] => Array
[Customer data privacy block] => Customer data privacy block
[Adds a block displaying a message about a customer's privacy data.] => Adds a block displaying a message about a customer's privacy data.
[Customer data privacy message for customer form:] => Customer data privacy message for customer form:
[The customer data privacy message will be displayed in the customer form] => The customer data privacy message will be displayed in the customer form
[Tip: If the customer privacy message is too long to be written directly in the form, you can add a link to one of your pages. This can easily be created via the "Pages" page under the "Design" menu.] => Tip: If the customer privacy message is too long to be written directly in the form, you can add a link to one of your pages. This can easily be created via the "Pages" page under the "Design" menu.
[The personal data you provide is used to answer queries, process orders or allow access to specific information. You have the right to modify and delete all the personal information found in the "My Account" page.] => The personal data you provide is used to answer queries, process orders or allow access to specific information. You have the right to modify and delete all the personal information found in the "My Account" page.
[Reassure your customers, display a short notice to let them know you care about privacy.] => Reassure your customers, display a short notice to let them know you care about privacy.
[ModulesCarriercomparisonAdmin] => Array
[Shipping Estimate] => Shipping Estimate
[Compares carrier choices before checkout.] => Compares carrier choices before checkout.
[How to refresh the carrier list?] => How to refresh the carrier list?
[Automatically with each field change] => Automatically with each field change
[AdminShippingNotification] => Array
[Ranges are not correctly ordered:] => Ranges are not correctly ordered:
[Reordering] => Reordering
[Please validate the last range before creating a new one.] => Please validate the last range before creating a new one.
[Are you sure to delete this range ?] => Are you sure to delete this range ?
[This range is not valid] => This range is not valid
[Ranges are overlapping] => Ranges are overlapping
[Please select at least one zone] => Please select at least one zone
[Are you sure you want to delete the logo?] => Are you sure you want to delete the logo?
[You do not have permission to use this wizard.] => You do not have permission to use this wizard.
[You must choose at least one shop or group shop.] => You must choose at least one shop or group shop.
[An error occurred while saving this carrier.] => An error occurred while saving this carrier.
[An error occurred while saving carrier groups.] => An error occurred while saving carrier groups.
[An error occurred while saving carrier zones.] => An error occurred while saving carrier zones.
[An error occurred while saving carrier ranges.] => An error occurred while saving carrier ranges.
[An error occurred while saving associations of shops.] => An error occurred while saving associations of shops.
[An error occurred while saving the tax rules group.] => An error occurred while saving the tax rules group.
[An error occurred while saving carrier logo.] => An error occurred while saving carrier logo.
[An error occurred while updating carrier information.] => An error occurred while updating carrier information.
[An error occurred while updating the free shipping status.] => An error occurred while updating the free shipping status.
[ModulesStatspersonalinfosAdmin] => Array
[Registered customer information] => Registered customer information
[Adds information about your registered customers (such as gender and age) to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds information about your registered customers (such as gender and age) to the Stats dashboard.
[Target your audience] => Target your audience
[In order for each message to have an impact, you need to know who it is being addressed to. ] => In order for each message to have an impact, you need to know who it is being addressed to.
[Defining your target audience is essential when choosing the right tools to win them over.] => Defining your target audience is essential when choosing the right tools to win them over.
[It is best to limit an action to a group -- or to groups -- of clients.] => It is best to limit an action to a group -- or to groups -- of clients.
[Storing registered customer information allows you to accurately define customer profiles so you can adapt your special deals and promotions.] => Storing registered customer information allows you to accurately define customer profiles so you can adapt your special deals and promotions.
[You can increase your sales by:] => You can increase your sales by:
[Launching targeted advertisement campaigns.] => Launching targeted advertisement campaigns.
[Contacting a group of clients by email or newsletter.] => Contacting a group of clients by email or newsletter.
[Gender distribution allows you to determine the percentage of men and women shoppers on your store.] => Gender distribution allows you to determine the percentage of men and women shoppers on your store.
[CSV Export] => CSV Export
[Age ranges allow you to better understand target demographics.] => Age ranges allow you to better understand target demographics.
[Country distribution allows you to analyze which part of the World your customers are shopping from.] => Country distribution allows you to analyze which part of the World your customers are shopping from.
[Currency range allows you to determine which currency your customers are using.] => Currency range allows you to determine which currency your customers are using.
[Language distribution allows you to analyze the browsing language used by your customers.] => Language distribution allows you to analyze the browsing language used by your customers.
[No customers have registered yet.] => No customers have registered yet.
[Gender distribution] => Gender distribution
[Age range] => Age range
[0-18] => 0-18
[18-24] => 18-24
[25-34] => 25-34
[35-49] => 35-49
[50-59] => 50-59
[60+] => 60+
[Country distribution] => Country distribution
[Currency distribution] => Currency distribution
[Language distribution] => Language distribution
[ModulesStvideoAdmin] => Array
[Product video and size chart] => Product video and size chart
[Show youtube, vimeo and size chart on your product page.] => Show youtube, vimeo and size chart on your product page.
[16:9] => 16:9
[4:3] => 4:3
[Top left of the main product image] => Top left of the main product image
[Top center of the main product image] => Top center of the main product image
[Top right of the main product image] => Top right of the main product image
[Center left of the main product image] => Center left of the main product image
[Center center of the main product image] => Center center of the main product image
[Center right of the main product image] => Center right of the main product image
[Bottom left of the main product image] => Bottom left of the main product image
[Bottom center of the main product image] => Bottom center of the main product image
[Bottom right of the main product image] => Bottom right of the main product image
[Right side of product name] => Right side of product name
[Right side of price] => Right side of price
[Right side of add to cart button] => Right side of add to cart button
[Product left column] => Product left column
[Product center column] => Product center column
[Product right column] => Product right column
[An error occurred during while] => An error occurred during while
[Video width:] => Video width:
[Video popup window width.] => Video popup window width.
[Video height:] => Video height:
[Video popup window height.] => Video popup window height.
[Specific products:] => Specific products:
[Video ratio] => Video ratio
[select ratio] => select ratio
[Type product name to add prodcuts:] => Type product name to add prodcuts:
[Add size chart] => Add size chart
[Size charts list] => Size charts list
[title] => title
[Video url] => Video url
[Add video] => Add video
[Videos list] => Videos list
[AdminDesignHelp] => Array
[By default, all images settings are already installed in your store. Do not delete them, you will need it!] => By default, all images settings are already installed in your store. Do not delete them, you will need it!
[Regenerates thumbnails for all existing images] => Regenerates thumbnails for all existing images
[Please be patient. This can take several minutes.] => Please be patient. This can take several minutes.
[Be careful! Manually uploaded thumbnails will be erased and replaced by automatically generated thumbnails.] => Be careful! Manually uploaded thumbnails will be erased and replaced by automatically generated thumbnails.
[Select "No" only if your server timed out and you need to resume the regeneration.] => Select "No" only if your server timed out and you need to resume the regeneration.
[Please select a module] => Please select a module
[Select a module above before choosing from available hooks] => Select a module above before choosing from available hooks
[Please specify the files for which you do not want the module to be displayed.] => Please specify the files for which you do not want the module to be displayed.
[Please input each filename, separated by a comma (",").] => Please input each filename, separated by a comma (",").
[You can also click the filename in the list below, and even make a multiple selection by keeping the Ctrl key pressed while clicking, or choose a whole range of filename by keeping the Shift key pressed while clicking.] => You can also click the filename in the list below, and even make a multiple selection by keeping the Ctrl key pressed while clicking, or choose a whole range of filename by keeping the Shift key pressed while clicking.
[To add "tags" click in the field, write something, and then press "Enter."] => To add "tags" click in the field, write something, and then press "Enter."
[JPEG images have a small file size and standard quality. PNG images have a larger file size, a higher quality and support transparency. Note that in all cases the image files will have the .jpg extension.] => JPEG images have a small file size and standard quality. PNG images have a larger file size, a higher quality and support transparency. Note that in all cases the image files will have the .jpg extension.
[WARNING: This feature may not be compatible with your theme, or with some of your modules. In particular, PNG mode is not compatible with the Watermark module. If you encounter any issues, turn it off by selecting "Use JPEG".] => WARNING: This feature may not be compatible with your theme, or with some of your modules. In particular, PNG mode is not compatible with the Watermark module. If you encounter any issues, turn it off by selecting "Use JPEG".
[Ranges from 0 (worst quality, smallest file) to 100 (best quality, biggest file).] => Ranges from 0 (worst quality, smallest file) to 100 (best quality, biggest file).
[Recommended: 90.] => Recommended: 90.
[PNG compression is lossless: unlike JPG, you do not lose image quality with a high compression ratio. However, photographs will compress very badly.] => PNG compression is lossless: unlike JPG, you do not lose image quality with a high compression ratio. However, photographs will compress very badly.
[Ranges from 0 (biggest file) to 9 (smallest file, slowest decompression).] => Ranges from 0 (biggest file) to 9 (smallest file, slowest decompression).
[Recommended: 7.] => Recommended: 7.
[The maximum file size of pictures that customers can upload to customize a product (in bytes).] => The maximum file size of pictures that customers can upload to customise a product (in bytes).
[Width of product customization pictures that customers can upload (in pixels).] => Width of product customisation pictures that customers can upload (in pixels).
[Height of product customization pictures that customers can upload (in pixels).] => Height of product customisation pictures that customers can upload (in pixels).
[This will generate an additional file for each image (thus doubling your total amount of images). Resolution of these images will be twice higher.] => This will generate an additional file for each image (thus doubling your total amount of image files). Resolution of these images will be twice higher.
[Enable to optimize the display of your images on high pixel density screens.] => Enable to optimize the display of your images on high pixel density screens.
[This should be set to yes unless you successfully moved images in "Images" page under the "Preferences" menu.] => This should be set to yes unless you successfully moved images in "Images" page under the "Preferences" menu.
[Letters, underscores and hyphens only (e.g. "small_custom", "cart_medium", "large", "thickbox_extra-large").] => Letters, underscores and hyphens only (e.g. "small_custom", "cart_medium", "large", "thickbox_extra-large").
[Maximum image width in pixels.] => Maximum image width in pixels.
[Maximum image height in pixels.] => Maximum image height in pixels.
[This type will be used for Product images.] => This type will be used for Product images.
[This type will be used for Category images.] => This type will be used for Category images.
[This type will be used for Brand images.] => This type will be used for Brand images.
[This type will be used for Supplier images.] => This type will be used for Supplier images.
[This type will be used for Store images.] => This type will be used for Store images.
[E.g. address, addresses, attachment] => E.g. address, addresses, attachment
[Will appear on main page. Recommended size for the default theme: height %height% and width %width%.] => Will appear on main page. Recommended size for the default theme: height %height% and width %width%.
[Warning: you can use a PNG file for transparency, but it can take up to 1 second per page for processing. Please consider using JPG instead.] => Warning: you can use a PNG file for transparency, but it can take up to 1 second per page for processing. Please consider using JPG instead.
[It is the small icon that appears in browser tabs, next to the web address] => It is the small icon that appears in browser tabs, next to the title
[Be careful! Please check your theme in an RTL language before generating the RTL stylesheet: your theme could be already adapted to RTL.\nOnce you click on "Adapt to RTL", any RTL-specific file that you might have added to your theme might be deleted by the created stylesheet.] => Be careful! Please check your theme in an RTL language before generating the RTL stylesheet: your theme could be already adapted to RTL.
Once you click on "Adapt to RTL", any RTL-specific file that you might have added to your theme might be deleted by the created stylesheet.
[Used in the h1 page tag, and as the default title tag value.] => Used in the h1 page tag, and as the default title tag value.
[Used to override the title tag value. If left blank, the default title value is used.] => Used to override the title tag value. If left blank, the default title value is used.
[Browse your computer files and select the Zip file for your new theme.] => Browse your computer files and select the Zip file for your new theme.
[Indicate the complete URL to an online Zip file that contains your new theme. For instance, "".] => Indicate the complete URL to an online Zip file that contains your new theme. For instance, "".
[This selector lists the Zip files that you uploaded in the '/themes' folder.] => This selector lists the Zip files that you uploaded in the '/themes' folder.
[Create meaningful content] => Create meaningful content
[Because it is not just selling products but also creating a universe, build pages to tell stories and catch your visitors’ interest, to turn them into loyal customers.] => Because it is not just selling products but also creating a universe, build pages to tell stories and catch your visitors’ interest, to turn them into loyal customers.
[Add new page category] => Add new page category
[Add new page] => Add new page
[This won't regenerate email templates, it only sets the default email theme for future generation (when a language is installed for example).] => This won't regenerate email templates, it only sets the default email theme for future generation (when a language is installed for example).
[PrestaShop's email templates are stored in the "mails" folder, but they can be overridden by your current theme's own "mails" folder. Using this option enables to overwrite emails from your current theme.] => PrestaShop's email templates are stored in the "mails" folder, but they can be overridden by your current theme's own "mails" folder. Using this option enables to overwrite emails from your current theme.
[By default, existing email template files are not modified to avoid deleting any modification you may have done. Enable this option to force the overwrite.] => By default, existing email template files are not modified to avoid deleting any modification you may have done. Enable this option to force the overwrite.
[No emails were detected in any theme folder so this field is disabled.] => No emails were detected in any theme folder so this field is disabled.
[Will appear on email headers. If undefined, the header logo will be used.] => Will appear on email headers. If undefined, the header logo will be used.
[Warning: if no invoice logo is available, the main logo will be used instead.] => Warning: if no invoice logo is available, the main logo will be used instead.
[Will appear on invoice headers.] => Will appear on invoice headers.
[Use our [1]favicon generator on PrestaShop Marketplace[/1] to boost your brand image!] => Use our [1]favicon generator on PrestaShop Marketplace[/1] to boost your brand image!
[Will appear on your main page. Recommended size for the default theme: height %height% and width %width%.] => Will appear on your main page. Recommended size for the default theme: height %height% and width %width%.
[It is the small icon that appears in browser tabs, next to the title.] => It is the small icon that appears in browser tabs, next to the title.
[Be careful! Please check your theme in an RTL language before generating the RTL stylesheet: your theme could be already adapted to RTL.
Once you click on "Adapt to RTL", any RTL-specific file that you might have added to your theme might be deleted by the created stylesheet.] => Be careful! Please check your theme in an RTL language before generating the RTL stylesheet: your theme could be already adapted to RTL.
Once you click on "Adapt to RTL", any RTL-specific file that you might have added to your theme might be deleted by the created stylesheet.
[Be careful! Please check your theme in an RTL language before generating the RTL stylesheet: your theme could be already adapted to RTL.
Once you enable the "%generate_rtl_label%" option, any RTL-specific file that you might have added to your theme might be deleted by the created stylesheet.] => Be careful! Please check your theme in an RTL language before generating the RTL stylesheet: your theme could be already adapted to RTL.
Once you enable the "%generate_rtl_label%" option, any RTL-specific file that you might have added to your theme might be deleted by the created stylesheet.
[You must select a shop from the above list if you wish to choose a theme.] => You must select a shop from the above list if you wish to choose a theme.
[You are editing this page for a specific shop or group. Click "Yes" to check all fields, "No" to uncheck all.] => You are editing this page for a specific shop or group. Click "Yes" to check all fields, "No" to uncheck all.
[If you check a field, change its value, and save, the multistore behavior will not apply to this shop (or group), for this particular parameter.] => If you check a field, change its value, and save, the multistore behaviour will not apply to this shop (or group), for this particular parameter.
[You are editing this page for a specific shop or group. Click "%yes_label%" to check all fields, "%no_label%" to uncheck all.] => You are editing this page for a specific shop or group. Click "%yes_label%" to check all fields, "%no_label%" to uncheck all.
[ModulesStatscheckupAdmin] => Array
[Catalog evaluation] => Catalog evaluation
[Adds a quick evaluation of your catalog quality to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a quick evaluation of your catalog quality to the Stats dashboard.
[Bad] => Bad
[Average] => Average
[Good] => Good
[No product was found.] => No product was found.
[Descriptions] => Descriptions
[chars (without HTML)] => chars (without HTML)
[orders / month] => orders / month
[Not enough] => Not enough
[Alright] => Alright
[Less than] => Less than
[Greater than] => Greater than
[Order by] => Order by
[Desc.] => Desc.
[Global] => Global
[items] => items
[ModulesCategoryproductsShop] => Array
[%s other product in the same category:] => %s other product in the same category:
[%s other products in the same category:] => %s other products in the same category:
[ModulesStproductcommentsAdmin] => Array
[All reviews must be validated by an employee:] => All reviews must be validated by an employee:
[Allow guest posting reviews:] => Allow guest posting reviews:
[Allow upload images:] => Allow upload images:
[How many images customers can upload:] => How many images customers can upload:
[Minimum time between 2 comments from the same user.] => Minimum time between 2 comments from the same user.
[Maximum length of comment content, default is 500 characters.] => Maximum length of comment content, default is 500 characters.
[Send a notice email to webmaster:] => Send a notice email to webmaster:
[Enable Google rich snippets:] => Enable Google rich snippets:
[This would not work if the Google rich snippets option in the Theme editor is off.] => This would not work if the Google rich snippets option in the Theme editor is off.
[How to display customer name:] => How to display customer name:
[Full name with asterisk] => Full name with asterisk
[Full name] => Full name
[First name only] => First name only
[How to display HELPFUL buttons:] => How to display HELPFUL buttons:
[Do not display them] => Do not display them
[YES buttons only] => YES buttons only
[YES and NO buttons] => YES and NO buttons
[Show ratings:] => Show ratings:
[Yes and show the number of ratings] => Yes and show the number of ratings
[Show star even if no rating] => Show star even if no rating
[Show star even if no rating and show the number of ratings] => Show star even if no rating and show the number of ratings
[Display ratings as links:] => Display ratings as links:
[Postion] => Postion
[How to display date] => How to display date
[Star icon:] => Star icon:
[Star size:] => Star size:
[Highlight star color:] => Highlight star color:
[Star color:] => Star color:
[How to display reviews] => How to display reviews
[Display featured reviews only] => Display featured reviews only
[Display all reviews] => Display all reviews
[Display featured reviews at the beginning:] => Display featured reviews at the beginning:
[Product Comments] => Product Comments
[Allows users to post comments for products after placed orders.] => Allows users to post comments for products after placed orders.
[Popularity] => Popularity
[Most helpful] => Most helpful
[Newest] => Newest
[Oldest] => Oldest
[Most commented] => Most commented
[Review criteria] => Review criteria
[Home slider] => Home slider
[Column] => Column
[Footer] => Footer
[Comment setting] => Comment setting
[Reviews waiting for approval] => Reviews waiting for approval
[Reported Reviews] => Reported Reviews
[Add New Criterion] => Add New Criterion
[Review Criteria] => Review Criteria
[Replies] => Replies
[Approved Reviews] => Approved Reviews
[Add a reply] => Add a reply
[Add new comment] => Add new comment
[Date Add] => Date Add
[Unapproved replies] => Unapproved replies
[Rating:] => Rating:
[Customer name:] => Customer name:
[Not abusive] => Not abusive
[Reply] => Reply
[Product comments] => Product comments
[Customer Name:] => Customer Name:
[Prodcut ID:] => Prodcut ID:
[Stars:] => Stars:
[Featured:] => Featured:
[Featured comments can be show on comments list firstly..] => Featured comments can be show on comments list firstly..
[Home featured:] => Home featured:
[Home featured comments will show on homepage, left / right columns and page footer.] => Home featured comments will show on homepage, left / right columns and page footer.
[Add new criterion] => Add new criterion
[Criterion name] => Criterion name
[Product reviews] => Product reviews
[All reviews] => All reviews
[Pending reviews] => Pending reviews
[Reported reviews] => Reported reviews
[Review links] => Review links
[Review link] => Review link
[ModulesStmultilinkAdmin] => Array
[Custom Links] => Custom Links
[This module is used to manage and display collections of links to your shop.] => This module is used to manage and display collections of links to your shop.
[Link group] => Link group
[updated] => updated
[added] => added
[an error occurred during link group] => an error occurred during link group
[updating] => updating
[creation] => creation
[The field "link group" is required] => The field "link group" is required
[an error occurred during link] => an error occurred during link
[Add new group] => Add new group
[Link Group] => Link Group
[Link group name:] => Link group name:
[Text and HTML are accepted.] => Text and HTML are accepted.
[Sub-links alignment:] => Sub-links alignment:
[No follow:] => No follow:
[Icon class name] => Icon class name
[Add new link] => Add new link
[Edit group] => Edit group
[Blog] => Blog
[RSS feeds for posts] => RSS feeds for posts
[Link item] => Link item
[Link group:] => Link group:
[Please select] => Please select
[Select an option here or fill in the name field] => Select an option here or fill in the name field
[Label / Overwrite name:] => Label / Overwrite name:
[This filed is required if you don not choose a link from the above "Links" drop down list.] => This filed is required if you don not choose a link from the above "Links" drop down list.
[If you have chosen a link above, you can also fill in this field to overwrite the link\'s name.] => If you have chosen a link above, you can also fill in this field to overwrite the link\'s name.
[Yes] => Yes
[ModulesStatsbestproductsAdmin] => Array
[An empty record-set was returned.] => An empty record-set was returned.
[Price sold] => Price sold
[Quantity sold in a day] => Quantity sold in a day
[Page views] => Page views
[Best-selling products] => Best-selling products
[Adds a list of the best-selling products to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a list of the best-selling products to the Stats dashboard.
[ModulesSthomenewAdmin] => Array
[New Products Slider] => New Products Slider
[Display new products on homepage.] => Display new products on homepage.
[ModulesStatscarrierAdmin] => Array
[Carrier distribution] => Carrier distribution
[Adds a graph displaying each carriers' distribution to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a graph displaying each carriers' distribution to the Stats dashboard.
[This graph represents the carrier distribution for your orders. You can also narrow the focus of the graph to display distribution for a particular order status.] => This graph represents the carrier distribution for your orders. You can also narrow the focus of the graph to display distribution for a particular order status.
[No valid orders have been received for this period.] => No valid orders have been received for this period.
[Percentage of orders listed by carrier.] => Percentage of orders listed by carrier.
[AdminPaymentFeature] => Array
[Customer currency] => Customer currency
[Shop default currency] => Shop default currency
[Active payment] => Active payment
[Currency restrictions] => Currency restrictions
[Country restrictions] => Country restrictions
[Group restrictions] => Group restrictions
[Carrier restrictions] => Carrier restrictions
[ModulesDataprivacyShop] => Array
[Customer data privacy[1][2]%message%[/2]] => Customer data privacy[1][2]%message%[/2]
[ModulesSearchbarAdmin] => Array
[Search bar] => Search bar
[Adds a quick search field to your website.] => Adds a quick search field to your website.
[Help your visitors find what they are looking for, add a quick search field to your store.] => Help your visitors find what they are looking for, add a quick search field to your store.
[ShopFormsHelp] => Array
[(E.g.: %date_format%)] => (E.g.: %date_format%)
[Only letters and the dot (.) character, followed by a space, are allowed.] => Only letters and the dot (.) character, followed by a space, are allowed.
[Your password must be at least %min% characters long.] => Your password must be at least %min% characters long.
[] =>
[Select reference] => Select reference
[optional] => optional
[How can we help?] => How can we help?
[At least 5 characters long] => At least 5 characters long
[Password input of at least 5 characters] => Password input of at least 5 characters
[250 char. max] => 250 char. max
[Don't forget to save your customization to be able to add to cart] => Don't forget to save your customization to be able to add to cart
[Your message here] => Your message here
[No selected file] => No selected file
[.png .jpg .gif] => .png .jpg .gif
[AdminLoginNotification] => Array
[You will be redirected to the login page in a few seconds.] => You will be redirected to the login page in a few seconds.
[Please, check your mailbox.] => Please, check your mailbox.
[A link to reset your password has been sent to you.] => A link to reset your password has been sent to you.
[For security reasons, you cannot connect to the back office until you have:] => For security reasons, you cannot connect to the back office until you have:
[deleted the /install folder] => deleted the /install folder
[renamed the /admin folder (e.g. %s)] => renamed the /admin folder (e.g. %s)
[Please then access this page by the new URL (e.g. %s)] => Please then access this page by the new URL (e.g. %s)
[For security reasons, you must also delete the /install folder.] => For security reasons, you must also delete the /install folder.
[SSL is activated. However, your IP is allowed to enter unsecure mode for maintenance or local IP issues.] => SSL is activated. However, your IP is allowed to enter unsecure mode for maintenance or local IP issues.
[SSL is activated. Please connect using the following link to [1]log in to secure mode (https://)[/1]] => SSL is activated. Please connect using the following link to [1]log in to secure mode (https://)[/1]
[The employee does not exist, or the password provided is incorrect.] => The employee does not exist, or the password provided is incorrect.
[This employee does not manage the shop anymore (either the shop has been deleted or permissions have been revoked).] => This employee does not manage the shop anymore (either the shop has been deleted or permissions have been revoked).
[This account does not exist.] => This account does not exist.
[You can reset your password every %interval% minute(s) only. Please try again later.] => You can reset your password every %interval% minute(s) only. Please try again later.
[Please, check your mailbox. A link to reset your password has been sent to you.] => Please, check your mailbox. A link to reset your password has been sent to you.
[An error occurred while attempting to reset your password.] => An error occurred while attempting to reset your password.
[Some identification information is missing.] => Some identification information is missing.
[The password is missing: please enter your new password.] => The password is missing: please enter your new password.
[The password is not in a valid format.] => The password is not in a valid format.
[The confirmation is empty: please fill in the password confirmation as well.] => The confirmation is empty: please fill in the password confirmation as well.
[The password and its confirmation do not match. Please double check both passwords.] => The password and its confirmation do not match. Please double check both passwords.
[Your password reset request expired. Please start again.] => Your password reset request expired. Please start again.
[An error occurred while attempting to change your password.] => An error occurred while attempting to change your password.
[The password has been changed successfully.] => The password has been changed successfully.
[ModulesSpecialsShop] => Array
[On sale] => On sale
[All sale products] => All sale products
[ModulesLanguageselectorAdmin] => Array
[Language selector block] => Language selector block
[Adds a block allowing customers to select a language for your store's content.] => Adds a block allowing customers to select a language for your store's content.
[ModulesContactformShop] => Array
[Please select a subject from the list provided. ] => Please select a subject from the list provided.
[An error occurred during the file-upload process.] => An error occurred during the file-upload process.
[Bad file extension] => Bad file extension
[An error occurred while sending the message, please try again.] => An error occurred while sending the message, please try again.
[An error occurred while sending the message.] => An error occurred while sending the message.
[Your message has been successfully sent to our team.] => Your message has been successfully sent to our team.
[Customer service - Contact us] => Customer service - Contact us
[Send a message] => Send a message
[If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.] => If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.
[Subject Heading] => Subject Heading
[Email address] => Email address
[Order reference] => Order reference
[Select reference] => Select reference
[Attach File] => Attach File
[Message] => Message
[Send] => Send
[ModulesReminderAdmin] => Array
[Customer follow-up] => Customer follow-up
[Follow-up with your customers by sending abandonment cart emails and other reminders.] => Follow-up with your customers by sending abandonment cart emails and other reminders.
[Settings updated succesfully] => Settings updated succesfully
[Error occurred during settings update] => Error occurred during settings update
[Discount for your cancelled cart] => Discount for your cancelled cart
[Thank you for your order.] => Thank you for your order.
[You are one of our best customers!] => You are one of our best customers!
[We miss you!] => We miss you!
[Define the settings and paste the following URL in the crontab, or call it manually on a daily basis:] => Define the settings and paste the following URL in the crontab, or call it manually on a daily basis:
[Information] => Information
[Four kinds of e-mail alerts are available in order to stay in touch with your customers!] => Four kinds of e-mail alerts are available in order to stay in touch with your customers!
[Cancelled carts] => Cancelled carts
[For each cancelled cart (with no order), generate a discount and send it to the customer.] => For each cancelled cart (with no order), generate a discount and send it to the customer.
[Discount amount] => Discount amount
[Discount validity] => Discount validity
[day(s)] => day(s)
[The next process will send %d e-mail(s).] => The next process will send %d e-mail(s).
[Re-order] => Re-order
[For each validated order, generate a discount and send it to the customer.] => For each validated order, generate a discount and send it to the customer.
[Next process will send: %d e-mail(s)] => Next process will send: %d e-mail(s)
[For each customer raising a threshold, generate a discount and send it to the customer.] => For each customer raising a threshold, generate a discount and send it to the customer.
[Threshold] => Threshold
[For each customer who has already placed at least one order and with no orders since a given duration, generate a discount and send it to the customer.] => For each customer who has already placed at least one order and with no orders since a given duration, generate a discount and send it to the customer.
[Since x days] => Since x days
[General] => General
[Delete outdated discounts during each launch to clean database] => Delete outdated discounts during each launch to clean database
[Best customers] => Best customers
[Bad customers] => Bad customers
[Statistics] => Statistics
[Detailed statistics for the last 30 days:] => Detailed statistics for the last 30 days:
[Sent = Number of sent e-mails] => Sent = Number of sent e-mails
[Used = Number of discounts used (valid orders only)] => Used = Number of discounts used (valid orders only)
[Conversion % = Conversion rate] => Conversion % = Conversion rate
[Date] => Date
[Canceled carts] => Cancelled carts
[Re-orders] => Re-orders
[Sent] => Sent
[Used] => Used
[Conversion (%)] => Conversion (%)
[No statistics at this time.] => No statistics at this time.
[ModulesBannerAdmin] => Array
[Banner] => Banner
[Displays a banner on your shop.] => Displays a banner on your shop.
[Banner image] => Banner image
[Upload an image for your top banner. The recommended dimensions are 1110 x 214px if you are using the default theme.] => Upload an image for your top banner. The recommended dimensions are 1110 x 214px if you are using the default theme.
[Banner Link] => Banner Link
[Enter the link associated to your banner. When clicking on the banner, the link opens in the same window. If no link is entered, it redirects to the homepage.] => Enter the link associated to your banner. When clicking on the banner, the link opens in the same window. If no link is entered, it redirects to the homepage.
[Banner description] => Banner description
[Please enter a short but meaningful description for the banner.] => Please enter a short but meaningful description for the banner.
[Add a banner to the homepage of your store to highlight your sales and new products in a visual and friendly way.] => Add a banner to the homepage of your store to highlight your sales and new products in a visual and friendly way.
[ModulesStatsnewsletterAdmin] => Array
[Adds a tab with a graph showing newsletter registrations to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a tab with a graph showing newsletter registrations to the Stats dashboard.
[Customer registrations:] => Customer registrations:
[Visitor registrations: ] => Visitor registrations:
[Both:] => Both:
[CSV Export] => CSV Export
[The %s module must be installed.] => The %s module must be installed.
[Newsletter statistics] => Newsletter statistics
[ModulesCustomtextAdmin] => Array
[Custom text blocks] => Custom text blocks
[Integrates custom text blocks anywhere in your store front] => Integrates custom text blocks anywhere in your store front
[CMS block] => CMS block
[Text block] => Text block
[ModulesStatssalesAdmin] => Array
[Sales and orders] => Sales and orders
[Adds graphics presenting the evolution of sales and orders to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds graphics presenting the evolution of sales and orders to the Stats dashboard.
[About order statuses] => About order statuses
[In your Back Office, you can modify the following order statuses: Awaiting Check Payment, Payment Accepted, Preparation in Progress, Shipping, Delivered, Canceled, Refund, Payment Error, Out of Stock, and Awaiting Bank Wire Payment.] => In your back office, you can modify the following order statuses: Awaiting Check Payment, Payment Accepted, Preparation in Progress, Shipping, Delivered, Canceled, Refund, Payment Error, Out of Stock, and Awaiting Bank Wire Payment.
[These order statuses cannot be removed from the Back Office; however you have the option to add more.] => These order statuses cannot be removed from the back office; however you have the option to add more.
[The following graphs represent the evolution of your shop's orders and sales turnover for a selected period.] => The following graphs represent the evolution of your shop's orders and sales turnover for a selected period.
[You should often consult this screen, as it allows you to quickly monitor your shop's sustainability. It also allows you to monitor multiple time periods.] => You should often consult this screen, as it allows you to quickly monitor your shop's sustainability. It also allows you to monitor multiple time periods.
[Only valid orders are graphically represented.] => Only valid orders are graphically represented.
[Orders placed:] => Orders placed:
[CSV Export] => CSV Export
[Sales:] => Sales:
[You can view the distribution of order statuses below.] => You can view the distribution of order statuses below.
[No orders for this period.] => No orders for this period.
[Orders placed] => Orders placed
[Products bought] => Products bought
[Products:] => Products:
[Sales currency: %s] => Sales currency: %s
[Percentage of orders per status.] => Percentage of orders per status.
[AdminNavigationHeader] => Array
[A new order has been placed on your shop.] => A new order has been placed in your shop.
[Order number:] => Order number:
[A new customer registered on your shop.] => A new customer has registered in your shop.
[A new message was posted on your shop.] => A new message was posted on your shop.
[Read this message] => Read this message
[Quick Access] => Quick Access
[Remove from QuickAccess] => Remove from QuickAccess
[Add current page to QuickAccess] => Add current page to QuickAccess
[Manage quick accesses] => Manage quick accesses
[Please name this shortcut:] => Please name this shortcut:
[Debug mode] => Debug mode
[Maintenance mode] => Maintenance mode
[View my shop] => View my shop
[Latest orders] => Latest orders
[Your profile] => Your profile
[My PrestaShop account] => My PrestaShop account
[Sign out] => Sign out
[Welcome back %name%] => Welcome back %name%
[Resources] => Resources
[] =>
[Training] => Training
[] =>
[Find an Expert] => Find an Expert
[] =>
[PrestaShop Marketplace] => PrestaShop Marketplace
[] =>
] =>
[Customers] => Customers
[Orders] => Orders
[PrestaShop logo] => PrestaShop logo
[What are you looking for?] => What are you looking for?
[Everywhere] => Everywhere
[Product name, SKU, reference...] => Product name, SKU, reference...
[Email, name...] => Email, name...
[Customers by name] => Customers by name
[Customers by IP address] => Customers by IP address
[Order ID] => Order ID
[Invoice Number] => Invoice Number
[Cart ID] => Cart ID
[Module name] => Module name
[Help Center] => Help Center
[] =>
[Remove from Quick Access] => Remove from Quick Acess
[Manage your quick accesses] => Manage your quick accesses
[Product name, reference, etc.] => Product name, reference, etc.
[Name] => Name
[by name] => by name
[] =>
[by IP address] => by IP address
[Invoice number] => Invoice number
[Search (e.g.: product reference, customer name…)] => Search (e.g.: product reference, customer name…)
[Searchbar] => Searchbar
[Customer name:] => Customer name:
[Catalog evaluation] => Catalog evaluation
[Home] => Home
[My Shop] => My Shop
[New category] => New category
[New product] => New product
[New voucher] => New voucher
[Installed modules] => Installed modules
[Link] => Link
[Quick Access menu] => Quick Access menu
[If it's a URL that comes from your back office, you MUST remove the security token.] => If it's a URL that comes from your back office, you MUST remove the security token.
[Open in new window] => Open in new window
[Add new quick access] => Add new quick access
[New window] => New window
[New customers] => New customers
[AdminPaymentHelp] => Array
[Please mark each checkbox for the currency, or currencies, for which you want the payment module(s) to be available.] => Please select available currencies for every payment module.
[Please mark each checkbox for the customer group(s), for which you want the payment module(s) to be available.] => Please select available payment modules for every customer group.
[Please mark each checkbox for the country, or countries, in which you want the payment module(s) to be available.] => Please mark each checkbox for the country, or countries, in which you want the payment module(s) to be available.
[Please mark each checkbox for the carrier, or carrier, for which you want the payment module(s) to be available.] => Please select available payment modules for every carrier.
[This is where you decide what payment modules are available for different variations like your customers' currency, group, and country.] => This is where you decide what payment modules are available for different variations like your customers' currency, group, and country.
[A check mark indicates you want the payment module available.] => A check mark indicates you want the payment module available.
[If it is not checked then this means that the payment module is disabled.] => If it is not checked then this means that the payment module is disabled.
[ModulesDashactivityAdmin] => Array
[Dashboard Activity] => Dashboard Activity
[(from %s to %s)] => (from %s to %s)
[Active cart] => Active cart
[How long (in minutes) a cart is to be considered as active after the last recorded change (default: 30 min).] => How long (in minutes) a cart is to be considered as active after the last recorded change (default: 30 min).
[Online visitor] => Online visitor
[How long (in minutes) a visitor is to be considered as online after their last action (default: 30 min).] => How long (in minutes) a visitor is to be considered as online after their last action (default: 30 min).
[Abandoned cart (min)] => Abandoned cart (min)
[How long (in hours) after the last action a cart is to be considered as abandoned (default: 24 hrs).] => How long (in hours) after the last action a cart is to be considered as abandoned (default: 24 hrs).
[hrs] => hrs
[Abandoned cart (max)] => Abandoned cart (max)
[How long (in hours) after the last action a cart is no longer to be considered as abandoned (default: 24 hrs).] => How long (in hours) after the last action a cart is no longer to be considered as abandoned (default: 24 hrs).
[Activity overview] => Activity overview
[Online Visitors] => Online Visitors
[in the last %d minutes] => in the last %d minutes
[Active Shopping Carts] => Active Shopping Carts
[Currently Pending] => Currently Pending
[Return/Exchanges] => Return/Exchanges
[Out of Stock Products] => Out of Stock Products
[New Messages] => New Messages
[Product Reviews] => Product Reviews
[Customers & Newsletters] => Customers & Newsletters
[New Customers] => New Customers
[New Subscriptions] => New Subscriptions
[Total Subscribers] => Total Subscribers
[Traffic] => Traffic
[Link to your Google Analytics account] => Link to your Google Analytics account
[Visits] => Visits
[Unique Visitors] => Unique Visitors
[Traffic Sources] => Traffic Sources
[ModulesMailalertsAdmin] => Array
[You must have a product to delete an alert.] => Without reference to a certain product, the warning can not be removed.
[You must be logged in to manage your alerts.] => You must be logged in to manage your alerts.
[No template found] => No template found
[Mail alerts] => Mail alerts
[Sends e-mail notifications to customers and merchants regarding stock and order modifications.] => Sends e-mail notifications to customers and merchants regarding stock and order modifications.
[Cannot update settings] => Cannot update settings
[Please type one (or more) e-mail address] => Please type one (or more) e-mail address
[Invalid e-mail:] => Invalid e-mail:
[Settings updated successfully] => Settings updated successfully
[No message] => No message
[Customer notifications] => Customer notifications
[Product availability] => Product availability
[Gives the customer the option of receiving a notification when an out-of-stock product is available again.] => Gives the customer the option of receiving a notification when an out-of-stock product is available again.
[Order edit] => Order edit
[Send a notification to the customer when an order is edited.] => Send a notification to the customer when an order is edited.
[New order] => New order
[Receive a notification when an order is placed.] => Receive a notification when an order is placed.
[Out of stock] => Out of stock
[Receive a notification if the available quantity of a product is below the following threshold.] => Receive a notification if the available quantity of a product is below the following threshold.
[Threshold] => Threshold
[Quantity for which a product is considered out of stock.] => Quantity for which a product is considered out of stock.
[Coverage warning] => Coverage warning
[Receive a notification when a product has insufficient coverage.] => Receive a notification when a product has insufficient coverage.
[Coverage] => Coverage
[Stock coverage, in days. Also, the stock coverage of a given product will be calculated based on this number.] => Stock coverage, in days. Also, the stock coverage of a given product will be calculated based on this number.
[Returns] => Returns
[Receive a notification when a customer requests a merchandise return.] => Receive a notification when a customer requests a merchandise return.
[E-mail addresses] => E-mail addresses
[One e-mail address per line (e.g.] => One e-mail address per line (e.g.
[Merchant notifications] => Merchant notifications
[image(s)] => image(s)
[Voucher code:] => Voucher code:
[ModulesFeaturedproductsShop] => Array
[Our Products] => Our Products
[All products] => All products
[ModulesNewsletterAdmin] => Array
[Newsletter] => Newsletter
[Generates a .CSV file for mass mailings] => Generates a .CSV file for mass mailings
[All countries] => All countries
[Customers' country] => Customers' country
[Filter customers' country.] => Filter customers' country.
[Newsletter subscribers] => Newsletter subscribers
[Filter newsletter subscribers.] => Filter newsletter subscribers.
[All customers] => All customers
[Subscribers] => Subscribers
[Non-subscribers] => Non-subscribers
[Opt-in subscribers] => Opt-in subscribers
[Filter opt-in subscribers.] => Filter opt-in subscribers.
[No customers found with these filters!] => No customers found with these filters!
[The .CSV file has been successfully exported: %d customers found.] => The .CSV file has been successfully exported: %d customers found.
[Download the file] => Download the file
[WARNING: When opening this .csv file with Excel, choose UTF-8 encoding to avoid strange characters.] => WARNING: When opening this .csv file with Excel, choose UTF-8 encoding to avoid strange characters.
[Error: Write access limited] => Error: Write access limited
[Error: cannot write] => Error: cannot write
[All Subscribers] => All Subscribers
[Subscribers with account] => Subscribers with account
[Subscribers without account] => Subscribers without account
[Export customers] => Export customers
[Export .CSV file] => Export .CSV file
[ModulesNewproductsAdmin] => Array
[New products block] => New products block
[Displays a block featuring your store's newest products.] => Displays a block featuring your store's newest products.
[Please complete the "products to display" field.] => Please complete the "products to display" field.
[Invalid number.] => Invalid number.
[Products to display] => Products to display
[Define the number of products to be displayed in this block.] => Define the number of products to be displayed in this block.
[Number of days for which the product is considered 'new'] => Number of days for which the product is considered 'new'
[ModulesPscleanerAdmin] => Array
[PrestaShop Cleaner] => PrestaShop Cleaner
[Check and fix functional integrity constraints and remove default data] => Check and fix functional integrity constraints and remove default data
[Be really careful with this tool - There is no possible rollback!] => Be really careful with this tool - There is no possible rollback!
[The following queries successfuly fixed broken data:] => The following queries successfuly fixed broken data:
[%d line(s)] => %d line(s)
[Nothing that need to be fixed] => Nothing that need to be fixed
[The following queries successfuly cleaned your database:] => The following queries successfully cleaned your database:
[Nothing that need to be cleaned] => Nothing that need to be cleaned
[Catalog truncated] => Catalog truncated
[Orders and customers truncated] => Orders and customers truncated
[Please read the disclaimer and click "Yes" above] => Please read the disclaimer and click "Yes" above
[Are you sure that you want to delete all catalog data?] => Are you sure that you want to delete all catalog data?
[Are you sure that you want to delete all sales data?] => Are you sure that you want to delete all sales data?
[Catalog] => Catalog
[I understand that all the catalog data will be removed without possible rollback: products, features, categories, tags, images, prices, attachments, scenes, stocks, attribute groups and values, manufacturers, suppliers...] => I understand that all the catalog data will be removed without possible rollback: products, features, categories, tags, images, prices, attachments, scenes, stocks, attribute groups and values, manufacturers, suppliers...
[Delete catalog] => Delete catalog
[Orders and customers] => Orders and customers
[I understand that all the orders and customers will be removed without possible rollback: customers, carts, orders, connections, guests, messages, stats...] => I understand that all the orders and customers will be removed without possible rollback: customers, carts, orders, connections, guests, messages, stats...
[Delete orders & customers] => Delete orders & customers
[Functional integrity constraints] => Functional integrity constraints
[Check & fix] => Check & fix
[Database cleaning] => Database cleaning
[Clean & Optimize] => Clean & Optimize
[AdminInternationalFeature] => Array
[Required fields for the address (click for more details):] => Required fields for the address (click for more details):
[Use the last registered format] => Use the last registered format
[Use the default format] => Use the default format
[Use my current modified format] => Use my current modified format
[Clear format] => Clear format
[Some countries require different elements than others. Click on the button below to get the valid default address format for this country.] => Some countries require different elements than others. Click on the button below to get the valid default address format for this country.
[Assign to a new zone] => Assign to a new zone
[This currency is disabled] => This currency is disabled.
[This currency is enabled] => This currency is enabled
[This tax only] => This VAT only
[Combine] => Combine
[One after another] => One after another
[Down] => Down
[Up] => Up
[missing] => missing
[Core emails] => Core emails
[Module emails] => Module emails
[Modify translations] => Modify translations
[Theme:] => Theme:
[Module:] => Module:
[Expressions to translate:] => Expressions to translate:
[Total missing expressions:] => Total missing expressions:
[expressions] => expressions
[Country options] => Country options
[Call prefix] => Call prefix
[Add new country] => Add new country
[Countries] => Countries
[Country name] => Country name
[Default store currency] => Default store currency
[Does it need Zip/postal code?] => Does it need Zip/postal code?
[Zip/postal code format] => Zip/postal code format
[Address format] => Address format
[Contains states] => Contains states
[Do you need a tax identification number?] => Do you need a VAT identification number?
[Display tax label (e.g. "Tax incl.")] => Display tax label (e.g. "Tax incl.")
[Does it need Zip/Postal code?] => Does it need Zip/Postal code?
[Zip/Postal code format] => Zip/Postal code format
[Check to see if a language pack is available for this ISO code.] => Check to see if a language pack is available for this ISO code.
[Translation files] => Translation files
[Theme files] => Theme files
[Mail files] => Mail files
[Add new state] => Add new state
[Add a new tax rule] => Add a new tax rule
[Behavior] => Behaviour
[Tax Rules] => Tax Rules
[New tax rule] => New tax rule
[Zip/postal code range] => Zip/postal code range
[Zip/Postal code range] => Zip/Postal code range
[%1$s (Language: %2$s, Theme: %3$s)] => %1$s (Language: %2$s, Theme: %3$s)
[Update translations] => Update translations
[Expand all fieldsets] => Expand all fieldsets
[Close all fieldsets] => Close all fieldsets
[Email subject] => Email subject
[View HTML version] => View HTML version
[Edit HTML version] => Edit HTML version
[View/Edit TXT version] => View/Edit TXT version
[Themes translations] => Themes translations
[Live exchange Rate for %shop_name%] => Live exchange Rate for %shop_name%
[Enabled Languages] => Enabled Languages
[Main Country] => Main Country
[Front office Translations] => Front office Translations
[Body] => Body
[%s (local)] => %s (local)
[Invoice address] => Invoice address
[Delivery address] => Delivery address
[Back office translations] => Back office translations
[Installed modules translations] => Installed modules translations
[Email translations] => Email translations
[Other translations] => Other translations
[Back office] => Back office
[Front office] => Front office
[Email] => Email
[Other] => Other
[Symbol] => Symbol
[ISO code] => ISO code
[Flag] => Flag
[Language code] => Language code
[Date format] => Date format
[Date format (full)] => Date format (full)
[Search rate] => Search rate
[Rate] => Rate
[Cannot find reference data for currency %isoCode%] => Cannot find reference data for currency %isoCode%
[Numeric ISO code] => Numeric ISO code
[Currency name] => Currency name
[Add new tax rules group] => Add new tax rules group
[Add new zone] => Add new zone
[Live exchange rates] => Live exchange rates
[Create an alternative currency] => Create an alternative currency
[Select a currency] => Select a currency
[Decimals] => Decimals
[Whitelisted IP addresses] => Whitelisted IP addresses
[Visitors cannot see your catalog.] => Visitors cannot see your catalog.
[Visitors can see your catalog but cannot place an order.] => Visitors can see your catalog but cannot place an order.
[All features are available] => All features are available
[Geolocation behavior for restricted countries] => Geolocation behaviour for restricted countries
[Geolocation behavior for other countries] => Geolocation behaviour for other countries
[Select the countries from which your store is accessible] => Select the countries from which your store is accessible
["No-picture" image] => "No-picture" image
[RTL language] => RTL language
[Language identifier] => Language identifier
[Country identifier] => Country identifier
[States] => States
[Units (e.g. weight, volume, distance)] => Units (e.g. weight, volume, distance)
[Change the behavior of the price display for groups] => Change the behavior of the price display for groups
[Localization pack you want to import] => Localization pack you want to import
[Content to import] => Content to import
[Download pack data] => Download pack data
[Weight unit] => Weight unit
[Distance unit] => Distance unit
[Volume unit] => Volume unit
[Dimension unit] => Dimension unit
[Default currency] => Default currency
[Default language] => Default language
[Set language from browser] => Set language from browser
[Default country] => Default country
[Set default country from browser language] => Set default country from browser language
[Time zone] => Time zone
[Enable tax] => Enable tax
[Display tax in the shopping cart] => Display tax in the shopping cart
[Based on] => Based on
[Use ecotax] => Use ecotax
[Ecotax] => Ecotax
[Update a language] => Update a language
[Add a language] => Add a language
[Please select the language you want to add or update] => Please select the language you want to add or update
[PrestaShop translations] => PrestaShop translations
[Theme translations] => Theme translations
[Select a theme] => Select a theme
[Installed module translations] => Installed module translations
[Select a module] => Select a module
[Select your theme] => Select your theme
[Core (no theme selected)] => Core (no theme selected)
[Type of translation] => Type of translation
[Select the type of email content] => Select the type of email content
[Select your module] => Select your module
[Edited] => Edited
[Select your language] => Select your language
[The exchange rates are not automatically updated] => The exchange rates are not automatically updated
[The exchange rates are automatically updated] => The exchange rates are automatically updated
[Update exchange rates] => Update exchange rates
[Exchange rate] => Exchange rate
[1. Enter symbol] => 1. Enter symbol
[2. Choose format] => 2. Choose format
[Customize symbol and format] => Customize symbol and format
[Edit symbol / format] => Edit symbol / format
[Loading currency data] => Loading currency data
[Please wait while currency data is being loaded] => Please wait while currency data is being loaded
[%price%] => %price%
[Are you sure you want to restore default settings?] => Are you sure you want to restore default settings?
[Restoring your currency's default settings will delete all the customizations you made before. Parameters will look just the same as when the currency is freshly imported.] => Restoring your currency's default settings will delete all the customizations you made before. Parameters will look just the same as when the currency is freshly imported.
[Restore default settings] => Restore default settings
[Add new currency] => Add new currency
[Geolocation by IP address] => Geolocation by IP address
[IP address whitelist] => IP address whitelist
[The following features are only available if you enable the Geolocation by IP address feature.] => The following features are only available if you enable the Geolocation by IP address feature.
[In order to use Geolocation, please download [1]this file[/1] and extract it (using Winrar or Gzip) into the /app/Resources/geoip/ directory.] => In order to use Geolocation, please download [1]this file[/1] and extract it (using Winrar or Gzip) into the /app/Resources/geoip/ directory.
[Is RTL language] => Is RTL language
[Activate this language.] => Activate this language.
[Add new language] => Add new language
[Import a localization pack] => Import a localization pack
[Local units] => Local units
[Tax options] => VAT options
[Add new tax] => Add new tax
[Add / Update a language] => Add / Update a language
[Add or update a language] => Add or update a language
[Export a language] => Export a language
[Zones] => Zones
[Delete item #] => Delete item #
[1 missing] => 1 missing
[%nb_translation% expression] => %nb_translation% expression
[Search translations] => Search translations
[%d missing] => %d missing
[%nb_translations% expressions] => %nb_translations% expressions
[Show messages] => Show messages
[Hide messages] => Hide messages
[%nb_translations% missing] => %nb_translations% missing
[%nb_translations% translations are missing in %domain%] => %nb_translations% translations are missing in %domain%
[ModulesShoppingcartAdmin] => Array
[Shopping cart] => Shopping cart
[Adds a block containing the customer's shopping cart.] => Adds a block containing the customer's shopping cart.
[Ajax: Invalid choice.] => Ajax: Invalid choice.
[Ajax cart] => Ajax cart
[Activate Ajax mode for the cart (compatible with the default theme).] => Activate Ajax mode for the cart (compatible with the default theme).
[Display a shopping cart icon on your pages and the number of items it contains.] => Display a shopping cart icon on your pages and the number of items it contains.
[ModulesStatsdataAdmin] => Array
[Data mining for statistics] => Data mining for statistics
[This module must be enabled if you want to use statistics.] => This module must be enabled if you want to use statistics.
[Save page views for each customer] => Save page views for each customer
[Storing customer page views uses a lot of CPU resources and database space. Only enable if your server can handle it.] => Storing customer page views uses a lot of CPU resources and database space. Only enable if your server can handle it.
[Save global page views] => Save global page views
[Global page views uses fewer resources than customer's, but it uses resources nonetheless.] => Global page views uses fewer resources than customer's, but it uses resources nonetheless.
[Plugins detection] => Plugins detection
[Plugins detection loads an extra 20 kb JavaScript file once for new visitors.] => Plugins detection loads an extra 20 kb JavaScript file once for new visitors.
[AdminInternationalHelp] => Array
[This will restore your last registered address format.] => This will restore your last registered address format.
[This will restore the default address format for this country.] => This will restore the default address format for this country.
[This will restore your current address format.] => This will restore your current address format.
[This will delete the current address format] => This will delete the current address format
[Missing files are marked in red] => Missing files are marked in red
[You MUST use this syntax in your translations. Here are a few examples:] => You MUST use this syntax in your translations. Here are a few examples:
[This expression uses a special syntax:] => This expression uses a special syntax:
[Some of these expressions use this special syntax: %s.] => Some of these expressions use this special syntax: %s.
[You MUST use this syntax in your translations. Here are several examples:] => You MUST use this syntax in your translations. Here are several examples:
[There are [1]%replace%[/1] products] => There are [1]%replace%[/1] products
["%s" will be replaced by a number.] => "%s" will be replaced by a number.
[List of pages in [1]%replace%[/1]] => List of pages in [1]%replace%[/1]
["%s" will be replaced by a string.] => "%s" will be replaced by a string.
[Feature: [1]%1%[/1] ([1]%2%[/1] values)] => Feature: [1]%1%[/1] ([1]%2%[/1] values)
[The numbers enable you to reorder the variables when necessary.] => The numbers enable you to reorder the variables when necessary.
[Click on the title of a section to open its fieldsets.] => Click on the title of a section to open its fieldsets.
[Here you can modify translations for all installed module.] => Here you can modify translations for all installed module.
[Select your module] => Select your module
[Restrict country selections in front office to those covered by active carriers] => Restrict country selections in front office to those covered by active carriers
[Two -- or three -- letter ISO code (e.g. "us" for United States).] => Two -- or three -- letter ISO code (e.g. "us" for United States).
[International call prefix, (e.g. 1 for United States).] => International call prefix, (e.g. 1 for United States).
[Geographical region.] => Geographical region.
[Indicate the format of the postal code: use L for a letter, N for a number, and C for the country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. For example, NNNNN for the United States, France, Poland and many other; LNNNNLLL for Argentina, etc. If you do not want PrestaShop to verify the postal code for this country, leave it blank.] => Indicate the format of the postal code: use L for a letter, N for a number, and C for the country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. For example, NNNNN for the United States, France, Poland and many other; LNNNNLLL for Argentina, etc. If you do not want PrestaShop to verify the postal code for this country, leave it blank.
[Display this country to your customers (the selected country will always be displayed in the Back Office).] => Display this country to your customers (the selected country will always be displayed in the Back Office).
[Provide the state name to be displayed in addresses and on invoices.] => Provide the state name to be displayed in addresses and on invoices.
[1 to 4 letter ISO code.] => 1 to 4 letter ISO code.
[You can prefix it with the country ISO code if needed.] => You can prefix it with the country ISO code if needed.
[Country where the state is located.] => Country where the state is located.
[Only the countries with the option "contains states" enabled are displayed.] => Only the countries with the option "contains states" enabled are displayed.
[Geographical region where this state is located.] => Geographical region where this state is located.
[Used for shipping] => Used for shipping
[You can define a range of Zip/postal codes (e.g., 75000-75015) or simply use one Zip/postal code.] => You can define a range of Zip/postal codes (e.g., 75000-75015) or simply use one Zip/postal code.
[You must define the behavior if an address matches multiple rules:] => You must define the behavior if an address matches multiple rules:
[- This tax only: Will apply only this tax] => - This tax only: Will apply only this tax
[- Combine: Combine taxes (e.g.: 10% + 5% = 15%)] => - Combine: Combine taxes (e.g.: 10% + 5% = 15%)
[- One after another: Apply taxes one after another (e.g.: 100 + 10% => 110 + 5% = 115.5)] => - One after another: Apply taxes one after another (e.g.: 100 + 10% => 110 + 5% = 115.5)
[No Tax] => No VAT
[(Total tax: 9%)] => (Total tax: 9%)
[You can define a range of Zip/Postal codes (e.g., 75000-75015) or simply use one Zip/Postal code.] => You can define a range of Zip/Postal codes (e.g., 75000-75015) or simply use one Zip/Postal code.
[By default, PrestaShop comes with a list of official currencies. If you want to use a local currency, you will have to add it manually. For example, to accept the Iranian Toman on your store, you need to create it before.] => By default, PrestaShop comes with a list of official currencies. If you want to use a local currency, you will have to add it manually. For example, to accept the Iranian Toman on your store, you need to create it before.
[ISO 4217 code (e.g. USD for Dollars, EUR for Euros, etc.)] => ISO 4217 code (e.g. USD for Dollars, EUR for Euros, etc.)
[Exchange rates are calculated from one unit of your shop's default currency. For example, if the default currency is euros and your chosen currency is dollars, type "1.20" (1€ = $1.20).] => Exchange rates are calculated from one unit of your shop's default currency. For example, if the default currency is euros and your chosen currency is dollars, type "1.20" (1€ = $1.20).
[This option allows you, among other things, to restrict access to your shop for certain countries. See below.] => This option allows you, among other things, to restrict access to your shop for certain countries. See below.
[Two-letter ISO code (e.g. FR, EN, DE).] => Two-letter ISO code (e.g. FR, EN, DE).
[IETF language tag (e.g. en-US, pt-BR).] => IETF language tag (e.g. en-US, pt-BR).
[Short date format (e.g., Y-m-d).] => Short date format (e.g., Y-m-d).
[Full date format (e.g., Y-m-d H:i:s).] => Full date format (e.g., Y-m-d H:i:s).
[Upload the country flag from your computer.] => Upload the country flag from your computer.
[Enable if this language is read from right to left.] => Enable if this language is read from right to left.
[(Experimental: your theme must be compliant with RTL languages).] => (Experimental: your theme must be compliant with RTL languages).
[Image is displayed when no picture is found.] => Image is displayed when no picture is found.
[Activate this language.] => Activate this language.
[The ISO 639-1 identifier for the language of the country where your web server is located (en, fr, sp, ru, pl, nl, etc.).] => The ISO 639-1 identifier for the language of the country where your web server is located (en, fr, sp, ru, pl, nl, etc.).
[The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 identifier for the country/region where your web server is located, in lowercase (us, gb, fr, sp, ru, pl, nl, etc.).] => The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 identifier for the country/region where your web server is located, in lowercase (us, gb, fr, sp, ru, pl, nl, etc.).
[If set to yes then the localization pack will be downloaded from Otherwise the local xml file found in the localization folder of your PrestaShop installation will be used.] => If set to yes then the localization pack will be downloaded from Otherwise the local xml file found in the localization folder of your PrestaShop installation will be used.
[The default weight unit for your shop (e.g. "kg" for kilograms, "lbs" for pound-mass, etc.).] => The default weight unit for your shop (e.g. "kg" for kilograms, "lbs" for pound-mass, etc.).
[The default distance unit for your shop (e.g. "km" for kilometer, "mi" for mile, etc.).] => The default distance unit for your shop (e.g. "km" for kilometre, "mi" for mile, etc.).
[The default volume unit for your shop (e.g. "L" for liter, "gal" for gallon, etc.).] => The default volume unit for your shop (e.g. "L" for litre, "gal" for gallon, etc.).
[The default dimension unit for your shop (e.g. "cm" for centimeter, "in" for inch, etc.).] => The default dimension unit for your shop (e.g. "cm" for centimetre, "in" for inch, etc.).
[The default language used in your shop.] => The default language used in your shop.
[The default country used in your shop.] => The default country used in your shop.
[The default currency used in your shop.] => The default currency used in your shop.
[Set browser language as default language.] => Set browser language as default language.
[Set country corresponding to browser language.] => Set country corresponding to browser language.
[Zone name (e.g. Africa, West Coast, Neighboring Countries).] => Zone name (e.g. Africa, West Coast, Neighboring Countries).
[Allow or disallow shipping to this zone.] => Allow or disallow shipping to this zone.
[If you disable the ecotax, the ecotax for all your products will be set to 0.] => If you disable the ecotax, the ecotax for all your products will be set to 0.
[Select whether or not to include tax on purchases.] => Select whether or not to include tax on purchases.
[Select whether or not to display tax on a distinct line in the cart.] => Select whether or not to display tax on a distinct line in the cart.
[Define the ecotax (e.g. French ecotax: 20%).] => Define the ecotax (e.g. French ecotax: 20%).
[Tax name to display in carts and on invoices (e.g. "VAT").] => Tax name to display in carts and on invoices (e.g. "VAT").
[Format: XX.XX or XX.XXX (e.g. 19.60 or 13.925)] => Format: XX.XX or XX.XXX (e.g. 19.60 or 13.925)
[ISO code (e.g. USD for Dollars, EUR for Euros, etc.).] => ISO code (e.g. USD for Dollars, EUR for Euros, etc.).
[You can add IP addresses that will always be allowed to access your shop (e.g. Google bots' IP).] => You can add IP addresses that will always be allowed to access your shop (e.g. Google bots' IP).
[Image is displayed when "no picture is found".] => Image is displayed when "no picture is found".
[Set browser language as default language] => Set browser language as default language
[Set country corresponding to browser language] => Set country corresponding to browser language
[Define the ecotax (e.g. French ecotax: 19.6%).] => Define the ecotax (e.g. French ecotax: 19.6%).
[You can add or update a language directly from the PrestaShop website here.] => You can add or update a language directly from the PrestaShop website here.
[Copies data from one language to another.] => Copies data from one language to another.
[Warning: This will replace all of the existing data inside the destination language.] => Warning: This will replace all of the existing data inside the destination language.
[If necessary [1][2] you must first create a new language[/1].] => If necessary [1][2] you must first create a new language[/1].
[Export data from one language to a file (language pack).] => Export data from one language to a file (language pack).
[Select which theme you would like to export your translations to.] => Select which theme you would like to export your translations to.
[Here you can modify translations for every line of text inside PrestaShop.] => Here you can modify translations for every line of text inside PrestaShop.
[First, select a type of translation (such as "Back office" or "Installed modules"), and then select the language you want to translate strings in.] => First, select a type of translation (such as "Back office" or "Installed modules"), and then select the language you want to translate strings in.
[Search a word or expression, e.g.: "Order confirmation"] => Search a word or expression, e.g.: "Order confirmation"
[ModulesBlockreassuranceShop] => Array
[Security policy] => Security policy
[(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)] => (edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
[Delivery policy] => Delivery policy
[Return policy] => Return policy
[Security policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)] => Security policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)
[Delivery policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)] => Delivery policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)
[Return policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)] => Return policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)
[AdminOrderscustomersNotification] => Array
[For this particular customer group, prices are displayed as:] => For this particular customer group, prices are displayed as:
[Editing this product line will remove the reduction and base price.] => Editing this product line will remove the reduction and base price.
[No voucher was found] => No voucher was found
[Are you sure you want to add this quantity?] => Are you sure you want to add this quantity?
[Error: No product has been selected] => Error: No product has been selected
[Error: Quantity of products must be set] => Error: Quantity of products must be set
[Error: Product price must be set] => Error: Product price must be set
[This warning also concerns order ] => This warning also concerns order
[This warning also concerns the next orders:] => This warning also concerns the next orders:
[No payment methods are available] => No payment methods are available
[A registered customer account has already claimed this email address] => A registered customer account has already claimed this email address
[Do you want to send this message to the customer?] => Do you want to send this message to the customer?
[This product cannot be returned.] => This product cannot be returned.
[Quantity to cancel is greater than quantity available.] => Quantity to cancel is greater than quantity available.
[Invalid new order status] => Invalid new order status
[This customer ID is not recognized.] => This customer does not exist.
[This email address is not valid. Please use an address like] => This email address is not valid. Please use an address like
[The identification number is incorrect or has already been used.] => The identification number is incorrect or has already been used.
[You have selected a state for a country that does not contain states.] => You have selected a state for a country that does not contain states.
[An address located in a country containing states must have a state selected.] => An address located in a country containing states must have a state selected.
[An error occurred while linking this address to its order.] => An error occurred while linking this address to its order.
[Invalid order] => Invalid order
[The order cannot be renewed.] => The order cannot be renewed.
[An error occurred. Your message was not sent. Please contact your system administrator.] => An error occurred. Your message was not sent. Please contact your system administrator.
[Cannot create message in a new thread.] => Cannot create message in a new thread.
[The message body is empty, cannot import it.] => The message is empty, cannot import it.
[Invalid message content for subject: %s] => Invalid message content for subject: %s
[The message content is not valid, cannot import it.] => The message content is not valid, cannot import it.
[Unknown delete mode:] => Unknown delete mode:
[Password cannot be empty.] => Password cannot be empty.
[An error occurred while loading the object.] => An error occurred while loading the object.
[(cannot load object)] => (cannot load object)
[This cart does not exists] => This cart does not exists
[The cart must have a customer] => The cart must have a customer
[Order status #%id% cannot be loaded] => Order status #%id% cannot be loaded
[The order carrier ID is invalid.] => The order carrier ID is invalid.
[The tracking number is incorrect.] => The tracking number is incorrect.
[The order carrier cannot be updated.] => The order carrier cannot be updated.
[The new order status is invalid.] => The new order status is invalid.
[An error occurred while changing order status, or we were unable to send an email to the customer.] => An error occurred while changing order status, or we were unable to send an email to the customer.
[The order has already been assigned this status.] => The order has already been assigned this status.
[The customer is invalid.] => The customer is invalid.
[The message cannot be blank.] => The message cannot be blank.
[field %s is required.] => field %s is required.
[Please enter a quantity to proceed with your refund.] => Please enter a quantity to proceed with your refund.
[Please enter an amount to proceed with your refund.] => Please enter an amount to proceed with your refund.
[You cannot generate a partial credit slip.] => You cannot generate a partial credit slip.
[You cannot generate a voucher.] => You cannot generate a voucher.
[The partial refund data is incorrect.] => The partial refund data is incorrect.
[You must select a product.] => You must select a product.
[You must enter a quantity.] => You must enter a quantity.
[No quantity has been selected for this product.] => No quantity has been selected for this product.
[An invalid quantity was selected for this product.] => An invalid quantity was selected for this product.
[A credit slip cannot be generated.] => A credit slip cannot be generated.
[No product or quantity has been selected.] => No product or quantity has been selected.
[The order cannot be found] => The order cannot be found
[The amount is invalid.] => The amount is invalid.
[The transaction ID is invalid.] => The transaction ID is invalid.
[The selected currency is invalid.] => The selected currency is invalid.
[The invoice is invalid.] => The invoice is invalid.
[The date is invalid] => The date is invalid
[An error occurred during payment.] => An error occurred during payment.
[The invoice note was not saved.] => The invoice note was not saved.
[Failed to upload the invoice and edit its note.] => Failed to upload the invoice and edit its note.
[This delivery address country is not active.] => This delivery address country is not active.
[This invoice address country is not active.] => This invoice address country is not active.
[This address can't be loaded] => This address can't be loaded
[You cannot change the currency.] => You cannot change the currency.
[Invoice management has been disabled.] => Invoice management has been disabled.
[This order already has an invoice.] => This order already has an invoice.
[You cannot edit this cart rule.] => You cannot edit this cart rule.
[You must specify a name in order to create a new discount.] => You must specify a name in order to create a new discount.
[The discount value is invalid.] => The discount value is invalid.
[The discount value is greater than the order invoice total.] => The discount value is greater than the order invoice total.
[The discount value is greater than the order total.] => The discount value is greater than the order total.
[The discount type is invalid.] => The discount type is invalid.
[An error occurred during the OrderCartRule creation] => An error occurred during the OrderCartRule creation
[An error occurred while loading order status.] => An error occurred while loading order status.
[Error in sending the email to your customer.] => Error in sending the email to your customer.
[The order object cannot be loaded.] => The order object cannot be loaded.
[You cannot add products to delivered orders.] => You cannot add products to delivered orders.
[The product object cannot be loaded.] => The product object cannot be loaded.
[The combination object cannot be loaded.] => The combination object cannot be loaded.
[You must add %d minimum quantity] => You must add %d minimum quantity
[You already have the maximum quantity available for this product.] => You already have the maximum quantity available for this product.
[The OrderDetail object cannot be loaded.] => The OrderDetail object cannot be loaded.
[The address object cannot be loaded.] => The address object cannot be loaded.
[An error occurred while editing the product line.] => An error occurred while editing the product line.
[An error occurred while attempting to delete the product line.] => An error occurred while attempting to delete the product line.
[The Order Detail object could not be loaded.] => The Order Detail object could not be loaded.
[The invoice object cannot be loaded.] => The invoice object cannot be loaded.
[You cannot edit the order detail for this order.] => You cannot edit the order detail for this order.
[You cannot edit a delivered order.] => You cannot edit a delivered order.
[You cannot use this invoice for the order] => You cannot use this invoice for the order
[Invalid price] => Invalid price
[Invalid quantity] => Invalid quantity
[You cannot delete the order detail.] => You cannot delete the order detail.
[This product cannot be re-stocked.] => This product cannot be re-stocked.
[An error occurred while attempting to delete the product.] => An error occurred while attempting to delete the product.
[An error occurred while attempting to delete product customization.] => An error occurred while attempting to delete product customisation.
[Order #%d cannot be loaded] => Order #%d cannot be loaded
[The order ID -- or the invoice order ID -- is missing.] => The order ID -- or the invoice order ID -- is missing.
[No invoice was found.] => No invoice was found.
[No order slips were found.] => No order slips were found.
[The supply order ID is missing.] => The supply order ID is missing.
[The supply order cannot be found within your database.] => The supply order cannot be found within your database.
[The order invoice cannot be found within your database.] => The order invoice cannot be found within your database.
[An error occurred while deleting the details of your order return.] => An error occurred while deleting the details of your order return.
[You need at least one product.] => You need at least one product.
[The order return is invalid.] => The order return is invalid.
[The order return content is invalid.] => The order return content is invalid.
[No order return ID has been specified.] => No order return ID has been specified.
[No order was found with this ID:] => No order was found with this ID:
[No invoice was found with this ID:] => No invoice was found with this ID:
[No cart was found with this ID:] => No cart was found with this ID:
[An error has occurred: Can't save the current order's return status.] => An error has occurred: Can't save the current order's return status.
[An error has occurred: Can't delete the current order's return status.] => An error has occurred: Can't delete the current order's return status.
[There is no status defined for this order.] => There is no status defined for this order.
[Direct link] => Direct link
[expires on %s.] => expires on %s.
[downloadable %d time(s)] => downloadable %d time(s)
[[Generated] CartRule for Free Shipping] => [Generated] CartRule for Free Shipping
[Order history email could not be sent, test your email configuration in the Advanced Parameters > E-mail section of your back office.] => Order history email could not be sent, test your email configuration in the Advanced Parameters > E-mail section of your back office.
[No delivery slip was found for this period.] => No delivery slip was found for this period.
[The order cannot be found within your database.] => The order cannot be found within your database.
[I want my customers to be able to register again with the same email address. All data will be removed from the database.] => I want my customers to be able to register again with the same email address. All data will be removed from the database.
[I do not want my customer(s) to register again with the same email address. All selected customer(s) will be removed from this list but their corresponding data will be kept in the database.] => I do not want my customer(s) to register again with the same email address. All selected customer(s) will be removed from this list but their corresponding data will be kept in the database.
[An account already exists for this email address:] => An account already exists for this email address:
[This email address is not registered.] => This email address is not registered.
[A default customer group must be selected in group box.] => A default customer group must be selected in group box.
[This customer does not exist.] => This customer does not exist.
[This customer already exists as a non-guest.] => This customer already exists as a non-guest.
[An error occurred while updating customer information.] => An error occurred while updating customer information.
[The message was successfully sent to the customer.] => The message was successfully sent to the customer.
[An order message with the same name already exists in %s.] => An order message with the same name already exists in %s.
[You must add a minimum quantity of %d] => You must add a minimum quantity of %d
[No order slips were found for this period.] => No order slips were found for this period.
[The selected payment method is invalid.] => The selected payment method is invalid.
[A partial refund was successfully created.] => A partial refund was successfully created.
[You have to select a shop before creating new orders.] => You have to select a shop before creating new orders.
[Order #%d has already been assigned this status.] => Order no. %d has already been assigned this status.
[An error occurred while changing the status for order #%d, or we were unable to send an email to the customer.] => An error occurred while changing the status for order #%d, or we were unable to send an email to the customer.
[An error occurred while sending an email to the customer.] => An error occurred while sending an email to the customer.
[An error occurred while sending the e-mail to the customer.] => An error occurred while sending the e-mail to the customer.
[This product is out of stock: ] => This product is out of stock:
[The email was sent to your customer.] => The email was sent to your customer.
[A standard refund was successfully created.] => A standard refund was successfully created.
[A return product was successfully created.] => A return product was successfully created.
[You cannot edit the cart once the order delivered] => You cannot edit the cart once the order delivered.
[Order #%d cannot be loaded.] => Order #%d cannot be loaded.
[Please enter a maximum quantity of [1].] => Please enter a maximum quantity of [1].
[Please select at least one product.] => Please select at least one product.
[Please enter a positive amount.] => Please enter a positive amount.
[Please generate at least one credit slip or voucher.] => Please generate at least one credit slip or voucher.
[This product is out of stock:] => This product is out of stock:
[The product was successfully returned.] => The product was successfully returned.
[You cannot edit the cart once the order delivered.] => You cannot edit the cart once the order delivered.
[Only numbers and decimal points (".") are allowed in the amount fields, e.g. 10.50 or 1050.] => Only numbers and decimal points (".") are allowed in the amount fields, e.g. 10.50 or 1050.
[It looks like the value is invalid:] => It looks like the value is invalid:
[Percent or amount value must be greater than 0.] => Percent or amount value must be greater than 0.
[Percent value cannot exceed 100.] => Percent value cannot exceed 100.
[Discount value cannot exceed the total price of this order.] => Discount value cannot exceed the total price of this order.
[Only numbers and decimal points (".") are allowed in the amount fields of the payment block, e.g. 10.50 or 1050.] => Only numbers and decimal points (".") are allowed in the amount fields of the payment block, e.g. 10.50 or 1050.
[Percent value must be greater than 0.] => Percent value must be greater than 0.
[Amount value must be greater than 0.] => Amount value must be greater than 0.
[Shipping discount value cannot exceed the total price of this order.] => Shipping discount value cannot exceed the total price of this order.
[You must choose a payment module to create the order.] => You must choose a payment module to create the order.
[You must choose an order status to create the order.] => You must choose an order status to create the order.
[The order message given is invalid.] => The order message given is invalid.
[Please enter a positive value] => Please enter a positive value.
[No invoice has been found for this status.] => No invoice has been found for this status.
[Invalid invoice number.] => Invalid invoice number.
[Invalid "From" date] => Invalid "From" date
[Invalid "To" date] => Invalid "To" date
[No invoice has been found for this period.] => No invoice has been found for this period.
[You must select at least one order status.] => You must select at least one order status.
[No cart is available] => No cart is available
[A registered customer account using the defined email address already exists. ] => A registered customer account using the defined email address already exists.
[How do you want to delete the selected customers?] => How do you want to delete the selected customers?
[There are two ways of deleting a customer. Please choose your preferred method.] => There are two ways of deleting a customer. Please choose your preferred method.
[You have to select a shop if you want to create a customer.] => You have to select a shop if you want to create a customer.
[You must add at least one address to process the order.] => You must add at least one address to process the order.
[No products found] => No products found
[The prices are without taxes.] => The prices are without VAT.
[Searching for products] => Searching for products.
[No customers found] => No customers found
[Searching for customers] => Searching for customers.
[No carrier can be applied to this order] => No carrier can be applied to this order
[This value must include taxes.] => This value must include VAT.
[Please note that carrier change will not recalculate your shipping costs, if you want to change this please visit Shop Parameters > Order Settings] => Please note that carrier change will not recalculate your shipping costs, if you want to change this please visit Shop Parameters > Order Settings
[Are you sure you want to create a new invoice?] => Are you sure you want to create a new invoice?
[Are you sure you want to edit this product price? It will be applied to all invoices of this order.] => Are you sure you want to edit this product price? It will be applied to all invoices of this order.
[There is no available document] => There is no available document
[Are you sure you want to edit this product price? It will be applied to all identical products in this order.] => Are you sure you want to edit this product price? It will be applied to all identical products in this order.
[No merchandise returned yet] => No merchandise returned yet
[Merchandise returns are not applicable for virtual orders] => Merchandise returns are not applicable for virtual orders.
[Do you want to overwrite your existing message?] => Do you want to overwrite your existing message?
[paid instead of] => paid instead of
[This warning also concerns order:] => This warning also concerns order:
[This warning also concerns the following orders:] => This warning also concerns the next orders:
[Error. You cannot refund a negative amount.] => Error. You cannot refund a negative amount.
[For this customer group, prices are displayed as: [1]%tax_method%[/1]] => For this customer group, prices are displayed as: [1]%tax_method%[/1]
[Merchandise returns are disabled] => Merchandise returns are disabled
[EmailsBody] => Array
[(waiting for validation)] => (waiting for validation)
[{shop_name} powered by PrestaShop™] => {shop_name} powered by PrestaShop™
[Your login email address on {shop_name}] => Your login email address on {shop_name}
[Here is your login email address:] => Here is your login email address:
[Please go on {order_link} to finalize the payment.] => Please go on {order_link} to finalize the payment.
[Awaiting wire payment] => Awaiting wire payment
[You have selected to pay by wire transfer.] => You have selected to pay by wire transfer.
[Here are the bank details for your transfer:] => Here are the bank details for your transfer:
[If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the "Guest Tracking" section on our shop.] => If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the "Guest Tracking" section on our shop.
[Awaiting check payment] => Awaiting check payment
[You have selected to pay by check.] => You have selected to pay by check.
[Here are the bank details for your check:] => Here are the bank details for your check:
[Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] has been placed successfully and will be [1]shipped as soon as we receive your payment[/1].] => Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] has been placed successfully and will be [1]shipped as soon as we receive your payment[/1].
[Customer e-mail address:] => Customer e-mail address:
[Order ID:] => Order ID:
[Your message to {shop_name} Customer Service] => Your message to {shop_name} Customer Service
[Your message has been sent successfully.] => Your message has been sent successfully.
[We will answer as soon as possible.] => We will answer as soon as possible.
[Credit slip created] => Credit note created
[You can review this credit slip and download your invoice from the "My credit slips" section of your account by clicking "My account" on our shop.] => You can review this credit note and download your invoice from the "My credit notes" section of your account by clicking "My account" on our shop.
[We have generated a credit slip in your name for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].] => We have generated a credit slip in your name for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].
[Review this credit slip and download your invoice on our shop, go to the %credit_slips_label% section of your customer account.] => Review this credit slip and download your invoice on our shop, go to the %credit_slips_label% section of your customer account.
[Thank you for your order with the reference {order_name} from {shop_name}] => Thank you for your order with the reference {order_name} from {shop_name}
[Product(s) now available for download] => Product(s) now available for download
[Your {shop_name} login information] => Your {shop_name} login information
[Here is your personal login information for [1]{shop_name}[/1]:] => Here is your personal login information for [1]{shop_name}[/1]:
[E-mail address:] => E-mail address:
[Customer service - Forwarded discussion] => Customer service - Forwarded discussion
[[1]{employee}[/1] added [1]"{comment}"[/1]] => [1]{employee}[/1] added [1]"{comment}"[/1]
[Your customer account creation] => Your customer account creation
[Please be careful when sharing these login details with others.] => Please be careful when sharing these login details with others.
[Your guest account for [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been transformed into a customer account.] => Your guest account for [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been transformed into a customer account.
[Import complete] => Import complete
[{followup}] => {followup}
[Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] is currently in transit.] => Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] is currently in transit.
[You have received a new log alert] => You have received a new log alert
[[1]Warning:[/1] you have received a new log alert in your Back Office.] => [1]Warning:[/1] you have received a new log alert in your back office.
[Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been canceled.] => Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been canceled.
[Message from a customer] => Message from a customer
[Return #{id_order_return} - update] => Return #{id_order_return} - update
[Item(s) out of stock] => Item(s) out of stock
[Unfortunately, one or more items are currently out of stock. This may cause a slight delay in your delivery. Please accept our apologies and rest assured that we are working hard to rectify this.] => Unfortunately, one or more items are currently out of stock. This may cause a slight delay in your delivery. Please accept our apologies and rest assured that we are working hard to rectify this.
[Your new {shop_name} login details] => Your new {shop_name} login details
[Password reset request for {shop_name}] => Password reset request for {shop_name}
[To confirm this action, please use the following link:] => To confirm this action, please use the following link:
[Payment processed] => Payment processed
[Your payment for order with the reference {order_name} was successfully processed.] => Your payment for order with the reference {order_name} was successfully processed.
[Payment processing error] => Payment processing error
[There is a problem with your payment for {shop_name} order with the reference {order_name}. Please contact us at your earliest convenience.] => There is a problem with your payment for {shop_name} order with the reference {order_name}. Please contact us at your earliest convenience.
[We cannot ship your order until we receive your payment.] => We cannot ship your order until we receive your payment.
[Processing] => Processing
[We are currently processing your {shop_name} order with the reference {order_name}.] => We are currently processing your {shop_name} order with the reference {order_name}.
[We have processed your {shop_name} refund for order with the reference {order_name}.] => We have processed your {shop_name} refund for order with the reference {order_name}.
[In order to reply, please use the following link: {link}] => In order to reply, please use the following link: {link}
[Your order has been shipped] => Your order has been shipped
[Hello] => Hello
[This is a [1]test e-mail[/1] from your shop.] => This is a [1]test e-mail[/1] from your shop.
[If you can read this, the test was successful!] => If you can read this, the test was successful!
[Voucher created] => Voucher created
[A voucher has been created in your name as a result of your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].] => A voucher has been created in your name as a result of your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].
[[1]Voucher code: {voucher_num}[/1] in the amount of [1]{voucher_amount}[/1]] => [1]Voucher code: {voucher_num}[/1] in the amount of [1]{voucher_amount}[/1]
[This is to inform you about the creation of a voucher.] => This is to inform you about the creation of a voucher.
[This item is once again in-stock.] => This item is once again in-stock.
[You can access the product page by clicking on the link:] => You can access the product page by clicking on the link:
[You can order it right now from our online shop.] => You can order it right now from our online shop.
[Total Tax paid] => Total Tax paid
[A new order was placed on {shop_name} by the following customer: {firstname} {lastname} ({email})] => A new order was placed on {shop_name} by the following customer: {firstname} {lastname} ({email})
[You can review your order and download your invoice from the "Order history" section of your customer account by clicking "My account" on our shop.] => You can review your order and download your invoice from the "Order history" section of your customer account by clicking "My account" on our shop.
[Order {order_name}] => Order {order_name}
[If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the "Guest Tracking" section on our shop.] => If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the "Guest Tracking" section on our shop.
[Order edited] => Order edited
[Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] has been modified.] => Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] has been modified.
[The stock cover is now less than the specified minimum of:] => The stock cover is now less than the specified minimum of:
[{product} is nearly out of stock.] => {product} is nearly out of stock.
[The remaining stock is now less than the specified minimum of] => The remaining stock is now less than the specified minimum of
[Return details] => Return Details
[{order_name} Placed on {date}] => {order_name} placed on {date}
[Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter, please confirm your request by clicking the link below :] => Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter, please confirm your request by clicking the link below :
[Newsletter subscription] => Newsletter subscription
[Regarding your newsletter subscription, we are pleased to offer you the following voucher:] => Regarding your newsletter subscription, we are pleased to offer you the following voucher:
[Your {shop_name} login details] => Your {shop_name} login details
[We noticed that during your last visit on {shop_name}, you did not complete the order you had started.] => We noticed that during your last visit on {shop_name}, you did not complete the order you had started.
[As an incentive, we can give you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] off your next order! This offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not waste a moment!] => As an incentive, we can give you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] off your next order! This offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not waste a moment!
[Thank you for your order at {shop_name}.] => Thank you for your order at {shop_name}.
[As our way of saying thanks, we want to give you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] off your next order! This offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not waste a moment!] => As our way of saying thanks, we want to give you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] off your next order! This offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not waste a moment!
[You are one of our best customers and as such we want to thank you for your continued patronage.] => You are one of our best customers and as such we want to thank you for your continued patronage.
[As appreciation for your loyalty, we want to give you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] valid on your next order! This offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not waste a moment!] => As an appreciation for your loyalty, we want to give you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] valid on your next order! This offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not waste a moment!
[Here is your coupon:] => Here is your coupon:
[Enter this code in your shopping cart to get your discount.] => Enter this code in your shopping cart to get your discount.
[You are one of our best customers, however you have not placed an order in {days_threshold} days.] => You are one of our best customers, however you have not placed an order in {days_threshold} days.
[We wish to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and want to give you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] valid on your next order! This offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not waste a moment!] => We wish to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and want to give you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] valid on your next order! This offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not waste a moment!
[Your referred friend [1]{sponsored_firstname} {sponsored_lastname}[/1] has placed his or her first order on {shop_name}!] => Your referred friend [1]{sponsored_firstname} {sponsored_lastname}[/1] has placed his or her first order on {shop_name}!
[We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth [1]{discount_display} (voucher # {discount_name})[/1] that you can use on your next order.] => We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth [1]{discount_display} (voucher # {discount_name})[/1] that you can use on your next order.
[join us!] => join us!
[Your friend [1]{firstname} {lastname}[/1] wants to refer you on {shop_name}!] => Your friend [1]{firstname} {lastname}[/1] wants to refer you on {shop_name}!
[Get referred and earn a discount voucher of [1]{discount}![/1]] => Get referred and earn a discount voucher of [1]{discount}![/1]
[It's very easy to sign up. Just click here!] => It's very easy to sign up. Just click here!
[When signing up, don't forget to provide the e-mail address of your referring friend:] => When signing up, don't forget to provide the e-mail address of your referring friend:
[Referral Program] => Referral Program
[Thank you for creating a customer account at {shop_name}.] => Thank you for creating a customer account at {shop_name}.
[Here are your login details:] => Here are your login details:
[Important Security Tips:] => Important Security Tips:
[Always keep your account details safe.] => Always keep your account details safe.
[Never disclose your login details to anyone.] => Never disclose your login details to anyone.
[Change your password regularly.] => Change your password regularly.
[Should you suspect someone is using your account illegally, please notify us immediately.] => Should you suspect someone is using your account illegally, please notify us immediately.
[You can now place orders on our shop:] => You can now place orders on our shop:
[Account] => Account
[Your login details on {shop_name}] => Your login details on {shop_name}
[A new order has been generated on your behalf.] => A new order has been generated on your behalf.
[Back Office Order] => Back Office Order
[Please go on {order_link} to complete the payment.] => Please go on {order_link} to complete the payment.
[Account owner:] => Account owner:
[Account details:] => Account details:
[Bank address:] => Bank address:
[Please specify your order reference in the bankwire description.] => Please specify your order reference in the bankwire description.
[Bankwire] => Bankwire
[Pending payment] => Pending payment
[Payment method: bank wire] => Payment method: bank wire
[You have decided to pay by bank wire.] => You have decided to pay by bank wire.
[Here is the information you need for your transfer:] => Here is the information you need for your transfer:
[Amount:] => Amount:
[Payable to the order of:] => Payable to the order of:
[Please mail your check to:] => Please mail your check to:
[Thank you for shopping with {shop_name}!] => Thank you for shopping with {shop_name}!
[Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] has been placed successfully. You can expect [1]delivery as soon as your payment is received[/1].] => Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] has been placed successfully. You can expect [1]delivery as soon as your payment is received[/1].
[Check] => Check
[Awaiting payment by check] => Awaiting payment by check
[Payment method: check] => Payment method: check
[You have decided to pay by bank check.] => You have decided to pay by bank check.
[Here is the information you need for your check:] => Here is the information you need for your check:
[Message from a {shop_name} customer] => Message from a {shop_name} customer
[Attached file:] => Attached file:
[Order ID #:] => Order ID #:
[Contact] => CMS page
[Customer Email Address:] => Customer Email Address:
[Product:] => Product:
[Contact Form] => Contact Form
[Your message has been sent successfully, thank you for taking the time to write!] => Your message has been sent successfully, thank you for taking the time to write!
[We will reply as soon as possible.] => We will reply as soon as possible.
[Credit Slip] => Credit Note
[Credit slip] => Credit notes
[A credit slip has been generated in your name for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].] => A credit slip has been generated in your name for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].
[Review this credit slip and download your invoice on our shop, go to the Credit slips section of your customer account.] => Review this credit slip and download your invoice on our shop, go to the Credit slips section of your customer account.
[Review this credit slip and download it on our shop, go to the %credit_slips_label% section of your customer account.] => Review this credit slip and download it on our shop, go to the %credit_slips_label% section of your customer account.
[Download products] => Download products
[Thank you for your order with the reference {order_name} from [1]{shop_name}[/1]] => Thank you for your order with the reference {order_name} from [1]{shop_name}[/1]
[Product(s) to download] => Product(s) to download
[You have [1]{nbProducts}[/1] product(s) now available for download using the following link(s):] => You have [1]{nbProducts}[/1] product(s) now available for download using the following link(s):
[First name:] => First name:
[Last name:] => Last name:
[Employee password] => Employee password
[Here is your personal login information for {shop_name}] => Here is your personal login information for {shop_name}
[Here is your identification information on [1]{shop_name}[/1]] => Here is your identification information on [1]{shop_name}[/1]
[Discussion history:] => Discussion history:
[[1]{employee}[/1] wanted to forward this discussion to you.] => [1]{employee}[/1] wanted to forward this discussion to you.
[Forward message] => Forward message
[Customer Service - Discussion Forwarded] => Customer Service - Discussion Forwarded
[[1]{employee}[/1] added [1]{comment}[/1]] => [1]{employee}[/1] added [1]{comment}[/1]
[You can access your customer account on our shop:] => You can access your customer account on our shop:
[Email address:] => Email address:
[Guest to customer] => Guest to customer
[Your guest account has been turned into a customer account] => Your guest account has been turned into a customer account
[Congratulations, your guest account for [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been turned into a customer account!] => Congratulations, your guest account for [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been turned into a customer account!
[Click on the following link to set up your password:] => Click on the following link to set up your password:
[The file {filename} has been successfully imported to your shop.] => The file {filename} has been successfully imported to your shop.
[Import] => Import
[Import finished] => Import finished
[In transit] => In transit
[You can track your package using the following link:] => You can track your package using the following link:
[Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] is on its way.] => Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] is on its way.
[You can check for it in the [1]Advanced Parameters > Logs[/1] section of your back office.] => You can check for it in the [1]Advanced Parameters > Logs[/1] section of your back office.
[Log Alert] => Log Alert
[New alert message saved] => New alert message saved
[[1]WARNING:[/1] you have received a new log alert in your back office.] => [1]WARNING:[/1] you have received a new log alert in your back office.
[Newsletter] => Newsletter
[Order canceled] => Order cancelled
[Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been canceled by the merchant.] => Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been canceled by the merchant.
[Order confirmation] => Order confirmation
[Thank you for shopping on [1]{shop_name}[/1]!] => Thank you for shopping on [1]{shop_name}[/1]!
[Thank you for your order on [1]{shop_name}[/1]!] => Thank you for your order on [1]{shop_name}[/1]!
[Total] => Total
[You have received a new message regarding order with the reference] => You have received a new message regarding order with the reference
[Order customer comment] => Order customer comment
[Message from customer] => Message from customer
[Message from {shop_name}] => Message from {shop_name}
[Message:] => Message:
[You have received a new message from [1]{shop_name}[/1] regarding order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].] => You have received a new message from [1]{shop_name}[/1] regarding order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].
[Order merchant comment] => Order merchant comment
[We have updated the progress on your return #{id_order_return}, the new status is:] => We have updated the progress on your return #{id_order_return}, the new status is:
[Order return #{id_order_return} - Update] => Order return #{id_order_return} - Update
[Order return state] => Order return state
[Thanks for your order with the reference {order_name} from {shop_name}.] => Thanks for your order with the reference {order_name} from {shop_name}.
[Follow your order and download your invoice on our shop, go to the Order history and details section of your customer account.] => Follow your order and download your invoice on our shop, go to the Order history and details section of your customer account.
[Out of stock] => Out of stock
[Replenishment required] => Replenishment required
[Unfortunately, one or more items are currently out of stock and this may cause a slight delay for delivery. Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience and be sure we are doing our best to correct the situation.] => Unfortunately, one or more items are currently out of stock and this may cause a slight delay for delivery. Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience and be sure we are doing our best to correct the situation.
[Follow your order and download your invoice on our shop, go to the %order_history_label% section of your customer account.] => Follow your order and download your invoice on our shop, go to the %order_history_label% section of your customer account.
[Password] => Password
[Your password has been correctly updated.] => Your password has been correctly updated.
[Please note that this will change your current password.] => Please note that this will change your current password.
[You have requested to reset your [1]{shop_name}[/1] login details.] => You have requested to reset your [1]{shop_name}[/1] login details.
[Password Query] => Password Query
[Confirmation of password request on {shop_name}] => Confirmation of password request on {shop_name}
[In order to confirm this action, click on the following link:] => In order to confirm this action, click on the following link:
[If you did not make this request, just ignore this email.] => If you did not make this request, just ignore this email.
[Payment] => Payment
[Your payment for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] was successfully processed.] => Your payment for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] was successfully processed.
[Payment Error] => Payment Error
[Payment error] => Payment error
[We have encountered an error while processing your payment for your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1]. Please contact us as soon as possible.] => We have encountered an error while processing your payment for your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1]. Please contact us as soon as possible.
[You can expect delivery as soon as your payment is received.] => You can expect delivery as soon as your payment is received.
[Preparation] => Preparation
[Processing order] => Processing order
[We are currently processing your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1].] => We are currently processing your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1].
[There are now less than [1]{last_qty}[/1] of [1]{product}[/1] in stock.] => There are now less than [1]{last_qty}[/1] of [1]{product}[/1] in stock.
[Refund processed] => Refund processed
[Refund] => Refund
[We have processed your refund for your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1].] => We have processed your refund for your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1].
[Please do not reply directly to this email, we will not receive it.] => Please do not reply directly to this email, we will not receive it.
[Reply msg] => Reply message
[In order to reply, click on the following link: {link}] => In order to reply, click on the following link: {link}
[Shipped] => Shipped
[Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] has been shipped.] => Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] has been shipped.
[Test] => Test
[Here is a test [1]email[/1] from your shop.] => Here is a test [1]email[/1] from your shop.
[If you can read this, it means the test is successful!] => If you can read this, it means the test is successful!
[In order to use it, just copy/paste this code during check out.] => In order to use it, just copy/paste this code during check out.
[Voucher] => Voucher
[Voucher code generated] => Voucher code generated
[We are pleased to inform you that a voucher has been generated in your name for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].] => We are pleased to inform you that a voucher has been generated in your name for order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1].
[[1]VOUCHER CODE: {voucher_num}[/1] in the amount of [1]{voucher_amount}[/1]] => [1]VOUCHER CODE: {voucher_num}[/1] in the amount of [1]{voucher_amount}[/1]
[Voucher new] => Voucher new
[Voucher code has been generated] => Voucher code has been generated
[Here is your new voucher code:] => Here is your new voucher code:
[{product} is now available.] => {product} is now available.
[Customer Quantity] => Customer Quantity
[Good news, this item is back in stock!] => Good news, this item is back in stock!
[Click on the following link to visit the product page and order it:] => Click on the following link to visit the product page and order it:
[Customer message:] => Customer message:
[Order details] => Order details
[Order:] => Order:
[Placed on] => Placed on
[Payment:] => Payment:
[Reference] => Reference
[Product] => Product
[Unit price] => Unit price
[Quantity] => Quantity
[Total price] => Total price
[Products] => Products
[Discounts] => Discounts
[Gift-wrapping] => Gift-wrapping
[Shipping] => Shipping
[Total paid] => Total paid
[Carrier:] => Carrier:
[Delivery address] => Delivery address
[Billing address] => Billing address
[Including total tax] => Including total tax
[New Order] => New Order
[A new order was placed on [1]{shop_name}[/1] by the following customer:] => A new order was placed on [1]{shop_name}[/1] by the following customer:
[Carrier] => Carrier
[Order changed] => Order changed
[Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been changed by the merchant.] => Your order with the reference [1]{order_name}[/1] from [1]{shop_name}[/1] has been changed by the merchant.
[If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the Guest Tracking section on our shop.] => If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the Guest Tracking section on our shop.
[Order ID {order_name}] => Order ID {order_name}
[Go to your customer account to learn more about it.] => Go to your customer account to learn more about it.
[If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the %guest_tracking_label% section on our shop.] => If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the %guest_tracking_label% section on our shop.
[Current stock cover:] => Current stock cover:
[Product coverage] => Product coverage
[Your stock cover is now less than the specified minimum of:] => Your stock cover is now less than the specified minimum of:
[{product} is almost out of stock.] => {product} is almost out of stock.
[Remaining stock:] => Remaining stock:
[Replenish your inventory, go to the [1]Catalog > Stocks[/1] section of your back office to manage your stock.] => Replenish your inventory, go to the [1]Catalog > Stocks[/1] section of your back office to manage your stock.
[Product out of stock] => Product out of stock
[There are now less than [1]{last_qty}[/1] items in stock.] => There are now less than [1]{last_qty}[/1] items in stock.
[Customer:] => Customer:
[You have received a new return request for {shop_name}.] => You have received a new return request for {shop_name}.
[Return Slip] => Return Slip
[Return Details] => Return Details
[Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.] => Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.
[Hi,] => Hi,
[Newsletter Confirmation] => Newsletter Confirmation
[Newsletter Verification] => Newsletter Verification
[Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. Please click on the following link to confirm your request:] => Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. Please click on the following link to confirm your request:
[Newsletter Voucher] => Newsletter Voucher
[Subscribing to newsletter] => Subscribing to newsletter
[Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. We are pleased to offer you the following voucher:] => Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. We are pleased to offer you the following voucher:
[Your cart at {shop_name}] => Your cart at {shop_name}
[Follow up 1] => Follow up 1
[Thanks for your visit. However, it looks like you did not complete your purchase.] => Thanks for your visit. However, it looks like you did not complete your purchase.
[Your cart has been saved, you can go back to your order on our shop:] => Your cart has been saved, you can go back to your order on our shop:
[Your voucher code on {shop_name}] => Your voucher code on {shop_name}
[Follow up 2] => Follow up 2
[Thanks for your order.] => Thanks for your order.
[Thanks for your trust.] => Thanks for your trust.
[Follow up 3] => Follow up 3
[Your cart has been saved, you can resume your order by visiting our shop:] => Your cart has been saved, you can resume your order by visiting our shop:
[We are pleased to offer you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] off your next order. And this offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not wait any longer!] => We are pleased to offer you a discount of [1]{amount}%[/1] off your next order. And this offer is valid for [1]{days}[/1] days, so do not wait any longer!
[Here is your VOUCHER CODE:] => Here is your VOUCHER CODE:
[Enter this code in your shopping cart to get the discount.] => Enter this code in your shopping cart to get the discount.
[Follow up 4] => Follow up 4
[Your cart on {shop_name}] => Your cart on {shop_name}
[Congratulations, you are one of our best customers! However, it looks like you have not placed an order since {days_threshold} days.] => Congratulations, you are one of our best customers! However, it looks like you have not placed an order since {days_threshold} days.
[Congratulations!] => Congratulations!
[Your referred friend [1]{sponsored_firstname}[/1] [1]{sponsored_lastname}[/1] has placed his/her first order on {shop_name}!] => Your referred friend [1]{sponsored_firstname}[/1] [1]{sponsored_lastname}[/1] has placed his/her first order on {shop_name}!
[We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth [1]{discount_display}[/1] (VOUCHER # [1]{discount_name}[/1]) that you can use on your next order.] => We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth [1]{discount_display}[/1] (VOUCHER # [1]{discount_name}[/1]) that you can use on your next order.
[Referral program Congratulations] => Referral program Congratulations
[Best regards,] => Best regards,
[We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth [1]{discount}[/1] that you can use on your next order.] => We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth [1]{discount}[/1] that you can use on your next order.
[Join us!] => Join us!
[Your friend [1]{firstname} {lastname}[/1] wants to refer you on {shop_name}!] => Your friend [1]{firstname} {lastname}[/1] wants to refer you on {shop_name}!
[Get referred and earn a discount voucher of [1]{discount}[/1]!] => Get referred and earn a discount voucher of [1]{discount}[/1]!
[It's very easy to sign up, just click here!] => It's very easy to sign up, just click here!
[When signing up, don't forget to provide the email address of your referring friend:] => When signing up, don't forget to provide the email address of your referring friend:
[Referral program Invitation] => Referral program Invitation
[Hi {firstname} {lastname},] => Hi {firstname} {lastname},
[Simply copy/paste this code during the payment process for your next order.] => Simply copy/paste this code during the payment process for your next order.
[Here is the code of your voucher:] => Here is the code of your voucher:
[We have created a voucher in your name for referring a friend.] => We have created a voucher in your name for referring a friend.
[, with an amount of] => , with an amount of
[Sponsorship Program] => Sponsorship Program
[Referral program Voucher] => Referral program Voucher
[Your order with the reference {order_name} has been placed successfully and will be shipped as soon as we receive your payment.] => Your order with the reference {order_name} has been placed successfully and will be shipped as soon as we receive your payment.
[We have generated a credit slip in your name for order with the reference {order_name}.] => We have generated a credit note in your name for order with the reference {order_name}.
[You have {nbProducts} product(s) now available for download using the following link(s):] => You have {nbProducts} product(s) now available for download using the following link(s):
[Here is your personal login information for {shop_name}:] => Here is your personal login information for {shop_name}:
[{shop_name} powered by PrestaShop™] => {shop_name} powered by PrestaShop™
[{employee} wanted to forward this discussion to you.] => {employee} wanted to forward this discussion to you.
[{employee} added "{comment}"] => {employee} added "{comment}"
[Your guest account for {shop_name} has been transformed into a customer account.] => Your guest account for {shop_name} was converted to a customer account.
[Your order with the reference {order_name} is currently in transit.] => Your order with the reference {order_name} is currently in transit.
[Warning: you have received a new log alert in your Back Office.] => Warning: you have received a new log alert in your Back Office.
[You can check for it in the "Tools" > "Logs" section of your Back Office.] => You can check for it in the "Tools" > "Logs" section of your Back Office.
[Your order with the reference {order_name} from {shop_name} has been canceled.] => Your order with the reference {order_name} from {shop_name} has been cancelled.
[Your order with the reference {order_name} from {shop_name} has been changed by the merchant.] => Your order with the reference {order_name} from {shop_name} has been changed by the merchant.
[You have received a new message from {shop_name} regarding order with the reference {order_name}.] => You have received a new message from {shop_name} regarding order with the reference {order_name}.
[You have requested to reset your {shop_name} login details.] => You have requested to reset your {shop_name} login details.
[Your order with the reference {order_name} has been shipped.] => Your order with the reference {order_name} has been shipped.
[This is a test e-mail from your shop.
If you can read this, the test was successful!] => This is a test e-mail from your shop.
If you can read this, the test was successful!
[A voucher has been created in your name as a result of your order with the reference {order_name}.] => A voucher has been created in your name as a result of your order with the reference {order_name}.
[Voucher code: {voucher_num} in the amount of {voucher_amount}] => Voucher code: {voucher_num} in the amount of {voucher_amount}
[As an incentive, we can give you a discount of {amount}% off your next order! This offer is valid for {days} days, so do not waste a moment!] => As an incentive, we can give you a discount of {amount}% off your next order! This offer is valid for {days} days, so do not waste a moment!
[As our way of saying thanks, we want to give you a discount of {amount}% off your next order! This offer is valid for {days} days, so do not waste a moment!] => As our way of saying thanks, we want to give you a discount of {amount}% off your next order! This offer is valid for {days} days, so do not waste a moment!
[As appreciation for your loyalty, we want to give you a discount of {amount}% valid on your next order! This offer is valid for {days} days, so do not waste a moment!] => As appreciation for your loyalty, we want to give you a discount of {amount}% valid on your next order! This offer is valid for {days} days, so do not waste a moment!
[We wish to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and want to give you a discount of {amount}% valid on your next order! This offer is valid for {days} days, so do not waste a moment!] => We wish to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and want to give you a discount of {amount}% valid on your next order! This offer is valid for {days} days, so do not waste a moment!
[Your order with the reference {order_name} has been modified.] => Your order with the reference {order_name} has been modified.
[You are advised to open the product's admin Product Page in order to replenish your inventory.] => You are advised to open the product's admin Product Page in order to replenish your inventory.
[Your referred friend {sponsored_firstname} {sponsored_lastname} has placed his or her first order on {shop_name}!] => Your referred friend {sponsored_firstname} {sponsored_lastname} has placed his or her first order on {shop_name}!
[We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth {discount_display} (voucher # {discount_name}) that you can use on your next order.] => We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth {discount_display} (voucher # {discount_name}) that you can use on your next order.
[Your friend {firstname} {lastname} wants to refer you on {shop_name}!] => Your friend {firstname} {lastname} wants to refer you on {shop_name}!
[We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth {discount} that you can use on your next order.] => We are pleased to offer you a voucher worth {discount} that you can use on your next order.
[Get referred and earn a discount voucher of {discount}!] => Get referred and earn a discount voucher of {discount}!
[It's very easy to sign up. Just click here!] => It's very easy to sign up. Just click here!
[When signing up, don't forget to provide the e-mail address of your referring friend:] => When signing up, don't forget to provide the e-mail address of your referring friend:
[AdminNavigationMenu] => Array
[Menu] => Menu
[Catalog] => Catalog
[Invoices] => Invoices
[Stock] => Stock
[Sell] => Sell
[Improve] => Improve
[Configure] => Configure
[More] => More
[Modules & Services] => Modules & Services
[Advanced Parameters] => Advanced Parameters
[Attributes] => Attributes
[Carriers] => Carriers
[Carrier] => Carrier
[Cart Rules] => Basket Rules
[Catalog Price Rules] => Catalog Price Rules
[Module Catalog] => Module Catalog
[Page Categories] => Page Categories
[Pages] => Pages
[Combinations Generator] => Combinations Generator
[Configuration] => Configuration
[Contact] => CMS page
[Countries] => Countries
[Customer Service] => Customer Service
[Customer Settings] => Customer Settings
[Dashboard] => Dashboard
[Database] => Database
[Employees] => Employees
[Team] => Team
[Features] => Features
[General] => General
[Groups] => Groups
[Image Settings] => Image Settings
[Images] => Images
[Instant Stock Status] => Instant Stock Status
[Languages] => Languages
[Locations] => Locations
[Login] => Login
[Design] => Design
[Brands & Suppliers] => Brands & Suppliers
[Brands] => Brands
[Marketing] => Marketing
[Menus] => Menus
[Merchandise Returns] => Merchandise Returns
[Modules] => Modules
[Monitoring] => Monitoring
[Multistore] => Multistore
[Order Settings] => Order Settings
[Payment] => Payment
[Permissions] => Permissions
[Discounts] => Discounts
[Products] => Products
[Quick Access] => Quick Access
[Referrers] => Referrers
[Search] => Search
[Search Engines] => Search Engines
[Shipping] => Shipping
[Shop Parameters] => Shop Parameters
[Shop URLs] => Shop URLs
[Shopping Carts] => Shopping Carts
[Shops] => Shops
[States] => States
[Stats] => Stats
[Stock Coverage] => Stock Coverage
[Stock Management] => Stock Management
[Stock Movement] => Stock Movement
[Stores] => Stores
[Supply orders] => Supply orders
[Tags] => Tags
[Taxes] => VAT
[Theme Catalog] => Theme Catalog
[Titles] => Titles
[Traffic & SEO] => Traffic & SEO
[Warehouses] => Warehouses
[Zones] => Zones
[Modules Catalog] => Modules Catalog
[Module manager] => Module manager
[Module Manager] => Module Manager
[Experimental Features] => Experimental Features
[Updates] => Updates
[Alerts] => Alerts
[Files] => Files
[DB Backup] => DB Backup
[Categories] => Categories
[Contacts] => Contacts
[Credit Slips] => Credit Notes
[Currencies] => Currencies
[E-mail] => E-mail
[Email] => Email
[Logs] => Logs
[SEO & URLs] => SEO & URLs
[Orders] => Orders
[Outstanding] => Outstanding
[Profiles] => Profiles
[SQL Manager] => SQL Manager
[Suppliers] => Suppliers
[Tax Rules] => Tax Rules
[Administration] => Administration
[Import] => Import
[Performance] => Performance
[Information] => Information
[Customers] => Customers
[Maintenance] => Maintenance
[Order settings] => Order settings
[Product Settings] => Product Settings
[Email Theme] => Email Theme
[Positions] => Positions
[Themes Catalog] => Themes Catalog
[Geolocation] => Geolocation
[Localization] => Localization
[Modules catalog] => Modules catalog
[Module selection] => Module selection
[Payment Methods] => Payment Methods
[Preferences] => Preferences
[Order Messages] => Order Messages
[Delivery Slips] => Delivery Slips
[Translations] => Translations
[Webservice] => Webservice
[Statuses] => Statuses
[Theme & Logo] => Theme & Logo
[Attributes & Features] => Attributes & Features
[Addresses] => Addresses
[International] => International
[AdminStatsNotification] => Array
[Module not found] => Module not found
[Please select a module from the left column.] => Please select a module from the left column.
[The specified date is invalid.] => The specified date is invalid.
[ModulesStproductcategoriessliderAdmin] => Array
[Product Slider] => Product Slider
[Display products from different categories on the homepage.] => Display products from different categories on the homepage.
[The field "Category / brand" is required] => The field "Category / brand" is required
[The field "Display on" is required] => The field "Display on" is required
[Product categories slider] => Product categories slider
[An error occurred during Product slider] => An error occurred during Product slider
[Product sldier] => Product sldier
[Category / Brand:] => Category / Brand:
[Select a category or brand] => Select a category or brand
[Tab heading alignment:] => Tab heading alignment:
[Tab color:] => Tab color:
[Active tab color:] => Active tab color:
[Tab background:] => Tab background:
[Active tab background:] => Active tab background:
[Border highlight color:] => Border highlight color:
[ModulesLinklistAdmin] => Array
[Link block configuration] => Link block configuration
[Link Blocks] => Link Blocks
[Name of the link block] => Name of the link block
[Please mark every page that you want to display in this block.] => Please mark every page that you want to display in this block.
[Please add every page that you want to display in this block.] => Please add every page that you want to display in this block.
[Themes] => Themes
[Link Widget] => Link Widget
[Link List] => Link List
[Adds a block with several links.] => Adds a block with several links.
[Give more visibility to your content/static pages (CMS, external pages, or else), where you want and when you want, to make your visitors feel like shopping on your store.] => Give more visibility to your content/static pages (CMS, external pages, or else), where you want and when you want, to make your visitors feel like shopping on your store.
[New block] => New block
[ID] => ID
[Name of the block] => Name of the block
[URL] => URL
[Title] => Title
[Content pages] => Content pages
[Product pages] => Product pages
[Static content] => Static content
[Custom content] => Custom content
[Name of the block cannot be longer than %limit% characters] => Name of the block cannot be longer than %limit% characters
[Categories] => Categories
[Edit the link block.] => Edit the link block.
[New link block] => New link block
[Position] => Position
[Edit] => Edit
[Delete] => Delete
[Name] => Name
[ModulesStatsbestcategoriesAdmin] => Array
[Empty recordset returned] => Empty recordset returned
[Total Quantity Sold] => Total Quantity Sold
[Total Price] => Total Price
[Total Margin] => Total Margin
[Total Viewed] => Total Viewed
[Best categories] => Best categories
[Adds a list of the best categories to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a list of the best categories to the Stats dashboard.
[Display final level categories only (that have no child categories)] => Display final level categories only (that have no child categories)
[ModulesStsearchbarAdmin] => Array
[Search bar mod] => Search bar mod
[Adds a quick search field to your website.] => Adds a quick search field to your website.
[Product image] => Product image
[Product name] => Product name
[Product price] => Product price
[How to display in the header:] => How to display in the header:
[The vaule must have units, Sample vaules: 200px, 350px.] => The vaule must have units, Sample vaules: 200px, 350px.
[If search box is beside the logo and in Style 1 then you can use values like these: 50%, 90%] => If search box is beside the logo and in Style 1 then you can use values like these: 50%, 90%
[Choose content displayed on ajax search results] => Choose content displayed on ajax search results
[A search icon] => A search icon
[An input file. This is easy for customers to search] => An input file. This is easy for customers to search
[Settings for search input field on the header] => Settings for search input field on the header
[Search button color:] => Search button color:
[This is for the search button which is inside the search input field.] => This is for the search button which is inside the search input field.
[Search button hover color:] => Search button hover color:
[Search button background:] => Search button background:
[Search button hover background:] => Search button hover background:
[This module was transplanted to these hooks at the same time. You should not have done that. This module can only be transplante to one of them, otherwise the front page might be messed up.] => This module was transplanted to these hooks at the same time. You should not have done that. This module can only be transplante to one of them, otherwise the front page might be messed up.
[AdminShopparametersHelp] => Array
[There is a huge quantity of data, so each connection corresponding to a referrer is indexed. You can also refresh this index by clicking the "Refresh index" button. This process may take a while, and it's only needed if you modified or added a referrer, or if you want changes to be retroactive.] => There is a huge quantity of data, so each connection corresponding to a referrer is indexed. You can also refresh this index by clicking the "Refresh index" button. This process may take a while, and it's only needed if you modified or added a referrer, or if you want changes to be retroactive.
[Your data is cached in order to sort it and filter it. You can refresh the cache by clicking on the "Refresh cache" button.] => Your data is cached in order to sort it and filter it. You can refresh the cache by clicking on the "Refresh cache" button.
[Direct traffic can be quite resource-intensive. You should consider enabling it only if you have a strong need for it.] => Direct traffic can be quite resource-intensive. You should consider enabling it only if you have a strong need for it.
[Show me more] => Show me more
[Definitions:] => Definitions:
[The "http_referer" field is the website from which your customers arrive.] => The "http_referer" field is the website from which your customers arrive.
[For example, visitors coming from Google will have an "http_referer" value like this one: "".] => For example, visitors coming from Google will have an "http_referer" value like this one: "".
[If the visitor arrives directly (by typing the URL of your shop, or by using their bookmarks, for example), the http_referer will be empty.] => If the visitor arrives directly (by typing the URL of your shop, or by using their bookmarks, for example), the http_referer will be empty.
[If you'd like to view all the visitors coming from Google, you can type "%google%" in this field. Alternatively, you can type "" if you want to view visitors coming from Google France, only.] => If you'd like to view all the visitors coming from Google, you can type "%google%" in this field. Alternatively, you can type "" if you want to view visitors coming from Google France, only.
[The "request_uri" field is the URL from which the customers come to your website.] => The "request_uri" field is the URL from which the customers come to your website.
[For example, if the visitor accesses a product page, the URL will be like this one: "%smusic-ipods/1-ipod-nano.html".] => For example, if the visitor accesses a product page, the URL will be like this one: "%smusic-ipods/1-ipod-nano.html".
[This is helpful because you can add tags or tokens in the links pointing to your website.] => This is helpful because you can add tags or tokens in the links pointing to your website.
[For example, you can post a link (such as "%sindex.php?myuniquekeyword" -- note that you added "?myuniquekeyword" at the end of the URL) in an online forum or as a blog comment, and get visitors statistics for that unique link by entering "%%myuniquekeyword" in the "request_uri" field.] => For example, you can post a link (such as "%sindex.php?myuniquekeyword" -- note that you added "?myuniquekeyword" at the end of the URL) in an online forum or as a blog comment, and get visitors statistics for that unique link by entering "%%myuniquekeyword" in the "request_uri" field.
[This method is more reliable than the "http_referer" one, but there is one disadvantage: if a search engine references a page with your link, then it will be displayed in the search results and you will not only indicate visitors from the places where you posted the link, but also those from the search engines that picked up that link.] => This method is more reliable than the "http_referer" one, but there is one disadvantage: if a search engine references a page with your link, then it will be displayed in the search results and you will not only indicate visitors from the places where you posted the link, but also those from the search engines that picked up that link.
[The "Include" fields indicate what has to be included in the URL.] => The "Include" fields indicate what has to be included in the URL.
[The "Exclude" fields indicate what has to be excluded from the URL.] => The "Exclude" fields indicate what has to be excluded from the URL.
[When using simple mode, you can use a wide variety of generic characters to replace other characters:] => When using simple mode, you can use a wide variety of generic characters to replace other characters:
["_" will replace one character. If you want to use the real "_", you should type this: "\\_".] => "_" will replace one character. If you want to use the real "_", you should type this: "\\_".
["%" will replace any number of characters. If you want to use the real "%", you should type this: "\\%".] => "%" will replace any number of characters. If you want to use the real "%", you should type this: "\\%".
[The Simple mode uses the MySQL "LIKE" pattern matching, but for a higher potency you can use MySQL's regular expressions in the Expert mode.] => The Simple mode uses the MySQL "LIKE" pattern matching, but for a higher potency you can use MySQL's regular expressions in the Expert mode.
[Take a look at MySQL's documentation for more details.] => Take a look at MySQL's documentation for more details.
[Get help!] => Get help!
[e.g. 10:00AM - 9:30PM] => e.g. 10:00AM - 9:30PM
[Further information regarding this contact.] => Further information regarding this contact.
[Image width in pixels. Enter "0" to use the original size.] => Image width in pixels. Enter "0" to use the original size.
[Image height in pixels. Enter "0" to use the original size.] => Image height in pixels. Enter "0" to use the original size.
[The group defined for your un-identified visitors.] => The group defined for your un-identified visitors.
[The group defined for your identified guest customers (used in guest checkout).] => The group defined for your identified guest customers (used in guest checkout).
[The group defined for your identified registered customers.] => The group defined for your identified registered customers.
[Automatically apply this value as a discount on all products for members of this customer group.] => Automatically apply this value as a discount on all products for members of this customer group.
[How prices are displayed in the order summary for this customer group.] => How prices are displayed in the order summary for this customer group.
[Customers in this group can view prices.] => Customers in this group can view prices.
[%group_name% - All persons without a customer account or customers that are not logged in.] => %group_name% - All persons without a customer account or customers that are not logged in.
[%group_name% - All persons who placed an order through Guest Checkout.] => %group_name% - All persons who placed an order through Guest Checkout.
[%group_name% - All persons who created an account on this site.] => %group_name% - All persons who created an account on this site.
[PrestaShop has three default customer groups:] => PrestaShop has three default customer groups:
[Need to hide prices for all groups? Save time, enable catalog mode in Product Settings instead.] => Need to hide prices for all groups? Save time, enable catalog mode in Product Settings instead.
[Leave blank if no change.] => Leave blank if no change.
[Fee given for each visit.] => Fee given for each visit.
[Fee given for each order placed.] => Fee given for each order placed.
[If you know how to use MySQL regular expressions, you can use the [1]expert mode[/1].] => If you are familiar with SQL commands, you can use the [1]expert mode[/1].
[Enable the automatic indexing of products. If you enable this feature, the products will be indexed in the search automatically when they are saved. If the feature is disabled, you will have to index products manually by using the links provided in the field set.] => Enable the automatic indexing of products. If you enable this feature, the products will be indexed in the search automatically when they are saved. If the feature is disabled, you will have to index products manually by using the links provided in the field set.
[By default, to search for “blouse”, you have to enter “blous”, “blo”, etc (beginning of the word) – but not “lous” (within the word).] => By default, to search for “blouse”, you have to enter “blous”, “blo”, etc (beginning of the word) – but not “lous” (within the word).
[With this option enabled, it also gives the good result if you search for “lous”, “ouse”, or anything contained in the word.] => With this option enabled, it also gives the good result if you search for “lous”, “ouse”, or anything contained in the word.
[Enable search within a whole word, rather than from its beginning only.] => Enable search within a whole word, rather than from its beginning only.
[It checks if the searched term is contained in the indexed word. This may be resource-consuming.] => It checks if the searched term is contained in the indexed word. This may be resource-consuming.
[By default, if you search "book", you will have "book", "bookcase" and "bookend".] => By default, if you search "book", you will have "book", "bookcase" and "bookend".
[With this option enabled, it only gives one result “book”, as exact end of the indexed word is matching.] => With this option enabled, it only gives one result “book”, as exact end of the indexed word is matching.
[Enable more precise search with the end of the word.] => Enable more precise search with the end of the word.
[It checks if the searched term is the exact end of the indexed word.] => It checks if the searched term is the exact end of the indexed word.
[Only words this size or larger will be indexed.] => Only words this size or larger will be indexed.
[Please enter the index words separated by a "|".] => Please enter the index words separated by a "|".
[Enter each alias separated by a comma (e.g. 'prestshop,preztashop,prestasohp').] => Enter each alias separated by a comma (e.g. 'prestshop,preztashop,prestasohp').
[Forbidden characters: <>;=#{}] => Forbidden characters: <>;=#{}
[Search this word instead.] => Search this word instead.
[By default, the fuzzy search is enabled. It means spelling errors are allowed, e.g. you can search for "bird" with words like "burd", "bard" or "beerd".] => By default, the fuzzy search is enabled. It means spelling errors are allowed, e.g. you can search for "bird" with words like "burd", "bard" or "beerd".
[Enable approximate string matching.] => Enable approximate string matching.
[Note that this option is resource-consuming: the more you search, the longer it takes.] => Note that this option is resource-consuming: the more you search, the longer it takes.
[Disabling this option will require exact spelling for the search to match results.] => Disabling this option will require exact spelling for the search to match results.
[Only words fewer or equal to this maximum length will be searched.] => Only words fewer or equal to this maximum length will be searched.
[This parameter will only be used if the fuzzy search is activated: the lower the value, the more tolerant your search will be.] => This parameter will only be used if the fuzzy search is activated: the lower the value, the more tolerant your search will be.
[This field does not refer to the shop name visible in the front office.] => This field does not refer to the shop name visible in the front office.
[Follow [1]this link[/1] to edit the shop name used on the front office.] => Follow [1]this link[/1] to edit the shop name used on the front office.
[You can't edit the shop group because the current shop belongs to a group with the "share" option enabled.] => You can't edit the shop group because the current shop belongs to a group with the "share" option enabled.
[This is the root category of the store that you've created. To define a new root category for your store, [1]please click here[/1].] => This is the root category of the store that you've created. To define a new root category for your store, [1]please click here[/1].
[By selecting associated categories, you are choosing to share the categories between shops. Once associated between shops, any alteration of this category will impact every shop.] => By selecting associated categories, you are choosing to share the categories between shops. Once associated between shops, any alteration of this category will impact every shop.
[Upload an icon from your computer (File type: .gif, suggested size: 16x16).] => Upload an icon from your computer (File type: .gif, suggested size: 16x16).
[Whether or not to display this store.] => Whether or not to display this store.
[Storefront picture.] => Storefront picture.
[Displayed in emails sent to customers.] => Displayed in emails sent to customers.
[Shop registration information (e.g. SIRET or RCS).] => Shop registration information (e.g. SIRET or RCS).
[Contact name (e.g. Customer Support).] => Contact name (e.g. Customer Support).
[Emails will be sent to this address.] => Emails will be sent to this address.
[If enabled, all messages will be saved in the "Customer Service" page under the "Customer" menu.] => If enabled, all messages will be saved in the "Customer Service" page under the "Customer" menu.
[After a customer logs in, you can recall and display the content of his/her last shopping cart.] => After a customer logs in, you can recall and display the content of his/her last shopping cart.
[Minimum time required between two requests for a password reset.] => Minimum time required between two requests for a password reset.
[Activate or deactivate B2B mode. When this option is enabled, B2B features will be made available.] => Activate or deactivate B2B mode. When this option is enabled, B2B features will be made available.
[Display or not the birth date field.] => Display or not the birth date field.
[Display or not the partner offers tick box, to receive offers from the store's partners.] => Optional check box for affiliate links
[Send an email with a summary of the account information after registration.] => Send an email with a summary of the account information after registration.
[We recommend that you deactivate your store while performing maintenance. Note that it will not disable the webservice.] => We recommend that you deactivate your store while performing maintenance. Note that it will not disable the webservice.
[Allow IP addresses to access the store, even in maintenance mode. Use a comma to separate them (e.g.,,] => Allow IP addresses to access the store, even in maintenance mode. Use a comma to separate them (e.g.,,
[Display a customized message when the store is disabled.] => Display a customized message when the store is disabled.
[If you own an SSL certificate for your shop's domain name, you can activate SSL encryption (https://) for customer account identification and order processing.] => If you own an SSL certificate for your shop's domain name, you can activate SSL encryption (https://) for customer account identification and order processing.
[When enabled, all the pages of your shop will be SSL-secured.] => When enabled, all the pages of your shop will be SSL-secured.
[Enable or disable token in the Front Office to improve PrestaShop's security.] => Enable or disable token in the Front Office to improve PrestaShop's security.
[Allow iframes on text fields like product description. We recommend that you leave this option disabled.] => Allow iframes on text fields like product description. We recommend that you leave this option disabled.
[Clean the HTML content on text fields. We recommend that you leave this option enabled.] => Clean the HTML content on text fields. We recommend that you leave this option enabled.
[You can choose among 6 different ways of rounding prices. "Round up away from zero ..." is the recommended behavior.] => You can choose among 6 different ways of rounding prices. "Round up away from zero ..." is the recommended behaviour.
[You can choose when to round prices: either on each item, each line or the total (of an invoice, for example).] => You can choose when to round prices: either on each item, each line or the total (of an invoice, for example).
[Enable best sellers page on your front office even when its respective module is disabled.] => Enable best sellers page on your front office even when its respective module is disabled.
[The multistore feature allows you to manage several e-shops with one Back Office. If this feature is enabled, a "Multistore" page will be available in the "Advanced Parameters" menu.] => The multistore feature allows you to manage several e-shops with one Back Office. If this feature is enabled, a "Multistore" page will be available in the "Advanced Parameters" menu.
[Enable suppliers page on your front office even when its module is disabled.] => Enable suppliers page on your front office even when its module is disabled.
[Enable brands page on your front office even when its module is disabled.] => Enable brands page on your front office even when its module is disabled.
[Display an overview of the addresses, shipping method and cart just before the order button (required in some European countries).] => Display a summary of all relevant order data (payment method, adresses, dispatch and cart) above the order button.
[Allow guest visitors to place an order without registering.] => Allow guest visitors to place an order without registering.
[Disable the option to allow customers to reorder in one click from the order history page (required in some European countries).] => Disable the option to allow customers to reorder in one click from the order history page (required in some European countries).
[Set to 0 to disable this feature.] => Set to 0 to disable this feature.
[Automatically updates the shipping costs when you edit an order.] => Automatically updates the shipping costs when you edit an order.
[Require customers to accept or decline terms of service before processing an order.] => Require customers to accept or decline terms of service before processing an order.
[Choose the page which contains your store's terms and conditions of use.] => Choose the page which contains your store's terms and conditions.
[Allow the customer to ship orders to multiple addresses. This option will convert the customer's cart into one or more orders.] => Allow the customer to ship orders to multiple addresses. This option will convert the customer's cart into one or more orders.
[It allows you to delay shipping if your customers request it.] => It allows you to delay shipping if your customers request it.
[Suggest gift-wrapping to customers.] => Suggest gift-wrapping to customers.
[Set a price for gift wrapping.] => Set a price for gift wrapping.
[Set a tax for gift wrapping.] => Set a tax for gift wrapping.
[Suggest recycled packaging to customer.] => Suggest recycled packaging to customer.
[Only letters, numbers and underscores ("_") are allowed.] => Only letters, numbers and underscores ("_") are allowed.
[Email template for both .html and .txt.] => Email template for both .html and .txt.
[characters] => characters
[Note that the label will be displayed only if backorders are denied.] => Note that the label will be displayed only if backorders are denied.
[Enable this option if you want to display your product's attributes in its meta title.] => Enable this option if you want to display your product's attributes in its meta title.
[Enable this option only if your server allows URL rewriting (recommended).] => Enable this option only if your server allows URL rewriting (recommended).
[URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs, you must activate this mod.] => URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs, you must activate this mod.
[Enable this option only if you have problems with URL rewriting.] => Enable this option only if you have problems with URL rewriting.
[Some of PrestaShop's features might not work correctly with a specific configuration of Apache's mod_security module. We recommend to turn it off.] => Some of PrestaShop's features might not work correctly with a specific configuration of Apache's mod_security module. We recommend to turn it off.
[Enable this option if you want to allow accented characters in your friendly URLs. You should only activate this option if you are using non-Latin characters; for all the Latin charsets, your SEO will be better without this option.] => Enable this option if you want to allow accented characters in your friendly URLs. You should only activate this option if you are using non-Latin characters; for all the Latin charsets, your SEO will be better without this option.
[The catalog mode is actually to disable products checkout (prices, add to cart, etc.) on your shop, like a retail website does.] => The catalog mode is actually to disable products checkout (prices, add to cart, etc.) on your shop, like a retail website does.
[Set the maximum size of the summary of your product description (in characters).] => Set the maximum size of the short description (in numbers).
[How to calculate quantity discounts.] => How to calculate quantity discounts.
[When active, friendly URL will be updated on every save.] => When active, friendly URL will be updated on every save.
[When active, new products will be activated by default during creation.] => When active, new products will be activated by default during creation.
[Catalog mode disables the shopping cart on your store. Visitors will be able to browse your products catalog, but not buy them.] => Catalog mode disables the shopping cart on your store. Visitors will be able to browse your products catalog, but not buy them.
[Have specific needs? Edit particular groups to let them see prices or not.] => Have specific needs? Edit particular groups to let them see prices or not.
[Display product prices when in catalog mode.] => Display product prices when in catalog mode.
[Set to "0" to disable this feature.] => Set to "0" to disable this feature.
[Display or hide the "add to cart" button on category pages for products that have attributes forcing customers to see product details.] => Display or hide the "add to basket" button on category pages for products that have attributes forcing customers to see product details.
[In the volume discounts board, display the new price with the applied discount instead of showing the discount (ie. "-5%").] => In the volume discounts board, display the new price with the applied discount instead of showing the discount (ie. "-5%").
[Display the "%add_to_cart_label%" button when a product has attributes] => Display the "%add_to_cart_label%" button when a product has attributes
[Display or hide the "%add_to_cart_label%" button on category pages for products that have attributes forcing customers to see product details.] => Display or hide the "%add_to_cart_label%" button on category pages for products that have attributes forcing customers to see product details.
[If an attribute is not available in every product combination, it will not be displayed.] => If an attribute is not available in every product combination, it will not be displayed.
[Number of products displayed per page. Default is 10.] => Number of products displayed per page. Default is 10.
[The order in which products are displayed in the product list.] => The order in which products are displayed in the product list.
[Default order method for product list.] => Default order method for product list.
[By default, the Add to Cart button is hidden when a product is unavailable. You can choose to have it displayed in all cases.] => By default, the Add to Cart button is hidden when a product is unavailable. You can choose to have it displayed in all cases.
[Advised for European merchants to be legally compliant (eg: Delivered within 3-4 days)] => Advised for European merchants to be legally compliant (eg: Delivered within 3-4 days)
[Advised for European merchants to be legally compliant (eg: Delivered within 5-7 days)] => Advised for European merchants to be legally compliant (eg: Delivered within 5-7 days)
[When selling packs of products, how do you want your stock to be calculated?] => When selling packs of products, how do you want your stock to be calculated?
[By default, the "%add_to_cart_label%" button is hidden when a product is unavailable. You can choose to have it displayed in all cases.] => By default, the "%add_to_cart_label%" button is hidden when a product is unavailable. You can choose to have it displayed in all cases.
[Allows you to delay shipping at your customers' request.] => Allows your customers to schedule the date of shipping, when the cart contains an out of stock product.
[Invalid characters: numbers and] => Invalid characters: numbers and
[Status will be highlighted in this color. HTML colors only.] => Status will be highlighted in this colour. HTML colours only.
[Order's return status name.] => Order's return status name.
[Order status (e.g. 'Pending').] => Order status (e.g. 'Pending').
[You can search for a new domain name or add a domain name that you already own. You will be redirected to your PrestaShop account.] => You can search for a new domain name or add a domain name that you already own. You will be redirected to your PrestaShop account.
[Invalid characters:] => Invalid characters:
[Name of the related page.] => Name of the related page.
[Title of this page.] => Title of this page.
[A short description of your shop.] => A short description of your shop.
[List of keywords for search engines.] => List of keywords for search engines.
[For instance, "contacts" for to redirect to] => For instance, "contacts" for to redirect to
[Only letters and hyphens are allowed.] => Only letters and hyphens are allowed.
[To add tags, click in the field, write something, and then press the "Enter" key.] => To add tags, click in the field, write something, and then press the "Enter" key.
[Enable this option if you want to allow accented characters in your friendly URLs.] => Enable this option if you want to allow accented characters in your friendly URLs.
[You should only activate this option if you are using non-latin characters ; for all the latin charsets, your SEO will be better without this option.] => You should only activate this option if you are using non-latin characters ; for all the latin charsets, your SEO will be better without this option.
[Activate or deactivate your shop (It is a good idea to deactivate your shop while you perform maintenance. Please note that the webservice will not be disabled).] => Activate or deactivate your shop (It is a good idea to deactivate your shop while you perform maintenance. Please note that the webservice will not be disabled).
[IP addresses allowed to access the front office even if the shop is disabled. Please use a comma to separate them (e.g.,,] => IP addresses allowed to access the front office even if the shop is disabled. Please use a comma to separate them (e.g.,,
[Custom text displayed on maintenance page while shop is deactivated.] => Custom text displayed on maintenance page while shop is deactivated.
[If you want to enable SSL on all the pages of your shop, activate the "Enable on all the pages" option below.] => If you want to enable SSL on all the pages of your shop, activate the "Enable on all the pages" option below.
[Choose how many decimals you want to display] => Choose how many decimals you want to display
[Enable brands and suppliers pages on your front office even when their respective modules are disabled.] => Enable brands and suppliers pages on your front office even when their respective modules are disabled.
[ModulesEmailsubscriptionAdmin] => Array
[Newsletter subscription] => Newsletter subscription
[Adds a form for newsletter subscription.] => Adds a form for newsletter subscription.
[Are you sure that you want to delete all of your contacts?] => Are you sure that you want to delete all of your contacts?
[Subscribed] => Subscribed
[Subscribed on] => Subscribed on
[Newsletter registrations] => Newsletter registrations
[Unsubscribe] => Unsubscribe
[Would you like to send a verification email after subscription?] => Would you like to send a verification email after subscription?
[Would you like to send a confirmation email after subscription?] => Would you like to send a confirmation email after subscription?
[Welcome voucher code] => Welcome voucher code
[Leave blank to disable by default.] => Leave blank to disable by default.
[Newsletter conditions] => Newsletter conditions
[This text will be displayed beneath the newsletter subscribe button.] => This text will be displayed beneath the newsletter subscribe button.
[Export customers' addresses] => Export customers' addresses
[Customers' country] => Customers' country
[Filter customers by country.] => Filter customers by country.
[Newsletter subscribers] => Newsletter subscribers
[Filter customers who have subscribed to the newsletter or not, and who have an account or not.] => Filter customers who have subscribed to the newsletter or not, and who have an account or not.
[Customers can subscribe to your newsletter when registering, or by entering their email in the newsletter form.] => Customers can subscribe to your newsletter when registering, or by entering their email in the newsletter form.
[All subscribers] => All Subscribers
[Subscribers with account] => Subscribers with account
[Subscribers without account] => Subscribers without account
[Non-subscribers] => Non-subscribers
[Partner offers subscribers] => Partner offers accepted
[Filter customers who have agreed to receive your partners' offers or not.] => Filter customers who have agreed to receive your partners' offers or not.
[Partner offers subscribers have agreed to receive your partners' offers.] => Opt-in subscribers who have agreed to receive your partners' offers.
[All customers] => All customers
[Partner offers non-subscribers] => Partner offers not accepted
[Search for addresses] => Search for addresses
[Email address to search] => Email address to search
[Example: or] => Example: or
[No customers found with these filters!] => No customers found with these filters!
[The .CSV file has been successfully exported: %d customers found.] => The .CSV file has been successfully exported: %d customers found.
[Download the file] => Download the file
[WARNING: When opening this .csv file with Excel, choose UTF-8 encoding to avoid strange characters.] => WARNING: When opening this .csv file with Excel, choose UTF-8 encoding to avoid strange characters.
[Error: Write access limited] => Error: Write access limited
[No result found!] => No result found!
[-- Select associated page --] => -- Select associated page --
[Newsletter subscription: no email to delete, this customer has not registered.] => Newsletter subscription: no email to delete, this customer has not registered.
[Newsletter subscription: no email to export, this customer has not registered.] => Newsletter subscription: no email to export, this customer has not registered.
[Iso language] => ISO language
[Keep in touch with your customers the way you want, add a form to the homepage of your store and allow all the curious to subscribe to your newsletter.] => Keep in touch with your customers the way you want, add a form to the homepage of your store and allow all the curious to subscribe to your newsletter.
[AdminThemeTransformer] => Array
[Index] => Index
[Category] => Category
[Product] => Product
[Prices Drop] => Prices Drop
[New Products] => New Products
[Manufacturer] => Manufacturer
[Supplier] => Supplier
[Best Sales] => Best Sales
[Cms] => Cms
[Search] => Search
[Blog category] => Blog category
[Blog article] => Blog article
[Blog archives] => Blog archives
[Blog search] => Blog search
[An error occurred during new folder creation] => An error occurred during new folder creation
[directory isn\'t writable.] => directory isn\'t writable.
[the status has been updated successfully.] => the status has been updated successfully.
[An error occurred while updating the status.] => An error occurred while updating the status.
[The image was deleted successfully.] => The image was deleted successfully.
[An error occurred while delete banner.] => An error occurred while delete banner.
[failed to update the position.] => failed to update the position.
[updated] => updated
[added] => added
[updating] => updating
[creation] => creation
[invalid value for field(s).] => invalid value for field(s).
[You can\'t use this module, because of you\'ve not registered your theme yet, click %1%here%2% to register your theme in the Theme editor module.] => You can\'t use this module, because of you\'ve not registered your theme yet, click %1%here%2% to register your theme in the Theme editor module.
[An error occurred during the image upload.] => An error occurred during the image upload.
[Hook] => Hook
[Categories] => Categories
[CMS] => CMS
[Manufacturers] => Manufacturers
[Group name:] => Group name:
[Show on:] => Show on:
[For visual composer module] => For visual composer module
[--] => --
[click here to see hook position] => click here to see hook position
[Type:] => Type:
[Yes] => Yes
[No] => No
[Height:] => Height:
[Space between banners:] => Space between banners:
[Leave it empty to use the default value.] => Leave it empty to use the default value.
[Top padding:] => Top padding:
[Bottom padding:] => Bottom padding:
[Top spacing:] => Top spacing:
[Leave it empty to use the default value 8.] => Leave it empty to use the default value 8.
[Bottom spacing:] => Bottom spacing:
[Left spacing:] => Left spacing:
[Right spacing:] => Right spacing:
[Visibility:] => Visibility:
[Visible] => Visible
[Hide on mobile (screen width < 992px)] => Hide on mobile (screen width < 992px)
[Hide on PC (screen width > 992px)] => Hide on PC (screen width > 992px)
[Status:] => Status:
[Enabled] => Enabled
[Disabled] => Disabled
[Position:] => Position:
[Video background] => Video background
[Video background feature can not work on both Android and IOS devices, which is due to restrictions on autoplay and performance, so you also need to upload a video thumbnail, the thumbnail will be displayed on mobile devices.] => Video background feature can not work on both Android and IOS devices, which is due to restrictions on autoplay and performance, so you also need to upload a video thumbnail, the thumbnail will be displayed on mobile devices.
[Video thumbnail image(Required):] => Video thumbnail image(Required):
[Upload a image here, it will be displayed on mobile devices, because of the video background feature can not work on mobile devices, otherwise a transparent background will be apply to this block on mobile devices.] => Upload a image here, it will be displayed on mobile devices, because of the video background feature can not work on mobile devices, otherwise a transparent background will be apply to this block on mobile devices.
[MP4 format(Required):] => MP4 format(Required):
[Example:] => Example:
[MP4 is supported by major browsers like Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer 9+. So you do not have to prepare .webm and .ogv, it is okay to leave the follow to fields empty.] => MP4 is supported by major browsers like Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer 9+. So you do not have to prepare .webm and .ogv, it is okay to leave the follow to fields empty.
[You can convert your videos online or using tools like "Miro Video Converter" to convert them into different formats.] => You can convert your videos online or using tools like "Miro Video Converter" to convert them into different formats.
[WebM format(Optional):] => WebM format(Optional):
[Example:, Firefox, Chrome and Opera prefer WebM / Ogg formats] => Example:, Firefox, Chrome and Opera prefer WebM / Ogg formats
[Ogv or ogg format(Optional):] => Ogv or ogg format(Optional):
[Example:, Firefox, Chrome and Opera prefer WebM / Ogv formats] => Example:, Firefox, Chrome and Opera prefer WebM / Ogv formats
[Loop:] => Loop:
[Muted:] => Muted:
[Video vertical offset:] => Video vertical offset:
[From 0 to 100] => From 0 to 100
[This field is used to move the video up.] => This field is used to move the video up.
[Shop association:] => Shop association:
[Back to list] => Back to list
[Delete] => Delete
[Width on desktop (screen width > 768px):] => Width on desktop (screen width > 768px):
[Width on tablet (screen width < 768px and >480px):] => Width on tablet (screen width < 768px and >480px):
[The same with as on desktop:] => The same with as on desktop:
[Width on phone (when screen width < 480px):] => Width on phone (when screen width < 480px):
[The same with as on tablet:] => The same with as on tablet:
[Hide on mobile (screen width < 768px)] => Hide on mobile (screen width < 768px)
[Hide on PC (screen width > 768px)] => Hide on PC (screen width > 768px)
[Link:] => Link:
[Open in a new window:] => Open in a new window:
[Caption:] => Caption:
[Google fonts:] => Google fonts:
[Use default] => Use default
[Font weight:] => Font weight:
[Caption color:] => Caption color:
[Background color:] => Background color:
[Caption width:] => Caption width:
[Hide caption on small screen devices:] => Hide caption on small screen devices:
[Screen width < 768px.] => Screen width < 768px.
[Text alignment:] => Text alignment:
[Left] => Left
[Center] => Center
[Right] => Right
[Button color:] => Button color:
[button background color:] => button background color:
[Button hover color:] => Button hover color:
[button hover background color:] => button hover background color:
[Image] => Image
[for screen width<%1%px] => for screen width<%1%px
[default language] => default language
[Back to main page] => Back to main page
[You can copy the short code to anywhere to show the banner if need.] => You can copy the short code to anywhere to show the banner if need.
[Id] => Id
[Name] => Name
[Hook into] => Hook into
[Short code] => Short code
[Position] => Position
[Status] => Status
[Duplicate] => Duplicate
[Width] => Width
[Height] => Height
[Home] => Home
[ID:] => ID:
[Please select] => Please select
[How to display] => How to display
[Go to the configuration page of this module to change settings.] => Go to the configuration page of this module to change settings.
[Refresh this window to get new data.] => Refresh this window to get new data.
[Open text editor] => Open text editor
[Open text editor in a new window] => Open text editor in a new window
[Toggle tinymce text editor] => Toggle tinymce text editor
[Text editor] => Text editor
[Open in new window] => Open in new window
[Open in a new window] => Open in a new window
[Banner style] => Banner style
[Settings] => Settings
[Button] => Button
[Horizontal align] => Horizontal align
[Vertical align] => Vertical align
[Top] => Top
[middle] => middle
[Bottom] => Bottom
[Text align] => Text align
[Padding] => Padding
[Background] => Background
[Link] => Link
[If this field is filled in, whole banner would be clickable, button links would be ignored, becase cannot be nested.] => If this field is filled in, whole banner would be clickable, button links would be ignored, becase cannot be nested.
[Link title] => Link title
[Header] => Header
[Uppercase] => Uppercase
[Lowercase] => Lowercase
[Capitalize] => Capitalize
[None] => None
[Color] => Color
[Font size] => Font size
[Google fonts] => Google fonts
[Line height] => Line height
[150 by default. You can use this setting to change the spacing between headers.] => 150 by default. You can use this setting to change the spacing between headers.
[Margin bottom] => Margin bottom
[Text] => Text
[Text Color] => Text Color
[Separator Color] => Separator Color
[Separator Width] => Separator Width
[Separator height] => Separator height
[status] => status
[Hide this button] => Hide this button
[Show this button] => Show this button
[If the text filed is empty, this button will be unvisiable.] => If the text filed is empty, this button will be unvisiable.
[Style] => Style
[Default] => Default
[White] => White
[Primary] => Primary
[Secondary] => Secondary
[Success] => Success
[Info] => Info
[Warning] => Warning
[Danger] => Danger
[Font-size] => Font-size
[Increase button width] => Increase button width
[Use the "Button hover color" setting on the detail page to change button hover color] => Use the "Button hover color" setting on the detail page to change button hover color
[Use the "Button hover background color" setting on the detail page to change button hover background color] => Use the "Button hover background color" setting on the detail page to change button hover background color
[Source code] => Source code
[Successfully copied to clipboard] => Successfully copied to clipboard
[Copy to clipboard] => Copy to clipboard
[How to paste the code?] => How to paste the code?
[You are editing in a new window, so if you are using any Google fonts, you have to manually add them on the detial page via] => You are editing in a new window, so if you are using any Google fonts, you have to manually add them on the detial page via
[here.] => here.
[Do not have to this when on modal dialog.] => Do not have to this when on modal dialog.
[Content here has been successfully inserted into the "Caption" field.] => Content here has been successfully inserted into the "Caption" field.
[Insert] => Insert
[Close] => Close
[Get code] => Get code
[If this is set and this module is hooked to the displayFullWidthXXX hooks, then this module will be displayed in full screen.] => If this is set and this module is hooked to the displayFullWidthXXX hooks, then this module will be displayed in full screen.
[Desktops (>1400px)] => Desktops (>1400px)
[Desktops (>1200px)] => Desktops (>1200px)
[Desktops (>992px)] => Desktops (>992px)
[Tablets (>768px)] => Tablets (>768px)
[Phones (>480px)] => Phones (>480px)
[Phones (<480px)] => Phones (<480px)
[Full screen] => Full screen
[Extra large devices] => Extra large devices
[Large devices] => Large devices
[Medium devices] => Medium devices
[Small devices] => Small devices
[Extra small devices] => Extra small devices
[Extremely small devices] => Extremely small devices
[Product Comparison] => Product Comparison
[Adds a product comparison feature to your PrestaShop 1.7 site.] => Adds a product comparison feature to your PrestaShop 1.7 site.
[Picture] => Picture
[Price] => Price
[Rating] => Rating
[Short description] => Short description
[Stock] => Stock
[Main variants (Color)] => Main variants (Color)
[Add to cart button] => Add to cart button
[Topbar left - displayNav1] => Topbar left - displayNav1
[Topbar right - displayNav2] => Topbar right - displayNav2
[Topbar center - displayNav3] => Topbar center - displayNav3
[displayTop] => displayTop
[displayHeaderCenter] => displayHeaderCenter
[displayHeaderLeft] => displayHeaderLeft
[displayHeaderBottom] => displayHeaderBottom
[Main menu widget] => Main menu widget
[displayProductNameRight] => displayProductNameRight
[displayUnderProductName] => displayUnderProductName
[displayProductPriceRight] => displayProductPriceRight
[displayProductCartRight] => displayProductCartRight
[displayLeftColumnProduct] => displayLeftColumnProduct
[displayProductLeftColumn] => displayProductLeftColumn
[displayProductCenterColumn] => displayProductCenterColumn
[displayProductRightColumn] => displayProductRightColumn
[displayRightColumnProduct] => displayRightColumnProduct
[This module cannot be transplanted to] => This module cannot be transplanted to
[Settings updated] => Settings updated
[Product comparison:] => Product comparison:
[Set the maximum number of products that can be selected for comparison. Set to "0" to disable this feature.] => Set the maximum number of products that can be selected for comparison. Set to "0" to disable this feature.
[Compare items] => Compare items
[Display a "Add to compare " in the fly-out button:] => Display a "Add to compare " in the fly-out button:
[Icon + Text] => Icon + Text
[Icon] => Icon
[Icon + Text (Vertical)] => Icon + Text (Vertical)
[Icon + badge] => Icon + badge
[Icon size in the header:] => Icon size in the header:
[Text size in the header:] => Text size in the header:
[Column mini width:] => Column mini width:
[Hook manager] => Hook manager
[Check the hook that you would like this module to display on.] => Check the hook that you would like this module to display on.
[Click here to see hook position] => Click here to see hook position
[Save all] => Save all
[Select Products:] => Select Products:
[Product Name:] => Product Name:
[Current Products:] => Current Products:
[Double click to move items] => Double click to move items
[Remove Item] => Remove Item
[Current category] => Current category
[An error occurred during] => An error occurred during
[Set a spacing between header and content on the blog homepage.] => Set a spacing between header and content on the blog homepage.
[Name font size:] => Name font size:
[Set it to 0 to use the default value.] => Set it to 0 to use the default value.
[Time Since Posted, like 2 days ago, 1 month ago] => Time Since Posted, like 2 days ago, 1 month ago
[Yes, display as buttons] => Yes, display as buttons
[Yes, display as links] => Yes, display as links
[Read more buttons display along with short content, which means if a block does not showing short content, read more buttons would also do not show out in this block.] => Read more buttons display along with short content, which means if a block does not showing short content, read more buttons would also do not show out in this block.
[Image type:] => Image type:
[Articles per row in grid view:] => Articles per row in grid view:
[7, 9 and 11 can not be used in grid view, they will be automatically decreased to 6, 8 and 10. Set a value for the "Full width" drop down list to make this module fullwidth in the fullwidth* hooks, but the value of "Full width" drop down menu would not take effect in grid view.] => 7, 9 and 11 can not be used in grid view, they will be automatically decreased to 6, 8 and 10. Set a value for the "Full width" drop down list to make this module fullwidth in the fullwidth* hooks, but the value of "Full width" drop down menu would not take effect in grid view.
[Display blog short content:] => Display blog short content:
[Short content, 120 characters] => Short content, 120 characters
[Short content, 220 characters] => Short content, 220 characters
[Full short content] => Full short content
[Content, 120 characters] => Content, 120 characters
[Content, 220 characters] => Content, 220 characters
[Content, about 5 lines] => Content, about 5 lines
[Content, about 10 lines] => Content, about 10 lines
[Blog heading size:] => Blog heading size:
[Font size:] => Font size:
[General] => General
[Related products] => Related products
[Slider on blog homepage] => Slider on blog homepage
[Category page] => Category page
[Article page] => Article page
[Images] => Images
[General settings] => General settings
[Style settings] => Style settings
[Image setting] => Image setting
[Blog block settings] => Blog block settings
[How to display articles:] => How to display articles:
[Define the number of articles to be displayed:] => Define the number of articles to be displayed:
[Spacing between articles:] => Spacing between articles:
[Distance between articles.] => Distance between articles.
[Link hover color:] => Link hover color:
[Setting] => Setting
[Invalid value for field(s).] => Invalid value for field(s).
[Failed to update the position.] => Failed to update the position.
[Other settings] => Other settings
[Homepage] => Homepage
[Left or right column] => Left or right column
[Footer] => Footer
[Display on:] => Display on:
[List] => List
[Meida image] => Meida image
[Display article short description:] => Display article short description:
[Article name hover color:] => Article name hover color:
[Yes, 120 characters] => Yes, 120 characters
[Slider on homepage] => Slider on homepage
[How many articles per view on compact slider:] => How many articles per view on compact slider:
[Slide on the left column/right column/X quarter] => Slide on the left column/right column/X quarter
[Show on] => Show on
[ID Shop] => ID Shop
[Add new] => Add new
[Slider] => Slider
[Hooks] => Hooks
[displayFooterProduct] => displayFooterProduct
[displayStBlogArticleFooter] => displayStBlogArticleFooter
[Left column except the produt page] => Left column except the produt page
[Right column except the produt page] => Right column except the produt page
[Left column on the product page only] => Left column on the product page only
[Right column on the product page only] => Right column on the product page only
[Product right column] => Product right column
[displayStBlogLeftColumn] => displayStBlogLeftColumn
[displayStBlogRightColumn] => displayStBlogRightColumn
[Automatically generate related articles(using tags):] => Automatically generate related articles(using tags):
[How to display articles] => How to display articles
[Display articles short description:] => Display articles short description:
[Slide settings] => Slide settings
[Column Slide Settings] => Column Slide Settings
[displayFullWidthTop] => displayFullWidthTop
[displayFullWidthTop2] => displayFullWidthTop2
[displayHomeTop] => displayHomeTop
[displayHome] => displayHome
[displayHomeLeft] => displayHomeLeft
[displayHomeRight] => displayHomeRight
[displayHomeFirstQuarter] => displayHomeFirstQuarter
[displayHomeSecondQuarter] => displayHomeSecondQuarter
[displayHomeThirdQuarter] => displayHomeThirdQuarter
[displayHomeFourthQuarter] => displayHomeFourthQuarter
[displayHomeBottom] => displayHomeBottom
[displayFullWidthBottom] => displayFullWidthBottom
[displayFooter] => displayFooter
[displayFooterAfter] => displayFooterAfter
[Define the number of brands to be displayed:] => Define the number of brands to be displayed:
[Spacing between brands:] => Spacing between brands:
[Distance between brands.] => Distance between brands.
[Brands name hover color:] => Brands name hover color:
[How to display brands:] => How to display brands:
[How many brands per view on compact slider:] => How many brands per view on compact slider:
[Slide on left column/right column] => Slide on left column/right column
[Successful update] => Successful update
[Error occurred when updating] => Error occurred when updating
[Cannot update settings] => Cannot update settings
[Display on] => Display on
[Text color:] => Text color:
[Background color opacity:] => Background color opacity:
[From 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).] => From 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).
[Text font:] => Text font:
[Text font weight:] => Text font weight:
[Text font size:] => Text font size:
[Divider color:] => Divider color:
[Text transform:] => Text transform:
[Actually only for "display on all special products" is set to "No".] => Actually only for "display on all special products" is set to "No".
[Current products] => Current products
[System Web fonts] => System Web fonts
[Google Web Fonts] => Google Web Fonts
[Topbar left(displayNav1)] => Topbar left(displayNav1)
[Topbar center(displayNav3)] => Topbar center(displayNav3)
[Topbar right(displayNav2)] => Topbar right(displayNav2)
[Header left] => Header left
[Header center] => Header center
[Header right(Header top)] => Header right(Header top)
[Header bottom] => Header bottom
[Footer bottom left] => Footer bottom left
[Footer bottom right] => Footer bottom right
[Checkout page header] => Checkout page header
[Mobile Nav] => Mobile Nav
[How to display:] => How to display:
[Buttons] => Buttons
[Main menu] => Main menu
[Mobile Bar] => Mobile Bar
[- User center(My account infomation, language switcher and search box)] => - User center(My account infomation, language switcher and search box)
[Mobile Bar left] => Mobile Bar left
[Mobile Bar center] => Mobile Bar center
[Mobile Bar bottom] => Mobile Bar bottom
[displayMobileNav] => displayMobileNav
[Screen width < 992px.] => Screen width < 992px.
[My account] => My account
[check the hook that you would like this module to display on.] => check the hook that you would like this module to display on.
[Title] => Title
[Icon name] => Icon name
[Url] => Url
[Content] => Content
[Products] => Products
[Header:] => Header:
[Link url:] => Link url:
[Color:] => Color:
[Hover color:] => Hover color:
[Background:] => Background:
[Hover background:] => Hover background:
[Icon border color:] => Icon border color:
[Hide on mobile:] => Hide on mobile:
[Alignment:] => Alignment:
[Text alignment on small screen devices (screen width < 992px):] => Text alignment on small screen devices (screen width < 992px):
[The same as on large screen devices] => The same as on large screen devices
[text color:] => text color:
[Text hover color:] => Text hover color:
[General settings:] => General settings:
[Width:] => Width:
[Content:] => Content:
[Style content:] => Style content:
[Drop cap, make sure the first html tag is p] => Drop cap, make sure the first html tag is p
[Blockquote 1] => Blockquote 1
[Blockquote 2, make sure the first html tag is p.] => Blockquote 2, make sure the first html tag is p.
[Image:] => Image:
[Header size:] => Header size:
[Header color:] => Header color:
[Header border color:] => Header border color:
[Align left] => Align left
[Align center] => Align center
[Align right] => Align right
[NO] => NO
[Link color:] => Link color:
[Disable map zoom on mouse wheel scroll:] => Disable map zoom on mouse wheel scroll:
[Block Background:] => Block Background:
[Background image:] => Background image:
[Color settings] => Color settings
[Text:] => Text:
[Style text:] => Style text:
[Image settings:] => Image settings:
[Image border color:] => Image border color:
[Image border size:] => Image border size:
[Image border radius:] => Image border radius:
[Image width:] => Image width:
[Text settings:] => Text settings:
[Header font size:] => Header font size:
[Button background:] => Button background:
[Button hover background:] => Button hover background:
[Block settings:] => Block settings:
[Border color:] => Border color:
[Border size:] => Border size:
[Border radius:] => Border radius:
[Grid view] => Grid view
[The number of columns:] => The number of columns:
[Slider settings:] => Slider settings:
[Autoplay:] => Autoplay:
[Once, has no effect in loop mode] => Once, has no effect in loop mode
[Auto height:] => Auto height:
[Time:] => Time:
[Transition period:] => Transition period:
[The period, in milliseconds, of the transition effect.] => The period, in milliseconds, of the transition effect.
[Stop autoplay after interaction:] => Stop autoplay after interaction:
[Autoplay will not be disabled after user interactions (swipes). Turn this option off, this slider will be restarted every time after interaction] => Autoplay will not be disabled after user interactions (swipes). Turn this option off, this slider will be restarted every time after interaction
[Scroll:] => Scroll:
[Scroll per page] => Scroll per page
[Scroll per item] => Scroll per item
[Free mode] => Free mode
[Display "next" and "prev" buttons:] => Display "next" and "prev" buttons:
[Top right-hand side] => Top right-hand side
[Full height] => Full height
[Full height, show out when mouseover] => Full height, show out when mouseover
[Square] => Square
[Square, show out when mouseover] => Square, show out when mouseover
[Circle] => Circle
[Circle, show out when mouseover] => Circle, show out when mouseover
[Arrow] => Arrow
[Arrow, show out when mouseover] => Arrow, show out when mouseover
[Show navigation:] => Show navigation:
[Bullets] => Bullets
[Round] => Round
[Number] => Number
[Progress] => Progress
[Prev/next color:] => Prev/next color:
[Prev/next hover color:] => Prev/next hover color:
[Prev/next disabled color:] => Prev/next disabled color:
[Prev/next background:] => Prev/next background:
[Prev/next hover background:] => Prev/next hover background:
[Prev/next disabled background:] => Prev/next disabled background:
[Navigation color:] => Navigation color:
[Navigation active color:] => Navigation active color:
[Colors:] => Colors:
[Text size:] => Text size:
[Border:] => Border:
[Solid] => Solid
[Dotted] => Dotted
[Dashed] => Dashed
[Margin top:] => Margin top:
[Margin bottom:] => Margin bottom:
[If the value is 0 or empty, this divider will be full width.] => If the value is 0 or empty, this divider will be full width.
[Simple layout] => Simple layout
[Image type for products in Grid view and Slider:] => Image type for products in Grid view and Slider:
[The period, in milliseconds, between the end of a transition effect and the start of the next one.] => The period, in milliseconds, between the end of a transition effect and the start of the next one.
[Lazy load:] => Lazy load:
[Delays loading of images. Images outside of viewport won\'t be loaded before user scrolls to them. Great for mobile devices to speed up page loadings.] => Delays loading of images. Images outside of viewport won\'t be loaded before user scrolls to them. Great for mobile devices to speed up page loadings.
[Display product short description:] => Display product short description:
[Yes, 220 characters] => Yes, 220 characters
[Yes, full short description] => Yes, full short description
[Price color:] => Price color:
[Product name hover color:] => Product name hover color:
[Grid background:] => Grid background:
[Grid hover background:] => Grid hover background:
[Hide "next" and "prev" buttons on small screen devices:] => Hide "next" and "prev" buttons on small screen devices:
[Hide navigation on small screen devices:] => Hide navigation on small screen devices:
[Header background:] => Header background:
[Icon background:] => Icon background:
[Icon hover background:] => Icon hover background:
[Icon size:] => Icon size:
[Content settings:] => Content settings:
[Padding left and right:] => Padding left and right:
[Padding top and bottom:] => Padding top and bottom:
[button text:] => button text:
[Header hover color:] => Header hover color:
[Header bottom spacing:] => Header bottom spacing:
[Header fonts:] => Header fonts:
[Text bottom spacing:] => Text bottom spacing:
[Left and right padding:] => Left and right padding:
[Name:] => Name:
[Width on desktop (screen width > 992px):] => Width on desktop (screen width > 992px):
[Width on tablet (screen width < 992px and >480px):] => Width on tablet (screen width < 992px and >480px):
[Icon:] => Icon:
[Padding:] => Padding:
[Padding top:] => Padding top:
[Full width block] => Full width block
[Block] => Block
[Column block] => Column block
[Footer block] => Footer block
[Custom content] => Custom content
[An error occurred during custom content] => An error occurred during custom content
[An error occurred during column] => An error occurred during column
[An error occurred during element] => An error occurred during element
[All] => All
[Full screen:] => Full screen:
[Title:] => Title:
[Hide on small screen devices (screen width < 992px)] => Hide on small screen devices (screen width < 992px)
[Hide on small screen devices (screen width < 768px)] => Hide on small screen devices (screen width < 768px)
[Title size:] => Title size:
[Title color:] => Title color:
[Title border color:] => Title border color:
[Hide] => Hide
[Button background color:] => Button background color:
[Button hover background color:] => Button hover background color:
[Select a pattern number:] => Select a pattern number:
[Type] => Type
[Name / Show on] => Name / Show on
[Choose a block] => Choose a block
[How many columns do you want to have for this row] => How many columns do you want to have for this row
[Set with for each column] => Set with for each column
[Column names can be empty] => Column names can be empty
[If the sum of all column widths is larger than 1 in a row, then extra columns would not be displayed on the front office. For example, you have 4/12, 3/12, 4/12 and 5/12, then the last 5/12 would not be displayed.] => If the sum of all column widths is larger than 1 in a row, then extra columns would not be displayed on the front office. For example, you have 4/12, 3/12, 4/12 and 5/12, then the last 5/12 would not be displayed.
[Edit] => Edit
[OK] => OK
[Click here] => Click here
[You can use this code to add a icon to your custom content, put it in cource code.] => You can use this code to add a icon to your custom content, put it in cource code.
[Here is a screenshot] => Here is a screenshot
[Alert fto-diamond as you needed. "fto_1x" is used to change the size of icons, here are some other classes:] => Alert fto-diamond as you needed. "fto_1x" is used to change the size of icons, here are some other classes:
[Template] => Template
[Tab title] => Tab title
[Tab content] => Tab content
[Stacked footer 1] => Stacked footer 1
[Stacked footer 2] => Stacked footer 2
[Stacked footer 3] => Stacked footer 3
[Stacked footer 4] => Stacked footer 4
[Stacked footer 5] => Stacked footer 5
[Stacked footer 6] => Stacked footer 6
[Locale:] => Locale:
[Open] => Open
[Collapse] => Collapse
[Wide on footer:] => Wide on footer:
[Featured category] => Featured category
[An error occurred during Featured category] => An error occurred during Featured category
[How to display categories:] => How to display categories:
[The number of subcategories in Grid view:] => The number of subcategories in Grid view:
[Set to 0 to not showing subcategories:] => Set to 0 to not showing subcategories:
[Category:] => Category:
[Click on one image below to set it as the hover image. The cover image is not showing on the list.] => Click on one image below to set it as the hover image. The cover image is not showing on the list.
[Hover] => Hover
[Configuration] => Configuration
[In progress. Please do not leave this page] => In progress. Please do not leave this page
[Build hover image] => Build hover image
[Set a image(generally the 2nd one) as the default hover image, if hover image already exists, the product will be skipped.] => Set a image(generally the 2nd one) as the default hover image, if hover image already exists, the product will be skipped.
[Remove hover image] => Remove hover image
[(in progress)' js=1] => (in progress)' js=1
[(in progress, # products have been built)' js=1] => (in progress, # products have been built)' js=1
[Finished' js=1] => Finished' js=1
[Failed' js=1] => Failed' js=1
[Instagram settings] => Instagram settings
[An error occurred during banner group] => An error occurred during banner group
[UserName] => UserName
[User Id] => User Id
[Token] => Token
[Shop] => Shop
[Save] => Save
[Space between images:] => Space between images:
[The number of columns on home page:] => The number of columns on home page:
[The "Full screen" drop down list is for advanced users, leave it empty if you do know how to use it. Setting a value for it can make the module to be full screen if in a full screen hook, that means if it is empty and the module is in a full screen hook, the module would be boxed, not full screen. The value only take effect in slider layout, not in grid layout, that means in gird layout the value is used to make the module to display in full screen, but the number of meida per row is the value of "Large devices" drop down list.] => The "Full screen" drop down list is for advanced users, leave it empty if you do know how to use it. Setting a value for it can make the module to be full screen if in a full screen hook, that means if it is empty and the module is in a full screen hook, the module would be boxed, not full screen. The value only take effect in slider layout, not in grid layout, that means in gird layout the value is used to make the module to display in full screen, but the number of meida per row is the value of "Large devices" drop down list.
[7, 9 and 11 can not be used in grid view, they will be automatically decreased to 6, 8 and 10.] => 7, 9 and 11 can not be used in grid view, they will be automatically decreased to 6, 8 and 10.
[position:] => position:
[No.] => No.
[Yes.] => Yes.
[Overlay color:] => Overlay color:
[Set it to 0 to use the default setting.] => Set it to 0 to use the default setting.
[H-shadow:] => H-shadow:
[V-shadow:] => V-shadow:
[Upload your own pattern or background image:] => Upload your own pattern or background image:
[The period, in milliseconds, between the end of a transition effect and the start of the next one. Default: 7000] => The period, in milliseconds, between the end of a transition effect and the start of the next one. Default: 7000
[The period, in milliseconds, of the transition effect. Default: 400] => The period, in milliseconds, of the transition effect. Default: 400
[Pause On Hover:] => Pause On Hover:
[Rewind to first after the last slide:] => Rewind to first after the last slide:
[Advanced settings] => Advanced settings
[Custom hook] => Custom hook
[Go to the module to change settings.] => Go to the module to change settings.
[Topbar left (displayNav1)] => Topbar left (displayNav1)
[Topbar center (displayNav3)] => Topbar center (displayNav3)
[Topbar right (displayNav2)] => Topbar right (displayNav2)
[In flyout] => In flyout
[Top left corner of the product image] => Top left corner of the product image
[Top center of the product image] => Top center of the product image
[Top right corner of the product image] => Top right corner of the product image
[Center left of the product image] => Center left of the product image
[Center center of the product image] => Center center of the product image
[Center right of the product image] => Center right of the product image
[Bottom left corner of the product image] => Bottom left corner of the product image
[Bottom center of the product image] => Bottom center of the product image
[Bottom right corner of the product image] => Bottom right corner of the product image
[Beside product name] => Beside product name
[displayStBlogArticleInfo] => displayStBlogArticleInfo
[Blog] => Blog
[Active color:] => Active color:
[Seconds] => Seconds
[Show love icons out when mouse hover.] => Show love icons out when mouse hover.
[Show out all the time.] => Show out all the time.
[Settings for love icons on the product image] => Settings for love icons on the product image
[Offset X:] => Offset X:
[Accept positive and negative numbers] => Accept positive and negative numbers
[Offset Y:] => Offset Y:
[Icon block size:] => Icon block size:
[Product page] => Product page
[For cacheing reason the number of loves can only be display on the product page.] => For cacheing reason the number of loves can only be display on the product page.
[Icon color:] => Icon color:
[Active Icon color:] => Active Icon color:
[Total number color:] => Total number color:
[Total number background color:] => Total number background color:
[ID] => ID
[Articles] => Articles
[Loved] => Loved
[Saving] => Saving
[You are not logged in] => You are not logged in
[CMS category] => CMS category
[Permanent link] => Permanent link
[displayMainMenu] => displayMainMenu
[displayLeftColumn] => displayLeftColumn
[displayRightColumn] => displayRightColumn
[displayTop(displayHeaderRight)] => displayTop(displayHeaderRight)
[displayLeftBar] => displayLeftBar
[displayRightBar] => displayRightBar
[displayMobileBar] => displayMobileBar
[displayMobileBarLeft] => displayMobileBarLeft
[displayMobileBarCenter] => displayMobileBarCenter
[displayMobileBarBottom] => displayMobileBarBottom
[An error occurred during main menu] => An error occurred during main menu
[An error occurred during menu] => An error occurred during menu
[An error occurred.] => An error occurred.
[An error occurred during menu item] => An error occurred during menu item
[Informations] => Informations
[Choose ID product] => Choose ID product
[Home icon] => Home icon
[General Settings] => General Settings
[Visible on all devices] => Visible on all devices
[Visible on large devices (screen width > 992px)] => Visible on large devices (screen width > 992px)
[Visible on small devices (screen width < 992px)] => Visible on small devices (screen width < 992px)
[Advanced Settings] => Advanced Settings
[Link background color:] => Link background color:
[Link hover background color:] => Link hover background color:
[Submenu background color:] => Submenu background color:
[Label:] => Label:
[Lable color:] => Lable color:
[Lable background:] => Lable background:
[Repeat:] => Repeat:
[No repeat] => No repeat
[Repeat xy] => Repeat xy
[Repeat x] => Repeat x
[Repeat y] => Repeat y
[right bottom] => right bottom
[right top] => right top
[right center] => right center
[left top] => left top
[left center] => left center
[left bottom] => left bottom
[center top] => center top
[center center] => center center
[center bottom] => center bottom
[Categories:] => Categories:
[Select category] => Select category
[Product name:] => Product name:
[Current product] => Current product
[Custom link] => Custom link
[Parent:] => Parent:
[(Category)] => (Category)
[Column] => Column
[an error occurred while updating the status.] => an error occurred while updating the status.
[The field "Link group name" is required at least in] => The field "Link group name" is required at least in
[Visibility when screen width < 992px:] => Visibility when screen width < 992px:
[name] => name
[url] => url
[Information] => Information
[Reviews] => Reviews
[Links:] => Links:
[Text and HTML are accept.] => Text and HTML are accept.
[Icons] => Icons
[Shopping cart] => Shopping cart
[Blog homepage] => Blog homepage
[Blog post] => Blog post
[Login and registration] => Login and registration
[The status has been updated successfully.] => The status has been updated successfully.
[An error occurred while delete image.] => An error occurred while delete image.
[Newsletter] => Newsletter
[Templates:] => Templates:
[On mobile footer:] => On mobile footer:
[Leave blank to disable by default.] => Leave blank to disable by default.
[Create a voucher code for each subscriber base on given voucher code.] => Create a voucher code for each subscriber base on given voucher code.
[Send a voucher to registered user to restrict the voucher, just the user can use the voucher. if you disable the option, anyone can apply the voucher if he / she gets it.] => Send a voucher to registered user to restrict the voucher, just the user can use the voucher. if you disable the option, anyone can apply the voucher if he / she gets it.
[How many days the voucher code is valid.] => How many days the voucher code is valid.
[Bottom center] => Bottom center
[Bottom right] => Bottom right
[Bottom left] => Bottom left
[Center center] => Center center
[Center right] => Center right
[Center left] => Center left
[Top center] => Top center
[Top right] => Top right
[Top left] => Top left
[Top full screen static] => Top full screen static
[An error occurred during settings] => An error occurred during settings
[X offset:] => X offset:
[Accept positive and negative numbers.] => Accept positive and negative numbers.
[Y offset:] => Y offset:
[Top and bottom paddings:] => Top and bottom paddings:
[Left and right paddings:] => Left and right paddings:
[Background opacity:] => Background opacity:
[From 0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).] => From 0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).
[Upload background image:] => Upload background image:
[Broder color:] => Broder color:
[Button text color:] => Button text color:
[Button text hover color:] => Button text hover color:
[Button background hover color:] => Button background hover color:
[Shadow color:] => Shadow color:
[The position of the horizontal shadow. Negative values are allowed.] => The position of the horizontal shadow. Negative values are allowed.
[The position of the vertical shadow. Negative values are allowed.] => The position of the vertical shadow. Negative values are allowed.
[an error occurred during the image upload.] => an error occurred during the image upload.
[an error occurred during new folder creation] => an error occurred during new folder creation
[an error occurred when copying.] => an error occurred when copying.
[an error occUrred when copying.] => an error occUrred when copying.
[image is required at least in %1%] => image is required at least in %1%
[templates:] => templates:
[prev/next buttons color:] => prev/next buttons color:
[prev/next buttons hover color:] => prev/next buttons hover color:
[prev/next buttons background color:] => prev/next buttons background color:
[navigation active color:] => navigation active color:
[automatically play animation.] => automatically play animation.
[the period, in milliseconds, between the end of a transition effect and the start of the next one.] => the period, in milliseconds, between the end of a transition effect and the start of the next one.
[the period, in milliseconds, of the transition effect.] => the period, in milliseconds, of the transition effect.
[Progress bar:] => Progress bar:
[Progress bar color:] => Progress bar color:
[progress bar background color:] => progress bar background color:
[Mouse drag:] => Mouse drag:
[Extremely large devices for full screen blocks] => Extremely large devices for full screen blocks
[Desktops (>1900px)] => Desktops (>1900px)
[Desktops (>1600px)] => Desktops (>1600px)
[extremely small devices] => extremely small devices
[Item] => Item
[Slideshow:] => Slideshow:
[If this field is filled in, whole image will become clickable. But if there are any links or buttons in the Caption field, this setting will be ignored.] => If this field is filled in, whole image will become clickable. But if there are any links or buttons in the Caption field, this setting will be ignored.
[Caption with:] => Caption with:
[Full width] => Full width
[Page width] => Page width
[Caption content width:] => Caption content width:
[Caption background:] => Caption background:
[This module would not change image names for seo purpose, so ensure the image you are going to upload has an unique name.] => This module would not change image names for seo purpose, so ensure the image you are going to upload has an unique name.
[Group name] => Group name
[Sliders] => Sliders
[Group] => Group
[An error occurred during banner] => An error occurred during banner
[Boxed] => Boxed
[Page:] => Page:
[Show on subcategories:] => Show on subcategories:
[Show on sub categories, just for category only.] => Show on sub categories, just for category only.
[Leave it empty to use the default value 12.] => Leave it empty to use the default value 12.
[Top border height:] => Top border height:
[Bottom border height:] => Bottom border height:
[Leave it empty to use the default value 1.] => Leave it empty to use the default value 1.
[Do not show breadcrumb:] => Do not show breadcrumb:
[YES] => YES
[Custom content:] => Custom content:
[Page] => Page
[Full width top] => Full width top
[Full width top2] => Full width top2
[Home top] => Home top
[Home left] => Home left
[Home right] => Home right
[Home first quarter] => Home first quarter
[Home second quarter] => Home second quarter
[Home third quarter] => Home third quarter
[Home fourth quarter] => Home fourth quarter
[Home bottom] => Home bottom
[Full width bottom] => Full width bottom
[Category header] => Category header
[Category footer] => Category footer
[Product footer] => Product footer
[Order confirmation 1] => Order confirmation 1
[Product middle] => Product middle
[Footer After] => Footer After
[Blog article footer] => Blog article footer
[Tab settings] => Tab settings
[Display countdown timers:] => Display countdown timers:
[Make sure the Coundown module is installed & enabled.] => Make sure the Coundown module is installed & enabled.
[Tab setting] => Tab setting
[These settings will take effect if you have the above "Tab" option enabled.] => These settings will take effect if you have the above "Tab" option enabled.
[Tab:] => Tab:
[Parallax speed factor:] => Parallax speed factor:
[Speed to move relative to vertical scroll. Example: 0.1 is one tenth the speed of scrolling, 2 is twice the speed of scrolling.] => Speed to move relative to vertical scroll. Example: 0.1 is one tenth the speed of scrolling, 2 is twice the speed of scrolling.
[Set it empty to use the default value.] => Set it empty to use the default value.
[Show products on your homepage randomly:] => Show products on your homepage randomly:
[Block ID:] => Block ID:
[Seconds:] => Seconds:
[Max length of comments:] => Max length of comments:
[Sort order:] => Sort order:
[Display ratings right above product name] => Display ratings right above product name
[Display ratings right under product price] => Display ratings right under product price
[Default, like 04/12/2017] => Default, like 04/12/2017
[How many reviews per page:] => How many reviews per page:
[How many words, which people use to describe products, to be display on the product page:] => How many words, which people use to describe products, to be display on the product page:
[Always display this block when it is in displayFooterProduct hook:] => Always display this block when it is in displayFooterProduct hook:
[Page title:] => Page title:
[Seo keywords:] => Seo keywords:
[Seo description:] => Seo description:
[Block title:] => Block title:
[Heading size:] => Heading size:
[Heading color:] => Heading color:
[Heading hover color:] => Heading hover color:
[Title bottom border height:] => Title bottom border height:
[Title border highlight color:] => Title border highlight color:
[Always display this block:] => Always display this block:
[How to display reviews:] => How to display reviews:
[Define the number of comments to be displayed:] => Define the number of comments to be displayed:
[Sort by:] => Sort by:
[Spacing between items:] => Spacing between items:
[Distance between items.] => Distance between items.
[Hide on small screen devices:] => Hide on small screen devices:
[Set it to 0 to disable the parallax effect.] => Set it to 0 to disable the parallax effect.
[Background image vertical offset:] => Background image vertical offset:
[For parallax effect.] => For parallax effect.
[Unsigned int, like 0, 27, 100] => Unsigned int, like 0, 27, 100
[Move the background image down or up.] => Move the background image down or up.
[Content width:] => Content width:
[displayProductDescRightColumn] => displayProductDescRightColumn
[displayProductExtraContent(Product tabs)] => displayProductExtraContent(Product tabs)
[displayFooterBefore] => displayFooterBefore
[displayStackedFooter1] => displayStackedFooter1
[displayStackedFooter2] => displayStackedFooter2
[displayStackedFooter3] => displayStackedFooter3
[displayStackedFooter4] => displayStackedFooter4
[displayStackedFooter5] => displayStackedFooter5
[displayStackedFooter6] => displayStackedFooter6
[Field "%s%" is required.] => Field "%s%" is required.
[Field "%s%" is invalid.] => Field "%s%" is invalid.
[Please upload csv file.] => Please upload csv file.
[Move upload file failed.] => Move upload file failed.
[Approved] => Approved
[Unapproved replies] => Unapproved replies
[Home featured] => Home featured
[Approve] => Approve
[Save your changes before go to another tab] => Save your changes before go to another tab
[Testimonial Page] => Testimonial Page
[Product Page] => Product Page
[Comment list page] => Comment list page
[Import comments from CSV file] => Import comments from CSV file
[Upload CSV file:] => Upload CSV file:
[Download CSV template %1% here %2%] => Download CSV template %1% here %2%
[Home slider] => Home slider
[Images:] => Images:
[Approved:] => Approved:
[Created on:] => Created on:
[Active] => Active
[An error occurred during deleting.] => An error occurred during deleting.
[An error occurred during deleting section.] => An error occurred during deleting section.
[An error occurred during creation.] => An error occurred during creation.
[An error occurred during updating.] => An error occurred during updating.
[The settings updated failed.] => The settings updated failed.
[Invalid value for fields.] => Invalid value for fields.
[Margin:] => Margin:
[Product center column] => Product center column
[Product left column] => Product left column
[Footer product] => Footer product
[Middle product] => Middle product
[Right side of product description tab] => Right side of product description tab
[Using tags] => Using tags
[Products from the category where the current product was clicked.] => Products from the category where the current product was clicked.
[Products from its default category] => Products from its default category
[Header right bottom] => Header right bottom
[displaySearch] => displaySearch
[Style:] => Style:
[Search box width in the header:] => Search box width in the header:
[Auto suggestion:] => Auto suggestion:
[Elements in the search result] => Elements in the search result
[How many items in the search result:] => How many items in the search result:
[Minimum number of characters required to trigger autosuggest:] => Minimum number of characters required to trigger autosuggest:
[Length of product name:] => Length of product name:
[Maximum height of the suggestions container in pixels:] => Maximum height of the suggestions container in pixels:
[Leave it empty and 0 for no limit.] => Leave it empty and 0 for no limit.
[How to display search box on mobile header:] => How to display search box on mobile header:
[Placeholder:] => Placeholder:
[Leave it empty to use the default value] => Leave it empty to use the default value
[Popup search box] => Popup search box
[Search box height:] => Search box height:
[Search box font size:] => Search box font size:
[Set it to the same color as the background to make the border invisiable.] => Set it to the same color as the background to make the border invisiable.
[Search field background color:] => Search field background color:
[Search field text color:] => Search field text color:
[Right Bar] => Right Bar
[A shopping cart button] => A shopping cart button
[A checkout button] => A checkout button
[A shopping cart button and a checkout button] => A shopping cart button and a checkout button
[A shopping cart button and a close button] => A shopping cart button and a close button
[A checkout button and a close button] => A checkout button and a close button
[Right side] => Right side
[Left side] => Left side
[Mobile bar right] => Mobile bar right
[Mobile bar center] => Mobile bar center
[Mobile bar left] => Mobile bar left
[Mobile bar bottom - items have even width] => Mobile bar bottom - items have even width
[At bottom of screen] => At bottom of screen
[At top of screen] => At top of screen
[Location] => Location
[Open from] => Open from
[URL:] => URL:
[Open the sidebar from left or right side:] => Open the sidebar from left or right side:
[Icon background color:] => Icon background color:
[Icon hover color:] => Icon hover color:
[Icon hover background color:] => Icon hover background color:
[Set it to 0 to use the default width] => Set it to 0 to use the default width
[Description:] => Description:
[New window:] => New window:
[URL] => URL
[Size:] => Size:
[Small] => Small
[Medium] => Medium
[Large] => Large
[Only display the following products on frontoffice if specified.] => Only display the following products on frontoffice if specified.
[Border width:] => Border width:
[Click a sticker to add it on on the product, click it once more to remove it from the product .] => Click a sticker to add it on on the product, click it once more to remove it from the product .
[Id:] => Id:
[Selected] => Selected
[An error occurred when copying.] => An error occurred when copying.
[Slideshow] => Slideshow
[an error occurred during slideshow] => an error occurred during slideshow
[image is required at least in] => image is required at least in
[Slide] => Slide
[an error occurred during slide] => an error occurred during slide
[Direction:] => Direction:
[Horizontal] => Horizontal
[Vertical, you must set a height to the slider, otherwise it would not work fine] => Vertical, you must set a height to the slider, otherwise it would not work fine
[Leave it empty to use default.] => Leave it empty to use default.
[Spacing between:] => Spacing between:
[Transition style:] => Transition style:
[Does not work for template 3.] => Does not work for template 3.
[Also do not work when this slider has a manually set height, refer to the description of "Height" setting.] => Also do not work when this slider has a manually set height, refer to the description of "Height" setting.
[Lazy loading:] => Lazy loading:
[prev/next buttons background hover color:] => prev/next buttons background hover color:
[A slider would play automatically, if it has progress bar.] => A slider would play automatically, if it has progress bar.
[Tempalte 3 does not have this feature.] => Tempalte 3 does not have this feature.
[Grab Cursor:] => Grab Cursor:
[User will see the "grab" cursor when hover on Swiper] => User will see the "grab" cursor when hover on Swiper
[More options] => More options
[You can copy the short code to anywhere to show the slider if need.] => You can copy the short code to anywhere to show the slider if need.
[Slides] => Slides
[Banners] => Banners
[Product Right column] => Product Right column
[Footer after] => Footer after
[displayFullWidthBottom2(Footer before)] => displayFullWidthBottom2(Footer before)
[displayOrderConfirmation2] => displayOrderConfirmation2
[displayOrderConfirmation1] => displayOrderConfirmation1
[displayMiddleProduct] => displayMiddleProduct
[Right side of Product description] => Right side of Product description
[Blog left column] => Blog left column
[Blog right column] => Blog right column
[displayCheckoutBottom] => displayCheckoutBottom
[Don\'t show out-of-stock products] => Don\'t show out-of-stock products
[Show all products.] => Show all products.
[Hide out-of-stock products.] => Hide out-of-stock products.
[Hide products if their default combinations are out-of-stock.] => Hide products if their default combinations are out-of-stock.
[How to display block title when this block has custom content on its left or right side:] => How to display block title when this block has custom content on its left or right side:
[Above products.] => Above products.
[Above this whole block.] => Above this whole block.
[The Advanced custom content module can put custom content to this block. You can use this setting to decide where the title shoud be displayed.] => The Advanced custom content module can put custom content to this block. You can use this setting to decide where the title shoud be displayed.
[Title bottom margin:] => Title bottom margin:
[Set a small vaule to this field when you want to add a sub header to this block using the Advanced custom content module.] => Set a small vaule to this field when you want to add a sub header to this block using the Advanced custom content module.
[Slider on left column/right column/X quarters] => Slider on left column/right column/X quarters
[Module name and displayName are requried!] => Module name and displayName are requried!
[Field prefix is requried!] => Field prefix is requried!
[This module cannot be transplanted to %id%.] => This module cannot be transplanted to %id%.
[How to display products:] => How to display products:
[Define the number of products to be displayed:] => Define the number of products to be displayed:
[Yes, pre load images] => Yes, pre load images
[Yes, do\'t pre load images.] => Yes, do\'t pre load images.
[Show "View more" button:] => Show "View more" button:
[Compact slider, several items per view] => Compact slider, several items per view
[Slider, only one item per view] => Slider, only one item per view
[How many products per view on compact slider:] => How many products per view on compact slider:
[Delays loading of images. Images outside of viewport will not be loaded before user scrolls to them. Great for mobile devices to speed up page loadings.] => Delays loading of images. Images outside of viewport will not be loaded before user scrolls to them. Great for mobile devices to speed up page loadings.
[Save your changes first. Recommended width for the current image type is %s% px] => Save your changes first. Recommended width for the current image type is %s% px
[Stretched] => Stretched
[Block spacing:] => Block spacing:
[Click] => Click
[Mouse hover] => Mouse hover
[Left, price on the right side of product name] => Left, price on the right side of product name
[Product name font:] => Product name font:
[Product name size:] => Product name size:
[Yes, in the fly-out button] => Yes, in the fly-out button
[Border hover color:] => Border hover color:
[Shadow opacity:] => Shadow opacity:
[Grid] => Grid
[Clear list view] => Clear list view
[List view] => List view
[Clear list view, without having product descriptions, add to cart buttons, other buttons] => Clear list view, without having product descriptions, add to cart buttons, other buttons
[Clear list view, without having add to cart buttons, other buttons] => Clear list view, without having add to cart buttons, other buttons
[Spacing between products in grid view:] => Spacing between products in grid view:
[Leave it empty to use the default value 14.] => Leave it empty to use the default value 14.
[Yes, at the top of product listing] => Yes, at the top of product listing
[Enable] => Enable
[Button border color:] => Button border color:
[Product sliders] => Product sliders
[Navigation hover color:] => Navigation hover color:
[Heading font:] => Heading font:
[Others] => Others
[Header bottom spacing on the homepage:] => Header bottom spacing on the homepage:
[Upload your own pattern as background image:] => Upload your own pattern as background image:
[Background Position:] => Background Position:
[Border height:] => Border height:
[border color:] => border color:
[Vertical] => Vertical
[Main menu block top spacing:] => Main menu block top spacing:
[Main menu block bottom spacing:] => Main menu block bottom spacing:
[Main menu block bottom border height:] => Main menu block bottom border height:
[Main menu block bottom border color:] => Main menu block bottom border color:
[Normal] => Normal
[Heading background color:] => Heading background color:
[Full width:] => Full width:
[Links color:] => Links color:
[Links hover color:] => Links hover color:
[Heading alignment:] => Heading alignment:
[The number of columns] => The number of columns
[Spacing between products:] => Spacing between products:
[Title text align:] => Title text align:
[Hide "next" and "prev" buttons on mobile:] => Hide "next" and "prev" buttons on mobile:
[Show pagination:] => Show pagination:
[Hide navigation on mobile:] => Hide navigation on mobile:
[Move:] => Move:
[Products category] => Products category
[Accessories] => Accessories
[1 item] => 1 item
[All visible items] => All visible items
[Slider, no thumbnail block] => Slider, no thumbnail block
[Image scrolling with thumbnails + sticky center column] => Image scrolling with thumbnails + sticky center column
[Image scrolling + sticky center column, no thumbnail block] => Image scrolling + sticky center column, no thumbnail block
[Horizontal slider] => Horizontal slider
[Spacing between images on the product main gallery:] => Spacing between images on the product main gallery:
[Disable] => Disable
[Magnific Popup] => Magnific Popup
[Popup gallery with a zoom feature, double click to zoom on desktop, pinch zoom on mobile.] => Popup gallery with a zoom feature, double click to zoom on desktop, pinch zoom on mobile.
[Magnific Popup on desktop, Popup gallery on mobile] => Magnific Popup on desktop, Popup gallery on mobile
[Enable, only for the product page] => Enable, only for the product page
[Check this post for more information about Google rich snippets and the priceValidUntil warning.] => Check this post for more information about Google rich snippets and the priceValidUntil warning.
[In product center column.] => In product center column.
[At the top of all product columns.] => At the top of all product columns.
[At the top of all product columns on mobile] => At the top of all product columns on mobile
[Prev/next buttons color:] => Prev/next buttons color:
[Prev/next buttons hover color:] => Prev/next buttons hover color:
[Prev/next buttons disabled color:] => Prev/next buttons disabled color:
[Prev/next buttons background:] => Prev/next buttons background:
[Prev/next buttons hover background:] => Prev/next buttons hover background:
[Prev/next buttons disabled background:] => Prev/next buttons disabled background:
[Logo] => Logo
[Login page] => Login page
[Checkout page] => Checkout page
[CMS page] => CMS page
[Brand page] => Brand page
[Yes, at the bottom of product listing] => Yes, at the bottom of product listing
[Supplier page] => Supplier page
[Header & Mobile Header] => Header & Mobile Header
[Product pages] => Product pages
[Category pages] => Category pages
[Colors] => Colors
[Font] => Font
[Menu] => Menu
[Body] => Body
[Other pages] => Other pages
[List with small product images] => List with small product images
[Product image] => Product image
[Product description] => Product description
[Buttons, like "add to wishlist", "quick view"] => Buttons, like "add to wishlist", "quick view"
[directory isn\'t exists.] => directory isn\'t exists.
[Imported data success.] => Imported data success.
[Importing %s%, are your sure?] => Importing %s%, are your sure?
[Importing colors only from %s%, are your sure?] => Importing colors only from %s%, are your sure?
[Theme:] => Theme:
[Language:] => Language:
[Latest tweets] => Latest tweets
[Tweets by] => Tweets by
[All products] => All products
[Specify products] => Specify products
[By category] => By category
[By manufacturer] => By manufacturer
[Icon bacground opacity:] => Icon bacground opacity:
[Icon width:] => Icon width:
[Icon height:] => Icon height:
[Select a category] => Select a category
[Select a manufacturer] => Select a manufacturer
[Enter youtube or vimeo urls here. Examples and] => Enter youtube or vimeo urls here. Examples and
[Saving...] => Saving...
[Sibebar] => Sibebar
[Drop down menu] => Drop down menu
[You aren not logged in] => You aren not logged in
[Active icon color:] => Active icon color:
[Background hover color:] => Background hover color:
[Settings for wishlist icons on the product image] => Settings for wishlist icons on the product image
[Customer] => Customer
[ModulesBuybuttonliteAdmin] => Array
[Buy button lite] => Buy button lite
[Increase your conversion rate and boost your sales, generate links and add them to your content so that visitors can easily proceed to checkout] => Increase your conversion rate and boost your sales, generate links and add them to your content so that visitors can easily proceed to checkout
[Select a product] => Select a product
[Get sharable link] => Get shareable link
[Please select a product] => Please select a product
[Please select an action] => Please select an action
[Please select a product and an action] => Please select a product and an action
[Link copied to clipboard] => Link copied to clipboard
[Want to go further?] => Want to go further?
[ModulesViewedproductShop] => Array
[Viewed products] => Viewed products
[AdminShopparametersNotification] => Array
[Caution: The discount applied to a category does not stack with the overall reduction but instead replaces it.] => Caution: The discount applied to a category does not stack with the overall reduction but instead replaces it.
[Only products that have this category as the default category will be affected.] => Only products that have this category as the default category will be affected.
[The module '%s' must be activated and configurated in order to have all the statistics] => The module '%s' must be activated and configurated in order to have all the statistics
[You cannot delete this shop (customer and/or order dependency)] => You cannot delete this shop (customer and/or order dependency)
[Click here to set a URL for this shop.] => Click here to set a URL for this shop.
[Width and height must be numeric values.] => Width and height must be numeric values.
[The discount value is incorrect (must be a percentage).] => The discount value is incorrect (must be a percentage).
[Wrong category ID.] => Wrong category ID.
[The discount value is incorrect.] => The discount value is incorrect.
[You cannot save group reductions.] => You cannot save group reductions.
[An error occurred while updating this group.] => An error occurred while updating this group.
[Please install the "%modulename%" module in order to give your affiliates access to their own statistics.] => Please install the "%modulename%" module in order to give your affiliates access to their own statistics.
[Percent of the sales.] => Percent of the sales.
[Aliases and results are both required.] => Aliases and results are both required.
[Is not a valid result] => Is not a valid result
[Is not a valid alias] => Is not a valid alias
[Creation successful] => Creation successful
[We are thrilled to introduce you to the fuzzy search, one of the new features from 1.7.7! Please note that it is still in beta version, so feel free to share improvement ideas on GitHub to have it enhanced.] => We are thrilled to introduce you to the fuzzy search, one of the new features from 1.7.7! Please note that it is still in beta version, so feel free to share improvement ideas on GitHub to have it enhanced.
[This is not a valid IP address:] => This is not a valid IP address:
[You cannot delete this shop (customer and/or order dependency).] => You cannot delete this shop (customer and/or order dependency).
[Please create some sub-categories for this root category.] => Please create some sub-categories for this root category.
[You need to select at least the root category.] => You need to select at least the root category.
[Warning: You won't be able to change the group of this shop if this shop belongs to a group with one of these options activated: Share Customers, Share Quantities or Share Orders.] => Warning: You won't be able to change the group of this shop if this shop belongs to a group with one of these options activated: Share Customers, Share Quantities or Share Orders.
[You can only move your shop to a shop group with all "share" options disabled -- or to a shop group with no customers/orders.] => You can only move your shop to a shop group with all "share" options disabled -- or to a shop group with no customers/orders.
[For security reasons, you cannot delete default order statuses.] => For security reasons, you cannot delete default order statuses.
[An address located in a country containing states must have a state selected.] => An address located in a country containing states must have a state selected.
[Latitude and longitude are required.] => Latitude and longitude are required.
[The specified state is not located in this country.] => The specified state is not located in this country.
[Before being able to use this tool, you need to:] => Before being able to use this tool, you need to:
[Create a blank .htaccess in your root directory.] => Create a blank .htaccess in your root directory.
[Give it write permissions (CHMOD 666 on Unix system).] => Give it write permissions (CHMOD 666 on Unix system).
[The Base URI is not valid.] => The Base URI is not valid.
[An order status with the same name already exists: %s] => An order status with the same name already exists: %s
[You must define an SMTP server and an SMTP port. If you do not know it, use the PHP mail() function instead.] => You must define an SMTP server and an SMTP port. If you do not know it, use the PHP mail() function instead.
[Assign a valid page if you want it to be read.] => Assign a valid page if you want it to be read.
[Your robots.txt file MUST be in your website's root directory and nowhere else (e.g.] => Your robots.txt file MUST be in your website's root directory and nowhere else (e.g.
[Generate your "robots.txt" file by clicking on the following button (this will erase the old robots.txt file)] => Generate your "robots.txt" file by clicking on the following button (this will erase the old robots.txt file)
[1) Create a blank robots.txt file in your root directory.] => 1) Create a blank robots.txt file in your root directory.
[Before you can use this tool, you need to:] => Before you can use this tool, you need to:
[2) Give it write permissions (CHMOD 666 on Unix system).] => 2) Give it write permissions (CHMOD 666 on Unix system).
[1) Create a blank .htaccess file in your root directory.] => 1) Create a blank .htaccess file in your root directory.
[Here you can set the URL for your shop. If you migrate your shop to a new URL, remember to change the values below.] => Here you can set the URL for your shop. If you migrate your shop to a new URL, remember to change the values below.
[The multistore option is enabled. If you want to change the URL of your shop, you must go to the "Multistore" page under the "Advanced Parameters" menu.] => The multistore option is enabled. If you want to change the URL of your shop, you must go to the "Multistore" page under the "Advanced Parameters" menu.
[This section enables you to change the default pattern of your links. In order to use this functionality, PrestaShop's "Friendly URL" option must be enabled, and Apache's URL rewriting module (mod_rewrite) must be activated on your web server.] => This section enables you to change the default pattern of your links. In order to use this functionality, PrestaShop's "Friendly URL" option must be enabled, and Apache's URL rewriting module (mod_rewrite) must be activated on your web server.
[There are several available keywords for each route listed below; note that keywords with * are required!] => There are several available keywords for each route listed below; note that keywords with * are required!
[To add a keyword in your URL, use the {keyword} syntax. If the keyword is not empty, you can add text before or after the keyword with syntax {prepend:keyword:append}. For example {-hey-:meta_title} will add "-hey-my-title" in the URL if the meta title is set.] => To add a keyword in your URL, use the {keyword} syntax. If the keyword is not empty, you can add text before or after the keyword with syntax {prepend:keyword:append}. For example {-hey-:meta_title} will add "-hey-my-title" in the URL if the meta title is set.
[You can only display the page list in a shop context.] => You can only display the page list in a shop context.
[AdminAdvparametersHelp] => Array
[-- Choose --] => -- Choose --
[or] => or
[Use this option to associate data (products, modules, etc.) the same way for each selected shop.] => Use this option to associate data (products, modules, etc.) the same way for each selected shop.
[Click here to display the shops in the %name% shop group] => Click here to display the shops in the %name% shop group
[Click here to display the URLs of the %name% shop] => Click here to display the URLs of the %name% shop
[Click here to display the list of shop groups] => Click here to display the list of shop groups
[Warning: Enabling the "share customers" and "share orders" options is not recommended. Once activated and orders are created, you will not be able to disable these options. If you need these options, we recommend using several categories rather than several shops.] => Warning: Enabling the "share customers" and "share orders" options is not recommended. Once activated and orders are created, you will not be able to disable these options. If you need these options, we recommend using several categories rather than several shops.
[Once this option is enabled, the shops in this group will share customers. If a customer registers in any one of these shops, the account will automatically be available in the others shops of this group.] => Once this option is enabled, the shops in this group will share customers. If a customer registers in any one of these shops, the account will automatically be available in the others shops of this group.
[Warning: you will not be able to disable this option once you have registered customers.] => Warning: you will not be able to disable this option once you have registered customers.
[Once this option is enabled (which is only possible if customers and available quantities are shared among shops), the customer's cart will be shared by all shops in this group. This way, any purchase started in one shop will be able to be completed in another shop from the same group.] => Once this option is enabled (which is only possible if customers and available quantities are shared among shops), the customer's cart will be shared by all shops in this group. This way, any purchase started in one shop will be able to be completed in another shop from the same group.
[Warning: You will not be able to disable this option once you've started to accept orders.] => Warning: You will not be able to disable this option once you've started to accept orders.
[Enable or disable this shop group?] => Enable or disable this shop group?
[If you want to add a virtual URL, you need to activate URL rewriting on your web server and enable Friendly URL option.] => If you want to add a virtual URL, you need to activate URL rewriting on your web server and enable Friendly URL option.
[You can use this option if you want to create a store with a URL that doesn't exist on your server (e.g. if you want your store to be available with the URL, you have to set shoes/ in this field, assuming that my-store/ is your Physical URL).] => You can use this option if you want to create a store with a URL that doesn't exist on your server (e.g. if you want your store to be available with the URL, you have to set shoes/ in this field, assuming that my-store/ is your Physical URL).
[URL rewriting must be activated on your server to use this feature.] => URL rewriting must be activated on your server to use this feature.
[If you set this URL as the Main URL for the selected shop, all URLs set to this shop will be redirected to this URL (you can only have one Main URL per shop).] => If you set this URL as the Main URL for the selected shop, all URLs set to this shop will be redirected to this URL (you can only have one Main URL per shop).
[Since the selected shop has no main URL, you have to set this URL as the Main URL.] => Since the selected shop has no main URL, you have to set this URL as the Main URL.
[The selected shop already has a Main URL. Therefore, if you set this one as the Main URL, the older Main URL will be set as a regular URL.] => The selected shop already has a Main URL. Therefore, if you set this one as the Main URL, the older Main URL will be set as a regular URL.
[This is the physical folder for your store on the web server. Leave this field empty if your store is installed on the root path. For instance, if your store is available at, you must input my-store/ in this field.] => This is the physical folder for your store on the web server. Leave this field empty if your store is installed on the root path. For instance, if your store is available at, you must input my-store/ in this field.
[Warning: URL rewriting (e.g. mod_rewrite for Apache) seems to be disabled. If your Virtual URL doesn't work, please check with your hosting provider on how to activate URL rewriting.] => Warning: URL rewriting (e.g. mod_rewrite for Apache) seems to be disabled. If your Virtual URL doesn't work, please check with your hosting provider on how to activate URL rewriting.
[Ignore this field if you don't use the Multistore tool. If you leave this field empty, the default shop will be used.] => Ignore this field if you don't use the Multistore tool. If you leave this field empty, the default shop will be used.
[A category root is where a category tree can begin. This is used with multistore.] => A category root is where a category tree can begin. This is used with multistore.
[Enable Advanced Stock Management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)] => Enable Advanced Stock Management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
[0 = Use quantity set in product, 1 = Use quantity from warehouse.] => 0 = Use quantity set in product, 1 = Use quantity from warehouse.
[ID of the warehouse to set as storage.] => ID of the warehouse to set as storage.
[Enable Advanced Stock Management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes).] => Enable Advanced Stock Management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes).
[This will add directives to your .htaccess file, which should improve caching and compression.] => This will add directives to your .htaccess file, which should improve caching and compression.
[Enable or disable debug mode.] => Enable or disable debug mode.
[Name of the second domain of your shop, (e.g. If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank.] => Name of the second domain of your shop, (e.g. If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank.
[Name of the third domain of your shop, (e.g. If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank.] => Name of the third domain of your shop, (e.g. If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank.
[Name of the fourth domain of your shop, (e.g. If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank.] => Name of the fourth domain of your shop, (e.g. If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank.
[Choose "No" to disable Product Combinations.] => Choose "No" to disable Product Combinations.
[You cannot set this parameter to No when combinations are already used by some of your products] => You cannot set this parameter to No when combinations are already used by some of your products
[Choose "No" to disable Product Features.] => Choose "No" to disable Product Features.
[Choose "No" to disable Customer Groups.] => Choose "No" to disable Customer Groups.
[Should be enabled if you want to avoid to store the smarty cache on NFS.] => Should be enabled if you want to avoid to store the smarty cache on NFS.
[New modules and updates are displayed on the modules page.] => New modules and updates are displayed on the modules page.
[Check the IP address of the cookie in order to prevent your cookie from being stolen.] => Check the IP address of the cookie in order to prevent your cookie from being stolen.
[Set the amount of hours during which the front office cookies are valid. After that amount of time, the customer will have to log in again.] => Set the amount of hours during which the front office cookies are valid. After that amount of time, the customer will have to log in again.
[When you access your back office and decide to stay logged in, your cookies lifetime defines your browser session. Set here the number of hours during which you want them valid before logging in again.] => When you access your back office and decide to stay logged in, your cookies lifetime defines your browser session. Set here the number of hours during which you want them valid before logging in again.
[Choose a stability level for the modules downloaded from the Addons Marketplace. All zips pushed on Addons are in stable state unless stated otherwise.] => Choose a stability level for the modules downloaded from the Addons Marketplace. All zips pushed on Addons are in stable state unless stated otherwise.
[Allows you to declare if your cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context.] => Allows you to declare if your cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context.
[Define the upload limit for a downloadable product (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB).] => Define the upload limit for a downloadable product (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB).
[Define the upload limit for an image (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB).] => Define the upload limit for an image (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB).
[Set the maximum size allowed for attachment files (in megabytes). This value has to be lower than or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB).] => Set the maximum size allowed for attachment files (in megabytes). This value has to be lower than or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB).
[Drop existing tables during import.] => Drop existing tables during import.
[If enabled, the backup script will drop your tables prior to restoring data. (ie. "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS")] => If enabled, the backup script will drop your tables prior to restoring data. (ie. "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS")
[Where customers send messages from the order page.] => Where customers send messages from the order page.
[Fully qualified domain name (keep this field empty if you don't know).] => Fully qualified domain name (keep this field empty if you don't know).
[IP address or server name (e.g.] => IP address or server name (e.g.
[Leave blank if not applicable.] => Leave blank if not applicable.
[SSL does not seem to be available on your server.] => SSL does not seem to be available on your server.
[Port number to use.] => Port number to use.
[If enabled, the product's reference number MUST be unique!] => If enabled, the product's reference number MUST be unique!
[e.g. 1; Blouse; 129.90; 5] => e.g. 1; Blouse; 129.90; 5
[e.g. Blouse; red.jpg, blue.jpg, green.jpg; 129.90 ] => e.g. Blouse; red.jpg, blue.jpg, green.jpg; 129.90
[Enable this option to keep your imported items’ ID number as is. Otherwise, PrestaShop will ignore them and create auto-incremented ID numbers.] => Enable this option to keep your imported items’ ID number as is. Otherwise, PrestaShop will ignore them and create auto-incremented ID numbers.
[Receive an email when the import is complete. It can be useful when handling large files, as the import may take some time.] => Receive an email when the import is complete. It can be useful when handling large files, as the import may take some time.
[Click on "None" to disable log alerts by email or enter the recipients of these emails in the following field.] => Click on "None" to disable log alerts by email or enter the recipients of these emails in the following field.
[Log alerts will be sent to these emails. Please use a comma to separate them (e.g.,] => Log alerts will be sent to these emails. Please use a comma to separate them (e.g.,
[Before activating the webservice, you must be sure to: ] => Before activating the webservice, you must be sure to:
[Check that URL rewriting is available on this server.] => Check that URL rewriting is available on this server.
[Check that the five methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and HEAD are supported by this server.] => Check that the five methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and HEAD are supported by this server.
[Before choosing "Yes", check that PHP is not configured as an Apache module on your server.] => Before choosing "Yes", check that PHP is not configured as an Apache module on your server.
[Quick description of the key: who it is for, what permissions it has, etc.] => Quick description of the key: who it is for, what permissions it has, etc.
[Informative only] => Informative only
[Warning] => Warning
[Error] => Error
[Major issue (crash)!] => Major issue (crash)!
[How to restore a database backup in 10 easy steps] => How to restore a database backup in 10 easy steps
[Set "Enable Shop" to "No" in the "Maintenance" page under the "Preferences" menu.] => Set "Enable Shop" to "No" in the "Maintenance" page under the "Preferences" menu.
[Download the backup from the list below or from your FTP server (in the folder "admin/backups").] => Download the backup from the list below or from your FTP server (in the folder "admin/backups").
[Check the backup integrity: Look for errors, incomplete file, etc... Be sure to verify all of your data.] => Check the backup integrity: Look for errors, incomplete file, etc... Be sure to verify all of your data.
[Please ask your hosting provider for "phpMyAdmin" access to your database.] => Please ask your hosting provider for "phpMyAdmin" access to your database.
[Connect to "phpMyAdmin" and select your current database.] => Connect to "phpMyAdmin" and select your current database.
[Unless you enabled the "Drop existing tables" option, you must delete all tables from your current database.] => Unless you enabled the "Drop existing tables" option, you must delete all tables from your current database.
[At the top of the screen, please select the "Import" tab] => At the top of the screen, please select the "Import" tab
[Click on the "Browse" button and select the backup file from your hard drive.] => Click on the "Browse" button and select the backup file from your hard drive.
[Check the maximum filesize allowed (e.g. Max: 16MB)] => Check the maximum filesize allowed (e.g. Max: 16MB)
[If your backup file exceeds this limit, contact your hosting provider for assistance. ] => If your backup file exceeds this limit, contact your hosting provider for assistance.
[Click on the "Go" button and please wait patiently for the import process to conclude. This may take several minutes.] => Click on the "Go" button and please wait patiently for the import process to conclude. This may take several minutes.
[Click on the "%phpmyadmin_browse_label%" button and select the backup file from your hard drive.] => Click on the "%phpmyadmin_browse_label%" button and select the backup file from your hard drive.
[Click on the "%phpmyadmin_go_label%" button and please wait patiently for the import process to conclude. This may take several minutes.] => Click on the "%phpmyadmin_go_label%" button and please wait patiently for the import process to conclude. This may take several minutes.
[If enabled, the backup script will drop your tables prior to restoring data.] => If enabled, the backup script will drop your tables prior to restoring data.
[You can read information on import at:] => You can read information on import at:
[] =>
[] =>
[Allowed formats: .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .xlst, .ods, .ots] => Allowed formats: .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .xlst, .ods, .ots
[Only UTF-8 and ISO 8859-1 encodings are allowed] => Only UTF-8 and ISO 8859-1 encodings are allowed
[You can also upload your file via FTP to the following directory: %s .] => You can also upload your file via FTP to the following directory: %s .
[e.g. ] => e.g.
[If you enable this option, your imported items' ID number will be used as is. If you do not enable this option, the imported ID numbers will be ignored, and PrestaShop will instead create auto-incremented ID numbers for all the imported items.] => If you enable this option, your imported items' ID number will be used as-is. If you do not enable this option, the imported ID numbers will be ignored, and PrestaShop will instead create auto-incremented ID numbers for all the imported items.
[Sends an email to let you know your import is complete. It can be useful when handling large files, as the import may take some time.] => Sends an email to let you know your import is complete. It can be useful when handling large files, as the import may take some time.
[Read more about the CSV format at:] => Read more about the CSV format at:
[] =>
[Your avatar in PrestaShop 1.7.x is your profile picture on %url%. To change your avatar, log in to with your email %email% and follow the on-screen instructions.] => Your avatar in PrestaShop 1.7.x is your profile picture on %url%. To change your avatar, log in to with your email %email% and follow the on-screen instructions.
[Password should be at least %num% characters long.] => Password should be at least %num% characters long.
[PrestaShop can provide you with guidance on a regular basis by sending you tips on how to optimize the management of your store which will help you grow your business. If you do not wish to receive these tips, you can disable this option.] => PrestaShop can provide you with guidance on a regular basis by sending you tips on how to optimize the management of your store which will help you grow your business. If you do not wish to receive these tips, you can disable this option.
[This page will be displayed just after login.] => This page will be displayed just after login.
[Allow or disallow this employee to log in to the Admin panel.] => Allow or disallow this employee to log in to the Admin panel.
[Select the shops the employee is allowed to access.] => Select the shops the employee is allowed to access.
[Severity levels] => Severity levels
[Enter "5" if you do not want to receive any emails.] => Enter "5" if you do not want to receive any emails.
[Emails will be sent to the shop owner.] => Emails will be sent to the shop owner.
[How do I create a new SQL query?] => How do I create a new SQL query?
[Click "Add New".] => Click "Add New".
[Fill in the fields and click "Save".] => Fill in the fields and click "Save".
[You can then view the query results by clicking on the Edit action in the dropdown menu] => You can then view the query results by clicking on the Edit action in the dropdown menu
[You can also export the query results as a CSV file by clicking on the Export button] => You can also export the query results as a CSV file by clicking on the Export button
[Click "%add_new_label%".] => Click "%add_new_label%".
[Fill in the fields and click "%save_label%".] => Fill in the fields and click "%save_label%".
[You can then view the query results by clicking on the "%view_label%" action in the dropdown menu] => You can then view the query results by clicking on the "%view_label%" action in the dropdown menu.
[You can also export the query results as a CSV file by clicking on the "%export_label%" button] => You can also export the query results as a CSV file by clicking on the "%export_label%" button.
[Set the amount of hours during which the back office cookies are valid. After that amount of time, the PrestaShop user will have to log in again.] => Set the amount of hours during which the back office cookies are valid. After that amount of time, the PrestaShop user will have to log in again.
[Set the maximum size allowed for attachment files (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB).] => Set the maximum size allowed for attachment files (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB).
[Notifications are numbered bubbles displayed at the very top of your back office, right next to the shop's name. They display the number of new items since you last clicked on them.] => Notifications are numbered bubbles displayed at the very top of your back office, right next to the shop's name. They display the number of new items since you last clicked on them.
[This will display notifications when new orders are made in your shop.] => This will display notifications when new orders are made in your shop.
[This will display notifications every time a new customer registers in your shop.] => This will display notifications every time a new customer registers in your shop.
[This will display notifications when new messages are posted in your shop.] => This will display notifications when new messages are posted in your shop.
[Some features can be disabled in order to improve performance.] => Some features can be disabled in order to improve performance.
[CCC allows you to reduce the loading time of your page. With these settings you will gain performance without even touching the code of your theme. Make sure, however, that your theme is compatible with PrestaShop 1.4+. Otherwise, CCC will cause problems.] => CCC allows you to reduce the loading time of your page. With these settings you will gain performance without even touching the code of your theme. Make sure, however, that your theme is compatible with PrestaShop 1.4+. Otherwise, CCC will cause problems.
[CCC allows you to reduce the loading time of your page. With these settings you will gain performance without even touching the code of your theme. Make sure, however, that your theme is compatible with PrestaShop 1.7+. Otherwise, CCC will cause problems.] => CCC allows you to reduce the loading time of your page. With these settings, you will gain performance without even touching the code of your theme. Make sure, however, that your theme is compatible with PrestaShop 1.7+. Otherwise, CCC will cause problems.
[This page benefits from increased performance and includes new features such as a new combination management system. Please note this is a work in progress and some features are not available yet.] => This page benefits from increased performance and includes new features such as a new combination management system. Please note this is a work in progress and some features are not available yet.
[ModulesEmailsubscriptionShop] => Array
[This email address is not registered.] => This email address is not registered.
[An error occurred while attempting to unsubscribe.] => An error occurred while attempting to unsubscribe.
[Unsubscription successful.] => Unsubscription successful.
[This email address is already registered.] => This email address is already registered.
[An error occurred during the subscription process.] => An error occurred during the subscription process.
[A verification email has been sent. Please check your inbox.] => A verification email has been sent. Please check your inbox.
[You have successfully subscribed to this newsletter.] => You have successfully subscribed to this newsletter.
[This email is already registered and/or invalid.] => This email is already registered and/or invalid.
[Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.] => Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.
[Sign up for our newsletter[1][2]%conditions%[/2]] => Sign up for our newsletter[1][2]%conditions%[/2]
[You may unsubscribe at any moment. For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice.] => You may unsubscribe at any moment. For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice.
[Newsletter subscription] => Newsletter subscription
[Newsletter] => Newsletter
[Your e-mail] => Your e-mail
[ModulesProductcommentsAdmin] => Array
[Valid for the entire catalog] => Valid for the entire catalog
[Restricted to some categories] => Restricted to some categories
[Restricted to some products] => Restricted to some products
[Product Comments] => Product Comments
[Allows users to post reviews and rate products on specific criteria.] => Allows users to post reviews and rate products on specific criteria.
[Settings updated] => Settings updated
[The criterion cannot be saved] => The criterion cannot be saved
[Criterion deleted] => Criterion deleted
[Configuration] => Configuration
[All reviews must be validated by an employee] => All reviews must be validated by an employee
[Enabled] => Enabled
[Disabled] => Disabled
[Allow guest reviews] => Allow guest reviews
[Enable upvotes / downvotes on reviews] => Enable upvotes / downvotes on reviews
[Minimum time between 2 reviews from the same user] => Minimum time between 2 reviews from the same user
[Number of comments per page] => Number of comments per page
[Save] => Save
[Reviews waiting for approval] => Reviews waiting for approval
[Reported Reviews] => Reported Reviews
[Approve] => Approve
[Not abusive] => Not abusive
[ID] => ID
[Name] => Name
[Type] => Type
[Status] => Status
[Add New Criterion] => Add New Criterion
[Review Criteria] => Review Criteria
[Approved Reviews] => Approved Reviews
[Review title] => Review title
[Review] => Review
[Rating] => Rating
[Author] => Author
[Product] => Product
[Time of publication] => Time of publication
[Criterion will be restricted to the following categories] => Criterion will be restricted to the following categories
[Mark the boxes of categories to which this criterion applies.] => Mark the boxes of categories to which this criterion applies.
[Selected] => Selected
[Collapse All] => Collapse All
[Expand All] => Expand All
[Check All] => Check All
[Uncheck All] => Uncheck All
[Add new criterion] => Add new criterion
[Criterion name] => Criterion name
[Maximum length: %s characters] => Maximum length: %s characters
[Application scope of the criterion] => Application scope of the criterion
[The criterion will be restricted to the following products] => The criterion will be restricted to the following products
[Active] => Active
[Anonymize the user's last name] => Anonymize the user's last name
[Display only initials, e.g. John D.] => Display only initials, e.g. John D.
[Allow users to post reviews on your products and/or rate them based on specific criteria.] => Allow users to post reviews on your products and/or rate them based on specific criteria.
[Yes] => Yes
[No] => No
[Product Name] => Product Name
[ShopNotificationsInfo] => Array
[Please log in to your customer account to view the order] => Please log in to your customer account to view the order
[ModulesContactinfoAdmin] => Array
[Contact information] => Contact information
[Allows you to display additional information about your store's customer service.] => Allows you to display additional information about your store's customer service.
[Your theme needs to be compatible with this feature] => Your theme needs to be compatible with this feature
[ModulesWirepaymentAdmin] => Array
[Wire payment] => Bank transfer
[Accept payments by bank transfer.] => Accept payments by bank transfer.
[Are you sure about removing these details?] => Are you sure you want to remove these details?
[Account owner and account details must be configured before using this module.] => Account owner and account details must be configured before using this module.
[No currency has been set for this module.] => No currency has been set for this module.
[Account details are required.] => Account details are required.
[Account owner is required.] => Account owner is required.
[Account details] => Account details
[Account owner] => Account owner
[Such as bank branch, IBAN number, BIC, etc.] => Such as bank branch, IBAN, BIC/SWIFT code, etc.
[Bank address] => Bank address
[Customization] => Customisation
[Reservation period] => Reservation period
[Number of days the items remain reserved] => Number of days the items remain reserved
[Information to the customer] => Customer information
[Information on the bank transfer (processing time, starting of the shipping...)] => Information on the bank transfer (processing time, starting of the shipping...)
[Display the invitation to pay in the order confirmation page] => Display the invitation to pay in the order confirmation page
[Your country's legislation may require you to send the invitation to pay by email only. Disabling the option will hide the invitation on the confirmation page.] => Your country's legislation may require you to send the invitation to pay by email only. Disabling the option will hide the invitation on the confirmation page.
[Accept wire payments by displaying your account details during the checkout and make it easy for your customers to purchase on your store.] => Accept wire payments by displaying your account details during the checkout and make it easy for your customers to purchase on your store.
[This module allows you to accept secure payments by bank wire.] => This module allows you to accept secure payments by bank wire.
[If the client chooses to pay by bank wire, the order status will change to 'Waiting for Payment'.] => If the client chooses to pay by bank wire, the order status will change to 'Waiting for Payment'.
[That said, you must manually confirm the order upon receiving the bank wire.] => That said, you must manually confirm the order upon receiving the bank wire.
[ModulesMailalertsShop] => Array
[Your e-mail address is invalid] => Your e-mail address is invalid
[You already have an alert for this product] => You already have an alert for this product
[Request notification registered] => Request notification registered
[My alerts] => My alerts
[] =>
[Notify me when available] => Notify me when available
[ModulesSttagsAdmin] => Array
[Tags block] => Tags block
[Adds a block containing your product tags.] => Adds a block containing your product tags.
[How many tags do you want to display.] => How many tags do you want to display.
[Set the number of tags you would like to see displayed in this block. (default: 10)] => Set the number of tags you would like to see displayed in this block. (default: 10)
[Tag levels] => Tag levels
[Set the number of different tag levels you would like to use. (default: 3)] => Set the number of different tag levels you would like to use. (default: 3)
[Does not work for Stacked footers] => Does not work for Stacked footers
[Check the hook that you would like this module to display on.] => Check the hook that you would like this module to display on.
[Click here to see hook position] => Click here to see hook position
[How many tags to be displayed:] => How many tags to be displayed:
[ShopNotificationsError] => Array
[This voucher is disabled] => This voucher is disabled.
[This voucher has already been used] => This voucher has already been used.
[This voucher is not valid yet] => This voucher is not yet valid.
[This voucher has expired] => This voucher has expired.
[You cannot use this voucher anymore (usage limit reached)] => You cannot use this voucher anymore (usage limit reached).
[You cannot use this voucher] => You cannot use this voucher.
[You must choose a delivery address before applying this voucher to your order] => You must choose a delivery address before applying this voucher to your order
[You cannot use this voucher in your country of delivery] => You cannot use this voucher in your country of deliverance.
[You must choose a carrier before applying this voucher to your order] => You must choose a carrier before applying this voucher to your order
[You cannot use this voucher with this carrier] => You cannot use this voucher with the selected carrier.
[You cannot use this voucher on products on sale] => You cannot use this voucher on products on sale
[Please log in first] => Please log in first
[You have not reached the minimum amount required to use this voucher] => You have not reached the minimum amount required to use this voucher.
[This voucher is already in your cart] => This particular voucher is already in your cart.
[This voucher is not combinable with an other voucher already in your cart: %s] => This voucher is not combinable with an other voucher already in your cart: %s
[Cart is empty] => Cart is empty
[You cannot use this voucher in an empty cart] => You cannot use this voucher in an empty cart.
[You cannot use this voucher with these products] => You cannot use this voucher with these products.
[You cannot use this voucher because it has manually been removed.] => You cannot use this voucher because it has manually been removed.
[The email is already used, please choose another one or sign in] => The email is already used, please choose another one or sign in
[Password must be between 5 and 72 characters long] => Password must be between 5 and 72 characters long
[Your account isn't available at this time, please contact us] => Your account isn't available at this time, please contact us
[Authentication failed.] => Authentication failed.
[Password is required] => Password is required
[Invalid email/password combination] => Invalid email/password combination
[There seems to be an issue with your account, please contact support] => There seems to be an issue with your account, please contact support
[An account was already registered with this email address] => An account was already registered with this email address
[%s is required.] => %s is required.
[is invalid.] => is invalid.
[The %1$s field is too long (%2$d chars max).] => The %1$s field is too long (%2$d chars max).
[Please fix the error below.] => Please fix the error below.
[Could not delete address.] => Could not delete address.
[Could not delete the address since it is used in the shopping cart.] => Could not delete the address since it is used in the shopping cart.
[The customer could not be found.] => The customer could not be found.
[You must enter a voucher code.] => You must enter a voucher code.
[The voucher code is invalid.] => The voucher code is invalid.
[This voucher does not exist.] => This voucher does not exist.
[You must add %quantity% minimum quantity] => You must add %quantity% minimum quantity
[Null quantity.] => Null quantity.
[Product not found] => Product not found
[This product (%product%) is no longer available.] => This product (%product%) is no longer available.
[The item %product% in your cart is no longer available in this quantity. You cannot proceed with your order until the quantity is adjusted.] => The item %product% in your cart is no longer available in this quantity. You cannot proceed with your order until the quantity is adjusted.
[The minimum purchase order quantity for the product %product% is %quantity%.] => The minimum purchase order quantity for the product %product% is %quantity%.
[Please fill in all of the required fields, and then save your customizations.] => Please fill in all of the required fields, and then save your customisations.
[You already have the maximum quantity available for this product.] => You already have the maximum quantity available for this product.
[The product is no longer available in this quantity.] => The product is no longer available in this quantity.
[The item %product% in your cart is now a product with attributes. Please delete it and choose one of its combinations to proceed with your order.] => The item %product% in your cart is now a product with attributes. Please delete it and choose one of its combinations to proceed with your order.
[Invalid key.] => Invalid key.
[This product does not exist in our store.] => This product does not exist in our store.
[This product has been deleted.] => This product has been deleted.
[This file no longer exists.] => This file no longer exists.
[This product has been refunded.] => This product has been refunded.
[The product deadline is in the past.] => The product deadline is in the past.
[The product expiration date has passed, preventing you from download this product.] => The product expiration date has passed, preventing you from download this product.
[Expiration date has passed, you cannot download this product.] => Expiration date has passed, you cannot download this product.
[You have reached the maximum number of downloads allowed.] => You have reached the maximum number of downloads allowed.
[Please provide the required information] => Please provide the required information
[We couldn't find your order with the information provided, please try again] => We couldn't find your order with the information provided, please try again
[An unexpected error occurred while creating your account.] => An unexpected error occurred while creating your account.
[Could not update your information, please check your data.] => Could not update your information, please check your data.
[Sorry. We cannot renew your order.] => Sorry. We cannot renew your order.
[Some items are no longer available, and we are unable to renew your order.] => Some items are no longer available, and we are unable to renew your order.
[The order is no longer valid.] => The order is no longer valid.
[This message is invalid (HTML is not allowed).] => This message is invalid (HTML is not allowed).
[You do not have enough products to request an additional merchandise return.] => You do not have enough products to request an additional merchandise return.
[Please provide an explanation for your RMA.] => Please provide an explanation for your RMA.
[Please check at least one product you would like to return.] => Please check at least one product you would like to return.
[For each product you wish to add, please specify the desired quantity.] => For each product you wish to add, please specify the desired quantity.
[This order cannot be returned] => This order cannot be returned
[The message cannot be blank.] => The message cannot be blank.
[You have no merchandise return authorizations.] => You have no merchandise return authorizations.
[We cannot regenerate your password with the data you've submitted] => We cannot regenerate your password with the data you've submitted
[You cannot regenerate the password for this account.] => You cannot regenerate the password for this account.
[You can regenerate your password only every %d minute(s)] => You can regenerate your password only every %d minute(s)
[An error occurred while sending the email.] => An error occurred while sending the email.
[Customer account not found] => Customer account not found
[The password and its confirmation do not match.] => The password and its confirmation do not match.
[The password change request expired. You should ask for a new one.] => The password change request expired. You should ask for a new one.
[An error occurred with your account, which prevents us from updating the new password. Please report this issue using the contact form.] => An error occurred with your account, which prevents us from updating the new password. Please report this issue using the contact form.
[Invalid email address.] => Invalid email address.
[The password is missing: please enter your new password.] => The password is missing: please enter your new password.
[The confirmation is empty: please fill in the password confirmation as well] => The confirmation is empty: please fill in the password confirmation as well
[The password is not in a valid format.] => The password is not in a valid format.
[Invoices are disabled in this shop.] => Invoices are disabled in this shop.
[The invoice was not found.] => The invoice was not found.
[No invoice is available.] => No invoice is available.
[Order return not found.] => Order return not found.
[Order return not confirmed.] => Order return not confirmed.
[Invalid message] => Invalid message
[This product is no longer available.] => This product is no longer available.
[You do not have access to this product.] => You do not have access to this product.
[An error occurred while deleting the selected picture.] => An error occurred while deleting the selected picture.
[An error occurred during the image upload process.] => An error occurred during the image upload process.
[PHP "Dom" extension has not been loaded.] => PHP "Dom" extension has not been loaded.
[You do not have access to this category.] => You do not have access to this category.
[This category does not exist.] => This category does not exist.
[Login is required] => Login is required
[Invalid login] => Invalid login
[Invalid password] => Invalid password
[Authentication failed] => Authentication failed
[There are not enough products in stock] => There are not enough products in stock
[Your address is incomplete, please update it.] => Your address is incomplete, please update it.
[AdminDesignFeature] => Array
[Move images] => Move images
[Regenerate thumbnails] => Regenerate thumbnails
[Select an image] => Select an image
[Select a format] => Select a format
[Erase previous images] => Erase previous images
[Transplant a module] => Transplant a module
[Transplant to] => Transplant to
[Exceptions] => Exceptions
[Available hooks] => Available hooks
[Already registered hooks] => Already registered hooks
[All modules] => All modules
[Search for a hook] => Search for a hook
[Display non-positionable hooks] => Display non-positionable hooks
[Unhook] => Unhook
[Unhook the selection] => Unhook the selection
[1 module selected] => 1 module selected
[modules selected] => modules selected
[Full width] => Full width
[Three columns] => Three columns
[Two columns, small left column] => Two columns, small left column
[Two columns, small right column] => Two columns, small right column
[No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.] => No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.
[One large central column and 2 side columns.] => One large central column and 2 side columns.
[Two columns with a small left column.] => Two columns with a small left column.
[Two columns with a small right column.] => Two columns with a small right column.
[Add new category] => Add new category
[Edit category: %name%] => Edit category: %name%
[Add new page] => Add new page
[Edit page: %meta_title%] => Edit page: %meta_title%
[Category: %category%] => Category: %category%
[Page Category] => Page Category
[Pages in this category] => Pages in this category
[Images generation options] => Images generation options
[Image format] => Image format
[Use JPEG.] => Use JPEG.
[Use PNG only if the base image is in PNG format.] => Use PNG only if the base image is in PNG format.
[Use PNG for all images.] => Use PNG for all images.
[JPEG compression] => JPEG compression
[PNG compression] => PNG compression
[Generate images based on one side of the source image] => Generate images based on one side of the source image
[Automatic (longest side)] => Automatic (longest side)
[Maximum file size of product customization pictures] => Maximum file size of product customisation pictures
[bytes] => bytes
[Product picture width] => Product picture width
[pixels] => pixels
[Product picture height] => Product picture height
[Generate high resolution images] => Generate high resolution images
[Use the legacy image filesystem] => Use the legacy image filesystem
[Image type] => Image type
[Name for the image type] => Name for the image type
[Add new image type] => Add new image type
[___________ CUSTOM ___________] => ___________ CUSTOM ___________
[____________ CORE ____________] => ____________ CORE ____________
[Admin modules controller] => Admin modules controller
[Front modules controller] => Front modules controller
[Pages] => Pages
[Import theme] => Import theme
[Your current theme] => Your current theme
[Invoice & Email Logos] => Invoice & Email Logos
[Favicons] => Favicons
[Select a theme for the "%name%" shop] => Select a theme for the "%name%" shop
[Theme appearance] => Theme appearance
[Pages in category "%name%"] => Pages in category "%name%"
[Preview Theme %s] => Preview Theme %s
[Test email %template%] => Test email %template%
[Parent category] => Parent category
[Only letters and the hyphen (-) character are allowed.] => Only letters and the hyphen (-) character are allowed.
[Page content] => Page content
[Indexation by search engines] => Indexation by search engines
[Page category] => Page category
[Zip file] => Zip file
[Archive URL] => Archive URL
[Select the archive] => Select the archive
[CMS Category] => CMS Category
[Select your default email theme] => Select your default email theme
[Generate emails] => Generate emails
[Select your email theme] => Select your email theme
[Select the theme you want to overwrite] => Select the theme you want to overwrite
[Overwrite templates] => Overwrite templates
[List %theme% layouts] => List %theme% layouts
[Raw HTML] => Raw HTML
[Text] => Text
[Email themes] => Email themes
[Designed by %s] => Designed by %s
[Delete this theme?] => Delete this theme?
[Configure your page layouts] => Configure your page layouts
[Each page can use a different layout, choose it among the layouts bundled in your theme.] => Each page can use a different layout, choose it among the layouts bundled in your theme.
[Choose layouts] => Choose layouts
[Reset to defaults] => Reset to defaults
[Header logo] => Header logo
[Mail logo] => Mail logo
[Invoice logo] => Invoice logo
[Favicon] => Favicon
[Favicon image] => Favicon image
[Adaptation to Right-to-Left languages] => Adaptation to Right-to-Left languages
[Theme to adapt] => Theme to adapt
[Generate RTL stylesheet] => Generate RTL stylesheet
[Use this theme?] => Use this theme?
[Import from your computer] => Import from your computer
[Import from the web] => Import from the web
[Import from FTP] => Import from FTP
[Add new theme] => Add new theme
[Export current theme] => Export current theme
[Visit the theme catalog] => Visit the theme catalog
[Theme] => Theme
[My current theme] => My current theme
[Use this theme] => Use this theme
[Explore more than a thousand themes] => Explore more than a thousand themes
[My theme for %name% shop] => My theme for %name% shop
[ShopNavigation] => Array
[404 error] => 404 error
[Best sales] => Best sales
[Contact us] => Contact us
[Manufacturers] => Manufacturers
[New products] => New products
[Forgot your password] => Forgot your password
[Prices drop] => Prices drop
[Sitemap] => Sitemap
[Suppliers] => Suppliers
[Address] => Address
[Addresses] => Addresses
[Login] => Login
[Cart] => Basket
[Discount] => Discount
[Order history] => Order history
[Identity] => Identity
[My account] => My account
[Order follow] => Order follow
[Credit slip] => Credit notes
[Order] => Order
[Search] => Search
[Stores] => Stores
[Guest tracking] => Guest tracking
[Order confirmation] => Order confirmation
[This page cannot be found] => This page cannot be found
[Our best sales] => Our best sales
[Use our form to contact us] => Use our form to contact us
[Shop powered by PrestaShop] => Shop powered by PrestaShop
[Brand list] => Brand list
[Our new products] => Our new products
[Enter the e-mail address you use to sign in to receive an e-mail with a new password] => Enter the e-mail address you use to sign in to receive an e-mail with a new password
[On-sale products] => On-sale products
[Lost ? Find what your are looking for] => Lost ? Find what your are looking for
[Suppliers list] => Suppliers list
[page-not-found] => page-not-found
[best-sales] => best-sales
[contact-us] => contact-us
[manufacturers] => manufacturers
[new-products] => new-products
[password-recovery] => password-recovery
[prices-drop] => prices-drop
[sitemap] => sitemap
[supplier] => supplier
[address] => address
[addresses] => addresses
[login] => login
[cart] => cart
[discount] => discount
[order-history] => order-history
[identity] => identity
[my-account] => my-account
[order-follow] => order-follow
[credit-slip] => credit-slip
[order] => order
[search] => search
[stores] => stores
[guest-tracking] => guest-tracking
[order-confirmation] => order-confirmation
[ModulesContactinfoShop] => Array
[Contact us] => Contact us
[Store information] => Store information
[Fax: [1]%fax%[/1]] => Fax: [1]%fax%[/1]
[Email us: [1]%email%[/1]] => Email us: [1]%email%[/1]
[Call us: [1]%phone%[/1]] => Call us: [1]%phone%[/1]
[Tel: %phone%] => Tel: %phone%
[Fax: %fax%] => Fax: %fax%
[Email: [1]%email%[/1]] => Email: [1]%email%[/1]
[ModulesLegalcomplianceShop] => Array
[The order will only be confirmed when you click on the button 'Order with an obligation to pay' at the end of the checkout!] => The order will only be confirmed when you click on the button 'Order with an obligation to pay' at the end of the checkout!
[You must agree to our Terms of Service before going any further!] => You must agree to our Terms of Service before going any further!
[Something went wrong. If the problem persists, please contact us.] => Something went wrong. If the problem persists, please contact us.
[Select a payment option first.] => Select a payment option first.
[Please check the "Revocation of virtual products" box first!] => Please check the "Revocation of virtual products" box first!
[I agree to the [terms of service] and [revocation terms] and will adhere to them unconditionally.] => I agree to the [terms of service] and [revocation terms] and will adhere to them unconditionally.
[[1]For digital goods:[/1] I want immediate access to the digital content and I acknowledge that thereby I lose my right to cancel once the service has begun.[2][1]For services:[/1] I agree to the starting of the service and I acknowledge that I lose my right to cancel once the service has been fully performed.] => [1]For digital goods:[/1] I want immediate access to the digital content and I acknowledge that thereby I lose my right to cancel once the service has begun.[2][1]For services:[/1] I agree to the starting of the service and I acknowledge that I lose my right to cancel once the service has been fully performed.
[From] => From
[Our previous price] => Our previous price
[Shipping excluded] => Shipping excluded
[Information regarding online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):] => Information regarding online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):
[The European Commission gives consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR on one of their platforms. The platform ([1][/1]) serves as a site where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements of disputes arising from online purchases and contracts for services.] => The European Commission gives consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR on one of their platforms. The platform ([1][/1]) serves as a site where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements of disputes arising from online purchases and contracts for services.
[Print this page] => Print this page
[(Under conditions)] => (Under conditions)
[My shopping cart] => My shopping cart
[Shipping and payment] => Shipping and payment
[All prices are mentioned tax included] => All prices are mentioned tax included
[All prices are mentioned tax excluded] => All prices are mentioned tax excluded
[and] => and
[shipping excluded] => shipping excluded
[Information] => Information
[ModulesStatsoriginAdmin] => Array
[Visitors origin] => Visitors origin
[Adds a graph displaying the websites your visitors came from to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a graph displaying the websites your visitors came from to the Stats dashboard.
[Origin] => Origin
[In the tab, we break down the 10 most popular referral websites that bring customers to your online store.] => In the tab, we break down the 10 most popular referral websites that bring customers to your online store.
[What is a referral website?] => What is a referral website?
[The referrer is the URL of the previous webpage from which a link was followed by the visitor.] => The referrer is the URL of the previous webpage from which a link was followed by the visitor.
[A referrer also enables you to know which keywords visitors use in search engines when browsing for your online store.] => A referrer also enables you to know which keywords visitors use in search engines when browsing for your online store.
[A referrer can be:] => A referrer can be:
[Someone who posts a link to your shop.] => Someone who posts a link to your shop.
[A partner who has agreed to a link exchange in order to attract new customers.] => A partner who has agreed to a link exchange in order to attract new customers.
[CSV Export] => CSV Export
[Direct links only] => Direct links only
[Top ten referral websites] => Top ten referral websites
[Others] => Others
[ModulesStatsbestsuppliersAdmin] => Array
[Total paid] => Total paid
[Best suppliers] => Best suppliers
[Adds a list of the best suppliers to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a list of the best suppliers to the Stats dashboard.
[ModulesProductcommentsShop] => Array
[Deleted account] => Deleted account
[You need to be [1]logged in[/1] or [2]create an account[/2] to post your review.] => You need to be [1]logged in[/1] or [2]create an account[/2] to post your review.
[You are not allowed to post a review at the moment, please try again later.] => You are not allowed to post a review at the moment, please try again later.
[Title cannot be empty] => Title cannot be empty
[Title cannot be more than %s characters] => Title cannot be more than %s characters
[Customer name cannot be empty] => Customer name cannot be empty
[Customer name cannot be more than %s characters] => Customer name cannot be more than %s characters
[You need to be logged in to report a review.] => You need to be logged in to report a review.
[You already reported this review as abusive.] => You already reported this review as abusive.
[Cannot find the requested product review.] => Cannot find the requested product review.
[This feature is not enabled.] => This feature is not enabled.
[You need to be [1]logged in[/1] or [2]create an account[/2] to give your appreciation of a review.] => You need to be [1]logged in[/1] or [2]create an account[/2] to give your appreciation of a review.
[OK] => OK
[Grade] => Grade
[No] => No
[Yes] => Yes
[Be the first to write your review] => Be the first to write your review
[No customer reviews for the moment.] => No customer reviews for the moment.
[Sorry, your review cannot be posted.] => Sorry, your review cannot be posted.
[Title] => Title
[Your name] => Your name
[Review] => Review
[Required fields] => Required fields
[Cancel] => Cancel
[Send] => Send
[Your comment has been submitted and will be available once approved by a moderator.] => Your comment has been submitted and will be available once approved by a moderator.
[Your comment has been added!] => Your comment has been added!
[Review sent] => Review sent
[Your review cannot be sent] => Your review cannot be sent
[Read user reviews] => Read user reviews
[By %1$s] => By %1$s
[Report abuse] => Report abuse
[Write your review] => Write your review
[Sorry, your review appreciation cannot be sent.] => Sorry, your review appreciation cannot be sent.
[Sorry, your abuse report cannot be sent.] => Sorry, your abuse report cannot be sent.
[Comments] => Comments
[Your review appreciation cannot be sent] => Your review appreciation cannot be sent
[Report comment] => Report comment
[Are you sure that you want to report this comment?] => Are you sure that you want to report this comment?
[Report sent] => Report sent
[Your report has been submitted and will be considered by a moderator.] => Your report has been submitted and will be considered by a moderator.
[Your report cannot be sent] => Your report cannot be sent
[ModulesGAnalyticsAdmin] => Array
[Google Analytics] => Google Analytics
[Gain clear insights into important metrics about your customers, using Google Analytics] => Gain clear insights into important metrics about your customers, using Google Analytics
[Are you sure you want to uninstall Google Analytics? You will lose all the data related to this module.] => Are you sure you want to uninstall Google Analytics? You will lose all the data related to this module.
[Google Analytics Tracking ID] => Google Analytics Tracking ID
[This information is available in your Google Analytics account] => This information is available in your Google Analytics account
[Enable User ID tracking] => Enable User ID tracking
[Anonymize IP] => Anonymize IP
[Use this option to anonymize the visitor’s IP to comply with data privacy laws in some countries] => Use this option to anonymize the visitor’s IP to comply with data privacy laws in some countries
[Enable Cross-Domain tracking] => Enable Cross-Domain tracking
[Account ID updated successfully] => Account ID updated successfully
[Settings for User ID updated successfully] => Settings for User ID updated successfully
[Settings for Anonymize IP updated successfully] => Settings for Anonymize IP updated successfully
[Your customers go everywhere; shouldn't your analytics.] => Your customers go everywhere; shouldn't your analytics.
[Google Analytics shows you the full customer picture across ads and videos, websites and social tools, tables and smartphones. That makes it easier to serve your current customers and win new ones.] => Google Analytics shows you the full customer picture across ads and videos, websites and social tools, tables and smartphones. That makes it easier to serve your current customers and win new ones.
[With ecommerce functionality in Google Analytics you can gain clear insight into important metrics about shopper behavior and conversion, including:] => With ecommerce functionality in Google Analytics you can gain clear insight into important metrics about shopper behavior and conversion, including:
[Product detail views] => Product detail views
[Internal merchandising Success] => Internal merchandising Success
["Add to cart" actions] => "Add to cart" actions
[The checkout process] => The checkout process
[Internal campaign clicks] => Internal campaign clicks
[And purchase] => And purchase
[Merchants are able to understand how far along users get in the buying process and where they are dropping off.] => Merchants are able to understand how far along users get in the buying process and where they are dropping off.
[Create your account to get started.] => Create your account to get started.
[ModulesStqrcodeAdmin] => Array
[QR code] => QR code
[Add QR code to your site.] => Add QR code to your site.
[QR image size:] => QR image size:
[The size of QR image, default is 150.] => The size of QR image, default is 150.
[The width of the white border around the data portion of the code, the range is 0-40 ,default is 2.] => The width of the white border around the data portion of the code, the range is 0-40 ,default is 2.
[Dynamically load QR code:] => Dynamically load QR code:
[How to display:] => How to display:
[QR code icon + Text] => QR code icon + Text
[QR code icon] => QR code icon
[Show QR code out directly when on the product page:] => Show QR code out directly when on the product page:
[ModulesMainmenuAdmin] => Array
[Main menu] => Main menu
[Adds a new menu to the top of your e-commerce website.] => Adds a new menu to the top of your e-commerce website.
[Unable to update settings for the following shop(s): %s] => Unable to update settings for the following shop(s): %s
[Please complete the "Link" field.] => Please complete the "Link" field.
[Please add a label.] => Please add a label.
[Please add a label for your default language.] => Please add a label for your default language.
[The link has been added.] => The link has been added.
[Unable to add link for the following shop(s): %s] => Unable to add link for the following shop(s): %s
[The link has been removed.] => The link has been removed.
[Unable to remove link for the following shop(s): %s] => Unable to remove link for the following shop(s): %s
[The link has been edited.] => The link has been edited.
[You cannot manage top menu items from a "All Shops" or a "Group Shop" context, select directly the shop you want to edit] => You cannot manage top menu items from a "All Shops" or a "Group Shop" context, select directly the shop you want to edit
[The modifications will be applied to shop: %s] => The modifications will be applied to shop: %s
[The modifications will be applied to this group: %s] => The modifications will be applied to this group: %s
[The modifications will be applied to all shops] => The modifications will be applied to all shops
[All brands] => All brands
[All suppliers] => All suppliers
[Menu Top Link] => Menu Top Link
[All active products combinations quantities will be changed] => All active products combinations quantities will be changed
[Update link] => Update link
[Add a new link] => Add a new link
[CMS] => CMS
[Shops] => Shops
[Choose product ID] => Choose product ID
[Menu Top Links] => Menu Top Links
[Link ID] => Link ID
[Link list] => Link list
[Indicate the ID number for the product] => Indicate the ID number for the product
[Product ID #] => Product ID #
[Please select just one item] => Please select just one item
[Change position] => Change position
[Selected items] => Selected items
[Available items] => Available items
[Remove] => Remove
[ModulesCustomeraccountlinksAdmin] => Array
[My Account block] => My Account block
[Displays a block with links relative to a user's account.] => Displays a block with links relative to a user's account.
[Credit slips] => Credit notes
[Personal info] => Personal info
[Merchandise returns] => Merchandise returns
[Enrich your stats, add a registration progress tab to analyze your visitors’ behavior.] => Enrich your stats, add a registration progress tab to analyze your visitors’ behavior.
[AdminNotificationsSuccess] => Array
[Update successful] => Update successful
[Successful update.] => Successful update.
[The thumbnails were successfully regenerated.] => The thumbnails were successfully regenerated.
[Successful upload.] => Successful upload.
[Duplication was completed successfully.] => Duplication was completed successfully.
[The selected images have successfully been moved.] => The selected images have successfully been moved.
[Your cover image selection has been saved.] => Your cover image selection has been saved.
[The image's shop association has been modified.] => The image's shop association has been modified.
[A zone has been assigned to the selection successfully.] => A zone has been assigned to the selection successfully.
[Successful upgrade.] => Successful upgrade.
[The status has been updated successfully] => The status has been updated successfully
[Failed to update the status] => Failed to update the status
[The status has been updated successfully.] => The status has been updated successfully.
[Settings updated] => Settings updated
[The settings have been updated.] => The settings have been updated.
[Configuration updated] => Configuration updated
[Successful deletion] => Successful deletion
[Successfully overwrote email templates for theme %s with locale %s] => Successfully overwrote email templates for theme %s with locale %s
[Successfully generated email templates for theme %s with locale %s] => Successfully generated email templates for theme %s with locale %s
[Email theme configuration saved successfully] => Email theme configuration saved successfully
[Test email for layout %layout% was successfully sent to %email%] => Test email for layout %layout% was successfully sent to %email%
[Your theme has been correctly exported: %path%] => Your theme has been correctly exported: %path%
[The settings have been successfully updated.] => The settings have been successfully updated.
[Successful creation.] => Successful creation.
[Successful deletion.] => Successful deletion.
[The status has been successfully updated.] => The status has been successfully updated.
[The selection has been successfully deleted.] => The selection has been successfully deleted.
[Successful creation] => Successful creation
[The image was successfully deleted.] => The image was successfully deleted.
[Update successful.] => Update successful.
[Comment successfully added.] => Comment successfully added.
[Your symbol and format customizations have been successfully reset for this language.] => Your symbol and format customizations have been successfully reset for this language.
[Settings updated.] => Settings updated.
[The product was successfully added.] => The product was successfully added.
[The product was successfully removed.] => The product was successfully removed.
[[1] products were successfully added.] => [1] products were successfully added.
[[1] products were successfully removed.] => [1] products were successfully removed.
[ModulesStatsregistrationsAdmin] => Array
[Customer accounts] => Customer accounts
[Adds a registration progress tab to the Stats dashboard.] => Adds a registration progress tab to the Stats dashboard.
[Number of visitors who stopped at the registering step:] => Number of visitors who stopped at the registering step:
[Number of visitors who placed an order directly after registration:] => Number of visitors who placed an order directly after registration:
[Total customer accounts:] => Total customer accounts:
[Number of customer accounts created] => Number of customer accounts created
[The total number of accounts created is not in itself important information. However, it is beneficial to analyze the number created over time. This will indicate whether or not things are on the right track. You feel me?] => The total number of accounts created is not in itself important information. However, it is beneficial to analyze the number created over time. This will indicate whether or not things are on the right track. You feel me?
[How to act on the registrations' evolution?] => How to act on the registrations' evolution?
[If you let your shop run without changing anything, the number of customer registrations should stay stable or show a slight decline.] => If you let your shop run without changing anything, the number of customer registrations should stay stable or show a slight decline.
[A significant increase or decrease in customer registration shows that there has probably been a change to your shop. With that in mind, we suggest that you identify the cause, correct the issue and get back in the business of making money!] => A significant increase or decrease in customer registration shows that there has probably been a change to your shop. With that in mind, we suggest that you identify the cause, correct the issue and get back in the business of making money!
[Here is a summary of what may affect the creation of customer accounts:] => Here is a summary of what may affect the creation of customer accounts:
[An advertising campaign can attract an increased number of visitors to your online store. This will likely be followed by an increase in customer accounts and profit margins, which will depend on customer "quality." Well-targeted advertising is typically more effective than large-scale advertising... and it's cheaper too!] => An advertising campaign can attract an increased number of visitors to your online store. This will likely be followed by an increase in customer accounts and profit margins, which will depend on customer "quality." Well-targeted advertising is typically more effective than large-scale advertising... and it's cheaper too!
[Specials, sales, promotions and/or contests typically demand a shoppers' attentions. Offering such things will not only keep your business lively, it will also increase traffic, build customer loyalty and genuinely change your current e-commerce philosophy.] => Specials, sales, promotions and/or contests typically demand a shoppers' attentions. Offering such things will not only keep your business lively, it will also increase traffic, build customer loyalty and genuinely change your current e-commerce philosophy.
[Design and user-friendliness are more important than ever in the world of online sales. An ill-chosen or hard-to-follow graphical theme can keep shoppers at bay. This means that you should aspire to find the right balance between beauty and functionality for your online store.] => Design and user-friendliness are more important than ever in the world of online sales. An ill-chosen or hard-to-follow graphical theme can keep shoppers at bay. This means that you should aspire to find the right balance between beauty and functionality for your online store.
[CSV Export] => CSV Export
[ModulesDashgoalsAdmin] => Array
[Dashboard Goals] => Dashboard Goals
[Adds a block with your store's forecast.] => Adds a block with your store's forecast.
[January] => January
[February] => February
[March] => March
[April] => April
[May] => May
[June] => June
[July] => July
[August] => August
[September] => September
[October] => October
[November] => November
[December] => December
[Average cart value] => Average cart value
[Goal exceeded] => Goal exceeded
[Goal not reached] => Goal not reached
[Goal set:] => Goal set:
[Conversion Rate] => Conversion Rate
[Traffic] => Traffic
[Conversion] => Conversion
[Average Cart Value] => Average Cart Value
[Forecast] => Forecast
[ShopNotificationsWarning] => Array
[You cannot place a new order from your country (%s).] => You cannot place a new order from your country (%s).
[You do not have any vouchers.] => You do not have any vouchers.
[You cannot return merchandise with a guest account.] => You cannot return merchandise with a guest account.
[If you have just placed an order, it may take a few minutes for it to be validated. Please refresh this page if your order is missing.] => If you have just placed an order, it may take a few minutes for it to be validated. Please refresh this page if your order is missing.
[You have not placed any orders.] => You have not placed any orders.
[You must wait for confirmation before returning any merchandise.] => You must wait for confirmation before returning any merchandise.
[You have not received any credit slips.] => You have not received any credit notes.
[This product is not visible to your customers.] => This product is not visible to your customers.
[ModulesCrosssellingAdmin] => Array
[Cross-selling] => Cross-selling
[Adds a "Customers who bought this product also bought..." section to every product page.] => Adds a "Customers who bought this product also bought..." section to every product page.
[You must fill in the "Number of displayed products" field.] => You must fill in the "Number of displayed products" field.
[Invalid number.] => Invalid number.
[Display price on products] => Display price on products
[Show the price on the products in the block.] => Show the price on the products in the block.
[Number of displayed products] => Number of displayed products
[Set the number of products displayed in this block.] => Set the number of products displayed in this block.
[Offer your customers the possibility to buy matching items when on a product page.] => Offer your customers the possibility to buy matching items when on a product page.
[ShopThemeCategory] => Array
[Subcategories] => Subcategories
[ModulesCashondeliveryAdmin] => Array
[Cash on delivery (COD)] => Cash on delivery (COD)
[Accept cash on delivery payments] => Accept cash on delivery payments
[AdminInternationalNotification] => Array
[Are you sure you want to restore the default address format for this country?] => Are you sure you want to restore the default address format for this country?
[A language pack is available for this ISO.] => A language pack is available for this ISO.
[The Prestashop version compatible with this language and your system is:] => The Prestashop version compatible with this language and your system is:
[After creating the language, you can import the content of the language pack, which you can download under "International -- Translations."] => After creating the language, you can import the content of the language pack, which you can download under "International -- Translations."
[No language pack is available on for this ISO code] => No language pack is available on for this ISO code
[This language pack is NOT complete and cannot be used in the front or back office because some files are missing.] => This language pack is NOT complete and cannot be used in the front or back office because some files are missing.
[%s at least, or you will have to edit the translation files manually.] => %s at least, or you will have to edit the translation files manually.
[Apache mod_security is activated on your server. This could result in some Bad Request errors] => Apache mod_security is activated on your server. This could result in some Bad Request errors
[Warning! Your hosting provider is using the Suhosin patch for PHP, which limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form:] => Warning! Your hosting provider is using the Suhosin patch for PHP, which limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form:
[%limit% for] => %limit% for
[%limit% for suhosin.request.max_vars.] => %limit% for suhosin.request.max_vars.
[Please ask your hosting provider to increase the Suhosin limit to] => Please ask your hosting provider to increase the Suhosin limit to
[Warning! Your PHP configuration limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form:] => Warning! Your PHP configuration limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form:
[for max_input_vars.] => for max_input_vars.
[Please ask your hosting provider to increase this limit to] => Please ask your hosting provider to increase this limit to
[%s at least, or you will have to edit the translation files.] => %s at least, or you will have to edit the translation files.
[This expression uses a special syntax:] => This expression uses a special syntax:
[Fatal error: IETF code %s is not correct] => Fatal error: IETF code %s is not correct
[Sorry this language is not available] => Sorry this language is not available
[Server does not have permissions for writing.] => The server does not have permissions for writing.
[Language pack unavailable.] => Language pack unavailable.
[An error occurred while creating the language: %s] => An error occurred while creating the language: %s
[Cannot load country: %d] => Cannot load country: %d
[Cannot enable the associated country: %s] => Cannot enable the associated country: %s
[Invalid Zone name.] => Invalid Zone name.
[Invalid state properties.] => Invalid State properties.
[Cannot update the associated country: %s] => Cannot update the associated country: %s
[An error occurred while adding the state.] => An error occurred while adding the state.
[An error occurred while fetching the state.] => An error occurred while fetching the state.
[Invalid tax properties.] => Invalid tax properties.
[An error occurred while importing the tax: %s] => An error occurred while importing the tax: %s
[This tax rule cannot be saved.] => This tax rule cannot be saved.
[Invalid currency properties.] => Invalid currency properties exist.
[An error occurred while importing the currency: %s] => An error occurred while importing the currency: %s
[Localization pack corrupted: wrong unit type.] => Localization pack corrupted: Wrong unit type.
[An error occurred while setting the units.] => An error occurred while setting the units.
[An error occurred while installing the module: %s] => An error occurred while installing the module: %s
[An error occurred while uninstalling the module: %s] => An error occurred while uninstalling the module: %s
[An error occurred during the configuration setup: %1$s] => An error occurred during the configuration setup: %1$s
[An error occurred during the default group update] => An error occurred during the default group update.
[An error has occurred during the default group update] => An error occurred during the default group update.
[Invalid language ISO code (%s)] => Invalid language ISO code (%s)
[The translation was added successfully, but the language has not been created.] => The translation was added successfully, but the language has not been created.
[Cannot add configuration %1$s for %2$s language] => Cannot add configuration %1$s for %2$s language
[Incorrect Tax Manager class [%s]] => Incorrect Tax Manager class [%s]
[Tax Manager class not found [%s]] => Tax Manager class not found [%s]
[No tax] => No tax
[This ISO code already exists.You cannot create two countries with the same ISO code.] => This ISO code already exists.You cannot create two countries with the same ISO code.
[Invalid address layout %s] => Invalid address layout %s
[The currency conversion rate cannot be equal to 0.] => The currency conversion rate cannot be equal to 0.
[When you delete a language, all related translations in the database will be deleted. Are you sure you want to proceed?] => When you delete a language, all related translations in the database will be deleted. Are you sure you want to proceed?
[Flag and "No picture" image fields are required.] => Flag and "No picture" image fields are required.
[An error occurred while resizing "No picture" image to your product directory.] => An error occurred while resizing "No picture" image to your product directory.
[An error occurred while resizing "No picture" image to your category directory.] => An error occurred while resizing "No picture" image to your category directory.
[An error occurred while resizing "No picture" image to your brand directory.] => An error occurred while resizing "No picture" image for your brand directory.
[An error occurred during image deletion process.] => An error occurred during image deletion process.
[Iso code is not valid] => Iso code is not valid
[Technical Error: ps_version is not valid] => Technical Error: ps_version is not valid
[Wrong ISO code, or the selected language pack is unavailable.] => Wrong ISO code, or the selected language pack is unavailable.
[Technical Error: translation server unreachable.] => Technical Error: translation server unreachable.
[This ISO code already exists. You cannot create two states with the same ISO code.] => This ISO code already exists. You cannot create two states with the same ISO code.
[This state was used in at least one address. It cannot be removed.] => This state was used in at least one address. It cannot be removed.
[A tax rule already exists for this country/state with tax only behavior.] => A tax rule already exists for this country/state with tax only behaviour.
[The Zip/postal code is invalid. It must be typed as follows: %format% for %country%.] => The Zip/postal code is invalid. It must be typed as follows: %format% for %country%.
[An error has occurred: Cannot save the current tax rule.] => An error has occurred: Cannot save the current tax rule.
[The Zip/Postal code is invalid. It must be typed as follows: %format% for %country%.] => The Zip/Postal code is invalid. It must be typed as follows: %format% for %country%.
[This tax is currently in use as a tax rule. Are you sure you'd like to continue?] => This tax is currently in use as a tax rule. Are you sure you'd like to continue?
[This tax is currently in use as a tax rule. If you continue, this tax will be removed from the tax rule. Are you sure you'd like to continue?] => This tax is currently in use as a VAT rule. If you continue, this tax will be removed from the VAT rule. Are you sure you'd like to continue?
[An error occurred while copying data.] => An error occurred while copying data.
[Impossible to create the directory "%folder%".] => Impossible to create the directory "%folder%".
[An error occurred while creating archive.] => An error occurred while creating archive.
[Please select a language and a theme.] => Please select a language and a theme.
[Tab "%s" is not valid] => Tab "%s" is not valid
[Validation failed for: %file%] => Validation failed for: %file%
[Unidentified file found: %file%] => Unidentified file found: %file%
[The archive cannot be extracted.] => The archive cannot be extracted.
[ISO CODE invalid "%iso_code%" for the following file: "%file%"] => ISO CODE invalid "%iso_code%" for the following file: "%file%"
[Cannot write to the theme's language file (%s). Please check writing permissions.] => Cannot write to the theme's language file (%s). Please check writing permissions.
[Invalid theme "%theme%"] => Invalid theme "%theme%"
[Invalid iso code "%iso_code%"] => Invalid iso code "%iso_code%"
[This %type_content% file extension is not accepted.] => This %type_content% file extension is not accepted.
[Invalid module name "%module%"] => Invalid module name "%module%"
[Invalid mail name "%mail%"] => Invalid mail name "%mail%"
[Directory "%folder%" cannot be created] => Directory "%folder%" cannot be created
[Your email translations contain some invalid HTML and cannot be saved. Please check your content.] => Your email translations contain some invalid HTML and cannot be saved. Please check your content.
[Your HTML email templates cannot contain JavaScript code.] => Your HTML email templates cannot contain JavaScript code.
[Empty string found, please edit: "%file%"] => Empty string found, please edit: "%file%"
[There is an error in template, an empty string has been found. Please edit: "%file%"] => There is an error in template, an empty string has been found. Please edit: "%file%"
[The module directory must be writable.] => The module directory must be writable.
[A mail directory exists for the "%iso_code%" language, but not for the default language (%language%) in %folder%] => A mail directory exists for the "%iso_code%" language, but not for the default language (%language%) in %folder%
[missing translation(s)] => missing translation(s)
[No Subject was found for %mail_name% in the database.] => No Subject was found for %mail_name% in the database.
[There was a problem getting the mail files.] => There was a problem getting the mail files.
[English language files must exist in %folder% folder] => English language files must exist in %folder% folder
[Cannot write language file for email subjects. Path is: %folder%] => Cannot write language file for email subjects. Path is: %folder%
[Cannot write into the "%file%"] => Cannot write into the "%file%"
[Email subject translation file not found in %path%] => Email subject translation file not found in %path%
[Cannot create the folder "%folder%". Please check your directory writing permissions.] => Cannot create the folder "%folder%". Please check your directory writing permissions.
[You must select two languages in order to copy data from one to another.] => You must select two languages in order to copy data from one to another.
[You must select two themes in order to copy data from one to another.] => You must select two themes in order to copy data from one to another.
[There is nothing to copy (same language and theme).] => There is nothing to copy (same language and theme).
[Theme(s) not found] => Theme(s) not found
[Impossible to copy "%source%" to "%dest%".] => Impossible to copy "%source%" to "%dest%".
[Impossible to translate "%dest%".] => Impossible to translate "%dest%".
[A part of the data has been copied but some of the language files could not be found.] => A part of the data has been copied but some of the language files could not be found.
[Fatal error: ISO code is not correct] => Fatal error: The ISO code is not correct.
[Cannot load the localization pack.] => Cannot load the localization pack.
[Please select at least one item to import.] => Please select at least one item to import.
[You cannot delete the default currency] => You cannot delete the default currency
[You cannot disable the default currency] => You cannot disable the default currency
[This currency already exists.] => This currency already exists.
[%currency% is the default currency for shop %shop_name%, and therefore cannot be removed from shop association] => %currency% is the default currency for shop %shop_name%, and therefore cannot be removed from shop association
[%currency% is the default currency for shop %shop_name%, and therefore cannot be disabled] => %currency% is the default currency for shop %shop_name%, and therefore cannot be disabled
[Oops... it looks like this ISO code already exists. If you are: [1][2]trying to create an alternative currency, you must type a different ISO code[/2][2]trying to modify the currency with ISO code %isoCode%, make sure you did not check the creation box[/2][/1]] => Oops... it looks like this ISO code already exists. If you are: [1][2]trying to create an alternative currency, you must type a different ISO code[/2][2]trying to modify the currency with ISO code %isoCode%, make sure you did not check the creation box[/2][/1]
[You cannot delete the default language.] => You cannot delete the default language.
[You cannot delete the language currently in use. Please select a different language.] => You cannot delete the language currently in use. Please select a different language.
[You cannot change the status of the default language.] => You cannot change the status of the default language.
[This ISO code is already linked to another language.] => This ISO code is already linked to another language.
[An error occurred while copying "No Picture" image to your product folder.] => An error occurred while copying "No Picture" image to your product folder.
[An error occurred while copying "No picture" image to your category folder.] => An error occurred while copying "No picture" image to your category folder.
[An error occurred while copying "No picture" image to your brand folder.] => An error occurred while copying "No picture" image to your brand folder.
[Localization pack imported successfully.] => Localization pack imported successfully.
[Importing a new language may fail without the OpenSSL module. Please enable "" on your server configuration.] => Importing a new language may fail without the OpenSSL module. Please enable "" on your server configuration.
[An error occurred while editing the zone.] => An error occurred while editing the zone.
[An error has occurred, this module does not exist: %s] => An error has occurred, this module does not exist: %s
[The translations have been successfully added.] => The translations have been successfully added.
[The translation was successfully copied.] => The translation was successfully copied.
[You must select at least one translation type to export translations.] => You must select at least one translation type to export translations.
[The geolocation database is unavailable.] => The geolocation database is unavailable.
[Country selection is invalid.] => Country selection is invalid.
[Invalid whitelist] => Invalid whitelist
[Please install the %module_name% module before using this feature.] => Please install the %module_name% module before using this feature.
[Could not display symbol and format customization:] => Could not display symbol and format customization:
[When you delete a language, all related translations in the database will be deleted.] => When you delete a language, all related translations in the database will be deleted.
[Your .htaccess file must be writable.] => Your .htaccess file must be writable.
[Before changing the default currency, we strongly recommend that you enable maintenance mode. Indeed, any change on the default currency requires a manual adjustment of the price of each product and its combinations.] => Before changing the default currency, we strongly recommend that you enable maintenance mode. Indeed, any change on the default currency requires a manual adjustment of the price of each product and its combinations.
[Language files must be complete to allow copying of translations.] => Language files must be complete to allow copying of translations.
[Translation successfully updated] => Translation successfully updated
[Failed to update translation] => Failed to update translation
[AdminModulesHelp] => Array
[Click here to log in.] => Click here to log in.
[Search modules: keyword, name, author...] => Search modules: keyword, name, author...
[Please upload one file at a time, .zip or tarball format (.tar, .tar.gz or .tgz).] => Please upload one file at a time, .zip or tarball format (.tar, .tar.gz or .tgz).
[Your module will be installed right after that.] => Your module will be installed right after that.
[What happened?] => What happened?
[Customize your store with this selection of modules recommended for your shop, based on your country, language and version of PrestaShop. It includes the most popular modules from our Addons marketplace, and free partner modules.] => Customize your store with this selection of modules recommended for your shop, based on your country, language and version of PrestaShop. It includes the most popular modules from our Addons marketplace, and free partner modules.
[You bought this module on PrestaShop Addons. Thank You.] => You bought this module on PrestaShop Addons. Thank You.
[Bought] => Bought
[This module is available on PrestaShop Addons.] => This module is available on PrestaShop Addons.
[Popular] => Popular
[This module is available for free thanks to our partner.] => This module is available for free thanks to our partner.
[Official] => Official
[Need update] => Need update
[These modules require your attention: you need to take some action to ensure they are fully operational.] => These modules require your attention: you need to take some action to ensure they are fully operational.
[Update these modules to enjoy their latest versions.] => Update these modules to enjoy their latest versions.
[ModulesLivetranslationAdmin] => Array
[Live translation] => Live translation
[Contribute to the translation of PrestaShop directly from your own shop and administration panel.] => Contribute to the translation of PrestaShop directly from your own shop and administration panel.
[Unable to install the module: the English Upside Down language cannot be installed.] => Unable to install the module: the English Upside Down language cannot be installed.
[This module makes it possible to translate PrestaShop directly from its various pages (back and front office).] => This module makes it possible to translate PrestaShop directly from its various pages (back and front office).
[It sends these in-context translations immediately to the [1]PrestaShop translation project[/1] on Crowdin: this is to contribute to our community translations, not to translate or customize your own shop.] => It sends these in-context translations immediately to the [1]PrestaShop translation project[/1] on Crowdin: this is to contribute to our community translations, not to translate or customize your own shop.
[If you don’t have a Crowdin account yet, [1]join now[/1]!] => If you don’t have a Crowdin account yet, [1]join now[/1]!
[To be able to work, the module needs the virtual language “English Upside Down”. It is installed in your shop, but is not active, and not available to your customers.] => To be able to work, the module needs the virtual language “English Upside Down”. It is installed in your shop, but is not active, and not available to your customers.
[How to proceed] => How to proceed
[Log in to your [1]Crowdin account[/1]] => Log in to your [1]Crowdin account[/1]
[Translate PrestaShop using the live translation module] => Translate PrestaShop using the live translation module
[Back office] => Back office
[Translate] => Translate
[Front office] => Front office
[Live translation cannot be enabled. The English Upside Down language is missing and cannot be installed. Please reset the module to try again. ] => Live translation cannot be enabled. The English Upside Down language is missing and cannot be installed. Please reset the module to try again.
[ModulesRssfeedShop] => Array
[No RSS feed added] => No RSS feed added
[ModulesSocialfollowAdmin] => Array
[Social media follow links] => Social media follow links
[Allows you to add information about your brand's social networking accounts.] => Allows you to add information about your brand's social networking accounts.
[Facebook URL] => Facebook URL
[Your Facebook fan page.] => Your Facebook fan page.
[Twitter URL] => Twitter URL
[Your official Twitter account.] => Your official Twitter account.
[The RSS feed of your choice (your blog, your store, etc.).] => The RSS feed of your choice (your blog, your store, etc.).
[YouTube URL] => YouTube URL
[Your official YouTube account.] => Your official YouTube account.
[Google+ URL:] => Google+ URL:
[Your official Google+ page.] => Your official Google+ page.
[Pinterest URL:] => Pinterest URL:
[Your official Pinterest account.] => Your official Pinterest account.
[Vimeo URL:] => Vimeo URL:
[Your official Vimeo account.] => Your official Vimeo account.
[Instagram URL:] => Instagram URL:
[Your official Instagram account.] => Your official Instagram account.
[LinkedIn URL:] => LinkedIn URL:
[Your official LinkedIn account.] => Your official LinkedIn account.
[AdminCatalogNotification] => Array
[You must select some products before] => You must select some products before
[Deleting multiple categories] => Deleting multiple categories
[Deleting this category will remove products linked only within this category and no others. Are you sure you want to continue?] => Deleting this category will remove products linked only within this category and no others. Are you sure you want to continue?
[You cannot set a negative position, the minimum for a position is 0.] => You cannot set a negative position, the minimum for a position is 0.
[You cannot set a position greater than the total number of products in the category, minus 1 (position numbering starts at 0).] => You cannot set a position greater than the total number of products in the category, minus 1 (position numbering starts at 0).
[You cannot set 0 or a negative position, the minimum is 1.] => You cannot set 0 or a negative position, the minimum is 1.
[You cannot set a position greater than the total number of products in the category, starting at 1.] => You cannot set a position greater than the total number of products in the category, starting at 1.
[Error on image caption: "%1s" is not a valid caption.] => Error on image caption: "%1s" is not a valid caption.
[The discount was successfully generated.] => The discount was successfully generated.
[The root category of the shop %shop% is not associated with the current shop. You can't access this page. Please change the root category of the shop.] => The root category of the shop %shop% is not associated with the current shop. You can't access this page. Please change the root category of the shop.
[This will copy the images too. If you wish to proceed, click "Yes". If not, click "No".] => This will copy the images too. If you wish to proceed, click "Yes". If not, click "No".
[This will copy the images too. If you wish to proceed, click "%yes_label%". If not, click "%no_label%".] => This will copy the images too. If you wish to proceed, click "%yes_label%". If not, click "%no_label%".
[You cannot update the available stock when it depends on stock.] => You cannot update the available stock when it depends on stock.
[Incorrect Stock Manager class [%s]] => Incorrect Stock Manager class [%s]
[Stock Manager class not found [%s]] => Stock Manager class not found [%s]
[This file is associated with the following products, do you really want to delete it?] => This file is associated with the following products, do you really want to delete it?
[File not found] => File not found
[The file %file% exceeds the size allowed by the server. The limit is set to %size% MB.] => The file %file% exceeds the size allowed by the server. The limit is set to %size% MB.
[Please select at least one attribute.] => Please select at least one attribute.
[Unable to initialize these parameters. A combination is missing or an object cannot be loaded.] => Unable to initialize these parameters. A combination is missing or an object cannot be loaded.
[An error occurred while updating the status for an object.] => An error occurred while updating the status for an object.
[(cannot load object)] => (cannot load object)
[The attribute value "%1$s" already exist for %2$s language] => The attribute value "%1$s" already exist for %2$s language
[Failed to delete the attribute.] => Failed to delete the attribute.
[This feature has been disabled. You can activate it here: %link%.] => This feature has been disabled. You can activate it here: %link%.
[The voucher cannot end before it begins.] => The voucher cannot end before it begins.
[The minimum amount cannot be lower than zero.] => The minimum amount cannot be lower than zero.
[Reduction percentage must be between 0% and 100%] => Reduction percentage must be between 0% and 100%
[Reduction amount cannot be lower than zero.] => Reduction amount cannot be lower than zero.
[This cart rule code is already used (conflict with cart rule %rulename%)] => This cart rule code is already used (conflict with cart rule %rulename%)
[An action is required for this cart rule.] => An action is required for this cart rule.
[No product has been found.] => No product has been found.
[Invalid product] => Invalid product
[Invalid combination] => Invalid combination
[An error occurred during the image upload process.] => An error occurred during the image upload process.
[An order has already been placed with this cart.] => An order has already been placed with this cart.
[This product cannot be added to the cart.] => This product cannot be added to the cart.
[You already have the maximum quantity available for this product.] => You already have the maximum quantity available for this product.
[Invalid voucher.] => Invalid voucher.
[The category cannot be moved here.] => The category cannot be moved here.
[The category cannot be a parent of itself.] => The category cannot be a parent of itself.
[Unknown delete mode: %s] => Unknown delete mode: %s
[An error occurred while uploading category image.] => An error occurred while uploading category image.
[An error occurred while uploading thumbnail image.] => An error occurred while uploading thumbnail image.
[An error occurred while uploading the image.] => An error occurred while uploading the image.
[Invalid quantity] => Invalid quantity
[We were unable to associate this attachment to a product.] => We were unable to associate this attachment to a product.
[An error occurred while saving product attachments.] => An error occurred while saving product attachments.
[You cannot delete this product because there is physical stock left.] => You cannot delete this product because there is physical stock left.
[You cannot change the product's cover image.] => You cannot change the product's cover image.
[The image could not be found. ] => The image could not be found.
[You cannot delete the product #%d because there is physical stock left.] => You cannot delete the product #%d because there is physical stock left.
[The price attribute is required.] => The price attribute is required.
[You must add at least one attribute.] => You must add at least one attribute.
[This combination already exists.] => This combination already exists.
[A product must be created before adding features.] => A product must be created before adding features.
[Please specify priorities.] => Please specify priorities.
[An error occurred while updating priorities.] => An error occurred while updating priorities.
[An error occurred while setting priorities.] => An error occurred while setting priorities.
[An error occurred while creating customization fields.] => An error occurred while creating customisation fields.
[An error occurred while updating customization fields.] => An error occurred while updating customisation fields.
[An error occurred while updating the custom configuration.] => An error occurred while updating the custom configuration.
[The label fields defined are invalid.] => The label fields defined are invalid.
[A product must be created before adding customization.] => A product must be created before adding customisation.
[The uploaded file exceeds the "Maximum size for a downloadable product" set in preferences (%1$dMB) or the post_max_size/ directive in php.ini (%2$dMB).] => The uploaded file exceeds the "Maximum size for a downloadable product" set in preferences (%1$dMB) or the post_max_size/ directive in php.ini (%2$dMB).
[An error occurred while attempting to associate this image with your shop. ] => An error occurred while attempting to associate this image with your shop.
[An error occurred while attempting to move this picture.] => An error occurred while attempting to move this picture.
[An error occurred while attempting to update the cover picture.] => An error occurred while attempting to update the cover picture.
[An error occurred while attempting to delete the product image.] => An error occurred while attempting to delete the product image.
[Wrong IDs] => Wrong IDs
[Invalid price/discount amount] => Invalid price/discount amount
[Please select a discount type (amount or percentage).] => Please select a discount type (amount or percentage).
[The from/to date is invalid.] => The from/to date is invalid.
[A specific price already exists for these parameters.] => A specific price already exists for these parameters.
[The name for feature %1$s is too long in %2$s.] => The name for feature %1$s is too long in %2$s.
[A valid name required for feature. %1$s in %2$s.] => A valid name required for feature. %1$s in %2$s.
[An error occurred while adding tags.] => An error occurred while adding tags.
[This %1$s field is required at least in %2$s] => This %1$s field is required at least in %2$s
[The %1$s field is too long (%2$d chars max).] => The %1$s field is too long (%2$d chars max).
[This %1$s field (%2$s) is too long: %3$d chars max (current count %4$d).] => This %1$s field (%2$s) is too long: %3$d chars max (current count %4$d).
[The expiration-date attribute is required.] => The expiration-date attribute is required.
[An error occurred while attempting to delete previous tags.] => An error occurred while attempting to delete previous tags.
[The selected currency is not valid] => The selected currency is not valid
[An error occurred while copying image, the file does not exist anymore.] => An error occurred while copying image, the file does not exist anymore.
[An error occurred while copying image, the file width is 0px.] => An error occurred while copying image, the file width is 0px.
[An error occurred while copying image, check your memory limit.] => An error occurred while copying image, check your memory limit.
[An error occurred while copying the image.] => An error occurred while copying the image.
[You can't add product packs into a pack] => You can't add product packs into a pack
[An error occurred while attempting to add products to the pack.] => An error occurred while attempting to add products to the pack.
[Cannot add image because product creation failed.] => The image cannot be added because product creation failed.
[Error while creating additional image] => An error occurred while creating an additional image.
[You do not have permission to add suppliers.] => You do not have permission to add suppliers.
[The address is not correct. Please make sure all of the required fields are completed.] => The address is not correct. Please make sure all of the required fields are completed.
[List of products without available quantities for sale are not displayed because stock management is disabled.] => List of products without available quantities for sale are not displayed because stock management is disabled.
[Could not delete #%i] => Could not delete #%i
[Missing id_hook] => Missing id_hook
[Missing block_name] => Missing block_name
[Missing block_name value for language %s] => Missing block_name value for language %s
[Missing %s value in custom [%s] for language %s] => Missing %s value in custom [%s] for language %s
[Missing %s value in custom[%s] for language %s] => Missing %s value in custom [%s] for language %s
[It is not possible to delete a combination while it still has some quantities in the Advanced Stock Management. You must delete its stock first.] => It is not possible to delete a combination while it still has some quantities in the Advanced Stock Management. You must delete its stock first.
[Error while deleting the stock] => Error while deleting the stock
[Successful deletion] => Successful deletion
[You cannot delete this attribute.] => You cannot delete this attribute.
[Invalid 'to' date] => Invalid 'to' date
[Invalid 'from' date] => Invalid 'from' date
[Submitted reduction value (0-100) is out-of-range] => Submitted reduction value (0-100) is out-of-range
[An error occurred while updating the specific price.] => An error occurred while updating the specific price.
[No reduction value has been submitted] => No reduction value has been submitted
[The specific price ID is invalid.] => The specific price ID is invalid.
[An error occurred while attempting to delete the specific price.] => An error occurred while attempting to delete the specific price.
[Invalid date range] => Invalid date range
[I want to associate the products without other categories to the parent category, then disable these products for now. I re-enable them when they are moved in their new category.] => I want to associate the products without other categories to the parent category, then disable these products for now. I re-enable them when they are moved in their new category.
[(Recommended)] => (Recommended)
[I want to associate the products without other categories to the parent category, and keep them enabled.] => I want to associate the products without other categories to the parent category, and keep them enabled.
[I want to remove the products which are listed only within this category and no others.] => I want to remove the products which are listed only within this category and no others.
[If they have no other category, I want to associate them with the parent category.] => If they have no other category, I want to associate them with the parent category.
[If they have no other category, I want to associate them with the parent category and turn them offline.] => If they have no other category, I want to associate them with the parent category and turn them offline.
[If they have no other category, I want to delete them as well.] => If they have no other category, I want to delete them as well.
[This file is associated with the following products. Are you sure you want to delete it?] => This file is associated with the following products. Are you sure you want to delete it?
[Product(s) successfully activated.] => Product(s) successfully activated.
[Product(s) successfully deactivated.] => Product(s) successfully deactivated.
[Product(s) successfully deleted.] => Product(s) successfully deleted.
[Product(s) successfully duplicated.] => Product(s) successfully duplicated.
[Products successfully sorted.] => Products successfully sorted.
[Product successfully deleted.] => Product successfully deleted.
[Product successfully duplicated.] => Product successfully duplicated.
[Product successfully activated.] => Product successfully activated.
[Product successfully deactivated.] => Product successfully deactivated.
[Failed to copy the file.] => Failed to copy the file.
[Upload error. Please check your server configurations for the maximum upload size allowed.] => Upload error. Please check your server configurations for the maximum upload size allowed.
[Invalid description for %s language] => Invalid description for %s language
[An attachment name is required.] => An attachment name is required.
[This attachment was unable to be loaded into the database.] => This attachment was unable to be loaded into the database.
[You cannot remove this category because one of your shops uses it as a root category.] => You cannot remove this category because one of your shops uses it as a root category.
[An error occurred while uploading the image:] => An error occurred while uploading the image:
[An error occurred while creating the category.] => An error occurred while creating the category.
[An error occurred while editing the category.] => An error occurred while editing the category.
[The root category of a shop cannot be edited.] => The root category of a shop cannot be edited.
[The display of your brands is enabled on your store. Go to %sShop Parameters > General%s to edit settings.] => The display of your brands is enabled on your store. Go to %sShop Parameters > General%s to edit settings.
[The display of your brands is disabled on your store. Go to %sShop Parameters > General%s to edit settings.] => The display of your brands is disabled on your store. Go to %sShop Parameters > General%s to edit settings.
[The experimental product page is not enabled. To enable it, go to the %sExperimental Features%s page.] => The experimental product page is not enabled. To enable it, go to the %sExperimental Features%s page.
[Unable to resize one or more of your pictures.] => Unable to resize one or more of your pictures.
[It is not possible to delete a supplier if there are pending supplier orders.] => It is not possible to delete a supplier if there are pending supplier orders.
[The display of your suppliers is enabled on your store. Go to %sShop Parameters > General%s to edit settings.] => The display of your suppliers is enabled on your store. Go to %sShop Parameters > General%s to edit settings.
[The display of your suppliers is disabled on your store. Go to %sShop Parameters > General%s to edit settings.] => The display of your suppliers is disabled on your store. Go to %sShop Parameters > General%s to edit settings.
[There are not enough products in stock.] => There are not enough products in stock.
[Product customization could not be found. Go to Catalog > Products to customize the product.] => Product customization could not be found. Go to Catalog > Products to customize the product.
[Selected products were successfully canceled.] => Selected products were successfully canceled.
[Cannot find specific price %price%] => Cannot find specific price %price%
[This pack is empty. You must add at least one product item.] => This pack is empty. You must add at least one product item.
[Are you sure you want to change the product type?] => Are you sure you want to change the product type?
[Change product type] => Change product type
[Changing the product type will immediately save the product and refresh the page.] => Changing the product type will immediately save the product and refresh the page.
[This will delete all combinations.] => This will delete all combinations.
[This will delete the list of products in this pack.] => This will delete the list of products in this pack.
[This will delete the associated virtual file.] => This will delete the associated virtual file.
[Image replaced] => Image replaced
[Are you sure you want to delete the selected image?|Are you sure you want to delete the %filesNb% selected images?] => Are you sure you want to delete the selected image?|Are you sure you want to delete the %filesNb% selected images?
[This value is too long. It should have %limit% characters or less.] => This value is too long. It should have %limit% characters or less.
[There is no result for this search. Update your filters to view other products.] => There is no result for this search. Update your filters to view other products.
[Duplication in progress...] => Duplication in progress...
[Duplication failed.] => Duplication failed.
[Activation in progress...] => Activation in progress...
[Activation failed.] => Activation failed.
[Deactivation in progress...] => Deactivation in progress...
[Deactivation failed.] => Deactivation failed.
[Deletion in progress...] => Deletion in progress...
[Deletion failed.] => Deletion failed.
[Duplicating products] => Duplicating products
[Duplicating...] => Duplicating...
[Activating products] => Activating products
[Activating...] => Activating...
[Deactivating products] => Deactivating products
[Deactivating...] => Deactivating...
[Deleting products] => Deleting products
[Deleting...] => Deleting...
[You are in a multistore context: any modification will impact all your shops, or each shop of the active group.] => You are in a multistore context: any modification will impact all your shops, or each shop of the active group.
[Friendly URLs are currently disabled.] => Friendly URLs are currently disabled.
[To enable it, go to [1]SEO and URLs[/1]] => To enable it, go to [1]SEO and URLs[/1]
[Friendly URLs are currently enabled.] => Friendly URLs are currently enabled.
[To disable it, go to [1]SEO and URLs[/1]] => To disable it, go to [1]SEO and URLs[/1]
[The "Force update of friendly URL" option is currently enabled.] => The "Force update of friendly URL" option is currently enabled.
[To disable it, go to [1]Product Settings[/1]] => To disable it, go to [1]Product Settings[/1]
[If no carrier is selected then all the carriers will be available for customers orders.] => If no carrier is selected then all the carriers will be available for customers orders.
[When enabling advanced stock management for a pack, please make sure it is also enabled for its product(s) – if you choose to decrement product quantities.] => When enabling advanced stock management for a pack, please make sure it is also enabled for its product(s) – if you choose to decrement product quantities.
[You can't add or edit a product in this shop context: select a shop instead of a group of shops.] => You can't add or edit a product in this shop context: select a shop instead of a group of shops.
[This will delete all the combinations. Do you wish to proceed?] => Th